//------------------------------// // Cancelled // Story: Two Best Sisters Play // by TheBoxfromMetalGearSolid //------------------------------// Unfortunately, due to the haphazard and spontaneous nature of this story, it is being cancelled. However, for those who would actually like to see it continued, there's still hope. Anyone who feels confident enough in their abilities as a writer may comment below declaring such. I will look over the stories of those who comment, searching for quality rather than popularity, and choose accordingly. Whoever the person is will have two choices: either start fresh on his/her end without these four chapters, which would likely be easier and more fun to read and write, or they could copy and paste the first four chapters over to his/her story and continue writing in the same style, i.e. rushed and bad. I hope that this decision will swing well with you the readers, and I also hope that at least a few of you will continue to read my stories now that I have put thought into their narrative construction and characterisation. Allons-y!