//------------------------------// // Prolouge // Story: Ghost of Normanedy // by jt45fan //------------------------------// Prologue December 7th 1941, 1330 My friend and I were at the local hobby shop buying transistor radios. My friend, Big Ben, a grey unicorn stallion from England with a curly black mane and a pocket watch cuitemark, and I were buying them to talk when we were at our respective homes, which were across town from each other. It then came across the radio in the shop, which was usually playing the news anyways, so we generally ignored it. But something was different this time; the newscaster was worried and seemed as if he was deeply saddened and enraged. “This just in,” said the newscaster as the radio crackled to life, “the Pacific Fleet of the United States was just attacked by the Naval Forces of the Japonyese Empire, when a berth in Pearl Harbor. I repeat, the Pacific Fleet of the United States was just attacked by the Naval Forces of the Japonyese Empire. Tomorrow, President Roosevelt is expected to ask for a formal declaration of war on the Empire of Japony from congress.” But we didn’t hear the last part. We were already on our bicycles, riding to the local army recruitment center. Sergeant Flash, a brown pegasus, was rushing to grab enlistment papers out of a filing cabinet. As Sergeant turned around he saw the two stallions at the counter, recognizing both of them. “You both heard the news?” he asked in a distinctly southern accent, betraying his place of birth. Both Big Ben and I nodded, confirming we had. He shook his head and said, “Then I’m gussin you’re here to enlist?” Again we both nodded in agreement. “Well I’m not one to turn away hard workers, but I’m not going to let you.” I was at first enraged “Why not?” I asked, trying not to leap across the counter and slug him in the face. “Because you’re too young.” He said coolly. Before I could tell him that we didn’t care and that we were going to enlist anyways, a group of several stallions burst through the door. He started working to get them all papers but we left the recruitment center. That was almost two and a half years ago.