//------------------------------// // Luna's Discovery // Story: The Interstellar Record // by Omidaidias //------------------------------// Celestia had been eating breakfast in the Dining hall, getting ready for what seemed to be a long day with Princess Luna gone. Princess Luna was nowhere to be found. She suspected she was still sleeping or studying, but they checked both her bedroom and the library. She seemed to have vanished. "Sister, Sister! I have made an important discovery, meet me Southern Rotunda of the castle, where I have placed my discovery for observation...When you are done eating, of course". She rushed her message, eager for Celestia to see her discovery. She brought Celestia to the tall chamber where the "Discovery" as Luna called it, lie. They circled around it, to get a better look at the strange, metal object she pulled from the sky. Celestia approached the large, unknown object. "It took much strength to get it here. I had the royal Pegisai open the roof of the tower. Luna had used magic to suspend it in a large sphere, simulating the night sky, which hovered about their heads, Celestia looked up to see her discovery. Luna had pulled it from its containment orb and used magic, with the help of her sister, to hover it about a hoof off the ground. "What should we do?" Luna asked Celestia. It took Celestia a moment or two to answer. She finally gave her one. "Go, Little Sister, send messages to all the major Equestrian Scientists here to gather around this structure, and to observe it." Luna ran to her bedroom and immediately wrote several messages to the Masters and Doctors of Equestrian Science. Both Princesses and several pony scientists patrolled Luna's strange finding, observing the structure. It had many markings along the sides, everyone in bewilderment of the wounder of what in Equestria it was. "It came from somewhere, somewhere different." Noted Scientist pony Alarcus. Alarcus was one of the top of the line Equestrian Science. He specialized in Astrophysics, as well as many of the other Scientists there. "Somewhere obviously civilized. This writing is in Equestrian, is it possible it come from somewhere in Equestria?" said a different scientist, "The word 'Voyager' is written on the side here. I have also noted that on the other side, there is a mysterious logo with the name 'NASA' in the middle" Hours had gone by through the middle of the night, Scientists marched around the unexplained metal shape. Conclusions had proved by vote of them that it was, in fact, alien. They drew maps of where it possibly came from and what its path might have been. They had many questions about it "Where did it come from?", "Why is it here?", "Who built it", etc. But there was no question greater than one, one important question that would lead on to change Equestria forever. "What was its purpose?". One Scientist agreed to dismantle it, and that its weak point looked like the golden icon on the side. He began to hammer away when suddenly the golden disk seemed to fall off the side. They had picked it up, observing its strange markings. "It seems to be possibly a key" one Scientist shared "Or maybe its a mirror, it does hold a reflection" Another said They thought of so many things that it might have been until Alarcus made a very important discovery. "Its not a key, a mirror, a plate, a wing, or anything, Observe the markings on it" he told them. Several of them gathered around it to have a second look at it, they all understood what it was. For something so alien, it was so familiar. It was one thing. One simple but amazing thing. It was a Record. Several of the Scientists ran to tell the princesses of their discovery. Directly upon sunrise, the news was spread like wildfire across Canterlot. "Luna discovers alien object containing mysterious record. Record has yet to be played". All of the news of Canterlot was about the discovery. It was what everypony seemed to talk about, it seemed to be the most talked about thing in Canterlot since the return of Princess Luna. This was a very important discovery, and Princess Celestia would need help to know what exactly it means, she got a piece of parchment and began "My Dearest Student..." Twilight Sparkle was just finishing breakfest when she recieved the letter from the princess. She was stepping outside reading the letter and ran to assemble her friends for the next train to canterlot. "Whats all this about an Alien Spacecraft or whatever" Said Applejack, who was just barely awake. "Princess Celestia told me about the Alien...thing and about the record. She wanted us to be at Canterlot to be played". After awhile they arrived at the Canterlot gates. All the city seemed to be in a talkative stir about the whole thing. They ran into the palace, and approached Celestia's throne. "Im guessing you all know why I told you to come here. I wish for you to take part in this exiteing moment" She wavered her hoof over to the side of the room, where Vinyl Scratch and Several other ponies where setting up a Stero system that could play the disk. Vinyl sat looking at the large disk as she watched her Colleagues finish hooking up the last speakers so people could hear it. "Im planning on playing setting up speakers at the royal balcony, so everypony can hear what is on this disk" Vinyl exclaimed. "Excellent!" Responded Celestia. "Vinyl actually discovered that there are 31 total recordings on the disk. We shall play the first one and perhaps a few more" A few hours later, hundreds of Ponies gathered all around the palace, the outside and in, waiting to hear the disk play. Twilight and her friends sat near the speakers. Twilight could hardly wait. She is going to hear audio from aliens. Aliens that, remarkable, spoke Equestrian. What would they sound like? Would they speak Equestrian normally? Would they have a high or low voice? Would they ha- her thoughts were interupted when Vinyl began to put the disk in. Everypony fell silent to hear. With a slight scratch and a bit of static, the recording began The ponies in the crowd seemed to look at each other and talk in confusion. Celestia stood up the the throne and spoke "My dearest Ponies, we have come upon a time of change. For hundreds of years, we have wondered, what is in the stars, We have looked upon the night sky and dremt of finding other life. Today is the day of change, this record was sent to us from someone else, someone...alien." There was soon talk of aliens coming to attack Equestria after somepony brought up the topic of plays about alien life. There seemed to be a bit of a scared roar in the crowd until Celestia spoke again. "Remain calm everypony, you heard the record, they want to teach and be taught, they come in peace. As it said, they seek Peace and Friendship, to teach of they are called upon, to be taught, if we are fortunate" The Crowd seemed to calm down, when suddenly, through the back door, one of the Scientists Spoke into Celestias ear. Celestia had said goodbye to the crowd and gestured for Luna to come with her. The Three of them went to the Southern Rotunda. "Ok Alarcus, what is going on with it". He looked upon her with serious eyes "Its responding"