//------------------------------// // The Galla // Story: The Interstellar Record // by Omidaidias //------------------------------// Everypony got spruced up for the Galla. Coming in Long, Sparkling dresses, Tuxedos, and other things. Ponies of all sorts had come to it, but mainly the scientific and those who long to know more about the whole "Alien Record" Thing. Twilight and the Mane 6 had stepped out of the part of the castle they were staying in, Amazed the numbers that had come to arrive. They approached the main area of the castle, Celestia waited for them to be up on stage for her to make an announcement. "My Fellow ponies. I have been informed of the want to know more about the record. The record has many contents of audio. Some of it you will be listening to, instead of our usual Galla music." She Said. Everypony looked around to notice that speakers had taken the places where musicians usually set up. "I hope you all dearly enjoy this night at the Galla, and I hope it will be a night you never forget. Now, let us play the music!" Celestia said, before gesturing to Vinyl to Start the record. The Crowd roared with cheer as she began to place the record on the turntable, it started with a scratch and immediately everypony grew dead silent and very still, waiting for the record to begin It took everypony a couple of seconds to adjust to the music, many shifted around to each other to talk about it. There was movements of black and several other colors of the party clothing everypony was wearing. Half of the group of scientists stood in one corner, being questioned on their research of the golden disk, including Alarcus. One small filly ran up to his hooves and asked him a question "Is it amazing?" He asked Alarcus,a great look of curiosity and excitement in his eyes. The small filly was standing near his parents and their friends, who agreed with the small fillys question. Alarcus looked at the floor, thinking of a way to put it into words, and soon looked back up and spoke. "It is amazing. It is remarkable. Its unlike anything Ive ever seen. Unlike anypony has ever seen." Alarcus said, talking to a group of 5 in a cluster, eager to know more about the disk. "It will remembered as one of the greatest discoveries in Equestrian history." Meanwhile, A small group of about 6 ponies sat in the empty, Southern rotunda, cabled were hooked up to the antennas, which were hooked up to other machines, including speakers. They had noted that the Voyager was still operational, and we eager to get a signal. 3 reporters, 3 scientists. Princess Luna was also with them, should they get a response, she would represent the Secondary Leader of Equestria. They waited and waited and waited for a response, Timeturner was also there, he was known to be also a great scientist, instead of some crazy pony with a fascination for clocks. The machines only made noise that came out as static, but it seemed to go and stop randomly. "Ive come to an important conclusion" He said to the group. They leaned forward to listen to him. "They are obviously trying to get a signal." He seemed to be right, which would explain the static noise. Half an hour later, somepony came in and told them the Galla was going to be an All-Night one. There was a collective moan among the group, similar to the one projected by the whale moans on the disk. It was later agreed that they would take shifts, the scientists and reporters, with those at the party. Hours seemed to pass, some of the ponies fell asleep. Luna even asked one of the idle reporters to tell Celestia that she will need to take care of the moon tonight. One by one, ponies left to get coffee. Tick by tick, the clock on the wall made a slow, tiresome rythem. Before the Galla, Twilight made sure to send letters to her other friends in ponyville, starting with Zecora. Zecora actually walked right though the main door just in time for a song that reminded her of home 900 "Does that mean your an alien?" Rainbow Dash asked Zecora, jokingly as they laughed. Zecora was the first to dance to the song, and several other ponies soon followed her. She continued dancing to the next song that came on Zecora seemed to enjoy this song even better. She continued to dance to the music. Princess Celestia stood near Vinyl, looking over the Galla, when suddenly one of the scientists told her the news that Luna would be too busy to pull down the moon, and that she would have to do it tonight. He told Celestia that Luna would need to be at the Voyager, just at the offchance they got a signal. It was only after they sat for 2 hours that one of the reporters seemed to think this whole thing didn't seem right. Alarcus told him the same thing he told Timeturner and the reporter seemed to be back on track. "We have to stay faithful" said Alarcus to the group. "They could, at any moment, respond". They waited as time went by, several feel asleep, slumped over the makeshift desks they set up. What seemed like the middle of the night as Timeturner was still awake with Luna. Luna was looking out the window, watching the stars. "Are you watching the sky for another one?" Joking asked Timeturner. "I think one is enough. Equestria is stirring at all angles". Luna seemed to be shut off from the rest of the world. It took her a minute to realize she was being talked to and responded "No," was her response. "I was just thinking that they are somewhere out there, there is life. The only question is, are they still out there?" "Im sure they are, the Voyager wouldnt be responding if they wernt." added Timeturner, he walked back over to the machine. "But why only static?" Luna looked at him "Wherever it came from, it is not visible in our night sky. It came from very far away and must take awhile to respond". She looked back out the window. Timeturner looked back at it, he fumbled with several of the machines and suddenly paused "What is it?" Asked Luna. Timeturner dashed to one of the machines and turned a small dial on it. The machine, make a quiet, but effective noise ".......Hello?"