
by KnightMysterio


Chapter 4: Duet
By Jonathan “KnightMysterio” Spires
A My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic fanfiction

All characters and concepts not original copyrighted to Hasbro and used without permission for non-profit amusement reasons. All original characters and concepts copyrighted to me, so don’t use without permission, please. Comments, constructive criticism, and especially compliments are not only welcome, but encouraged.

Destiny Nights...
The weekend...

“Vinyl, geez, calm down,” Jam Session said, chuckling as the unicorn mare paced back and forth, occasionally stopping to look in a mirror.

“I... I can't help it, okay?” Vinyl Scratch said. “It's been a while since I've been to Shoe Inn, and I can't remember how posh it is! I'm the one that arranged this, so I want this to be perfect. But what am I supposed to do? Do I bring flowers, candy, what? Damn it, what do you get a girl on your second date?”

Beatbox laughed, shaking his head. “Vinyl, RELAX. It's a karaoke bar. Both of you are bringing friends, so it's not like you're planning to propose or sneak off and elope with her.”

“Unless, of course, you are,” Jam Session teased.

“In which case we'll provide the distraction so you two can sneak out,” Beatbox added, smirking.

“SO not helping,” Vinyl groused, the two men giggling.

“In all seriousness, Vi,” Jam Session said, nuzzling her, “we're both glad for you, that it looks like you're finding your special somepony.”

“But you really do need to relax,” Beatbox said. “It's that easygoing nature of yours that attracted Octavia to you in the first place. You just gotta be yourself, and everything will be okay.”

Vinyl sighed and grinned at the two of them. I have wonderful friends, she thought. “Thanks guys,” she said. “I'll... I'll try to calm down.” She looked at herself in the mirror again, at her elegantly styled mane. “I should probably get my mane back to the way it was, shouldn't I?”

Beatbox snickered. “Probably,” he said, mussing her mane with a hoof.

“I mean really, what'd you do? Get it styled at one of those salons Rarity likes?” Jam Session said.

Vinyl and Beatbox stared at him.

“Jam Session,” Vinyl asked, smirking, “how do you even know what a designer like Rarity likes?”

Jam blushed. “Yeah, ah... my big sister is a big fan of Rarity's fashion designs ever since she first came to Canterlot, so tends to follow her work. Thanks to her, I pretty much know about every restaurant, club, and salon that Rarity's recommended.”

Beatbox snorted laughter.

“Well, it's nice to know that one of us is up-to-date on modern trends,” Vinyl said as she began to mess up her mane again, undoing the curls that had been induced in it.

Jam nodded. “You probably should have gone to the salon anyway, Vi.”

Beatbox nodded. “That did look kinda makeshift,” he said.

Vinyl rolled her eyes. “I panicked, okay? I wanted to look pretty for my girlfriend,” she said, giggling at her use of the word 'girlfriend.'

Beatbox nodded. “Just relax and be yourself tonight,” the rapper said. “Then this day will be perfect.”

Vinyl snickered.

Beatbox and Jam traded confused looks. “Vi? What's up?”

Vinyl chuckled. “Sorry. It's just... remember the wedding debacle and the changeling invasion?”

Jam shuddered. “How could I forget? It's absurdly creepy to get beat up by someone wearing your own face. The cocoon they stuffed me in was surprisingly cozy, however.”

Vinyl just stared at him for a moment and shook her head, chuckling. “Well... During the wedding, I was in the reception hall for the main ceremony,” Vinyl said. “I heard that fake Cadence singing under her breath just before Twilight came in with the real thing. 'This day is going to be perfect...'”

Beatbox cackled. “Oh geez! A villain song?! She was actually singing a VILLAIN SONG?!”

Jam nearly collapsed with laughter. “That's brilliant! Bet she even had a big production number version of it going on in her head, too!”

Vinyl laughed. “Wouldn't surprise me in the least,” she said, “Considering how much of a ham she was after she transformed!”

“Enjoying yourself, Ms. Scratch?” said a voice that was pure slime, draining the cheerful mood immediately. The three musicians turned, seeing their boss in the doorway, a unicorn with a stubby horn and an ugly, almost Changeling-green coat, his Cutie Mark a sheaf of order forms. His hooves, an unusual shade of red, showed through on his legs, creating an ugly clash of colors. Standing beside him in the doorway was Big Time, the massive pegasus keeping his expression blank.

Vinyl nodded. “Hello Mister Redshoe,” she said. “We were just having some fun before this evening.”

Redshoe nodded, intaking a hissing breath. “Yes... your 'date' with the cellist...”

Vinyl nodded. She wasn't surprised Redshoe knew, Big Time always reported anything new to him. “We're all done for the day, so we're just getting ready for this evening.”

“Indeed...” Redshoe took a step towards her, Vinyl unconsciously backing away. “Thank you all for performing on short notice. That client will bring the club a lot of money...” he said, oozing unpleasantness and insincerity.

“Anything for a bonus,” Beatbox said.

“Of course,” Redshoe said. “For whatever you may think of me, I do reward loyalty.”

“One of the only good things anyone can say about you,” Jam Session muttered, Redshoe thankfully not overhearing.

“I would just like to remind you, my dear Vinyl,” hissed Redshoe, “of who you should be loyal to. Who pays your contract.”

Vinyl nodded. “Yes sir,” she said. Go away, she thought.

Redshoe glared at them for a long moment, and then went on his way, heading back to his office. Big Time, surprisingly, gave them all an apologetic look before following him off.

“Jerk,” all three musicians said in unison.

“Now I NEED to go on this date just to get the sleaze off of me,” Vinyl muttered.

Beatbox shook his head. “Jam, I'm startin' to see your point about getting out of this dump...”

“I know, right?” Jam said, looking irritated. “I mean, he just got on Vi's case about going on a DATE!”

Vinyl shook her head. “It may not have been about that,” she said, playing devil's advocate.

Jam scowled. “It was about that and you know it,” he said. “He saw you with someone fancier than him and he got twitchy.”

Vinyl sighed. “Well, it's not like his opinion actually matters to me,” she said.

Beatbox nodded. “Good way of thinking, Vi,” he said. “Now c'mon, let's get ready.”

Vinyl grinned, finishing getting her hairstyle back to the way it used to be. “Right,” she said. She was determined not to led that sleaze Redshoe get to her. She finished getting ready, she, Jam Session, and Beatbox heading out and making their way through Canterlot to the Shoe Inn Tavern.

It was a punny name, and the sign that bore the name reflected it, being decorated by four horseshoes. The three musicians headed into the club, hearing a piano being played and four ponies singing a cheerful, bawdy song. To Vinyl's surprise, the four singers were Octavia and her bandmates.

“Damn,” Jam said, chuckling. “I like these guys already.”

Beatbox shook his head, smirking as he listened to the lyrics, which were about a very flirtatious mare and her numerous boyfriends. “Little racier than I would have expected from stuffed shirt classical types,” he said. “This may be a better night than I originally thought.”

Frederic and Beauty Brass were sitting on the piano bench, Frederic's skilled hooves tapping out the melody. Harpo stood nearby, leaning on the piano casually, a class of whiskey held in one hoof. Octavia was leaning on the other side of the piano, smirking down at the couple.

The song ended, Octavia going down on all fours again as the others pulled away from the piano. She noticed Vinyl and her crew and grinned, waving them over to her table.

Vinyl gulped nervously, grinning. Beatbox nudged her playfully, and she relaxed a little. The three of them went over to join the orchestral ponies, ordering drinks.

“So!” Vinyl said. “I made it!”

“That you did,” Octavia said, smiling and placing her seat next to Vinyl's, the unicorn blushing cutely. “And I'm glad you did.”

Beauty Brass smiled. “Why don't you introduce your friends, Vinyl?” she said.

Vinyl blinked, her mind still a little frazzled by Octavia's close proximity. The cellist's coat was so soft... “Huh? Oh, sure!” she said, gesturing first to Beatbox. “The big guy here is Beatbox. He's the club's resident rap star.”

“Interesting,” Frederic said. “You do your own work? Or do you cover any popular stuff?”

“Mostly my own stuff, although I do hits now and then. Usually if the boss has a big party incoming,” Beatbox said, giving the piano-player an amused look. “Why? You follow anyone?”

Frederic cringed. “Yeah, I... I kinda hate to admit this, but I've never really been fond of rap music. About the only one I can listen to without cringing is... I can't remember his name, I think he's named after a candy or something...”

Beatbox snickered. He knew who Frederic meant. “Yeah, he's all right. And hey, maybe you just ain't found the right artist yet! The Rap Wars kinda gave the genre a bad name...”

“Hm,” Harpo said, sipping his whiskey and nodding. “Same thing happened in the classical community a few years back. Remember when that one flute player got caught stalking some filly at the band camp?”

“Ugh, that was embarrassing,” Octavia muttered, similar grimaces on Beauty and Frederic's faces. “SO glad that scandal died out by the time we got into it...”

“And what about you, young man?” Frederic asked Jam Session.

Jam grinned. “Name's Jam Session,” he said. “I mainly do rock and roll, heavy metal, things like that.”

Harpo snorted. “I hope none of that modern screech metal,” he said derisively. “The classics were so much better. About the only one I can stand today is that Jack Blackhoof fellow and his group.”

Jam rolled his eyes. “I know, right? I mainly stick to my own stuff, anyway. My personal hero in terms of, like, musical inspiration is Ozzy Trotsbourne,” he said.

“All hail the Prince of Darkness,” Harpo said, raising his glass in a toast.

“Amen, brah,” Jam said, liking Harpo instantly.

Octavia grinned widely. She introduced her friends, their drinks arriving. They all picked out something to eat and began chatting amiably.

“I sometimes envy artists like you,” Beauty Brass admitted. “You have more freedom in the way you can keep an audience's attention.” She took a sip of her drink. “And in a club there's bound to be a more personal touch! With us, even when it's just the four of us doing a personal show, we have to keep to a set pattern and rhythm. The places we play for wouldn't tolerate anything else.”

Vinyl shook her head. “It's not that much different in a club. There, you just have to keep the audience's interest long enough for them to get too drunk to care what you're actually playing. By that point, you could be reading the phone book in a rhythmic pattern and they'd cheer and dance to it,” she said, chuckling wearily.

“Yeah,” Beatbox said. “And you gotta be careful which club you pick. Some places don't have good security for the artists, so they have to play behind a fence with chicken wire to protect them from thrown bottles. Doesn't do much for the broken glass and booze that gets on your equipment, but it keeps you from getting hit by full bottles.”

Jam nodded. “Destiny Nights has got good security, but we're all thinkin' about movin' on, getting recording contracts for ourselves, things like that.”

“Ooh,” Beauty Brass said. “Tricky. You have to make sure you get a good agent, one that won't screw you out of the money you earn.”

“Or who can tell his anus from his front hooves,” Octavia said, shaking her head. “That idiot Blueblood nearly ran us out of business when he was running the orchestra...”

“Didn't do much for me, either...” Vinyl muttered, remembering the thankfully brief time Blueblood had been interested in her.

Jam snickered. “Is it true that he repulses women so much that almost every woman he's been involved with has become a lesbian?”

Octavia frowned. “I hope not,” she said.

“Oh?” Harpo asked. “Why's that?”

Octavia grabbed Vinyl, hugging the DJ close to her and causing her to blush bright red. “I want to be sure that I've attracted this beauty's attention on my own merits, not because of some... some 'lesbian rays' that Blunderblood puts out,” Octavia said, getting a laugh from the others.

Vinyl, blushing brightly, was barely able to think. Octavia's coat was so soft, her body so warm... After a moment, she managed to get out, “It's definitely on your own merits...”

“Good,” Octavia said, smiling and kissing her.

Vinyl's horn sputtered magic. “Meshmblaaf...” she said, grinning widely.

Beatbox shook his head. “To being in love,” he said, raising his glass in a toast.

“Here here,” Frederic agreed, hugging Beauty Brass.

Their food arrived, and they ate it eagerly, continuing their happy banter. Once their food was finished, their plates taken away, Octavia tugged Vinyl towards the karaoke microphone.

“C'mon!” she said, grinning. “Let's sing!”

Vinyl blushed, shaking her head. “No, I can't, I...”

“Oh, come now,” Octavia said, nuzzling her. “I bet you have a beautiful voice.”

“Yeah, c'mon Vi!” Jam said. “Show us what you got!”

Vinyl blushed, lifting her sunglasses and cringing. “I... I've never actually sung in front of anypony before,” she said.

That caught the other musicians off-guard.

“...Seriously?” Beatbox said. “Vi, you practically rule the stage when you get up there to do a set.”

“That's different,” she insisted. “I'm not doing the singing myself, I'm working beats on a turntable, creating music from that. Plus, I'm hiding behind freakin' huge speakers and stuff.”

Octavia smiled and gently placed a hoof on her shoulder. “I won't press you into it, Vinyl,” she said. “But if there's one thing I've learned, it's that you never know if you can do something until you try it.” Octavia blushed, and added, “Certainly, I wasn't sure I could attract the attention of a mare as gorgeous as you until I tried it. And that worked out fine for me.”

Vinyl blushed, grinning. She looked up at the stage and bit her lip, nervous. “I... you really think I can?”

Octavia grinned. “What's the worst that could happen? Some ponies you don't know and will probably never see again razzing you? Your friends will always be there to support you, no matter what.”

Jam and Beatbox nodded. “She's right,” Beatbox said. “We'll keep the jerks from gettin' you too down.”

Octavia gently placed a hoof on the DJ's chin, making her look directly into her eyes. “And no matter what happens, Vinyl, I'll always care about you.”

Vinyl blushed brightly. Confused emotions were running through her head. She had been with others who had said things like that before. It was all superficial, all just ways of trying to get her to let them mount her. But Octavia... she could feel the cellist meant every single word. It was unexpected. It was intoxicating.

It felt wonderful.

“I... all right,” Vinyl said, levitating her sunglasses over to the table. Gulping, she went up to the stage and levitated the microphone towards her. She looked over at the automated machine and picked a fairly recent song, taking a deep breath to calm herself. She looked down at Octavia, smiling up at her, and at her and Octavia's friends sitting at the table, all of them with looks of encouragement on their faces.

The first notes of the song began to play, and Vinyl Scratch began to sing.

“There's a song that inside of my soul
It's the one that I've tried to write over and over again
I'm awake in the infinite cold,
but you sing to me over And over and over again

So I lay my head back down
And I lift my hooves and pray to be only yours
I pray to be only yours
I know now you're my only hope...”

She closed her eyes, losing herself in the music. She decided to treat it as just another performance, this time for a more personal audience. And the music flowed from her...

“Sing to me the song of the stars
Of your galaxy dancing and laughing and laughing again
When it feels like my dreams are so far
Sing to me of the plans that you have for me over again

So I lay my head back down
And I lift my hooves and pray to be only yours
I pray to be only yours
I know now you're my only hope

I give you my destiny,
I'm giving you all of me
I want your symphony
Singing in all that I am at the top of my lungs
I'm giving it back

So I lay my head back down
And I lift my hooves and pray to be only yours
I pray to be only yours
I know now you're my only hope...”

The song ended. Vinyl hummed the last few notes, slowly opening her eyes.

The room had gone dead silent. Everyone, especially her own group, was staring at her in shock. She blushed, fidgeting nervously.

A smile slowly crept over Octavia's face as she stepped up onto the stage with Vinyl, hugging her tightly.

“Damn, girl...” Beatbox said, grinning widely.

Jam shook his head, visibly impressed. “Like hell that was your first time singing,” he said.

“Wow...” Beauty said breathlessly.

“Interesting,” Harpo said softly, sipping his whiskey.

“Brava,” Frederic said, joining in the applause with the rest of the room.

Vinyl blushed, nuzzling up close to Octavia. “Was... Was I really that good?” she asked.

Octavia grinned widely. “Vinyl, darling, you were angelic,” she said. Vinyl grinned brightly, the sight of it sending a wonderful warmth through Octavia's entire body.

“Would... would you sing the next song with me?” Vinyl asked.

“A duet? With you? Certainly,” Octavia said. “After hearing a talent like that, I'm feeling the need to establish myself as well.”

Vinyl blushed and coughed, levitating her sunglasses back over. “Yeah, well...” she said, blushing and giggling as she pulled her sunglasses on over her eyes again. “Try not to hold me back.”

Octavia grinned at the attempt at bravado. “You'd probably sound more confident if you weren't giggling like a schoolgirl and blushing,” she teased.

Vinyl just shook her head, chuckling as she turned to the karaoke machine again. “Ah, here we go,” she said, picking out another song.

“A song by Coltic Woman? Interesting,” Octavia said. “I didn't know you liked that sort of music.”

“I'm Shirish on my mother's side,” Vinyl said, grinning. “I grew up with this stuff. The turntables came later.”

Octavia quirked an eyebrow, amused. “All right then,” she said. “Let's have a little fun, then.”

The opening played, a male chorus singing in Coltic. Vinyl and Octavia bobbed their heads slightly in time with the beat. And then their parts came up.

“Chuaigh mé isteach i dteach aréir
is d'iarr mé cairde ar mhnaoi an leanna.
Is é dúirt sí liom "Ní bhfaighidh tú deor.
Buail an bóthar is gabh abhaile

I came by a house last night
And told the woman I am staying
I said to her:
"The moon is bright and my fiddle's tuned for playing"

Tell me that the night is long
Tell me that the moon is glowing
Fill my glass I'll sing a song
And will start the music flowing

Never mind the rising light
There's no sign of day or dawning
In my heart it's still the night
And we'll stay here till the morning

Níl sé ina lá, níl a ghrá,
níl sé ina lá is ní bheidh go maidin,
níl sé ina lá is ní bheidh go fóill,
solas ard atá sa ghealaigh.”

It was a cheerful, upbeat song. Frederic and Beauty Brass got up and began dancing along with the song, other ponies around the room joining in as well as Octavia and Vinyl started to really get into it, smiles on the faces of the two musicians as they let the music flow from them.

“It's not day nor yet awhile
I can see the starlight shining
Níl sé ina lá is ní bheidh go fóill,
solas ard atá sa ghealaigh

Fill the glasses one more time
And never heed the empty bottle
Turn the water into wine
And turn the party up full throttle!”

An instrumental part started up, Octavia and Vinyl dancing to it in perfect unison. They danced joyously, their friends joining in at the bottom of the stage, savoring the music as only a musician who loves their art or someone who truly adores music can. The two exulted in the music, laughing happily as they started to sing once more.

“Don't go out into the cold
Where the wind and rain are blowing
For the fire is flaming gold
And in here the music's flowing

Níl sé ina lá, níl a ghrá,
níl sé ina lá is ní bheidh go maidin,
níl sé ina lá is ní bheidh go fóill,
solas ard atá sa ghealaigh

Tell me that the night is long
Tell me that the moon is gleaming
Fill my glass, I’ll sing a song
And we'll keep the music streaming
Until all the songs are sung!”

Vinyl and Octavia launched into the chorus, singing their way to the finale. The room burst into applause as they finished, Vinyl blushing and giggling happily, Octavia bowing grandly. As stood up however, Vinyl, still excited from how much fun she had, grabbed Octavia and kissed her passionately.

The cheers now had catcalls mixed in with them, mainly from Jam Session and Beauty Brass, although others in the audience seemed to appreciate the sight as well. Octavia, for her part, didn't resist the kiss, leaning into it and savoring it. After almost a full minute, the two of them came up for air.

“Wow...” Octavia said, a wide grin on the cellist's face.

“Sorry...” Vinyl said, blushing. “I just... got so caught up in things...”

“Never ever apologize for kissing me, Vinyl,” Octavia said, nuzzling noses with her.

Vinyl blushed. “Then... can I kiss you again?”

“I thought you'd never ask,” Octavia almost cooed. Their second kiss didn't last as long, but was just as passionate. They left the stage, meeting up with tremendous applause from the crowd and many congratulations from their friends. The rest of the night proceeded peacefully, the others going up to take their turns. Beatbox was delighted to find some of his own music in the karaoke machine and performed it. Harpo and Jam had themselves a friendly duel, both of them singing Ozzy songs in their own duet, matching the notes exactly. Harpo's cultured, refined voice made an interesting contrast to Jam's harsher rock and roller voice. And Frederic and Beauty Brass sang love songs.

After a few hours and several more drinks, the musicians decided to call it an evening. As they paid their tab and started to leave, though, a unicorn with a brownish-red coat came up to them, his Cutie Mark a signed contract.

“The most in-demand DJ in Equestria and one of the greatest concert cellists of all time,” he said softly. “Interesting combination. Never would have figured you for a singing duo.”

“Neither did we,” Vinyl said, grinning and blushing.

Octavia smiled. “This was just something casual tonight,” she said.

The unicorn chuckled. “If that was casual, I'd love to see professional,” he said, pulling a card out of his coat. “Listen, if you're interested, I can get you two in touch with a studio, get you girls on tape.” He handed them a card. “Take your time. I can tell you're just getting started,” he said as he went out the door. “And give me a call if you decide on anything.”

Vinyl and Octavia looked at the card, confused. Their eyes widened when they saw the name on it.

It was Star Seeker, the most famous and most successful talent scout in the whole of Equestria. EVERYPONY he had ever scouted had gone on to have multiple platinum records to their name.

“Holy shit...” Jam said softly, he and the others gathering around the two mares to look at the card.

“I never even considered...” Octavia said softly.

“Talk about dumb luck...” Vinyl said, giggling nervously.

Harpo looked over the gathering and coughed, getting their attention. “Well, before we decide anything, let's all get some rest. We're all rather soused right now, so it'd be best to sleep on it. As for you two, I'd say go for it, but wait a little, see if you can really gel as a couple.”

Vinyl blushed at the idea of her and Octavia as a couple, grinning widely. Octavia looked thoughtful for a moment and nodded. “True... I WAS expecting to get at least a couple more dates under our belts...”

“It's a heck of an opportunity,” Beatbox said. “But yeah, this did come outta nowhere.”

There were general murmurs of agreement. They all filed out of the Tavern, happy with how things had gone.

None of them noticed Redshoe in the corner of the room, scowling angrily, nursing a drink. “No...” he hissed. “This won't do at all...”

“Maybe next time...” Vinyl suggested, “we can go on a date by ourselves?”

Octavia grinned as the others traded pleased looks behind the five of them. “I'd like that,” the cellist said, grinning.

She started to walk off down the road. Vinyl blinked, confused. “Where you going?” she asked.

Octavia shrugged. “I live near here. It's not that long a walk,” she said.

Vinyl hesitated a long moment. This was way more forward than she was used to being, but... “Can I... can I walk you home?”

Octavia blinked, honestly surprised. It was her turn to blush as she tried to force happy images out of her head. Bad brain, BAD! She's just wanting to walk you home, not have sexy fun times! That comes later...

She smiled after a moment, coughing to calm herself, and nodded. “I'd like that,” she said. Vinyl grinned, the two mares walking off into the night.

The other musicians watched them go, smiles on their faces. Beatbox hailed a taxi and got into it, chuckling. “You know what? I think this is gonna work out,” he said. “It was cool meetin' you all. Hope we can do this again sometime.”

“I look forward to it, big guy,” Frederic said, waving to him as he drove off.

Jam was the next to get a taxi. “It kinda surprised me that you actually like Ozzy,” he said to Harpo. “Maybe we can go see a concert together sometime, see who's more of a superfan.”

Harpo looked thoughtful for a moment. “Hmmm... oh, why not,” he said. “You're enjoyable company.”

Jam grinned and had the taxi drive off.

Harpo smiled widely. “Did you notice earlier, after Vinyl finished singing her first song?” he said once Jam was out of earshot.

Beauty and Frederic traded confused looks. “What do you mean?” Beauty asked.

“It was silent,” Harpo said. “Dead silent. For a full minute.”

“And Tavi didn't start having a panic attack,” Frederic said, a slow smile spreading over his face. Beauty laughed as understanding came to her as well.

“Beauty, Frederic, I think falling for this DJ may just be what our Tavi needs...” Harpo said, grinning.