Apple Scratch : A summer at the Farm

by Mariacheat-Brony

They are coming...

Sweet Apple, the afternoon after the letter

Applebloom was trotting back to her home. Her head full from what she had been doing today with her friends. She was enjoying the summer break just like any girl of her age is supposed to. She had been playing around with her friends, she met her teacher Cheerilie who asked her news about her big brother. He and Granny had been off to Appleloosa for a couple of days now. They were going to stay there for a few weeks, apparently the Appleloosan part of the Apple Family had serious issue with their Orchard and their crops. They needed the opinion of the Apple Matriarch.

'This summer is going to be great, Ah have my two big sisters at home! And even better, Vinyl's stayin' at home for good, she won't go back to University.' She thought excitedly. She had truly missed her blue haired sister. Vinyl was the one that used to read her stories when Applebloom was little. Vinyl always knew how to tell a story. As she came close to the house, she started to realize there was quite a commotion going on. 'What in Ponyville is going on?'

She passed the front door and found her two big sisters in a tough argument in the living room. Applejack was holding Vinyl by the collar, twenty centimeters from the ground. She looked quite panicked.

"Do not panic?" AJ shouted. "How in Equestria am Ah not gonna panic, Vi'? You and Ah must take care of six of the most important gals in the country for three weeks."

"AJ listen to me." Vinyl started slowly. "First you'll take a deep breath and put me down, ok?" When AJ did what she was told, Vinyl continued. "Second, we are going to plan this calmly. We can host the Apple family reunion with three days of preparations. Surely we can come around for six girls."

"What's happening? Who's coming for three weeks?" Asked Applebloom who haven't been noticed by her older sisters.

"Hey there Appleboom. It's nothing, we just got news we're gonna have guests..."AJ said with smile that showed she was trying (and failing) to be happy about it.

"Who?" AB asked with an excited voice. "HO! It's Babs? Braeburn? Apple Fritter?" she started naming all their relatives to each time earn a no for answer. It was fun at first, but it quickly became annoying. "Ow. For pete' sake! Are y'all goin' to tell me who the hell's coming?" Applebloom snapped.

"You watch your tone and language while talking to us Missy." Vinyl chastised. "As for who's coming, it's all the members of Council of Harmony." Vinyl explained with a small sigh.

Applebloom stared at her sisters in shock for a few seconds before laughing. "HAHAHA! Good one Vinyl! Y'all almost got me there.."

"Lil' Bloom, it's the truth."

Applebloom was holding her ribs as she kept laughing. "Right, and next thing ya tell me it's that it's a request from the Princess. HAHAHA!" Both her siblings deadpanned her, before AJ extend a letter to Applebloom. As she read, her face went from hysteric laughter to surpised shock. "Really?"

"Yes, Sugarcube. Now would ya mind going in yer room? Vinyl and Ah got some stuff to do." Slowly said AJ. "We'll call ya for dinner."

The little red haired girl nodded and went upstairs, Vinyl went to the kitchen and came back with two bottles marked XXXX containing amber liquid. She gave one to Applejack before sitting on the couch. "Figured you might want a drink." She said as AJ opened her bottle and drank almost half of it in one gulp.

"So what are we gonna do?" AJ asked.

"We do the essentials." Vinyl shrugged. "Like hiding all of Granny's photo albums. Or Big Mac's dirty books."

"Why the albums.. Hold on what kinda o' books are ya talking about ?"

"Well for the books I'm not gonna explain, you just have to go look under Mac's bed." Vinyl waved. "As for the albums, you really want them to see your baby pictures? Like the one at the reunion, where your face is full apple fritters crumbs." She added chuckling as AJ started to shiver.

"Ah see yer point."Applejack said. "But where are they going to sleep? We can't have them sleep in one of our barns!"

"Well, we have a spare room with a single size bed, Mac's room has one too and your and my room have twin size beds." Vinyl pondered." You and I can take Granny's room and I think we are good, if they don't mind having roommates."

"Hmmm! That could work." AJ slowly said. "We might have to move a bit of Mac's stuff in the attic. And clear out our rooms. And cleaning the house and hide what needs to be hidden. That's a lot of work for only two days."

"We'll manage AJ, stop worrying about that." Vinyl took a slurp from her drink. "That's not really the tricky part of the deal."

"What do ya mean by that?" Applejack asked in confusion. "What's the tricky part then?"

"What are we possibly going to have them do here?"

Canterlot Castle, departure's day

"I can't believe it, we're going to Sweet Apple Acres TODAY. I AM SOOOOO HAPPY" Shouted a very excited Pinkie Pie who was bouncing around her luggages. Twilight walked to her with a clipboard in one hand and a quill in the other.

"I can see that Pinike." Twilight giggled. "Do you have everything you need?"

"Yeperooni." Pinkie said. "I have my clothes, my set of streamers, my party bag. AAAAAND I got this." She put on her head an incredibly large white cowboy hat.

Twilight sighed. " I'm going to regret this....Why do you have this hat?"

"Duuh! AJ's got a cowboy hat, so it's essential to have one." Pinkie explained very confident in her logic.

"How do you explain Vinyl didn't have any then?" Octavia chimed in. She had just arrived with her luggages : two suitcases and her cello.

"Well silly, Vinyl is a musician, it's quite logic she doesn't have the cowboy touch?" Pinkie Pie said as she was chewing something before spitting it in a tin vase causing a clear ding. "See, kinda like that."

"If you say so Pinkie..." Said a disgusted Octavia. "I wonder how it will look like... From what Vinyl told me before the wedding, Sweet Apple Acres is quite a sight."

Twilight wrote on her list what Octavia had decided to bring with her. "Ok, we're nearly ready. Dash, Fluttershy and my stuff are already loaded in the carriage. We only need to wait Rarity now."

As if on cue, Rarity arrived with her suitcases floating with her magic. "Here I am girls."

"Wow, Rarity! You made the effort." Whistled a very impressed Twilight as she wrote down Rarity's belonging for her list. "Only seven suitcases! That's got to be a new record."

Not embarrassed at all, Rarity replied. "Well, I don't think I'll need evening dresses where we are going. Those takes a lot of place. Tell me dear, do our hosts shall welcome us at the station?"

"I don't think so." Twilight answered as she turned the pages of her clipboard. "HA, There! No, we have rented a carriage to Sweet Apple Acres." She levitated the others luggage with her magic. "Shall we, girls?"

"Yes, let's go! Tavi' here can't wait to see Vinyl again." Pinkie Pie shouted.

"Be quiet, Pinkie!" Reprimanded Octavia with a small blush appearing on her cheeks.

"I must say the pink on your cheeks fits your bow tie quite nicely, dear." Mocked Rarity with a small laugh causing Twilight and Pinkie to laugh too.

"You're all impossible!" Octavia groaned as she stormed out to their carriage.

On the way to Sweet Apple Acres.

"Are we there, yet?"

"For the hundredth time, Pinkie. No! We aren't there yet." Snapped Rainbow Dash.

Their trip went well. The train was on perfectly on schedule. Now they were in their second carriage, making way to Sweet Apple Acres. They had left Ponyville about thirty minutes ago.

"It's weird." Twilight said. "we should have arrived a long time ago."

"I'll just ask the driver then." Rarity said before knocking near the hatch behind her, which opened instantly. "Excuse me Gentleman, How far we are from Sweet Apple Acres?"

"Well, my Lady, if you want to get technical, we've entered the Acres about fifteen minutes ago." The driver said causing all the girls inside the carriage to gasp in surprise. "Look around you, nothing but apple trees."

"WOOOO. This place is huuuge." Pinkie Pie whistled. All the others nodded.

Soon after the carriage came to a stop and they all heard the raspy voice of a woman they all recognized.

"Thanks Caramel, I'll take it from here." The carriage's door opened to reveal a smiling Vinyl with a red haired little girl who was peeking from behind her legs. "Welcome Girls." She warmly said. "To Sweet Apple Acres!"