Happy Anniversary Sug

by Bysen


“Quick! Fluttershy, get me some waters and boil some towel!” Pinkie screamed as she instantly went into panic mode. It was similar to party mode, being both filed under ‘P’ as they were, but more panicky then party’y. She zipped around the place looking for her pregnancy kit, she left it here somewhere… it had only been three years since she used it last so it couldn’t have gotten far. Pain pills don’t have expiration dates do they?

“Calm down Pinkie.” Dash insisted. “I haven’t even had the first contraction yet. Let’s just do as we planned and relax. You stressing out like that isn’t helping me stay calm.” her heart rate was probably as high as Pinkie’s but she had to stay calm. She wasn’t in pain yet, at least not down there but there was a tightening in her chest.

“You’re right, you’re right. Ok… calm down Pinkie Pie. Calm blue ocean, calm blue ocean, giant birthday cake, giant birthday cake, Dash giving birth, dash giving birth… ARGH!!! This isn’t working!”

This continued for about an hour before Pinkie finally cooled down. Fluttershy was boiling some towels… not entirely sure why… but doing as Pinkie had asked none the less. Eventually Dash lay down after having her first contraction, she winced a bit but said it was nothing. Fluttershy hadn’t been there when Dash and Pinkie had had Ace and Ven but Pinkie knew Dash was lying.

Pinkie had screamed so much in the pain of child birth but Dash had done not much more than she had just then. She was trying to be strong for Pinkie back then but now she didn’t have to. “It’s ok Dahsie. You don’t have to act brave for me. I have to act brave for you. Let it out. Tell me if it hurts and I’ll make you feel better.”

“This isn’t the time for sex Pinkie!”

“I didn’t mean kiss it and make it feel better but… do you think that would work?” Pinkie asked, she was actually considering it. In theory that could work. The same muscles that pushed a baby out where the same ones that gave pleasure. The idea passed as Dash winced in pain once more again “How long ago was the last one?!”

“Pinkie… that wasn’t a contraction. You just stood on my wing.”

“Oh my gosh! Sorry!”

“Um, maybe I should… take over here Pinkie.” Fluttershy chimed in. “I mean I’ve been a mid-wife to many animals. I know a bit more about this than you do. Well, maybe, not first-hoof like you but um…” Fluttershy was cut off as Pinkie pulled her over to in front of, or behind depending on what you’d call it, of Dash looking straight at her… “Meep” Fluttershy flinched at the sudden and very embarrassing visual intrusion.

“Oh come on, like you haven’t seen another mare’s vagina before…” Dash sighed, pushing back her own embarrassment at having one of her closest friends looking right at her privates. Fluttershy collected herself and inspected.

“Well, you’ve started to dilate and she’s a bigger than…” she was cut off.

“Actually… keep in mind I’ve had a foal before…” Dash admitted. It wasn’t quite like throwing a hay-dog down an alley way but it diffidently wasn’t like threading a needle either. The guys still loved her though… that meant something right? Would they still after a second? Her body had changed so much after the first. She’d been fat for ages, she’d been ‘damaged’ down there, would any stallion still want her? No.

No because it didn’t matter. She’d never be with another stallion. Or any mare other than Pinkie. Pinkie would love her no matter what happened to her. Celestia knows Pinkie wasn’t exactly the most pristine either. Pinkie’s right eye winked, her ears flopped, then her left eye winked. This Pinkie sense meant only one thing: somepony nearby was thinking of another part of her that could wink. “Oh Dashie…” Pinkie sighed happily with a slight laugh.

“Um, well, if you haven’t started to dilate, there’s not much we can do right now.” Fluttershy said, finally getting to look away. Despite what Dash had implied, the only other vagina she'd seen was Applejack's. Fluttershy had only ever been with Applejack and sex had never been a huge part of their relationship. She was still the only pony Fluttershy had ever been with though. And aside from that colt, Applebloom’s father, Applejack had only ever been with her, at least as far as she knew. “I, I should go.”

“Seriously Shy… it wasn’t that bad looking at me was it?” Dash groaned.

“N-no… yes?... That’s not why though. I should go home. To Applejack. You were right, I’m sure she’s worried about me.” Fluttershy said, hoping to get Dash’s approval. Also hoping not to; that Dash would want her to stay here and help her out. Fluttershy wanted to see Applejack but was equally afraid of what would happen if she did.

“Yeah, go. You should…” Dash shuddered as her second contraction hit and she took a deep breath. “Ok… ough…” Dash said calmly. Pinkie didn’t like that Dash was still holding it back. “You should go back home. But do me a favour. Don’t tell her I’m in labour, it’ll just freak her out. Go home, make-up and tell her tomorrow. Come by and see this little guy. While you can.”

Fluttershy nodded. "Thank you." she looked at Pinkie for a moment and smiled and then turned to leave. She paused for a split second, ‘while you can’? But the thought passed and she continued out of the shop. Once outside she took a deep breath. Dash had been joking but Fluttershy was still some-what scared of the dark, but she took off into the air anyway. She’d be home soon.

Pinkie and Dash where alone now. Of course they’d planned to have Elliot here but they couldn’t exactly go get her like this. They hadn’t planned this out very well come to think of it. As it was, a home birth right now meant lying in the middle of the shop on the floor with a pillow from the couch and a useless pile of boiled towels.

“So Pinkie, you know me… how big am I?” Dash asked. A contraction was caused by the pain of the vagina dilating and she’d only had two so far. And two very week ones at that.

“Well, you’re a little bigger but nowhere near ready. I think.” with that Dash rolled over. If it wasn’t happening any time soon she would be comfortable on her side until then. Not to mention not splayed open on her back for the world to see. Despite her show-mare-ship and her old ‘endeavours’ she still had a sense of modestly. “Make yourself comfortable. I told you, you don’t have to act brave. If it hurts let it out. It’s my turn to be here for you.”

“I’m not acting brave Pinks… damn it.” that name. “Those two didn’t really hurt. They stung a little but I’ve stubbed my hoof worse than that.”

“Well of course you have! Stubbing your hoof is the most painfulest thing ever! Way more painfulest than giving birth.”

Dash wasn’t sure if Pinkie was kidding or not. ‘You’ve got to be... kid-in-me ' she thought to herself and then mentally scolded herself for something so stupid. “Look, if it really starts to hurt, I’ll tell you. Actually, I’ll just scream, how about that? But right now. I wanna get some sleep.” Dash finished to a puzzled look from Pinkie for a moment. But Dash had been tired constantly for ages now and they had been just about to go to sleep before Fluttershy had arrived. If Dash COULD manage to get some sleep Pinkie wouldn’t try and stop her.

She just smiled and lay down beside Dash. Dash rolled back onto her back and let Pinkie give her her usual side hug. It was how they slept and Dash didn’t know if she would be able to sleep without it. Pinkie however wondered if she would be able to sleep without Dash… if Dash would live. As time passed, Pinkie just kept thinking about it. Dash was deeply asleep by now but Pinkie was still wide awake.

She couldn’t go to sleep. Every so often Dash would shiver. It wasn’t cold, it was from a contraction. How Dash could sleep through it she had no idea, but maybe it was good that she did and she couldn’t be hurt by them. Maybe she’d even give birth in her sleep which would be good, it would keep her heart rate down and not over stress it. Dash’s heart was beating at a normal pace as Pinkie kept her hooves around Dash in a way she could feel its rhythm.

She just kept Dash close by her, feeling her shiver every so often and her heart beat for so long. She was so tired and maybe she should go to sleep but she couldn’t. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to, it was because the sun shining right in her eyes as it began to rise in the morning. She’d stayed up all night making sure her Dashie was alright. This was Pinkie’s turn to be brave for her. She’d watch over her and let nothing happen.

She Pinkie Promised herself that Dash would be ok. And she couldn’t break a Pinkie Promise. “I-I can’t break a P-Pinkie Promise.” she whispered as a tear fell from her eye. "I can't..."

~ ~

She’d seen her, Fluttershy couldn’t see her but that wasn’t important as Applejack ran out of the house towards her wife returning home. She hadn’t seen Fluttershy in two days now and although Big Mac assured Applejack she was alright, finally seeing her herself and having her back… it felt amazing. Neither said anything, they didn’t have to, it was wordless between them as they gently kissed out in the open. Who knows how long it lasted before it broke and they, still in silence, started back towards the house. Side by side, softly nuzzling one another

It wasn't too long after dark and dinner was still luke-warm. Fluttershy didn’t mind, everything made here was delicious and she complimented Applejack on the food. Only to find out Big Mac had made it… last night: left-overs. They laughed it off. Big Mac didn’t come home that night but that wasn’t too uncommon. They acted as if nothing had happened. If they had their way they’d never talk about it, but of course, they had to at some point. But that point wasn’t now. Despite how she felt, Fluttershy was determined not to lose Applejack over it.

Anything she felt for the would-be foal… was only ‘would-be’ right? What she has now actually is. It still hurt, surely it hurt Applebloom more. Pinkie was right though: what she felt now was nothing compared to when AJ had kicked her out. Fluttershy knew that abandoning AJ now would make her feel the same as she had. Even though AJ had done it to her, Fluttershy couldn’t do it back. She may not approve of AJ’s approval, but Applebloom was her sister… her daughter… and Fluttershy’s too.

They both agreed they’d see Applebloom tomorrow. Talk. Calmly. As a family. Everypony knew now so they shouldn’t be the hidden guilt and waiting to tell them that there had been yesterday. They could speak openly about anything. Anything… because there was more than just the loss of her foal hurting Applebloom. She still felt something for the father: Jade Dagger. And most likely that was what caused her more pain. And for a filly with such a high pain threshold, that meant something.

While they slept that night, it was restless. Fluttershy was having disturbing dreams. They weren’t nightmares, they were just the kind of dream that when you wake-up from, you wish they had been real. Some about Applebloom’s foal being born, Jade and her still being together and living happily. Others about Applebloom’s foal being given to her and AJ, they finally had a child. And even some where Fluttershy had her own child.

That last dream though… was a possibility now. The two woke up early with the cresting sun as always. The work load on the farm was always busy in the morning and had been hard on AJ for a while now since Big Mac had broken his leg and needed to let it heal. It would be easier for the next week or so now however, the mornings where the same but the day’s work was a lot less. They’d gotten ahead of almost everything in anticipation of Applebloom’s return. But that would only give a few more days of ‘easy’ work left.

Fluttershy helped as always, feeding the animals, feeding her animals, changing water and hay and the likes. She was glad Applejack, or maybe Big Mac had taken care of her animals in her absence but wasn’t really surprised in retrospect. Come breakfast time the normal routine had been done and it was time for the new addition to that routine. Fluttershy’s medication to return her testosterone levels to normal.

Just a simple pill every day she’d take with water from the kitchen sink. She’d missed one yesterday but it wasn’t important. They had started to take affect a few a weeks ago, maybe a bit earlier even. When they’d last been to the doctor to check her blood they were told that if everything kept progressing as it was, she’d be back to the normal levels of an average mare in about another month. And a month or so after that, her cycle should hopefully continue and she would be able to conceive. Her testosterone production levels had increased significantly already and she thought perhaps that’s why she’d been so ‘assertive’ about disliking Applebloom’s choice.

Three thoughts crossed her mind as she took her pill. The first of Applebloom’s foal. The second of her own foal. The third of Rainbow Dash's… “Oh. My. CELESTIA!!!” she shouted as she rushed out of the kitchen “Applejack! We need to go! Now!”

“Calm down Sug, what’s going on?!”

“Rainbow Dash has had her foal!” and without any more questions they were out the door.

~ ~

Dash awoke. And immediately yelped in pain! What the hell was th… oh right. Labour. “Y’all ok in there?” Applejack called through the door. Their knocking had been what woke her up. She wasn’t in much pain, it had just been a surprise from waking up with any at all. Usually she kept her eyes closed or a while, while waking up but the jolt had sprang them open. It wasn’t a bad thing though; it gave her a view of something she rarely saw.

Turning her head towards the warmth at her side she saw Pinkie already bright and shining eyes staring into hers, ready for the morning like she’d had a wonderful night’s sleep. Dash hardly ever got a look at Pinkie so close to waking up. Though she wore a smile, as always, there was a small part of her that distinctly said ‘Yeah Dashie, you alright?’ but before that could be voice, Dash leaned in and gave her a small kiss.

“Yeah, we’re fine. Come on in already.”

“The door’s locked.” AJ replied. Dash sighed and tried to get up forwards. That hurt!

“Ooh…. my vag-jay-jay is paining!!” Dash whimpered as she flopped back down on to her back. Sitting up forward was not a good idea. She slowly rolled over onto her stomach and stood that way instead. Of course by the time she had stood up Pinkie had already gone over and opened the door creating perfect timing for AJ and Fluttershy to get a view of Dash’s rear... again.

“Well, um, you’ve certainly… dilated now.” Fluttershy mumbled.

“So where is the little tyke anyway?” AJ asked as she and Fluttershy walked in. She assumed the foal would’ve been born by now if Dash had gone into labour last night. “Oo, hope ah don’t wake the fella if e’s sleeping.”

“Now why do you think it’s a he?” Dash replied.

“Ah didn’t say ‘he’s’, ah said ‘e’s’ which can be an abbreviation of either he or she. I may not speak my words perfectly but danged if ah can’t sling ‘em perfectly.”

OOHHH!!! You just got grammatically served!” Pinkie fronted all up in Dash’s muzzle. She then turned back to AJ and Fluttershy without missing a beat saying “And he is a he by the by. And where he is? He’s still in there.” she pointed a hoof at Dash’s stomach.

“Wait, he ain’t even been born yet, how the hay do you know he’s a… never mind. Gosh, what’s that make it? A good twelve hours of labour now? How the hay are you even standing? Most the animals ah seen have such a long birth are practically dead by this point!”

That diffidently struck a nerve with both Dash and Pinkie. But she was right… and suddenly: pain. That had to be purely psychological but she felt it all of a sudden now that AJ’d mentioned it. Dash quickly dashed over to a sofa-chair and sat… then stood up and sat in a much less painful position. Then did it twice more before figuring out the first position had been the most least-painful. Laying on her back, her rear facing AWAY from the door this time though.

“I, ough, slept through most of it.” Dash said as she let her head hang over the edge of the seat and looked back at her friend’s up-side-down. Pinkie walked around behind, or in front of… she still hadn’t figured out which it was from that prospective, and inspected how the contractions where coming along.

“Wow, Fluttershy was right. Echo, echo, echo…” she called out. Pinkie hadn’t said those last two ‘echo’s and though if any pony else had said it, that wouldn’t happened, it’s Pinkie after all, it still disturbed Dash. She looked down [or up?] at Pinkie who just smiled back. AJ and Fluttershy came up and stood beside her at the couch now.

“So it’s a colt huh? You two got a name for the fella yet?” AJ asked. Though it likely disturbed Fluttershy to see her friend in pain like this AJ hoped it also gave her great joy. This foal! This foal… if only she could give such a wonderful gift like this to Fluttershy.

“We haven’t really thought about a name. We’ve been thinking more about other things. We’re… we’re going to give him u-ARGH!!!” Dash cut herself off with a scream as an intense bolt of pain came from her latest contraction. They were still going after twelve hours? How much bigger did she need to get? Was it still getting bigger? Would that make it easier later? She had no idea. She knew who did though. She threw her hoof out and pulled AJ in close. She yelled right into her face “Go get Elliot! NOW!!!”

They’d been meaning to have her help deliver the foal. Even if they weren’t going to a hospital for this, having a doctor on hoof never hurt. Well actually it hurt quite often, but in a beneficial way. “Oh my gosh!” Pinkie proclaimed. “We totally forgot to get her. I told myself to remember to not forget! We have to find Octavia and Twilight and Rarity and Silverspoon and Diamond Tiara and Big Mac and Sweetie Belle and Spike and…” this continued for a while.

“Uh, right then.” AJ interrupted, though Pinkie still didn’t stop listing ponies. She was possibly more OCD right now than Twilight. “Well we’ll send word ta Elliot and then head off for all the others. We’ll be back as soon as we can, a'right? Now don’t you go having that boy ‘til we get back, y’hear?” Dash heard and nodded at them. Pinkie however just kept listing names. She was up to ‘E’ in the phone book now.

~ ~

The two were heading towards the hospital to see Screw Ball. They mostly walked in silence. ABS could tell there was something on Die’s mind but just attributed it to seeing her mother. Even if she was ‘better’ she was still far from perfect. She was all the family Die had left but really, she had already lost her years ago. What ABS assumed was bugging Die was the risk of getting her mother back only to lose her again.

True, this was her only family, but she wasn’t alone. ABS mentally chided herself for thinking she was. Even if there wasn’t any blood, she considered herself Die’s family. Sil and Belle’s too. Scootaloo's? Once maybe but being gone for so long, friends was really all they were now. Scootaloo had changed… no , no she hadn’t… that was kinda the problem. ‘How the hay does my sis put up with Rainbow Dash?’ she thought to herself. Those two where basically the same pony.

Almost on queue “Applebloom!” AJ yelled as she ran up to the pair. Fluttershy flying just behind her. Well… ABS had hoped to put this talk between them for a while longer but it looked like it was going to happen now. Both AJ and Fluttershy looked slightly haggard, ABS wondered what they’d been doing. Fighting? No. Arguing? Probably. Fi-gu-ing? Is that a word? It is now. No matter what they’d been doing it was obviously about her foal. “RD’s givin' birth!”

Or maybe not. This was great news. Why did they have to have a talk about what she’d done with her foal anyway? They all knew, it was done and they couldn’t change it so why talk about it really? This would push that away. Hopefully. The slight smile on both their faces seemed to say it would. Why did they seem a little panicked though? “That’s great. What’s the fella’s name?”

“No, she’s givin’ birth now!”

“Oh… thought ya said she’d ‘given birth’ not she’s ‘giving birth’.” ABS said, thinking that accent can really be annoying at times. Then thinking ‘I have the exact same accent…’ “Where are you two heading anyway?” ABS added, being a lot more conscious of her words now. “Sugercube Corner’s back that way.”

“We’re headin’ ta find Elliot, uh, Pinkie’ sister, the doctor. ‘Fact, ya mind telling Silverspoon about this for us? Ah’m sure she’d like ta know Dash’ little colt’s a coming.”

ABS and Die where about half way between their house and the hospital now, if AJ and Fluttershy had to go find Ell-something, whatever their name was, ABS only knew Octavia, it would be faster for them to get Sil instead of AJ and Fluttershy. It looked like they had been heading in the other direction so these two heading back home would work out better for Dash getting everypony informed as fast as possible .

“No. sorry, I can’t.” ABS answered. “I promised Die I’ld go see…”

“Say no more.” Fluttershy replied happily. It boded well that ABS would refuse a request. I meant she wasn’t going to grovel for forgiveness. Fluttershy still hated her choice, but she couldn’t change it. She knew making it must’ve hurt ABS more than it had hurt her. “You said you’d do something, we won’t keep you from it. Now we have to get going. When you’re done though, come to Sugercube Corner. I mean, if you…”

“Say no more.” ABS replied. “I’ll be there. And, thanks Fluttershy… now get going!” part of that was to get away from anything more being said on the matter and part was her sisters were still in a rush to find Pinkie’s doctor/sister whos name ABS couldn’t remember and had dubbed ‘L’.

Fluttershy took a small moment before nodding with a slight smile. “Ok, I’ll um, we’ll see you soon ok.” before she started off again towards who knows where… that direction. AJ followed after but not before putting a hoof on her sister’s shoulder for the briefest moment, then nodding before taking off in suite.

ABS and Die didn’t start walking again right away and watched as the two ran off. ABS was the first to start moving again and called back. “C’mon. We can at least tell Twilight and maybe ma brother while we’re there. ‘Side from that though, we may have ta keep my sis waiting a while fer us at Pinkie’s place.”

Die took off with her a moment later and caught up beside her. It took her a a few moments, she tried to start speaking a few times but couldn’t bring herself to. She wanted to say it, it just sounded bad though. Eventually she just forced it out. “You know, you don’t have to come with me. I know you don’t want to. I can go by myself, tell Twilight and Big Mac. You can go home and tell Sil and Belle.”

“That ain't true. I wanna go. Can’t say I’ve ever met ya mother, I’d like to.”

“No, you wouldn’t. She’s ‘better’ but she’s still… crazy. You can’t honestly want to meet her.”

“You know… you’re right actually. I don’t really want to meet her, but I still want to do this. It’s something big ta you ain't it? I feel it’s the least I can do fer ya. And even if I didn’t owe you one… or twenty or however many I owe ya by this point, I’d still like ta be there for ya.”

“I… thank you. This is really why I tried to hide it from you. You’re too nice sometimes. Even now you’re turning down going to see your sister soon and going something you don’t really want to do…”

“I told ya. I do want to do this. For you.”

“I know. That’s what I mean. You’re putting me above yourself. You needed to think about yourself back then and if you knew you wouldn’t have. Would you? No. It’s really, it’s really one of the reason I admire you, you know that?”

“Well, thank you too. I can’t rightly say who probably was hurting more. Really, you just did for me what I woulda done fer you.”

This was it, now or never. “I, admire you. Applebloom.” ABS stopped walking. Die hadn’t called her her full name in… months? Years? Decades?! “You, you said you were done with colts, that they're…”

“Are you askin’ me what I think you’re asking me?”


“What happened to that whole ordeal this morning?”

“I didn’t lie. I don’t really like fillies. But I like you and I was wondering if we could, maybe try.”

“I can’t promise you nothin’.” ABS said flatly with a hint of guilt. “I can’t promise I’ll love you or anything. That is more than… or differently to how I do now. I don’t know if I am, I’m just… ‘experimenting’. I gotta say no.”

“Are you saying no for me or for you? If it’s for you then that’s ok… but if you’re saying no to try and protect me, please don’t. If it’s really no from you that’s fine. But if it’s not, if it’s for my sake, I refuse it.”

Refusing to take no for an answer was kinda… stalker-ish. But she was right. ABS was only saying no, worrying she’d hurt her friend's feelings sometime down the road. This wasn’t just for Die though. She’d have said the same to either Sil or Belle. But maybe that was for herself. She was tagging along with Die for Die because she wanted to help out her friend. Wasn’t it the same? Not wanting to hurt a friend now so she wouldn’t be hurt in turn.

But even if it did turn bad, at least it would be with somepony she could trust. In this case, both of them. If Die would see somepony and have happen to her what happened to ABS… that would be so much worse. But it would also be better. Die could have a nice stallion, or mare. Just not ABS. But still, saying no now would still hurt her, maybe not as much as saying it later. But Die had already bore her heart out. She’d been so defensive about it earlier so this couldn’t have been easy for her.

It took ABS some time but she came up with an answer at last. “No. I’m sorry Die but. I can’t. I like you and all, but not just for you, or for me. I couldn’t take it if we did break up. You said you don’t want to lose me. I don’t want to lose you neither. All that stuff ‘bout couples breakin’ up and still being friends… you know that’s a load of horse-apples. It just ain’t worth the risk.”

“I think it is. Either way, I’ve laid it out there. If you say no now, sure I’ll be hurt. And if you say no some time down the road I’ll still be hurt too. But what if we make it? We’d miss out on that chance just because you were worried? You’re only looking at the down side. If we’re right for each other… I think the it’s worth the risk.” Die said, completely calmly. But she noticed what she was doing. “But if you don’t want to, I understand. It’s the last I’ll say and I won’t try and pressure you into this.”

That was the last either said about it. The rest of the walk to the hospital was again mostly in silence. What ABS had feared had already begun. They'd both been a hurt to some degree and things where awkward between them. It felt horrible. But more horrible was that she feared Die was right. She’d blown her chance with somepony she did really care about. When they finally arrived at the hospital the last thing she wanted to hear was said.

“Hey, ABS?” and back to her nickname, but that wasn’t the heart-breaker. “Could you promise you won’t tell the others what I said back there.” she was embarrassed about what she had asked. All chances where gone now. Maybe for the best. It was awkward now but that would pass in a day or so. Maybe more, maybe less. Even if she’d lost a little now, it was still better than losing a lot later.

~ ~

She knocked on the door. A moment later it opened. And a split second later Rarity’s horn lit and slammed the door back shut. ‘Oh dear sweet Celestia! Sweetie Belle’s here!’ she screamed in her head. She felt Sweetie Belle trying to re-open the door again as her light blue glow encircled it and kept it held closed. “Get out of here!” she whispered to her father. He was taken aback for a second but understood. He turned and quickly walked off. Elusive followed him.

Rarity released the door and let her sister open it. “Sweetie Belle, what a surprise to see you here. S-so early in the morning that is.”

“Not as much as a surprise nearly getting my hoof ripped off by the door handle. What was that about?”

“Nothing, just uh, I… is Silverspoon here?” Rarity deflected.

“Yeah…? She’s here. Come on in.” Sweetie Belle said questioningly as she turned and waver her sister in.

“No, that’s quite alright.”

“Are you … alright Sis?” Sweetie Belle asked. It was obvious something wasn’t quite right. And there was “How come you’re not wearing any make-up today?”

“Oh, aren’t I? It must’ve slipped my mind. I’ll just go home and uh, put it on…”

“Rarity, what’s going on? Something’s wrong. Now please, come in and tell me what it is.” Sweetie Belle said. There was no point fighting it. Sweetie Belle would find out her father was here sooner or later. She had to find out about her broth… who were the reason she was here… ‘OH DEAR SWEET CELESTIA!!!’ her mind screamed even louder, though she kept her face calm.

Rarity took a step inside “Sweetie Belle, we need to…” upon taking that single step inside though Ace and Ven immediately pounced. They got on a side of her each and where about to pull her inside before they looked at each other for a moment and stopped, landing in front of her and just staring. They both just glared at Rarity, she couldn’t help but feel nervous, wondering what this two were thinking.

They kept staring and staring and staring until Rarity just formed the first syllable of a word before they both turned to Sweetie Belle at once, breaking Rarity’s train of thought. They looked at her for about a second before turning back to Rarity and staring… and staring and… turned back to Sweetie Belle “Who’s this?” they said together.

“Um… it’s Rarity, you know her.” Sweetie Belle answered.

“Nu-uh, Rari’y has blue on her eyes.” Ven said.

“And those creepy long eye lashes” Ace followed. Did she really look that much different without make-up on? “Yes.” Ace answered to the unasked question.

“Can’t say I fully recognise you without your make-up on too.” Spike said as he walked up to the group. “Haven’t seen you without it in… years!” she didn’t really acknowledge him though. She just walked inside passed him and the foals.

She approached a seat “May I?” she asked, though she knew Sweetie Belle technically didn’t live here, she still thought it best to ask permission. It was only polite after all. Because she’d been SOOO concerned about politeness before when she brushed off Spike.

“Of course, take a seat. I’ll get Sil.” she said as she walked up to Spike and whispered to him “I think something wrong, she’s not acting like herself. She seems… spacy.”

“Almost as spacy as you.” Spike joked. “Don’t worry, I’ll try figure out what’s going on here.” he said giving her a peck on the forehead before she strode away to find Sil. “C’mon you two.” he said to Ace and Ven. “You know Rarity, even without your make-up you still look beautiful.” he tried to make her feel better. The last time she hadn’t worn make-up, Twilight had said it was because she didn’t want to have it smudge when she cried.

“That’s very nice of you dear. Now don’t let Sweetie Belle hear you go saying that though.” she chuckled as Spike and the two fillies sat down beside her. He couldn’t really think of much to say and Rarity, despite her usual self, was oddly quiet too. The moments passed in a not-quite-awkward silence until Sweetie Belle returned with Sil… and Baritone and Lucy...

“Hello Rarity.” Sil said as Baritone looked at her, almost looking shocked. Rarity returned that look but also glanced towards Sweetie Belle, who didn’t return it at all. “What can I help you with?” Sil added.

“I, I’m here to pick up the foals.” Rarity replied.

“Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie want them back already? I expected to have Ace and Ven for a few more days at the least.”

“No, not quite. I’m here to pick up Baritone and Elusive” Spike picked up on Rarity saying ‘Elusive’ but thought nothing of it. Sweetie Belle noticed and considered it just a slip of the tongue but she had had her suspicions that what Rarity was concerned about had something to do with Elusive and their date. Again, she’d learnt her lesson about just jumping to conclusions from half fact, but it was hard not to at times.

Baritone however had other ideas “I have never seen her before in my life. This mare is trying to kidnap us!” all eyes went to him, then onto Rarity. Sure it was a kids word against that of a pony who was a close friend to all of them, but Baritone had been so polite and forthcoming in the time they’d known him. Also that she hadn’t been the one to drop them off and had even misnamed one of them.

“It’s Rarity isn’t it?” Lucy spoke up, much against what Baritone’s wishes. What he’d heard this morning about Sweetie Belle, his sister, and about his father. He didn’t want her to know this. Some of Rarity’s concerns yesterday had been correct. In fact all of them had. Sweetie Belle didn’t want to meet them. “We met her yesterday with father. Don’t you remember?”

Simply put, everypony was confused. “Yes, well. I’m picking them up on behalf of their father. He would be here too but…” Rarity glanced once more at her sister and stopped. It was apparent she didn’t know. It was apparent Baritone did. “Sweetie Belle.”

“Yeah Sis?” and suddenly Lucy knew too as his face instantly changed.

“I, I’d like you to… to meet… your brothers. Baritone and Elusive.” Rarity barley managed to choke out the words. Baritone had put one and one together and gotten two sisters. It was only a matter of time before Sweetie Belle put to and two and two together and got… her father.

Sweetie Belle could only stare at Rarity for a few moment before she turned to her two brothers. It was a lot to take in for her. Celestia knows it had been a lot for Rarity. But it sunk in… “What?” or not. “I don’t get it, what’s the joke?” she either didn’t understand. That, or she refused to.

“So,” Lucy spoke up. “so Belle is our sister?” he hadn’t known either after all.

“Wait, wait, wait. Hold up a second.” Sil intervened. “Since when have you had a little brother? When did… ‘on behalf of their father’?” and it finally registered with Sweetie Belle who gasped loudly. She looked at the two and then at Rarity. Whether consciously or subconsciously, she started slowly walking backwards until Spike put his arm over her shoulder. It didn’t stop her but it slowed her down as he started moving with her. There was a look on her face he’d never seen before. He couldn’t think of anything to say really and just spurted a standard “It’s alright.” she stopped moving backwards and instead turned and broke out into a full-on sprint. She ran down the hall and into her old room slamming the door with her magic.

"Sweetie Belle..." Rarity sighed.

Spike looked on for a moment before turning to Rarity. “If this is some kinda joke, if you knew what we talked about this morning. Why would you…” he stopped. He knew Rarity wouldn’t do that to her sister but on top of that she wore the same face Sweetie Belle did. Fear. “Just this morning… she said she couldn’t take seeing him again. That she’d only wanted to meet him again because she thought he was dead.”

“I thought so too. That’s why I forbid it but…”

“But she sent the message anyway. I know. I guess he saw it.”

“Visit us” Baritone added as he looked at Spike. He had been too concerned with discovering Sweetie Belle was his sister to realise that this dragon was practically family too. He’d seen how close the two where all yesterday. “Spike. You should go… say something. I don’t know but, maybe we should come with you.”

Sil just looked on as Spike turned and headed towards Sweetie Belle's room. Rarity followed and after Baritone filled in Lucy about what had just happened they followed to. Sil grabbed up Ace and Ven and took them over to the play area of the main room, as far away from them as possible. She didn’t want the two interrupting. As she did so she sighed at one thought…

‘It would’ve at least been nice to have gotten a heads-up about Lucy being blind…’

~ ~

“It wasn’t really a surprise. I expected it almost.” Elusive said as he and Magnum walked back towards the boutique. Magnum had been staying at one of the local inns, which was completely unacceptable to Rarity. She really was TOO generous at times and offered him the guest room in the boutique. Again, Sweetie Belle’s old room. “Sweetie Belle used to live with Silverspoon after all.”

“Then why was Rarity so shocked?” Magnum replied.

“I guess she didn’t expect her to be there so early in the morning. She must’ve stayed the night.” Elusive added. “Honestly, I don’t think she wants you to meet Sweetie Belle at all. Frankly, neither do I. but I believe Sweetie Belle should make that choice. Not me, nor Rarity.”

“Thank you. Can I ask…”

“Elusive?!” called a southern ascent. He turned to see Applejack, Fluttershy and two other mares he didn’t recognise. “Y’all seen Rarity today?” she asked abruptly. “Oh, beggin’ ya pardon, but it’s kinda an emergency.” she turned to the two other mares. “You two go on ta ya sister, me and Fluttershy’ll find the resta the ponies.” and the two left. He now recognised one of them as Octavia, Pinkie’s sister and assumed the other was another of.

“Yes, I’ve seen her. You mind if I ask what’s going on?”

“Rainbow Dash has gone into labour. She’s having her foal.” Fluttershy said happily, before realising she was speaking with a stallion she barely knew and another stallion she’d never even met. She meeped and nearly froze.

“Oh, wow.” Elusive, again, wasn’t too surprised by that, she’d look fit to burst for months. “Rarity is at Sweetie Belle’s old home. But I don’t think you should go there. They have some family in town and that tends to take precedence over most else.”

“Well shoot, ah didn’t know she had any family other than Sweetie Belle.”

“Oh, no, she does… oh no. Oh no! He-he’s not back is he?” Fluttershy said to Elusive as her eyes begged him to say no.

“Who’s back? What’s goin’ on Sug?”

“Rarity… has some family. But um, she doesn’t want them to be here, I know that.” she knew everything. Everypony used to confide in Rarity, well Rarity needed somepony to confide in as well. That pony was Fluttershy. She was possibly the only pony who knew. At least she thought so. She had no way of knowing who did or didn’t. It’s not like you run around saying ‘Rarity told me one of her deepest secrets about her abusive father!’ well except maybe that one time she tried to match AJ drink for drink. What did she do that night and why did Gummy seems so attached after that?

“Who don’t she wanna see? Ya startin’ ta worry me Fluttershy.”

“Um, I don’t know if I should say. It’s a, very personal matter.” Applejack put her hoof on Fluttershy’s shoulder and gave her a look that said ‘You don’t have ta say if you don’t want to Sug’. “Thank you Applejack.” she said as she turned back towards Elusive and the other stallion she didn’t kno… “Mi-Mr. Belle?” Fluttershy asked sheepishly.

“Yes. it’s been quite a while Fluttershy.” she and Rarity had been friends for so long. He remembered her well. She was still the same quiet self she had been so long ago.

“What in Equestria are you doing here!?” or not. She shouted as she marched up to him. Full-on fronting on him, all up in his grill n’ shit. She began to back down ever so slightly as her nerves took hold again but then remembered what this stallion had gone and her nerves disappeared completely. “Why are you here! You know Rarity wouldn’t want to see you! You’re horrible! What kind of father does that?!”

“’Father’?” questioned Applejack. She vaguely remember seeing Rarity’s father once or twice before he died. But… he died. “That can’t be her pa. He died like fifteen years ago. Sweetie Belle where crying so much over it. Me and Applebloom where over her place near’ everyday trying ta cheer her up.” of course she never remembered there being a funeral for him and was never told how he died… “Did… did you run out on your daughters? You just left ya little girl ta think you were dead?”

“I wish it where that simple…” he sighed. Rarity hadn’t out right forgiven him but she’d been a lot more accepting of his return than he had dared even hope. Elusive seemed to be mostly impartial, likely just trying to keep things calm for Rarity. Also naming a son after him helped. But now, coming from somepony who used to know him, to be called horrible. As much as he’d tried to push it away, he knew it was true. As much as he wanted forgiveness, what he had done was really unforgivable.

“’That simple’?” Fluttershy returned. “You’re a monster! You hit her, you hit both of them! You hit your wife and you forced Rarity to run away! You forced your daughter out of her home. Where she’s meant to feel safe and with family! And… and you… what you did! It’s worse than what Elusive did to her!” finally her anger broke and she returned to her meek self as she backed away from Magnum and stepped back to Applejack’s side and a little behind her. “I mean, not that Elusive really uh, did anything, I guess. Worse than what he didn’t do maybe?.”

“I know.” Magnum simply said as he kept his eyes with Fluttershy’s. She tried looking away but kept flicking them back towards him for a fraction of a second every few seconds. What she saw of him, she knew was genuine sadness. But she didn’t know if he was sad for himself or for his children. She didn’t care, he didn’t deserve pity.

Applejack hadn’t gotten what was going on. Unlike Fluttershy, she hadn’t met Rarity until she already lived in the boutique, living by herself, but she got the idea. But one part she didn’t get. Comparing him to Elusive? There was only one thing he had… “Dear mother of Celestia! You… didn’t?" he turned to acknowledge Applejack, who he remembered too, but not very well. They’d never really met. He couldn’t blame Rarity for not introducing him to many, if any, of her friends.

Before he could say anything in his defence, if you could call self-reprisal defence, Elusive took the helm. “We can’t change the past.” he said to both of them. Fluttershy, though hiding half behind Applejack seems as angry as she was nervous. Applejack just looked shocked. “Now please, you understand why I think this may not be the best time to…”

“Ta hell with you!” AJ blurted. He wasn’t directly defending him but that old part of her that still thought of Elusive as a sick creep jumped to the front of her mind. “Ah don’t give a damn what you think. Ta hell wit’cha advise too! I’m goin’a Rarity right now and so help me Celestia if you try an’ stop me! C’mon Sug, let’s get away from these sick freaks!”

She turned and marched off. She stopped not far away however when she noticed Fluttershy hadn’t followed. “I’m sorry for Applejack, Elusive. She doesn’t mean what she said. She’s just…”

“It’s alright. Go with her, maybe having some friends around would be helpful.” he said, but also thinking ‘Well, at least some friends that aren’t insane’ Remembering Twilight from yesterday. She had seemed more interested in herself than Rarity at the time.

Fluttershy nodded thankfully. She didn’t dare look at Magnum, knowing she’d just end up glaring and ruining the good will she’d just created. She trotted back over to Applejack and the two took off once more. Heading to their sister’s house. They had been planning on going there after taking Octavia and Elliot back to Dash. But telling Sil about Dash’s foal was now far from the reason.

“Ya didn’t have ta say that for me.” Applejack said, half way between reprimanding and thanking.

“Yes I did. You didn’t mean it. Maybe you meant it to Rarity’s father, but I know you don’t feel that way about Elusive.”

“Ah can’t say that’s wholly true. Ain’t no real reason for it, but ah still don’t like him.” AJ said before a pause and a sigh. “Gotta say the same about Rarity on some level.” she added as they slowed from a not-quite-sprinting speed to a fast-but-not-running pace. Fluttershy knew that part. They were for different reasons though. Elusive she knew: what they’d all thought he’d done to Sweetie Belle and Applebloom. It‘s hard to forget what you thought about somepony for so long. Rarity though, she had no idea. She knew there was tension still, she just didn’t know why.

Before she could ask though. “Fluttershy, wait.” called Magnum. They both stopped, Applejack sneering at him and Fluttershy freezing up like a goat. “Please *pant* just a, *pant* moment.” he was out of breath from catching up to them. They hadn’t run that far or that fast but he was quite old. It took a moment for him to catch his breath and in that time Fluttershy managed to face him and Elusive caught up as well. “Rarity knows I’m here. Sweetie Belle doesn’t. But if, if they want to see me, let them know we’ll be just across from the house.”

“Outta sight across from the house!” Applejack revised as she prodded him in the chest, causing him to lose a quick breath. “An’ if we come out and tell ya ta scram you better well do it. Y’understand? Botha ya!” they nodded and against what Applejack would’ve liked, they headed towards her sister’s house. She said and said to herself “They ain’t good ponies…”

“They ‘AREN’T’ good ponies.” Magnum corrected out of habit.

“So y’all agree with me then? You are a no good pony.” AJ responded with a snide tone.

“No, what I meant wa…”

“I know full well what ya meant and it’s gosh darn rude to correct somepony like that!”

“But if you don’t say the right words then nopony will know what you’re saying.”

AJ just stopped walking and spun around once more, prodded him in the chest and put her forehead right up against his as she snapped at him. “If ya didn’t know what the hay I where saying… WAS saying, then how the hay did you know what word ta correct me with?! You knew exactly what I meant but you just had ta be a stuck-up mule about it! I swear, it’s like ya tryin’ ta make me hate’cha!”

“I’m sorry!” Magnum said as he took a few steps away from her while she took a few steps forward he keep right up against him. “It’s just a habit, I’m sorry.”

“So ya in the habit o’ being a jerk? Figures…”

“No, I’ve been teaching my sons the Equestrian language. They only spoke Pren…”

“Y-your sons?” AJ stepped back. “As in… Rarity’s brothers?”

“That’s right.” Elusive said as he stepped up and gentle pushed Applejack a few more steps away from Magnum. “Rarity and Sweetie Belle have two little brothers. They’re with them now. Are you sure you still want to go seem them?”

Applejack thought for a moment, then fumbled over her words. “N-not as uh, much as ah did before but, yeah. We’re still going ta see them. Right Sug?” she said as she turned to Fluttershy who’s eyes where wide with shock. “Right Sug?” AJ asked again.

“Oh, yes. We’re still um, going to see Rarity. I suppose.” she replied. Fluttershy was a bit apprehensious about going there now. But if AJ was going, she would follow. Applejack turned from the two stallions and once more began towards Silverspoon’s house. About half a minute passed before Fluttershy quietly said “You know, he was right in a way. He’s the third pony to misunderstand you today. In the last hour even. Um, I mean, it wouldn’t hurt for you to enunciate a little more is all I’m saying. If that’s ok with you.”

AJ sighed… she couldn’t be mad at Fluttershy for saying that. One of the ponies who misunderstood her was her own sister for bloit sake. And if she couldn’t be mad at Fluttershy then “Well shoot, now I can’t even be mad at him for that…”

~ ~

“…and Zecora and Zelda and Zuckerberg… That’s everypony!” Pinkie finished her list of everypony in Ponyville along a few from other nearby cities. “Hey, where’d Fluttershy and Applejack go?”