The Story of Golden Oaks

by Patashnik

Chapter Two

Twilight and Spike continued to study their new find deep into the evening and night. They spent at least a half-hour just looking at the front cover before finally cracking it open to read the contents. As Twilight took more notes, Spike read aloud the words of Golden Oaks, etched across a thin wooden tablet inside the book:

Year 951 (Celestia's Calendar)

"My Name is Golden Oaks. I am a unicorn, and I have studied Equestrian Grid Theory for 10 years. Simply put, I believe that, all across Equestria, there exist magical points of interest. These points are said to have a range of mysterious magical properties. I've been deeply fascinated with attempting to locate and chart as many as I can; none have been proven to exist, though there are many stories. But I believe that I have found the first real Grid Point. One year ago, I was scanning the Everfree for any signs of heightened magic. Suddenly, my horn detected a strange but incredibly powerful source of magical energy radiating from just under a very, very large tree. Instead of destroying the tree, I decided to hollow it out; it was very useful as a shelter, and not too far from the small village I believe is called 'Ponyville'. It was then I carved this journal out of the tree. It fits perfectly into the wall, like a small bookshelf."

Twilight and Spike glanced at the bookshelves, which now hold hundreds of books. What if more of them exist? Hmm... Twilight thought to herself. Spike continued to read:

"During the time I was carving out the tree, I discovered that the Grid Point was warping the floor inside and the tree rings were twisting into a spiral in the exact center. Tampering with this point is extremely interesting, but I should be careful not to harm myself. There were some spells I attempted to cast, and utterly failed. Levitation spells were impossible when standing in the center of the room. Spells to produce light I found to be weak during the day, and very strong after sunset. Invisibility is also impossible. Unfortunately, my knowledge of spells is limited, and tomorrow I am leaving for Canterlot for a few years to learn more.
Year 960
I have returned from Canterlot, not only stronger in my magic, but my 'arsenal', if I may, has been expanded. I am quite relieved to find that the old tree was not bothered since I took my leave. It took four hours just to find it again. I visited Ponyville once more before I came here, for a few supplies. I think I may want to live here! Important note to self: A suspicious Zebra appeared to be following me on my way into the Everfree. I should be wary of him. As for my research, I will try teleportation on the Grid Point later tonight."

As Spike turned the wooden page, flakes of ash fell into his lap, and the remainder of the book was moderately charred. However, the words were still decipherable. Blinking, Spike read on, being a bit more careful with the journal, and noticing the words to be somewhat hastily written:

"There is much to say, the most important of which is that I must leave at once. The Zebra that followed me yesterday had told me I have "mocked nature" by living inside of the tree, and that it "was very sacred." I have known Zebra friends from my mother's treasure-hunting expeditions, but he appeared to be tribal, and there is no arguing the tribes. They are steadfast in protecting their land; how could I have known any tribes existed here? Their homeland is simply too far away for them, at least for the uncivilized Zebras.
Before I could attempt to reason with him, he shouted "The tree must be purified!" and he had started a fire at the base of the tree. It wasn't long before the outside was engulfed in flames. The Zebra fled, and I started to panic. I had so many important papers on my work to save! The fire soon spread to the inside, and my entrance was blocked. I knew if I teleported to safety, I may never find the Grid Point again. Ultimately deciding my life over my studies, I summoned up all of my magical energy and tried my level best to teleport to safety.
I hadn't noticed at the time, but I was standing directly on the Grid Point. The tree was ripped from the mossy earth below, and had teleported along with me!" Upon hearing this, Twilight eyes grew wide and she moved over to Spike.
"The tree survived the attack, and I find myself and my home in the town of Ponyville. I am saddened to say that my papers have not survived the flames. I will begin rewriting them with this newly discovered information as soon as possible, and I believe that with proper care, the tree will heal over time in a natural manner. I hope I am safe now."

"Hey Twilight? How come floor isn't twisted like Golden Oaks said it was?" Spike asked.

Twilight thought for a moment. "Probably because the tree is no longer on a so-called 'Grid Point.' Which means it's unlikely that it will happen again. What else does he say?"

"Year 970
I have heard rumors among the towns-ponies that a unusually-dressed Zebra is in town and looking for a unicorn. I have had far too much fortune on my side as it is, and I need to leave at once.."

"That's it. The rest is burned up, and I don't think he wrote anything after that.." He gave the book back to Twilight, who examined the last wooden page. A single black and white striped hair drifted to the floor, and she didn't miss it. Twilight had new found determination to learn the fate of the missing unicorn.

"I'm going to find this Grid Point, and find out what happened to Golden Oaks."

Spike protested, "But Twilight, I think this is really interesting too, but don't you think some issues should be left alone? I mean, what if that Zebra's still out there?"

Twilight didn't want to give up on this just yet. "Spike, this was over fifty years ago. It's unlikely that the same Zebra stayed around to guard empty space in the Everfree Forest. Besides, even today, our knowledge supporting Equestrian Grid Theory is limited at best. This could give insight in a practically ridiculed field of study! Tomorrow, we're visiting the Mayor to see what she knows about the Library, and then we're going to find that Grid Point. For now, it's late. Let's get some rest."

Spike swallowed hard, but he knew he also trusted Twilight. His feelings were a mixture or worry for her, fear of the uncertain future, and excitement to learn the truth. "Goodnight, Twilight."

"Goodnight, Spike." Twilight replied, half-yawning.