//------------------------------// // Mayhaps just the beginning... // Story: Yellowstone: The double d team // by Krass McWriter //------------------------------// Yellowstone: The Double 'D' Team "C'mon Miss Hooves, we have more Gremlins to catch." Stated a man with well chisled features wearing a Canadian Mounties uniform. He held a small sack full of the creatures in question. The pegasus in question was currently ogling a ransacked baked goods shop. "Besides, those belong to the citizen that runs the shop. Taking them would be THEIVERY." He gasped at the last word. "But Dudsters, MUFFINS!" She proclaimed, as if that was the most important point in the world. "Let's go Miss Hooves, there are civilians to be saved!" Dudley Doo Right turned and ran off further into town. Derpy Hooves did a shifty look, which was quite impressive given that both eyes were not facing the same direction, and swallowed a bannana nut muffin in one bitw before giving chase to her partner. After a few small hours of chasing and bagging the demonic creatures, Dudley and Derpy had finished their tiresome chore. The canadian mounty from the short running cartoon had been brought to life by a flood of magic to human world had brought various tales and myths to life, himself being an example. He was quickly found by a secret organization dedicated to dealing with wild magic. Luckily he was deemed a non-threat and was even able to join. As per regulations, he was paired with a pony. A short trip later with their cargo in their issued SUV. Derpy pulled the car into a parking spot and, well, parked. "Okay Dudsters! We're here!" She beamed, ever happy. Dudley threw the tied squirming sack over his shoulder and got out of the vehicle. The pair entered their quite ramshackle building, given it was provided by Princess Celestia herself and the collective of supporting UN countries. It looked like an abondoned building that had a janitor.  Dudley made his way into the main room. There was a large screen for two-way communication between the team and President Jospeh, who was leader-by-default of the situation. Of the human side at least. There was a large couch placed a comfortable veiwing distance from the TV. Then of course, there was an apparatus Dudley had insisted on. He hadn't the heart to actually kill most creatures so he had an automatic jailer AI unit installed. He threw the sack of aberrant creatures into its receiving platform and the platform fell away, sorting them into a cell. Dudley went back to the couch and sat upright despite being exhausted. He was in the official uniform of the Canadian Mounties after all. The TV automatically came on with President Joseph on the line. "Dudley, Did you capture all the Gremlins?" Dudley stood up in an attentive stance. "I did, they are in holding currently Sir." "I helped!" Beamed the wall eyed pegasus mare. President Joseph did something that was rare indeed and genuinely smiled, if ever so slightly. "Im sure you did Derpy. Either way, I know you two are exhausted but I have an urgent mission for the two of you. There have been reports of 'living samples' in the Jello factory in Mason City, Iowa. We need you to investigate." "Iowa? Mr. President, it'll take a week or more to get there! Wouldn't the Minnesota team be better for the job?" Dudley asked. It was an honest question, they were deep in the Ontario province, and travel by car would take a while indeed. "I have arranged for you to travel by plane. Also the Minnesota team is busy with sparkling vampires over in washington." President Joseph explained. "Sparkling vampires?" "Don't ask. The plane will be there in two hours. Good luck you two." The President cut off transmission. "Oh god, are those two going to need all the help they can get..." "Well Miss Hooves, I guess we bet-" He was cut off by a muffin stuffed into his mouth by a grey hoof. "Muffin!" Was her battlecry in doing so. The mountie gagged on the Blueberry muffin that decided it didn't want to make a complete trip to his stomach. The pegasus looked hurt, did he not like her muffin? Dudley choked it down best he could as to not offend the mare. "Its, *haugh*, Really good." His team mate returned to her usual happy demeanor. She trotted off towards the kitchen, presumedly to make more. Her entrance was announced by the loud crashing of various pots and pans. "Oops." Was the awnser to the commotion. ******************** The plane had arrived ten minutes after schedule, but with no real further trouble. The duo climbed the stairs into the passenger area. The Mountie held his 1876 Winchester, a lever action rifle with a twelve round capacity, and a .450 Adams revolver on his hip. Both fully loaded and both with plenty extra ammo to spare. Of course on his opposite hip was his sword, issued mainly for ceremonial purposes. Sitting opposite of him was Derpy, wearing saddle bags with god knows what contained within. A man dressed in black got out of the pilots cabin and shut the entrance before retreating back from whence he came. Soon, the plane pulled away and took off. The flight was long and boring. Before long the pair was snoring, fast asleep. ******************** The small plane landed on a personal airstrip, and skidded to a stop, jolting the Mountie awake. The pegasus remained soundly asleep, even after the mountie had shaken her vigorously. "Mayhaps the Miss would wake up if she caught scent of her favorite food." He monologued as he retrieved an emergency muffin and delicately placed it in front of her muzzle. The muffin and hand holding it disappeared into a grey muzzle. "Ow!" The mountie wrestled his hand from the pegasus. "Sorry Dudsters." She apologized. They loaded out of the plane and into the humvee waiting for them. Derpy started the GP8 burning engine, released the parking break and put it into drive from neutral. "Where is this factory?" Dudley Do-Right retrived a map from his crimson jacket and consulted it. "It should be just down this road, on the right." He decided that while he was at it, he should go over the complete mission debrief. A few workers were eaten by what appeared to be a living grape sample that crawled out of one of the mixing vats. A fire broke out, it turned out one of the more eccentric workers had tried to set it ablaze and only succeded in pissing it off and rehydrating all the powdered jello with the sprinkler system. With the vats knocked over and powder now jello as well, they would be looking for a gelatinous cube amongst a sea of gelatin. "Derpy, drive into the building please." "But Dudley, this isn't the U.N. building. Mr. President and Princess Celestia said I shouldn't drive into any other buildings..." "I promise you, its okay this time." "Okey Dokey... I just really wish you would drive Dudsters, its hard to drive a four ton armored vehicle with hooves." "You know how I get with machinery and high tech stuff." He pouted. The mountie, being from the late 1800's, did not get along with anything too far ahead of that time era. Any attempts to do so usually resulted in fires. Fires and explosions. Not to mention the screaming and seven mouthed horrors. So Dudley usually didn't mess around with such things. “So, which building is it Dudders?”* Dudley consulted the map and instructions, “It’s the very large warehouse that says ‘Jello factory’.” The building in question came into view as they rounded a corner sharply. “Would that be it?” Derpy asked. “I believe so Miss Hooves, now we and finally bring the evil doers to justice!” Dudley exclaimed. “Remember, into the building!” “Sure thing Dudsters!” She beamed, crashing through the gate and the loading bay “Alright Miss Hooves,” Dudley beamed as he threw the car door open, “Let us conduct this search!” The side was a complete mess, the jello, of all colors and flavors, was knee high at the lowest levels and about twelve feet at the highest. “Egads! It seems we have our work cut out for us miss hooves!” Derpy whistled in response, “Thats a looot of jelly...” “That it is Miss Hooves.” He agreed before pausing to think. “Do you think you can give me a lift? I think we should be able to spot movement from above.” “Right-o Dudsters!” She agreed, grabbing Dudley with her hooves and flying up to the top of the center of the room.” The pair surveyed the room for several long moments, when they finally noticed something large shift in gelatin sea. “Over there Miss Hooves!” Dudley fired off a round at the movement to mark it. “Right-o!” she affirmed, flying over to it and dropping Dudley off on the closest raised platform.where she hovered next to him. They saw it move again, and it made itself known. The ten foot by ten foot sentient cube burbled at them and stood still. “Is that it?” Derpy asked. As if the Cube knew that its was being insulted, it burbled once more. “Keep form Miss Hooves, this thing ate a fair number of the innocent workers here and it may make a formidable opponent yet.” Dudley cautioned. “Imma poke it.” Derpy flew towards the creature, ignoring her partners heedings and prodded it with a hoof. “Ooo, squishy.” She commented before poking it thrice more, her hoof getting sucked in. “Aaaaaaaaaa!” She screeched, trying desperately to pull free. “Don’t fret Miss Hooves, I’m on my way!” Dudley exclaimed, jumping down into the gelatin of another cube. The two struggled, Dudley managed to get his gun free and fired three shots into the bulk of it. The first twoo did little, stoping just short of exiting, but the third caused the Cube to burst. “I’m coming for you Miss Hooves, do not fret!” “Nuuuu...” Derpy whined as her body became more emersed in the creature. Dudley rushed over and pulled Derpy out and then slashed at it with his sword dispersing it. “Well Miss Hooves, I believe I shall require several hot baths before feeling proper.” Dudley emphasized by brushing goo off his shoulder. “I think I’m gonna use three whole clouds when we get back!” A low rumbling announced its intention to delay their plans. Suddenly, the gelatin sea began to twich. “MIss Hooves.” “Yeah Dudsters?” “I believe it is high time we ran, if you would.” “Waay ahead of you.” Derpy swooped up Dudley and flew them both out of the factory. No sooner had they entered the Humvee and passed over the wrecked gate did the factory explode into a giant gelatinous cube. “Well then.” Dudley stated, dumbfounded. It was then a rare occurence happened, Derpy came up with the plan. “Hey Dudsters, the weak point is the center of this thing right?” “That is correct Miss Hooves.” “Cool, Imma drive this car into it.” Derpy stated, accelerating greatly. “MIss Hooves, don’t you think your being rash?!” Dudley exclaimed, quite fearful for his life. “Nope.” Derpy than grabbed Dudley’s Sword, jammed it into the wheel as a lock, wedged an ammo can so it kept the Accelerator down grabbed Dudley and jettisoned them both out of the Humvee via the Gunners hatch. The Humvee jumped off some ramp shaped shrapnel and hit the Cube square, sinking deeply. Moments passed and nothing happened. “Well Miss Hooves, I guess it was an admirable try.” Derpy slunk down, “I really thought it would work...” “I believe we best start-” Dudley never got to finish his sentence as the Cube erupted into a massive Jello liquid wave, sweeping them both away. ********************  Derpy stepped out of the shower room with a towel wrapped around her head. “Well, that sure beat desk work back at the bureau.” She giggled. “Even my days as a Mountie in the Canadian wilds weren’t so rough!” “Its hard, but fun.” Derpy conceded. “So what did Joey say?” Dudley puffed out his chest in pride, “He said good work and have us the next two weeks off as well as a bonus. Though I doubt we’ll get the full two weeks.” “Yeah, but we’ll have a few days at least, and that should be enough.” Derpy sighed. “Yes, yes it should." Dudley agreed.