A Twilit Moon in Perspective

by Bork42

Chapter 3: A Letter

Dear Princess Celestia,

Unfortunately this is not a Friendship Report proper, as I have yet to learn a full lesson on friendship since my last missive. I do have some thoughts on the matter, so I hope you don’t mind my discussing them with you.

Yesterday, your sister Luna came to visit me and ask my advice about something. I believe I was able to help, and I’m happy to report that I think she has an excellent chance of success now!

The point, however, was that during our discussion, I pulled out a chalkboard so that we could write up a list (stop snickering Princess, lists are very helpful!) and that made me think about Pinkie Pie. Pinkie has the incredible ability to pull seemingly any object required for her wacky antics out of thin air, with no discernable preparation. If she requires a ball, or a triangle, or an armoire for her visual gag, she simply has one.

In contrast, in order to ensure that I have chalkboards available for my explanations, I had to actually go out and buy several boards, and chalk, and erasers, and hide them strategically throughout Ponyville. Not only that, but I also have to check them every week or so to make sure that they have not been moved or damaged, and to replace used chalk. Obviously it’s worth the effort, or I wouldn’t do it, but still.

So, I found myself briefly feeling jealous of Pinkie Pie. I thought back to my investigations of her premonitory senses, however, and realized that being jealous of Pinkie was like being jealous of the ocean; she is a grand force, vast and implacable, and I could no more be like her than I could lift a mountain, or breathe on the sun. I must simply accept that she is, and find joy in her friendship.

And then I thought: Wait. What if that wasn’t just an amusing metaphor? What if she really is a vast cosmic force? A shard of primordial chaos from beyond the Celestial Spheres, ensconced in neon pink flesh? She is, after all, possessed of amazing and ridiculous powers, and it is only her true and unending love for ponykind that prevents her antics from becoming dangerous (like another being of chaos I will not name here).

So, that’s where I’ve become stuck. It’s not much of a hypothesis, since I have no feasible way to test it. I did think of one method that might work, but since I have no way of reassembling Pinkie Pie afterwards, I had to reject it.

Also, don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten rule 18: Never perform a science experiment on anypony without their express permission. That was an extremely embarrassing three days and I have no wish to repeat the experience.

I’ve just gone back to proofread my letter and find I must apologize for being somewhat ‘rambly’. I’ve been in a really good mood since yesterday and that always seems to affect my writing that way. Regardless, I’m looking forward to hearing your thoughts, Princess. Until then, I remain as always,

Your Faithful Student,
Twilight Sparkle