//------------------------------// // Chapter 9 // Story: Forgotten Son // by loststone //------------------------------// This chapter is about what happended in the past when Bronze was younger. I hope you all enjoy reading it cause i enjoyed writing it. Also sorry if it confuses you in the begining all of it will be explained in the end of the chapter. Please give me good rates and as always I am welcoming tips on how to inprove my writing stile. “AAAAAHHHHH!” “That’s good Princess now push.” “EEEEEEEERRRRRRRRAAAAAAHHHHHH!” “Very good I can see the head, now one more push should just about do it.” “AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” Princess Luna fell back on the pillows exhausted, breathing heavily. A smile spread across her face as a loud crying filled the room. “Congratulations Princess Luna you are the mother of a healthy baby colt.” She opened her eyes to look at the crying foal, the doctor had wrapped it in a white blanket and handed it to the new mother. Luna cradled the crying foal in her fore hooves, whispering to it as it continued to complain about being brought into the world. Its coat was a dark purple that could easily be mistaken for black and had a flowing bronze mane that grew lighter as it reached its end. Protruding from its forehead was a small horn about two inches long. The foal continued to cry for the next few minutes before falling asleep in Luna’s arms. She smiled as it cooed in its sleep. She held it close and whispered in its ear. “Hmm…we think we will name thou Dawn Bringer after thy father Dusk Bringer.” The foal smiled in its sleep and started gurgling. Nine months before Luna had gotten into an affair with her sister’s commanding officer Dusk Bringer a pegasus. Luna and the stallion had been secretly seeing each other over the course of a year before she had found out she was pregnant. News quickly spread throughout Equestria that one of the princesses was going to have a baby foal. When Celestia had found out that her sister was with foal she grew angry with Luna and Dusk. To punish the two, she sent Dusk on a dangerous mission to the front lines of a war that was being waged against the gryphons. Long story short Dusk died in battle and when Luna found out that her love had died, the only thing that had kept her going was the life that was growing in her. Four years later. “Mother! Mother! Look Mother!” Dawn Bringer burst into the grand library where Luna was talking with Celestia. “We got it mother!” He squeaked out with pure joy. It was a large room with all the walls covered in books. There were three mosaic windows on the far wall depicting how the two princesses defeated Discord. In the center of the room stood an eight foot tall cobalt colored globe that seemed to turn slowly on its own accord. It was levitated a few inches above a massive pedestal that was colored to match the globe. “What is it my little Dawn, what hath thou acquired?” Luna asked with curiosity as she looked down at her son with a smile on her face. He hopped in place for a few second before turning around and showing her his flank. On it was a cutie mark that looked like a crescent moon with a sun in the center of it. “See mother! See, we hath acquired our cutie mark.” He said as he resumed jumping up and down. His wings fluttering up and down, giving him some extra height as he jumped into the air. “That is very good dawn! We are so proud of you!” Luna praised her child as he jumped up and down in front of her and Celestia. “Well this is truly a joyous time, but tell us what was it that thou did to gain thy cutie mark.” Celestia said as she watched her nephew it a look of concern. Dawn stopped bouncing and looked at his aunt and then to his mother who gave him a nod. He then turned around and faced the giant floating globe. His face scrunched up as he concentrated his magic toward the big sphere. Suddenly with a great flash of light two small orbs appeared and floated in the opposite direction that the globe was turning. One of the orbs was a small sun that shined with a bright light that cast shadows throughout the library as it moved. The other was a moon that glowed with a pale blue light. They orbited around the cobalt globe mimicking their larger counter parts. The sisters stood with their mouths agape as they watched the young colt perform magic far beyond his age as if it was nothing. “That’s amazing Dawn! Thou art truly a prodigy in the arcane arts, we have no doubt in our mind that soon thou will be able to raise the sun and the moon by thyself.” Luna said commending her son. “Really mother!” Dawn turned around and looked at his mother. Just then he lost control of the magic and there came a BOOM! as his sun exploded sending the miniature moon into a nearby book shelf at speeds faster than the eye could follow. The explosion caused the cobalt globe to fall from where it was hovering, bounce off the pedestal underneath it, and crash through the wall that held the three mosaic windows. Dawn watched in horror as the globe broke through the wall and made a loud crash as it hit the ground below, hearing a few screams from ponies below. The library was three stories up in the palace and right below it was the Royal Gardens. He turned around slowly with a smile on his face and fear in his eyes.”Oops.” He said as he met Luna’s eyes. She just giggled at him and told him to come over to her. “We think that thou should not do that again unless Celestia or I are present to make sure thou doesn’t blow things up.”She giggled again as Dawn blushed a little and looked away. Celestia sighed as she walked up to the two. “Sister thou should not encourage him to do such things. We think that he should not use such dangerous spells till he is much older.” “Oh come now Celestia how can thou be like that when he obviously has a talent for it. Hay he might even be able to take over our positions one day.” Luna said enjoying the thought of her son ruling Canterlot and raising the sun and moon. “Do as thou whishes just make sure that he cleans up this mess that he hath created.” Celestia said as she turned to leave the library. She was very concerned about Luna’s last words. “Mother did we do something wrong?” Dawn asked after seeing how his aunt left with a weird expression on her face. “No dear thou did nothing wrong, thou just have to be able to keep better control of thy magic. But thy aunt does have a point, thou did create quite a mess.” Her eyes wandered over the piles of rubble and books lying all over the floor where the globe had smashed through the wall. “Now we will help thou clean up this mess if thy promises ask for permission next time thou wants to try that spell.” “Ok mother we promise.” --------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was nearly time for Bronze go to bed as he hopped through the halls of the Canterlot palace. He giggled to himself as he observed the funny looking old ponies that were in the pictures hanging on the walls. His mother always said to respect those who were older than he was but he couldn’t help but to laugh at some of the older ponies. After words Celestia would always punish him severally for committing such an insulting act, but that didn’t stop him. He skipped up and down as he headed towards his bedroom humming a tune as he moved down the halls. He stopped in front of Celestia’s bed chambers when he heard her talking loudly to herself. He peered through the crack of the door and watched as Celestia paced back and forth. “It doesn’t help how Luna is constantly praising him after each mess he creates. Why can’t she just listen for once in her life? It was bad enough when she had him, the shame that she had brought to the family, making it seem like she was a whores that would sleep with anypony. Her mistake continues to bring shame upon me, the little brat insults the royal court officials and then today he blows up our library and puts a gaping hole in one of the walls. “Luna is too soft on the brat, she never punishes him when he does these wrenched acts. If he was in our foal we would wring his neck if he did such shameful acts. He has inherited his mothers bucking personality to not do as he is told. “At least we won’t have to put up with this nonsense for much longer, if the plan goes off without a hitch we shall have the throne all to ourselves, and we will finally be rid of these damned nuisances. If Luna thinks I will give up my crown to that little bastard then she has another thing coming. If everything turns out according to plan she will be banished to the moon and her son exiled to the furthest reaches of Equestria.” Dawn backed away from the door shaking his head as he heard her let out a loud evil laugh. Never had he heard such words come from his aunt and her voice was filled with so much hate and madness. ”I don’t understand, I thought Aunt Celestia loved Luna and I. Why would she want us gone?”Dawn thought to himself. As he backed up in shaking his head in denial of what he had heard he bumped into a stand with a large vase on it. He tried to catch it as it fell, but he was to late and it came down with a loud CRASH sending glass shards flying in every direction. Dawn fell on his back in surprise as the doors to Celestia’s room shot open, causing him land on some of the vase shards sending pain though him as they pierced his back and wings. Dawn didn’t notice the pain though, he was too afraid as he looked into the angry eyes of Celestia that seemed to be throwing red hot daggers into him. She looked down on the scared little colt, her eyes burned with anger towards him. She had had enough of him and something in her just snapped. But suddenly her features changed as she got a nasty idea in her head. A grin ran across her face making Dawn cringe in fright. “Why hello nephew, we didn’t know that thou were there, hehehe. Would thou like to spend some quality time with thy dear...Aunt...Celestia.”She said slowly turning her head to the side making the insanity in her eyes all the more evident. Her smile grew even wider as she took a step towards him. “Come closer so we can play a game with thou. We promise that thou will like it.” Dawn was way past the point of scared and just ran. He didn’t make it far because he stepped on a large piece of the vase he had shattered. He screamed in pain as it shot up in his hoof causing blood to smear across the stone floor. He staggered away as fast as he could, leaving a trail of blood behind him. “Where art thou going nephew.” Celestia’s horn started to glow with magic forming a magic bubble around the fleeing colt.”Thou know that thou cannot escape.” ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Dawn awoke with a blistering head ache trying to make heads or tails of what happened to him. His mouth was dry and his back and fore hoof screamed in pain as he got up to observe his surroundings. He was in a small cell with no cot or windows. Light poured in from a small opening near the top of a great wood door, it had three iron bars across it to make sure no pony could climb through and escape. There came hoof steps outside the cell and stopped before the door. Dawn crawled into and corner and curled up into a ball. The great wood door opened and Celestia stepped through casting a shadow over the whimpering foal. “Good your awake, now it’s time to start that game we were talking about earlier.”She giggled as she levitated him out of the room. She spread out his legs as she pushed him down on a small table on the far end of the room. Dawn watched as Celestia tied down his hoofs and wings with leather straps. He struggled trying to break free from the restraints binding his arms and legs, but soon stopped as a wave of pain came from his back where he had been cut by the glass pieces of the vase. He tried to use his magic to cut the leather that was around his hooves, but when he tried to release the spell nothing happened. Celestia saw this and giggled to herself. “Dost thou like it?” She said tapping a metal ring around his horn. “We made it our self, it’s called a suppression ring and its purpose is to make sure pesky little ponies can’t use magic.” She then moved towards a door in the corner of the room. “Now where did I leave them?” she said as she entered it. Dawn looked around realizing where he was. He recognized it as the dungeon below the eastern watch tower of the Canterlot palace. He had found his way down here a year ago while exploring the castle grounds. When he asked his mother about it later that day she said it was a place he should never return to because a bad pony named Discord used to do evil experiments in it. “Ahhh here they are!” Celestia exclaimed as she left the room levitating a rolled up leather blanket behind her. She set it on a table sitting opposite of Dawn and unrolled it. She smiled with glee, looking down at an assortment of knifes and hack saws being held down with strips of leather before her.”We are amazed they are in such a good condition after all this time. The last time we had used them was when Discord still had control over us.” “Now it’s time to start the first round of our game Dawn, aren’t you excited?” She said only getting an anger filled glance for a reply. She picked a medium sized saw from the end of the blanket and slid it out of the leather strip holding it down. “Why are thou doing this Aunt Celestia?” He cried. “Why! Why!" Celestia said getting inches away from his face. "We are doing this because we refuse to give up what we had worked so hard to acquire.” She then moved back positioning the saw at the base of his horn. “Ok now here we go! Round one start.” She started moving the saw back and forth making it slowly move downward through Dawn’s horn. He screamed in pain as it fell to the floor making a loud clacking sound as it bounced a few times. Dawn could feel the hot blood run down his forehead, in between his eyes, around his nose, and off the end of his chin. He was crying profusely, the tears mixing in with the blood. Celestia levitated the horn off of the ground and showed it to him. She then placed it in a metal pan next to the assortment of knifes. “Wasn’t that fun nephew? Now let’s see what would be best to remove those pesky wings of yours?” Celestia said looking down at her assortment of knifes. ’Hmm we can’t use any of the smaller ones they wouldn’t be able to get through his bones and the saws would just be too messy. She thought to herself tapping her hoof against her chin. Bronze could only watch in fear as her eyes slowly wandered over the knifes. ”It’s a shame really, they are one of our favorite colors.” Celestia said before her eyes fell on one of her old favorite tools. It was a big butcher’s cleaver that was eight inches tall and four inches wide. “Ahhh. We think this should do the job nicely.”She said as she picked up the cleaver and walked over to dawn his eyes widening as he saw what she was carrying. She positioned herself behind his head and lowered her mouth down to his ear.”Now we promise this is going to hurt a lot more than that first round we just finished Dawn Bringer.” She then moved back raising the cleaver above her head giggling before bringing it down upon the purple wing. The cleaver slid through the skin and underdeveloped bones with ease only to be stopped by the wood table underneath. The room filled with Dawns screams of pain as the wing was severed from his body. Celestia then moved to his other side repeating the same movement and taking off his other wing calling forth even louder screams from the colt. She then removed the blood covered cleaver and set it back down in the collection of knives. She then picked up the last tool that she would use in this cruel game of hers, a small scalpel knife. She moved over to him and put her mouth back next to his ear. Dawn was starting to black out from blood loss, but before the darkness overtook him he heard Celestia whisper in his ear. “Don’t worry nephew we won’t kill you, we are just going to make sure you cannot tell any pony of what you saw us do today, and we are not talking about this last hour we have been spending together.” The last thing Dawn felt before blacking out was the feel of cold metal being thrust into his throat. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Luna finished raising the moon before heading off to her son’s room to tuck him into bed and tell him good night. She giggled to herself as she looked at the pictures covering the walls remembering how Dawn laughed at the old ponies. He reminded her of how she used to be when she was younger. Luna felt a crunch under her hoof as she rounded the corner leading past her sister’s room. She looked down at the mixture of blood and glass that covered the floor. She stepped forward carefully making sure not to step in any of the blood or vase shards as she investigated what had caused the mess. Following the trail of blood that led out of the mess she started to hear a clattering sound coming from a nearby door that lead to a room filled with the blankets and necessities needed to take care of Celestia’s room. She opened the door and looked down on a servant pony that was holding a broom closely and shaking uncontrollably. The top of the broom was tapping against one of the nearby shelves that held some cleaning utensils. The servant pony had a look of fear in her eyes as she stared in to empty space. She didn’t even notice the door opening when Luna walked in. “Servant pony what is it that has happened here?”Luna asked taken aback when the little mare didn’t respond. She then spoke up using her proper Canterlot voice. “WE SAID WHAT HAPPENED HERE!” The servant pony snapped back into reality before letting a torrent of tears run down her face. “I-i-it was t-t-terrible. I-I-I was putting away some supplies w-w-when a crash came from outside. I-I-I dared to look out at w-w-what had cause the sound. I-I-I saw m-m-master Dawn Bringer lying on his back and he was bleeding. P-p-princess Celestia was standing over him with a h-h-horrid smile on her face. She then used her magic and p-p-put some sort of a bubble around him as he was t-t-trying to escape, then they both just d-d-disappeared.” Luna felt fear rush though her body as she listened to the servant’s story. She always knew Celestia didn’t like Dawn but she never would have guessed that her sister would go this far. The Fear quickly turned into pure unbridled rage that only a mother could feel while trying to protect her child. Luna left the poor servant pony in the closet and started to search for her little Dawn Bringer. She ripped entire rooms apart literally with her magic in her search for her son. With each room that didn’t have him in it her rage grew. After the entire palace had been torn apart, Luna broadened her search by teleporting herself on top of the mountain that was behind Canterlot and connected herself with the moon. She moved the moon to its highest point in the sky and held it there. She peered down from the moon using it like a giant telescope to search for her sister or her son. If they were not in any type of building or cave she would be able to see them. She searched all of Equestria ending with the Everfree forest. She then saw a flash of white move across the tops of the trees immediately recognizing it as her sister. Celestia was flying very fast and was carrying a dark mass on her back. Luna focused her magic on the object letting out a gasp as she saw what it was. Dawn was draped over her sisters back unconscious and he was missing his wings and horn. Luna’s anger flared up uncontrollably as she yelled infusing her voice with magic so that all of the world would hear her rage. ”DAMN THEE CELESTIA!” She then disappeared from the top of the mountain in a flash of light and made chaise after the evil mare that had stolen her one pride and joy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Celestia had just dropped off Dawn in a clearing in the forest when Luna appeared before her in a flash of light. Her mane and tail had turned into a burning blue fire and her eyes were glowing white with rage. ”WHERE IS OUR SON DAWN BRINGER YOU DAMNED BITCH!” Celestia was about to answer her sister by telling her ’I don’t know’ but Luna saw the lie in her eyes and didn’t give her sister a chance to speak, sending a white blast of rage infused magic towards Celestia. Celestia created an attack of her own that flew forward as a yellow disk of light cutting Luna’s attack in half. The now two balls of magic flew past either side of her, each creating a massive explosion as they hit the forest below. Celestia was prepared for this fight by the time Luna had gotten there. She was alerted of her sisters coming when she heard Luna's voice spread throughout the world. When the blast had receded Celestia used her magic and changed herself into the armor she would fight in during the days of Discord’s rein. “Dear sister what makes you think that you can beat me.” Celestia said with malice in her voice and a maddening smile on her face. -------------------------------------------------------------- Dawn Bringer was awoken by the sounds of explosions and the great flashes of lights that followed the booms. He lifted his head to the sky and saw flashes of light as the two alicorns exchanged magical blows. Suddenly a massive BOOM came from above followed by a massive shock wave that pinned him to the ground. He recognized both of them as his aunt and mother but there seemed something wrong with them. Celestia was dressed in some sort of a strange armor and his mother looked like she was practically on fire. Dawn tried to call out to his mother but when he opened his mouth nothing came out. Another BOOM came from above pushing the colt against the ground again as another wave hit him. All he could do was sit there and watch as the two gods dealt blows to each other. He could feel the heat from some of the explosions that lit up the night sky. Suddenly after one of the groundbreaking explosions that filled the sky with light, Dawn could see Luna falling. He could hear Celestia let out a laugh of triumph as he ran over to where she had hit the ground. When he was thirty feet away he stopped and watched as Celestia had landed next to her sister. Dawn could feel a great amount of magic swelling up from where she stood as her horn began to glow. “Bwahahaha…good bye sister I hope you have a fun time on the moon!” Celestia yelled as she released the spell. Time stopped right there and then for Dawn as he heard his aunt’s words. He suddenly tapped into his own magic without even thinking about it and poured all his feelings into the spell he was about to cast, not caring what it was as long as it saved his mother from her imprisonment. But it became too much for him to handle and he lost control over the massive torrent of chaotic magic after he released the spell. Whether it was because his horn had been broken off, or the fact he didn’t have the experience in controlling magic, wouldn’t matter at this point. The spell had been cast and there was no stopping it as it did its job. The first thing it did was switch some of Luna’s and Celestia’s memories and personalities. Luna became Nightmare Moon and was whisked away to the moon, while Celestia gained Luna’s love as a mother, which she directed towards all living creatures that walked Equestria. They also gained their views of each other. When Luna would awake on the moon she would have a loathing hatred towards her sister that came from jealousy. When Celestia awoke in the forest the moon was still in the sky even though it was way past the time to raise the sun. She would remember the fight they had and that she had banished her sister to the moon because Luna wouldn't let her raise the sun. The second and most important thing it did was completely erased Dawn Bringer from the all minds in Equestria as if he had never existed. It also turned on the young colt and erased everything he knew including how to speak. When he would awake he would find himself lost and scared in the middle of the Everfree forest with no recollection of what had transpired the night before. The third thing it had done was bind their minds in such a way that it would not allow them to remember any of the memories. If by any chance the spell would be removed or broken, all the memories would, of course, come crashing back into their minds. I know its a bit confusing at the begining how Celestia turns out to be the psychopath and Luna is Bronze's mother and I hope you liked that little twist. I really did try to explain it as best as I could...Anyway I hope you all liked it and for those of you that did plz give me good ratings. Thank you for reading and thank you for sticking with me.[color]