Nightmare Rising

by The Brony in Denial

1 The Dream

Luna awoke on a dirt road, she turned her head left and right, nothing but woods. Luna had no idea to how she got to where she was or why she was there, she tried to get up but pain shot through all her body, forcing her back onto the ground. All that she could do was stare into the empty darkness of the night. A cool breeze rustled the trees that surrounded her making a melancholic melody.

She stared into the sky for what seemed like forever, the pain in her body still present, and all attempts to stand thwarted by what seemed like an invisible force. Just then, the sky lit up with an eerie orange glow, then following it was screams. In an instant adrenaline shot through Luna’s body, she found strength to get up and looked for the source of the screams, a small blaze illuminated the end of the road. Luna ran down the road as fast as her legs allowed to get to the source.

As she got closer and closer she realized where she was heading, it was Ponyville. She came to a stop, fear ran through her body, Ponyville was burning, ponies were running in panic. Luna slowly walked through the town, the sight of destruction overwhelming her.

She tried to use her magic to douse the flames that were devouring the city, but her magic refused to work no matter how hard she tried. She was dazed and confused, what was going on, why was her magic refusing to work, who would've done such a thing to Ponyville? She heard screams as groups of ponies ran towards her, she tried to jump out of the way to avoid crashing into them, but they ran around her, few glancing at her as they passed.

"Anypony, tell me what monster did this!" She called out, one of the ponies stopped and turned, his eyes made contact with Luna's as he stared at her his pupils dilated. "IT'S HER, IT'S HER!" He cried out as he ran away to catch up with the other fleeing ponies. Luna held out her hoof and called out to him, "Wait, don't run, what are you talking about!?" but he didn't reply, he simply pressed on.

She walked the direction that that ponies had fled from, "Whatever is down there is without a doubt the source." She told herself, as she made her way down she heard crying, she cut through an alley to follow the source, she found a family helplessly watching their house burning down. "Are you all ok?" She extended her hoof to touch the Colt's shoulder, but instead her hoof went right through him.

"Wha-what is going on?" Luna asked herself, she looked at her hoofs to see that they were completely transparent, just then laughter filled the air, the family looked around in fear and ran at Luna, going right through her, completely oblivious to Luna's presence. "Well look who it is, after so many years apart!" More laughter followed.

“Wh-Who’s there?” Luna stuttered. “My, my, to think you would forget your own flesh and blood darling.” The moment these words entered Luna’s ears she collapsed on the ground as if forced. Laughter filled the air as descending from the heavens a shadow appeared in the sky, as it got closer and closer Luna was able to make out who it was. It was Nightmare Moon.

She gently landed on the ground in front of Luna, a smug smile crawled across her face. The mare stood tall in front of Luna. "Hello dear, did you miss me?" Panic crossed Luna’s body, she barely was able to talk “I-I thought The Elements of Harmony had destroyed you.”

“But dear, in order to get rid of me, they would have to get rid of you.” She gently placed her hoof under Luna’s chin. “After all, I am your jealousy, I am your hate...” She gently whispered, “I am you.” Luna slapped her hoof from her, she got up and prepared a spell, her magic had appeared to come back to her. Her horn glowing a weak white

“I-I’m not afraid of you...” Luna sputtered. Nightmare smiled, “If that was true...” She vanished. Luna looked everywhere, aiming her horn in every direction, waiting for the enemy to reappear. Nightmare's voice appeared from nowhere, “Then you wouldn't be shaking like a dog.” Luna looked to her right to find Nightmare right by her side. Smiling. Luna nearly jumped out of her skin, she fired a direct shot at Nightmare Moon, but she easily deflected it.

Luna fired a barrage of shots, but Nightmare dodged every one of them on the spot with ease, one of the shots did hit her, but it left no marks. Luna started to break sweat, what was going on? Her magic was one of the most powerful in the land, but she seemed seemingly useless. “Confused my darling?” Nightmare asked, she walked up to Luna, her horn glowing a vibrant blue, she fired a direct hit at Luna sending her flying straight into a building.

Luna coughed, blinded by the dust and smoke of the building, she struggled to get up when another shot hit Luna right in the stomach, the force caused her to cough blood. Nightmare Stood directly above Luna, a smile spread wide across her face. "Why are you doing all of this?” Luna begged, tears beginning to stream down her face, small trails of blood inching down her face. All From her pain and the destruction of Ponyville.

“Why?” Nightmare appeared directly above Luna. “To show you the possibilities if we become one once again Luna, we were made for each other.” She smirked, “Join me, and we together will easily defeat Celestia, I can once again put Equestria into eternal darkness, and all of this will be mine.”

She inched closer to Luna, to the point where their snouts made contact. She began to whisper “All of this will be ours...” Suddenly Nightmare Moon screamed at inhuman volumes. Luna darted straight up from bed, sweat poured down her face, and she was inhaling deeply.

She lit a small lantern by her bedside and using her magic, picked up a scroll and quill. She began to write, reading out loud what she wrote, “Dear Twilight Sparkle...” She began.