//------------------------------// // Epilogue, or the Continuation of the Dream // Story: Anomalous // by benxlabs //------------------------------// Epilogue, or the Continuation of the Dream "Wake up, sleepy head!" Golden rays flooded in through the windows as curtains were pulled back. A mildly annoyed grunt came from the figure huddled on the bed. "Just five more minutes..." The figure called out in a sleepy voice. The pony pulling back the curtains made a little humph. With the warm sun illuminating the room, the pony was revealed to be Rainbow Dash. "Huh. Well you should feel lucky that you have a nice enough friend to wake you up on important mornings." She was looking a bit upset, possibly because she was expecting a thank you. "I don't really know if I should feel lucky or not..." The figure on the bed was now mummified by the blankets, as to escape the blinding luminescence now filling the room. Rainbow Dash made a small growl of annoyance. Having had enough ridiculous excuses, she marched over to the bed and ripped the blankets away, pony and all. "You'd better get up now, or you'll miss Twi's speech for the Equestrian Science Convention. I'm not really into that kind of fancy schmancy stuff, but I'm going to support Twi. And you should come too. So get your lazy butt off your bed and hurry up!" She stomped her hoof impatiently. "Fine, fine. But remind me to ask Twilight to put a 'Keep Rainbow Dash Out' spell on my house later, okay?" Finally rolling out of bed, the Pegasus smoothed his rumbled black hair and rubbed his brown eyes. Rainbow Dash quickly replied "Sure, sure, come on, we're gonna be late!" It was only after a few seconds of thinking about what she just agreed to before she realized it. "Hey! What is that supposed to mean? I'm just trying to be a good friend, you know?" She pouted as they walked out of the house. He now had his own house, on the outskirts of Ponyville. It was somewhat close to Fluttershy's house, but not that close. But it wasn't really his house, persay, as it seemed his new friends were able to enter and leave without any sort of thought toward his own personal privacy. These random visits were expected, but it was still irksome nonetheless to have your door kicked open without any warning whatsoever. It wasn't going to do any good to complain now, though. He was lucky to have a house, and he was lucky to have such good friends. With that thought in mind, he set out with Rainbow Dash toward the town square, where Twilight Sparkle was delivering a speech about quantum magic and its applications toward chaos theory. Ah, the bed calls me to its warm embraces. Instead I am going to listen to a foreign language for a couple of hours. Yay. After a couple minutes of walking through the streets of Ponyville, they arrived at the town square. Twilight Sparkle was already at the podium, introducing the basics of magical teleportation and such. There was a swarm of white lab-coat wearing ponies at the base of the podium, each of them arguing about the credibility of the statements being spoken. He waved toward the podium, trying to get Twilight's attention. There was a short interlude until Twilight noticed his furiously waving hand. Seeing him and Rainbow Dash, she smiled and gave a small wave back. For some reason, that wave caused a large section of the ponies around him to start clamoring and waving back. Rainbow Dash elbowed him. "Don't mind 'em. They're just jealous." He laughed. The laughing spawned quite a few shushes from the audience, but he didn't mind. After the lecture, it was time for his daily flight lessons. They headed toward Cloudsdale, where his terrible flying wouldn't result in him being hospitalized. Over the weeks, he had learned how to maneuver a bit more artistically, and he had increased his lap times by quite a few minutes. He noticed Rainbow Dash becoming a bit more reserved when around him, although he wasn't completely sure why. He visited Apple Jack's farm for a quick refreshment after that, but he realized when you visit Applejack, there's no such thing as a quick refreshment. He ended up helping to collect barrels and barrels of apples, all the while being coached by Applejack on how to get the most apples in one kick. Afterwards he was sat down to a full family style meal, surrounded by dozens of Apple family members. He sighed. Life was hectic around the Apple Farm. The day passed uneventfully after that, if you can call a day in Ponyville uneventful. After watching a beautiful sunset, he lay in his bed, looking out the window at the moon. Observing the moon, he thought about how lonely it must be. The moon doesn't shine by itself, and relies on the sun to give it light, but the moon's rays have their own kind of beauty. And those rays lit up the town every night, just as the sun's rays would. Reminiscence filled his mind and he fell into deep thought. Shadows hid his face as he pondered. So this is my new life. I've got a house, friends, and I'm living in the most peaceful town I've every seen. It's almost like a dream come true. Ha. A dream, huh? Well, what do I know? This might as well be a dream. I might as well wake up and find myself in the hospital in my world. Or maybe a psycho clinic. Maybe this is all a lie. It would certainly be a cruel lie, but it would be a lie nonetheless. Am I living in a dream? Is this a dream? The moon shone brightly, lighting up the dark night with its quiet brilliance. He gazed at the moon, with its gentle splendor. The sun is harsh. It allows none to look at it, but because no one can gaze at the sun's true form, none can appreciate its true beauty. There's still a lot of things that I don't know. I wonder if there is a god. I wonder how I got into this world. I wonder if I'm crazy. Well, I don't really believe in a god, but I think I will, just this once. I think that just this once, I'll make a prayer. Just this once, I'll make a wish. Even if this is a dream, I'll make a wish. Even if this is all fake, I'm still going to make a prayer. And so his prayer breaks the silence of the night. "God in Heaven, all I pray for is the continuation of this dream."