Changelings Together

by Oviraptor_Pony

Classrooms and Courtrooms

Changelings Together

By Oviraptor_Pony

Chapter 4

Classrooms and Courtrooms

At the Crusaders club house Mayfly was prepared to give her lesson on changelings to the crusaders. “So Mayfly how did you become friends with a changeling?” Asked the young pegasus. This was the question Mayfly was dreading she had to make up a convincing story. She decided to go with a half truth.

“Well you know that I'm a caretaker right.” The fillies nodded. “Well you see  when i was your age my caretaker brought us to a farm to see if we would be good harvesters. It seems that one of the farm hands was sick at home and a changeling decided to replace him to collect some love. I found him a bit suspicious so i followed him, lets just say i caught him changing forms.” The story she had told them was a reworked version of how she met Termite. She had found him bringing love he collected to the nursery. Normally only storage cast transported love around the hive but Termite loved visiting the new hatchlings. “he confessed to me what he was and made me promise not to tell anypony that he was a changeling. I would start to visit him when I noticed somepony was acting strangely . It usually meant it was him we quickly became good friends he is also the reason i found my cutie mark.” Mayfly was reminiscing in the memories even if she had to tweak them for her audience. She told them about how the hive mind worked and about how changelings found there casts was like finding a cutie mark. She was about to enter into what the different casts where when she was interrupted by Scootaloo. “Well I hope he wasn't at the invasion?” Applebloom was quick to respond “Of Course he wouldn't a changeling that nice musta refused to go.” “Yeah I bet he isn't even part of Chrysalis hive.” Added the unicorn.

“Well you would be wrong on both parts.” Needless to say but the fillies were a bit shocked by this. “Don't worry he didn't become evil or anything. He told me once a long time ago when I was small. That a changeling must always do what is best for the Hive and that means that the only opinions that matter are those of the queen and of the Hive Mind.” Mayfly frowned a bit at this. It was one of the facts about being a changeling she didn't like. She had gotten in trouble before for attempting to meddle in the business of the other casts it wasn't that her ideas were bad most were pretty good it was that it would distract her from her actual job sometimes.

“That doesn't seem very fair.” Stated the pegasus.

“I don’t think that rule is supposed to be fair.” Added Mayfly. “Well breaks over lets get to the scout test.”

Suddenly Aphid burst into the clubhouse. “Mayfly thank the queen I found you, the others seem to have gotten into trouble in town and...”Aphid finally noticed the three fillies in the room. “Um... Mayfly who are they?”

“Oh Aphid let me introduce you to the Cutie Mark Crusaders. This is Applebloom,Sweetie belle and Scootaloo.” She gestured to each one as she named them. “I was just telling them about changeling culture.”This caused Aphid’s eye to twitch.

Did you tell them anything about us.

No no I just told them that changelings are not evil and why.

Well i guess that's fine.

“OK I’m sorry girls but I need to borrow Mayfly for a bit.”

“Wait if your friends are in trouble we could help.”Said the young unicorn.

“I don’t think thats a good...”

“Pleeeeease!!!”The crusaders and Mayfly begged she had grown quite fond of the fillies.

“Mayfly you're supposed to be on my side of this...OH forget it they can come.”


With that they all left for the library.


Back at the library things had degraded to the point where all three changelings were inside of a cage. While the elements of Harmony where interrogating them.

“So why do you even have a cage this big?” Asked Maggot as he took a seat  in the cage.

“Where the ones asking the questions here changeling.”Yelled Rainbow Dash.

“Why are you in Ponyville?”Asked Twilight. “And Stop being disguised as me.”

Termite and Fire fly Both dropped their disguises, while Maggot simply continued to egg on his captors. “ I don’t know I kind of enjoy being twilight, I mean your voice is perfect for my routine. Hello everypony I'm Twilight and I live in a tree what's up with that.” He proceeded to laugh at his own joke, the only the only thing not rolling their eyes at the bad joke was Pinkie who apparently found it funny as well.

“Maggot please stop, it's embarrassing enough you got us captured.” Firefly said smacking the warrior on his head.

“Hey I’m injured.”Maggot whined as he changed back to his normal self. “And its not my fault we got captured you didn't get rid of them fast enough.”

“Oh no you don’t you're not pinning this on me. All I told you to do was to find the anti-changeling device but you decide to fight with me about who got to replace the pony.”

“Let’s just ignore those two for now i can answer all your questions.” Termite said with a sigh. How am I going to get you hatchlings out of this one.

Maggot and Firefly ignored what Maggot had said mainly due to the fact that  they where busy arguing. The mane 6 moved over and crowded around Termites side of the cage.

“To answer your question about why we are here I will tell you what I told Applejack. We crashed near town after the invasion’s failure. One of my friends Maggot the changeling that's bandaged up is injured. Since we didn't collect any love during the invasion, he won’t be able to magically heal himself. Actually all we can do at the moment is change forms and use basic levitation spells. But back to the topic at hand me and my friends are simply here to passively absorb enough love to heal maggot and reconnect to the Hive so we can find our way home.”

After his explanation the mares had a huddled to converse about what the old changeling had told them. Then Termite noticed that there was no more arguing coming from behind him. He turned to see his fellow captives simply staring at him. Firefly then started the Hive mind conversation with.

Termite why did you tell them the truth, you even told them  about how weak we are  right now.

Its something you learn when you’ve been in the field as long as I have. Honesty is best way out of theses situations.

How many times have you been in this situation old timer. Asked Maggot.

Let’s just says Chrysalis is not as good at invasions as she thinks she is.

There was silence while they waited for the ponies too finish their conversation. When Firefly said out loud. “Termite what's going to happen to us?”

“Well last time I was capture the Griffins made me blind in one eye.” The younger changelings became nervous at this fact. “But theses are ponies there normally much more merciful. So the worst that could happen to us is life imprisonment.”

“LIFE IMPRISONMENT!!!” yelled the other captives Firefly was panicked and Maggot was surprisingly happy.

“Hey Hey You there ponies I'm really really sorry for replacing you and shoving you in a closet I was just scared of your anti-changeling device so if you let us go we promise never to come back ever again.” Begged Firefly. The Mane six was caught off guard by the sudden out burst.

“Don't listen to her, too her she is just stressed. We will be taking the life sentence please and thank you.” Both Ponies and Changelings looked at Maggot with confusion. “What? Prison is great you get free rooms and free meals sure you're not allowed to leave and you mite be treated like garbage but the positives outweigh the negatives.” Explained Maggot. his explanation was quickly responded with a facehoof from his friends.

“Well that won't matter yet I already sent a letter to the princess and she will be here tomorrow for your trial.” Said Twilight.


Meanwhile Mayfly , Aphid and the crusaders were looking through one of the library's windows.

“So let me get this straight you two are changelings and where spying on Twilight and her friends so we can find a way to save your changeling friends.” Said a shocked Scootaloo

“Thats wright Scootaloo. Sorry I didn't tell you earlier. Mainly because I wasn't allowed and because I didn't want to scare you girls.” Said Mayfly as she patted Scootaloo on the head to console her.

“Could you two give us a moment?” Asked Applebloom. When both changelings nodded the crusaders huddled together.

“What do you girls think should we trust`um.” Asked the earth pony

“No way we can trust them, there changelings. Mayfly already lied to us once and now they want us to help them save more changelings that your sisters and their friends caught.” Said Scootaloo. Sweetie belle then added her rebuttal.

“ I don't know Mayfly has been really nice to us and if she and her friends where evil wouldn't we have been ponynnaped and replaced by now.” The other crusaders nodded at that fact and the unicorn continued. “ With what she has told us about her people so far it seems that only their queen is a big meanie so if we help Mayfly`s friends were not helping anyone evil.”

“But we don't even know if Mayfly`s story is even true and what's stopping them from replacing us after we save their friends.” The pegasus retorted. After some thought Applebloom came up with an idea.

“Why don't we make them do somethin that would prove to us that, we can trust em.”

“What like a Pinkie Promise?” Asked Scootaloo

“Thats it! Changelings must have something like a Pinkie Promise we could use to make sure they not going to double cross us if we help them.” Said an excited Sweetie belle.

The crusaders broke there huddle and approached the fake ponies. The crusaders voiced their concerns and their solution to the problem. Aphid was the first to respond by first checking to see if anypony was around then said in a sinister tone.

“Works for me. I didn't want your help anyways but don't worry about keeping our secret. I have the perfect spell to solve that problem. I will just erase your memory but don't be scared you won't remember the pain.” Aphid gave a wicked grin and his eyes turned green as he was about to cast his spell on the three terrified fillies. His concentration was broken, when Mayfly`s hoof impacted his back and was pinning him to the ground. “What in queen`s name are you doing Mayfly!!!” yelled the now helpless and in pain scout.

“How dare you try and harm these young fillies. They have done nothing to harm you or me and you want to hurt them simply because they know. Well know this Aphid I would rather die than let you hurt them.” Scolded Mayfly. Aphid could not comprehend what was going on his friend was going to kill him over some ponies she had just met this afternoon. Aphid decided quickly to calm himself down and see if he could discern what it wrong with Mayfly.

“Ok, Mayfly I promise not to hurt the crusaders but i need you to stop crushing me so we can resolve this issue and return to the task of saving our friends.” Mayfly released Aphid and she moved besides the crusaders.

“Good but since you promised not to hurt them then there is no problem to solve.”

“But there is Mayfly. Where Clutch Mates we have been together since we first hatched and I know you would never hurt me or pretty much anything, thats why I think there is somthing wrong.”

“Wait what's a Clutchmate?” Asked the pegasus crusader

“Oh,  right I never got to that part in the lesson. Well a Clutchmate is a changeling that were born in the same clutch of eggs. Aphid and I as well as two of our three friends that have been captured are all Clutch Mates. Actually it's kind of weird me and my friends where the smallest clutch in 45 generations. But thats besides the point, I guess the easiest way to describe a Clutch mate too a pony is like being brother and sister.”

“Wait a second. You were giving them lessons. Oh! No! Mayfly you bonded with them! I can't believe I didn't notice it when you first mentioned it.” Aphid started passing and rambling to himself about how this could possibly get any worse.

“Is he always like this?” Asked Applebloom.

“Well the only time I have seen him do this before is when Maggot beat him in chess he only stopped when Maggot confessed that he cheated. I should probably stop him thought.” Mayfly moved to comfort the panicked scout class. “Hey hey its ok there is no need to panic i'm still the old Mayfly I just had this surge of adrenalin when you threatened the crusaders.” At this point the caretaker had the scout wrapped in her front hooves as if she were cradling a larva.

“Mayfly I'm only 3 seconds younger than you this doesn't mean you can treat me like a hatchling. Also that adrenalin you felt is because you attached yourself to the crusaders.”

“What do you mean by she has attached herself to us?” A concerned Sweetie belle asked.

“Well normally a caretaker like Mayfly never leaves the hive because her job is to raise and protect the hatchlings, um baby changelings. Since she is separated from the hive mind and the fact that she is nowhere near the hive her natural changeling instincts needed something to protect and nurture. Heres where the problem is, her instinct consider you fillies as the closest thing to hatchlings. So she may have started out as just wanting to help you three but now she is in full blown caretaker mood.”

“I can control myself. Anyways we have more pressing matters at hoof, we need too save the others.”

“Well good thing I'm able to multitask, because during my breakdown I was able to come up with a plan and I think the crusaders can help. Girls would it be possible for you too to get four pairs of earplugs and a place to stay the night.”

“Yah we can do that.” Said Scootaloo.

The crusaders brought the two changelings too the clubhouse for the night. Aphid`s plan would take place tomorrow during the trial. Although the crusaders and Mayfly voiced some concerns. Aphid reassured them that his plan would work.


The town center had been converted into a makeshift courtroom. Princess Celestia, Shining Armour and Cadence were present to pass judgment on the captured changelings. Twilight placed the cage containing the three prisoners in front of where the royals were standing. Firefly was still in a panicked state while Maggot had yet to wake up and Termite was simply waiting to get this overwith. Meanwhile in the crowd Aphid was with the crusaders waiting for Mayfly to start the plan.

“Y`all are sure this is going to work?” Asked Applebloom

“Well there is a slim chance that it won't work but lets not think about it and put on your earplugs.”

The Princess Celestia started the trial with a recounting of the events at Canterlot and the events that led to the capture of the changelings. She was about to pass her sentencing when Firefly interrupted.

“WAIT! you can't just sentence us like that don`t we get a chance to defend ourselves? I mean you can't even prove that we were even at the invasion.”

“Actually they do have proof we told them when we got captured.” Explained Maggot.

“Maggot you might want to go to jail just so that you can be lazy for the rest of your life, but some of us have a job we actually enjoy doing and a life we don't want to waste looked up. Wright Termite.”


“You can't be serious. Your taking his side.”

“So far things have been much better than the time I was captured by the griffin kingdom.”

Celestia rolled her eyes at their ridiculous conversation. “If all the interruptions are over with. We can proceed with the sentencing.”

At this moment Mayfly jumped from the audience in between the ponies and the  cage of changelings.  “Stop in the name of... Um no I that won't work, wait I will try again.” She preceded to go back into the crowed and proceeded to jump back out. “Never fear your Friendly neighbourhood... No wait that doesn't work either since I don't actually live here one more try.” Again she returned to the crowed. Rainbow Dash approached the captive changelings to ask. “Is she always like that?”

“Well she doesn't normally leave the hive so this is her first time in this situation.” Explained Termite.

“Stop right there criminal scum! No I can't call the royals of Equestria criminal scum that is completely rude of me. Ok one more try.”

“Can somepony please stop her from interrupting.” Asked Celestia. This was supposed to be a quick proceeding.

“Ok you know what forget the intro my  name is Mayfly and I`m going” Mayfly froze in place. Incapable to move as soon as she noticed who she was staring at three of the rulers and the famous elements of Harmony.

Back in the crowd Aphid was watching the situation unfold. Him and the crusaders had removed their ear plugs  during Mayfly`s second attempt.

“Ah don't think this is how it was suppose t`ah happen.” noted Applebloom.

“Let me handle this.” Said Aphid in an annoyed tone as he started to fly towards his petrified friend, as he did so he called back to the Crusaders. “And put your ear plugs back in!”

The scout let his disguise down and landed in between the Royals and the terrified caretaker. He gave the royals a respectful bow before addressing them. “If you will excuse me, your Majesties but this will only take a few moments.” He then turned  to Mayfly. “ Ok, Mayfly , forget that all the ponies are here and just do what you would do at the hive and sing the winter song.” Mayfly seemed to snap out of her stupor.

“Oh , yeah sorry.” with that Aphid put his earplugs in and Mayfly started to sing. The song sounded like a mix of siren and a cricket and lasted for about 30 seconds. When Mayfly stopped she looked to see only confused faces on the ponies and all of her changeling friends were asleep including Aphid. I guess he didn't put his ear plugs in properly. She then noticed that she was surrounded by the very angry looking elements of Harmony. “Well would you look at that. It didn't work. Ha ha. I guess ponies don't hibernate during the winter. Ha ha. Um well If it wouldn't be too much trouble I will just gather my sleeping friends and be out of your carapace.”

“Fat chance changeling.” said Rainbow as the elements began to close in their circle.

“I was afraid you would say something like that.”
Oh the others are going to be so disappointed when they wake up.


The changeling were quickly removed from the scene. It seems that Celestia felt that holding this sentencing publicly was a mistake. The Crusaders noticing that Mayfly had been captured secretly followed the royals and elements of harmony to the library. The crowd of confused ponies quickly dispersed back to their homes except for four mares Lyra, Bonbon, Berry Punch and Colgate.

“We are lucky the winter song only affects changelings from your own hive or this would have punched a hole in my plan.” Said Colgate turning towards the other mares.

“An what exactly is your plan.” Asked Bonbon with a Scottish accent.

“Patients, we can't just talk about it out here and don't use your actual voice use the voice of the pony. We will discuss the details of my plan.”

“WHAT! Why is it we always go wit yer plan an why can't we talks about it the day but we can talk about it on the morn.”

“Accent.” All the mares said in a monotone voice.

“Sorry I just can't help it.”

“But *sigh* she does have a point.” Said Berry between sighs. “How *sigh* do we know your plan won't get us in trouble with the council like last time.”

“Well then if this is how you all feel Then we shall return to my pony`s house and discuss the plan earlier than I wished.” With that they all began walking towards Colgate`s house except for one. Lyra had been looking at a flower during the entire conversation, she hadn't even noticed that they leaft until she looked up to say “Have you girls ever seen such a pretty ... Hey where did everyone go. Oh wait in Equestria. WHERE DID EVERYPONY GO! Much better.” She then noticed that she was alone again and decided to go home.


Inside of Colgate`s house three out of the four impostors had gathered around the dining room table. “Colegate” positioned herself at the head of the table “Well then lets begin with role call.” the other ponies rolled their eyes but complied. “Queen Locust” “Present” said Bonbon. She then changed into her normal form, she looked like a copy of Chrysalis except for the fact that her mane was shorter it was also colored bright red like her tail, wings and carapace. “Queen Cicada” “Here” said “Berry Punch” as she changed into her normal form. Along with Locust, Cicada looked alot like Chrysalis except or her mane and coloration. Cicada`s mane was very long it covered most of her face, only her snout and eyes could be seen peeking through the membrane like hair. The coloration of her carapace, hair and wings where snow white. She also seemed to be half asleep.

“Queen Springtail....ahg where is Springtail?” As if on cue “Lyra” opened the front door yelling “I'M HOME!!!...Oh wait a second this isn't my house. Locust where is our house?”

“Springtail close that door and take a seat at the table where doing roll call!” Called “Colegate”

“Oh ok sure thing Queen Weevil” she happily replied while changing into her normal form. Queen Springtail`s coloration was a bright blinding yellow her mane also curdled upwards.

“So now that we're done with roll call I can inform you of the reason we are here in the first place.” Explained Queen Weevil as she dropped her Colegate disguise. Weevil was almost a carbon copy of chrysalis if it weren't for the fact that her colors were a lime green opposed to Chrysalis ghostly blue. “As you all know Queen Chrysalis is the current high queen due to her presentation of military prowess in her failed invasion of the gryphon Kingdom 100 years ago. For this centennials presentation she attempted to conquer Canterlot Equestria Capital.”

“Well she didn't succeed so what's the big deal.” Stated Queen Springtail.

“The big deal is that she came very close to winning since victory would have been in violation of the Treaty of Arthropoda, which states the a queen cannot officially conquer any territory belonging to other races. The reason her failure is a victory is the fact that equestria has so much love in it all the other queens are too afraid to attempt to cover up her invasion making sure that only chrysalis`s hive will be able to feed here. Thereby making her more likely to be re-elected as high queen this year.”

“Then why are we here? *Sigh* Where the border queens are hives have megger amounts of love compared to the other queens.*sigh*” Stated the sleepy Queen Cicada.

“Thats exactly my point. We will never have a chance at being high queen with where our Hives are located and I have come into possession of some information that if it proves to be true may be able to show that Chrysalis is violating the Treaty of Arthropoda.”

“An what would that be?” Asked Queen Locust.

“Ah my dear Locust, will be revealed in due time. But for the moment, if you have noticed Shining Armour has put up one of his shield over Ponyville due to there new prisoners. I would actually like to double check my information with those prisoners, for me to be able to complete that task I need abit of a distraction. Locust what would your devastator casts be able to break that magic shield.”

“Aye they should be able tae do the job. So ya want ma changelings to be yer distraction?”

“Well lets not call it a distraction why don't we call it a raid?”

“Ooo A raid I like the sound of that.” The two Queens then proceeded to laugh evilly. While Cicada fell asleep and Springtail began admiring the hard wood flooring of the house.