Scootaloo's Guardian

by Night--Mist

Field Trip Day

The Day had finally arrived for the classes departure to Canterlot. There were a few of the classmates that didn't show, including Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, who had seen the throne room countless times with their parents. This was a relief on the CMC, for they didn't have to put up with the two ponies constant bullying. They felt sorry for Twist, who was still sick with the flu, and for the classmates who's parents wouldn't allow their foals to travel so far from home. Once all tickets were given to Cheerilee she says to the class, "Alright everypony, Time to board the train. Lines of two please."

The class soon lined up in groups of two, with the CMC already at the front. Cheerilee soon hands the tickets to all ponies who were present and after they all to their seats they here the conductor say, "All Aboard."

Soon enough the train started moving and picked up speed as they exited the Ponyville Station. The fillies and Colts waved goodbye to their folks that had come to see them off, until their parents were out of sight. Scootaloo wave to Rainbow Dash who had flown by to show off to the foals before they were out of site, and Rainbow Dash waved back. As soon as she was there though, she was gone in a flash. All the foals were amazed at how fast she had sped off. Cheerilee then grabbed the classes attention and says, "Alright everypony, who here can tell me what windows we may recognize? Let me see a show of hooves."

Everypony raised their hooves and Cheerilee says, "Yes, Feather Weight."

"The day, er, night the bearers of the Elements of Harmony defeated Nightmare Moon and freed Princess Luna from her jealousy," Feather Weight Answered.

"Very Good, Scootaloo, how about you dear?" Cheerilee asks.

"Um, oh, the day Princess Cadence and Prince Shining Armor defeated the changelings," Scooatloo responds.

"Excellent, we'll have three more ponies answer, seeing how some of you lowered you hooves after those two answers. Hm, Moon Shimmer, you seem to have one," Cheerilee Says to her newest student.

"The day the the bearers of the Elements of Harmony defeated and re-imprisoned Discord," the sky blue earth pony filly with a red mane says.

"Great Job, and how about...... Apple Bloom," Cheerilee picks.

"When the Princesses imprisoned Discord the first time," Apple Bloom answers.

"Another good answer. Sweetie Belle, your the last one with your hoof raised, what's your answer?" Cheerilee asks.

"The day when the Princesses were crowned the rulers of Equestria," Sweetie Belle answers.

"Impressive Sweetie Belle, you did your homework. Not many ponies remember that window," Cheerilee replies.

"How soon will we be in Canterlot Miss Cheerilee?" Moon Shimmer asks.

"Judging by the trains speed we should be there in an forty-five minutes to an hour," Cheerilee Answers.

All of the sudden many of the classmates bellies gurgled. "Oh how silly of me, we've been moving for about fifteen minutes and I forgot to call in the pony with the snack trolley. (the class giggles) Everypony wait right here and I'll be back in a minute," Cheerilee informs them.

The students wait patiently in their seats, and as Cheerilee fetches the Trolley. "So what do think will happen now that Equestria was saved from the changelings?" Sweetie Belle asks.

"Don't know, but it was awesome last time we went to Canterlot and got to watch Princess Cadence defeat them," Scootaloo says.

"Yeah I wonder if we'll ever do somethin great like that," Apple Bloom says.

"We can always try...." Scootaloo stops in mid sentence as she notices Moon Shimmer sitting alone.

"Hey crusaders look over there," Scootaloo says as she casually points to Moon Shimmer.

"What about her?" Sweetie Belle asks.

"Well, she seems lonely," Scootaloo says.

"Well she is sitting all alone," Apple Bloom says.

"Yes, but one question is why? Another question is why is she so sad?" Scootaloo states.

"Ah never thought about that. Let's go talk ta her," Apple Bloom says.

"Yeah," Sweetie Belle responds.

The three fillies walk over as best they could as the train trows their walking of balance and finally they make it to the filly. "Hi girls," Moon Shimmer says shyly.

"Howdy Shimmer, mind if we sit with ya'll," Apple Bloom asks.

"Go ahead," Moon Shimmer replies.

As soon as they sat down around Moon Shimmer, Scootaloo notices her flank is blank like theirs. She then asks, "So where are you from Shimmer?"

"Moved in from Baltimare," Shimmer says, feeling less shy now.

"Wow, I came from Fillydelphia," Scootaloo says.

"I've Never been ta Baltimare. What's it like?" Apple Bloom asks.

"Well, its a lot like Manehattan. Always busy and noisy too," Moon Shimmer explains.

"What made you come to Ponyville?" Sweetie Belle asks.

"Well, my family and I couldn't stand all the hustle and bustle and assorted commotion in the city, so we picked some place well known, but quieter, and a lot less stuck up then some places in Equestria," Moon Shimmer tells them.

"Wow, that bad?" Apple Bloom asks.

"Mm hm," Moon Shimmer.

"Oh where are our manners, I'm Scootaloo, and this is Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom," Scootaloo says.

"Nice to meet you," Sweetie Belle says.

"A pleasure making your aquantence," Apple Bloom replies.

"Yeah, I know who you three are, I'm just surprised you, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, know me," Moon Shimmer says.

"Well we pretty much know everypony in class. Hey, do you want to join the Cutie Mark Crusaders Shimmer. I mean, it's fine if you don't want to," Scootaloo says.

"You want me to be in your club?" Moon Shimmer asks with shock.

"Well yeah, we're always looking for ponies who need help to find their cutie marks, and we even have some members who already have cutie marks and some crusaders who operate outside Ponyville," Scootaloo responds.

"Yeah like our cousin Babs Seed," Apple Bloom says.

"Wait, you mean you two are cousins?" Moon Shimmer asks as she looks Scootaloo and Apple Bloom.

"We know, shocking. We only found out Friday ourselves," Apple Bloom says.

"You mean the day after Cheerilee became your mom?" Moon Shimmer asks.

"Yep, the Ponyville Orphanage found out my original mother was an Apple Family member, so now Cheerilee's part of the Apple Family too," Scootaloo says.

"Wow, that's so cool," Moon Shimmer says.

"Yeah, hey you know when we get to Canterlot, you can hang out with us," Sweetie Belle says.

"Sure, oh, and yes, I want to be a crusader," Moon Shimmer replies.

"Well then, welcome to the 'Cutie Mark Crusaders'. We'll give you the full initiation when we get back to Ponyville," Sccotaloo says.

"Fine by me," Moon Shimmer says.

They soon hear the door to the the train car open and in walks Cheerilee with another pony pushin the trolley.

Everypony picks what they want to eat and soon it came to the Cutie Mark Crusaders. "What can I get for you fine young fillies?" the Pony asks.

"Ah'll have an apple fritter," Apple Bloom says.

"Here you go dear," the pony says as he gives the apple fritter to Apple Bloom.

"I'll have a chocolate cupcake," Sweetie Belle says.

"Coming right up," the stallion replies, giving her a cupcake.

"How about you two dears?" the pony asks.

"I'll have cinnamon bun," Scootaloo says.

"Me too," Moon Shiimmer says.

"Two cinnamon buns, freshly baked," the pony finishes giving them the cinnamon buns.

"Thank you so much sir. How much do I owe you?" Cheerilee asks.

"No pay necessary ma'am. It's all part of the train service," the pony tells her.

"Last time I was on, they asked for payment," Cheerilee says.

"The Policy changed not too long ago ma'am. Besides, I'm happy to put smiles on little fillies and colts. Makes me smile inside and out in return," the pony exclaims.

"Well thank you sir. Girls, what do yo say," Cheerilee replies.

"Thank you sir," The four fillies say in unison

"Always a pleasure little ladies," the stallion says making the four fillies blush.

He soon walks off and just as the fillies finished there treats the train slowed to a halt. "Canterlot Station, Watch your step on your way out little ones," The conductor says as the class forms in pairs of two, Scootaloo next to Moon Shimmer.

Cheerilee collects all the train tickets so they were not lost for the classes return trip and she places them in her purse. Soon there was four guards, along with their captain of the Guard, Prince Shining Armor, who was back for a visit from the crystal empire. "Ah, Miss Cheerilee I would presume?" Shining Armor asks.

"That is correct sir," Cheerilee answers.

"The Princesses are expecting you and your class at the castle today, oh, and here is a note from the Princesses themselves," Shining Armor says, kindly giving her an envelope/note card.

Cheerilee takes the note card and opens it up and reads silently,

Dear Miss Cheerilee,

We have given this note to Shining Armor to give to you to inform you that we must talk as soon as we have finished the first part of our tour before the lunch break we have arranged. We have no doubt that you know what the conversation will be in reference to and will be awaiting you in the throne room during said break. We have also arranged to meet with the 'inspector' at said time to see what he has to say on said matter, which we suspect we will be given false info, judging from our lettered conversation with Twilight Sparkle, whom we trust, along with you, completely.

Your peaceful rulers,
Princess Celestia and Princess Luna

P.S. Congratulations on your adoption of your daughter Scootaloo. We can't wait to meet her when circumstances become better after the upcoming event.

Cheerilee soon places the note in her purse and says, "Well thank you Prince Shining Armor. Shall we be on our way?"

"Indeed Miss Cheerilee, please follow me and the guards shall help escort us there," Shining Armor replies.

Soon the class followed their teacher and the Prince/Captain. The guards surrounded the group of children, as if there was some threat looming around the corner. The Children didn't mind at all and kept walking towards the Castle. They were about half way there, when Scootaloo notices some familiar unicorns and says, "Hey look girls. It's Twilight's and Shining's parents, Velvet and Night Light Sparkle."

They look over to them just as Shining Armor says, "Good morning Mother, good morning Father. Good to see you again."

"Good Morning son," Night Light says.

"I see your still in top form dear," Velvet compliments.

"I go for nothing less, I'll speak with you later once I've escorted these fine children and their outstanding teacher to the castle," Shining Armor replies.

Night Light and Velvet nod as Shining continues to lead them to the castle. They soon reach the palace doors and two guards, one unicorn, one pegasus, lift their spears and th unicorn opens the doors with his magic, allowing Shining Armor Cheerilee and the class access into the castle. Scootaloo see's the pegasus quickly eyeing her, but did not understand why. He did look familiar, but from where, she did not know. Soon the class entered the throne room, and Cheerilee says as she and the class bow, "Good morning your majesties."

"Ah, Miss Cheerilee, a pleasure to see you here today. I trust the guards treated you well," Celestia says as she and Luna fly over to them.

"Yes your majesty," Cheerilee says.

"Well let us begin our tour," Luna reponds.

They soon show them all the windows on the west side that were of a history long before the little foals or Cheerilee were born. as they near the end they see windows that show the time of Discords reign of chaos, just before the alicorn sisters had wielded the elements of harmony. As they had just reached the end of the first wall, the clock tower chimed twelve, indicating it was time for lunch. Miss Cheerilee lead her students to the dining hall and the cooks of the castle brought them foods that were home away from home. As the foals settle in, miss Cheerilee pulls herself away as Princess Luna asks a hoof maiden to keep an eye on the children. Once Cheerilee was able to slip away, she heads back towards the throne room. When she arrives she bows once again and says, "Princess Celestia, Princess Luna. You wished to see me."

"Ah, Miss Cheerilee, I see you recieved our letter. Do come in my little pony," Princess Celestia says as she and Luna had just finished looking at a blank window they had been talking to each other about.

Cheerilee soon trotted in and Princess Luna says, "Please follow us, to the thrones. we have a seat arranged for you."

She followed them to the thrones and asks as they walk, "Pardon me your highness's, but from what your letter told me, you had an inspector go to the Fillydelphia Orphanage, am I correct?"

"Yes quite so, and we have had this inspector time and again tell us that the orphanage has been a great place and meeting it's set standards. However, after being given the information about the way your daughter was treated, which we congratulate you on your adoption by the way, our careful analyzing of the situation has led us to conclude that our inspector has been lied upon inspection to or has been bribed to lie to us himself. We have no clear evidence to this mind you, but from what Scootaloo had described to you, in which you in turn described to us through my student Twilight Sparkle, it would seem that we must dig in deeper if we are to expose these Ponies for their crimes," Celestia says as they make it to the thrones and the seat that had been set there for Cheerilee along with a desk and some parchment, a quill and an ink bottle.

"Well thank you for congratulating me your highness, but how do you intend on uncovering their crimes?" Cheerilee asks as she takes her seat soon after the princesses.

"There will be time to explain that after we have had our discussion with the inspector my dear Miss Cheerilee. He shall be here any minute," Princess Luna says.

"Of course your highness," Cheerilee says.

After she had said that the doors to the throne room open and they see a black unicorn stallion with a clipboard and paper as a cutie mark and light brown mane walk in. "Good afternoon your highness's, a pleasure to see you again," the stallion says as he bows.

"Mr. Quill. We have summoned you here today to ask for your third semi annual inspection on the Fillydelphia Orphanage. We understand it is a bit soon, but we were just curious and wished to hear about it, for we are needed elsewhere for the kingdom when the assessment is due," Princess Celestia says.

"Yes your highness, I understand completely, and I also understand that our meeting was to be held in private your majesties," Mr. Quill says.

"Oh this is our new records keeper for our conversations we attend. We felt she needed to attend this meeting and will attend future meetings of this matter, unless otherwise requested," Princess Luna says, covering for Cheerilee's presence.

"Very well your highness," Mr Quill says, caught a bit off guard by her presence as Cheerilee had begun to record the conversation that could be used for this ponies prison sentence.

"Now, has the orphanage been treating the foals that reside there with the needed generosity they require?" Princess Celestia asks.

"Yes your majesty," Mr. Quill says.

'Liar,' Cheerilee and the Princesses think to themselves. "And has the orphanage been receiving any bad publicity Mr. Quill?" Princess Luna asks.

"None that I have heard of, your majesty," Mr. Quill says with a slightly shaky voice.

'Another lie' Cheerilee thinks to herself. She couldn't get a read on whether the shaky voice was because he was nervous of being found out, or if he was just a bit timid around Princess Luna as the Stallion answered more questions that took a while to finish up.

"One final question, has there been any run away fillies or colts within the past year?" Celestia asks, wanting to stop hearing his lies.

Cheerilee looks intently at the pony, waiting for his reply. "Yes," Mr. Quill says.

Cheerilee felt he may yet tell the truth at this point, till she hears him say in a an even more shaky voice, "But all have been returned soon after, while they had been found roaming the streets of Fillydelphia thinking their parents were still out there, your majesty."

That was the one lie Cheerilee needed to hear that confirmed the princesses suspicions. "Thank you Mr. Quill. That is all we have for you. You may return to Fillydelphia on the two o'clock train," Princess Celestia says seeing it was an hour and forty minutes away.

"Thank you your majesties, I bid you a good day," Mr. Quill says as he bows.

"And to you as well, Mr. Quill," Princess Luna says.

The black stallion makes one final bow before turning around and leaving the throne room. Once they were sure he was out of hearing range, Cheerilee asks, "Do you feel he knows something darker about the orphanage then he was leading on your majesties?"

"He gave us his regular answers, so there is not a doubt in my mind that he was lying through his teeth and was hiding dark secrets about the orphanage Miss Cheerilee," Princess Celestia states.

"He especially sounded nervous on that last question, for we know that he lied on that question having Scootaloo being one of the runaways. I feel that little filly's actions were justified when she escaped, Miss Cheerilee," Princess Luna adds.

"Well, we still have to prove the orphanage is mistreating the foals your majesties," Miss Cheerilee says.

"Quite right, and my little sister and I have formulated a plan that will ultimately put them out of business," Celestia says.

"And what would that be your highness?" Cheerilee asks curiously.

"My sister and I are going to disguise ourselves as foals. I will make myself look like an earth pony, while Luna will be a unicorn. We will act as though we recently lost our parents. Once in the orphanage, we shall truly see how they mistreat the fillies and colts of the orphanage," Celestia says.

"Are you sure your majesty. I mean, I'm sure you can handle it but, I really don't want my own rulers to have to stay there your highness," Cheerilee says.

"It is our decision and we won't be alone. We know that you and Applejack will be there as well, acting as your own characters in this plan. We'll meet with the two of you outside the orphanage once they send everypony home and put all the foals to bed. I have arranged for you and Applejack to stay at a hotel around the west corner near the orphanage, all expences paid, once the holiday starts, and we have the scheduled train tickets waiting in the mail for the two of you back at your house," Princess Celestia says.

"As you wish your majesty, but I'm sure Applejack and I could have managed," Cheerilee responds.

"Well, what's done is done, now why don't we join the fillies and colts in the dining hall, Miss Cheerilee? I'm sure they wish to ask us a few questions before we continue our tour of the throne room," Princess Luna says.

"After you your highness's," Cheerilee says as she bows and soon walks with them to the dining hall.