//------------------------------// // Like Father, Like Son... // Story: Don't Forget The Music // by Les Pony //------------------------------// Alarm Clock        “Stupid alarm clock!”  I awoke to the same noise, day in and day out, for the past year  to the same question.          “Is today the day?” I opened my eyes to be greeted by the dismal sight that was my apartment.  Clothes lying on the floor, my dad’s old CD collection scattered around the ancient player, all being lit by the brown light seeping through dusty curtains.  The only thing kept orderly was my guitar collection. Relics, from a time when music was actually made with instruments.  Most of them were my dad’s back when he played in a band.  You may have heard of them, ‘The Rising Sons’.  My dad was the lead guitarist, Cooper Kase.  They were one of the last bands who played real instruments.  One of the last few bands who believed in making music with soul, passion, and the human touch.  I remember him telling me stories about when he was young how his dad always played him music from his generation.  He often talked about how he felt he was born forty years too late.  He loved that music so much, he ended up playing it.  His band got so famous they nearly led a revival in it.  Sadly though, it was too late.  All any business cared was about profit. By programming computers to make music, record companies wouldn’t have to split any profit with humans.  My dad raised me on the same music and principals. I loved the music just as much as he did.  By the time I was born, hardly anyone actually made guitars anymore. He had always been investigative in how things worked.  He learned how to make the guitars and the parts himself.  He even taught me. That is where I come in. Nathan Kase.  A rock and roll kid born seventy years too late. Like father, like son...