The Heart of Chaos

by Jaestring

Chapter 1: Preparations

The summer sun celebration, It could use more sun. No, it could use more suns! Discord raised an arm to send out his magic, but a warning look from Celestia stopped him. He made a face, then turned away. Spoil sport.

Canterlot was obnoxiously decorated, the ponies had overdone themselves. Streamers and banners were hung between buildings and over windows, pictures of Celestia's cutie mark adorning them. Crystals from the crystal empire were placed at the highest points, ready to reflect dawns first rays. Luna had even decorated the skies above Canterlot with constellations meaningful to the impending sunrise. Even in the dark, it was quite a sight to behold.

Ponies were everywhere, celebrating and laughing, dancing and playing. Many had suns or replicas of the cutie mark painted on their coats. Craft and food stands sold their wares. And they were all avoiding him, of course.

Too bad Celestia wouldn't let him help. He thought that having miniature suns acting as waiters would add a little something, but noooo. Celestia didn't like that they would burn the ponies that touched them. She could be so picky.

As he walked through the crowd a blue-and-yellow pony caught sight of him a moment too late and practically flew out of his way, rather than the subtle side-step he had become most accustomed to. Then the pony added insult to injury by trying to hide behind one of the stalls, still staring at him from behind it to see when he would move. This cut at his patience, they all knew he was supposedly 'reformed.' Could they not at least pretend to be indifferent or even… friendly? Fine then, no more Mr. nice chaos…

As he walked past he sent a tendril of magic behind him towards the pony. A few seconds later he heard a high-pitched scream of shock ring out behind him. He looked back to see the blue-and-yellow pony stare at his new female body. He laughed maniacally as he walked up beside the bearers of the elements of harmony, sans Twilight, who were all glaring at him. Rainbow Dash especially so.

"What? It will wear off in a few hours…" their glares didn't let up, "I promise! Nothing like a gender bender to allow for some personal reflection. Besides... he'll probably enjoy it once he's over the shock!"

"Citizens of Equestria!" Celestia's voice rang out, "It is just about time for the raising of the sun!" Everypony's attention brought back to the stage, discretions forgotten. Cheers echoed, hooves stomped. Sheesh, these ponies were so excited for something that happened every day.

"This year, however, is going to be different. This year, I am not going to raise the sun."

Confused muttering. Ponies looked at each other in shock.

"This year, my most faithful student, and your newest princess, Twilight Sparkle, will be raising the sun! From today forth, she will be responsible for your light!"

Twilight stepped forward to address the crowd, new wings spread ceremoniously, "I am honored to bring the light and warmth of the sun's rays. Thank you Celestia!" It was so short and scripted, Discord wanted to puke. Leave it to Twilight to make the festivities as dull and efficient as possible.

The masses were content anyway, stamping and cheering. She smiled a moment, then her horn began to glow. With what looked like an effort, she began to raise the sun. She grit her teeth and leaned forward with extra effort, Discord wondered if she could even do it. Everypony else stared at her expectantly. Slowly and jaggedly, the sun began to peak over the horizon.

It was mere moments before the sun started to fall again, and a look of panic crossed her face.The glowing around her horn grew brighter, and small sparks flew across the stage and over the crowd. The sun stopped falling, but didin't really raise any more either. Twilight was still unused to her alicorn powers, and anypony could see her struggling. She needed more practice - what was Celestia thinking, having her raise the sun by herself so soon? And for the Summer Sun Celebration no less!

Suddenly, Discord felt a second magical presence join Twilight, and the sun began to raise effortlessly. It wasn't Celestia… he could recognize her magic without even trying. He turned his head and noticed Luna's horn glowing softly. So softly he bet no one but him noticed it.

Twilight smiled, triumphant. He wondered if she recognized Luna's help. Regardless, she jumped into the air to rise with the sun. Albeit, not so gracefully as Celestia, again due to a lack of practice with her new wings. Yet he couldn't deny the talent was there. It wouldn't be long before Twilight could raise the sun and the moon as well as the sisters themselves.

The ponies were ecstatic.

Discord shook his head. They had been fooled. They would chalk up the initial struggle to nerves or performance anxiety or something just as wrong.

He decided that since the main ceremony was over, he could afford to get away. He didn't like being in the middle of the crowd, especially a crowd that didn't want him or appreciate a little chaos. The ponies parted like water as he walked away from the stage and the appeased mass of ponies. Typical, closed minded sheep. They thought raising the sun was so amazing? Wait until they could see what he could do. If Celestia had let him help with the preparations, then they would have some real cause to be impressed… and perhaps he wouldn't be so bored.

Away from the city square it was deserted, though he could still hear the dull roar of the crowd. He walked aimlessly, bored. He hoped Celestia would be ready for him, now that the Summer Sun Celebration she had been fretting over was finished.

Then we can leave, and I will be able to find my chance... With a rebellious thought he gave life to one of the statues, which let out a loud bray and ran down the street. Before it turned a corner it reared and breathed forth a stream of fire. He watched take off with a devious smile. That will keep the unicorns busy for a while!

His musing was interrupted as four fillies wearing capes ran in front of him.

"EXCUSE US!" They shouted.

A little black filly with bright blue eyes ran past next, yelling, "Guys, wait up!"

As the five rounded the corner they called out in unison, "Cutie Mark Crusaders statue hunters!"

Discord stared after them, bemused. Maybe the statue didn't need to breath fire, after all. He sent a tendril of magic after them, conveying that message to the living stone.

"Couple of bits for your thoughts?" Came a soothing voice from behind him. Discord turned to see Celestia walking up beside him.

"Just looking for a distraction," he said, looking back to where the fillies had disappeared.

"Oh, those five are a distraction all right, " Celestia said with a little laugh, "They get into trouble of all sorts. I think you would probably get along with them wonderfully… but they aren't why you're here."

Discord's ears perked in response, was she finally ready to tell him why he was here?

"Walk with me," she said, and turned towards the gardens. He pulled his eyes away from the corner, falling in step with her.

"So, are you going to tell me what all this is about?" Discord asked.

She looked up at him, voice even and unemotional, "Family."

"Is that supposed to mean something to me?" He asked, unimpressed.

"It used to, once."

The shell of the egg surrounding him finally cracked into pieces, one falling directly upon his head so all he could see was blackness. The pain had mostly faded, but his muscles still ached. What was that? He heard shocked gasps and hurried whispers all around him as he broken pieces of egg shell began to fall away.

All of it stopped mattering when the shell was lifted away from his eyes by the first pony he had ever seen - and she was beautiful. The filly's coat was bright white, almost glowing, with a technicolor mane that flowed around her head like a halo.

"Shhhh, it'll be okay little one," she whispered gently as she picked him up, tears welling in her eyes, "you're mine now, and I'll take care of you."

Take care of him? But she was the one who was sad. A creature so beautiful shouldn't be so sad. He reached out a tiny, yellow claw out to touch her cheek where a tear had begun to fall. The colors of the mane began to fade, and it settled into a pink bundle around her neck.

"Don't be silly little one, I'll be okay. You're the one I'm worried about… you’re the one who just went through an incredibly traumatic experience." After a warm hug, she placed him on her back between her soft wings. He curled up there, feeling as warm and safe as he ever had in his shell.

Discord coughed, and pushed back the onslaught of unwelcome memories, "What does that have to do with anything?"

"Do you remember my brother?"

Discord's eyes widened, how could he forget? But what could he possibly have to do with anything? He was dead!

"I can see that you do," Celestia observed, "and I know what you are thinking. I thought so too. We all saw him die. We were all powerless to save him. Yet somehow, some way, he is still alive."

"And still crazier than I ever was, I take it?"

"I don't know."

"What do you mean, you 'don't know?'"

"I felt him, his presence, his magic. It felt as though it came from somewhere North East of here. It was difficult to determine his exact whereabouts, I couldn't tell exactly. What I do know is that he is somewhere past Equestria's borders."

"Outside of Equestria?!"

"Yes. Now do you see why I had to prepare so thoroughly? Galaxis is back. And the question is, is he the kind and gentle brother I remember…"

"…or is he the crazy psycho-pony that tried to rip Equestria apart piece by piece?" Discord finished.

Celestia nodded, and watched as the sun rose higher in the sky. She was quiet for some time, lost in thought. Discord tried to be patient, but that could only last so long. He was on the verge of trying to alleviate boredom by making the petunias dance when she flashed him a mischievous smirk "Not that present company hasn't attempted to pull Equestria apart."

Discord crossed his arms and raised his head haughtily, "I never tried to rip Equestria apart. I simply attempted to improve it."

Celestia chuckled again, "Come on, Discord. Let's go prepare for our journey. We leave today... Oh, and be sure to put that statue back where you found it."


'Preparations' consisted primarily of Celestia fretting over every little thing she couldn't directly supervise when she was gone... which was pretty much everything. Aside from Luna, Twilight, and each of the bearers of the elements, she had to speak with almost every pony employed by the palace. With her being so distracted, he felt no guilt in leaving presents behind for those to have some fun with when he was gone. Nothing Luna or Twilight couldn't handle, and nothing dangerous. Well, nothing extremely dangerous. There might be a few singed tails and some spontaneous hoof-dancing, but nothing that would hurt anyone to the point they couldn't recover.

All purely innocent and funny, honestly. If you really thought about it, that is. Granted, Celestia wouldn't see it that way, but she didn't think the way he did. Such a shame, really. Equestria would be so much more exciting if she did.

At this rate, Discord wondered if they would be leaving before nightfall, and he really didn't want to wait until the next day. For one, he had been waiting for some degree of freedom since he had returned to Canterlot Castle with the princess. Secondly, Discord had the feeling Celestia would have to check with everypony again.

In an attempt to hurry her, he lit a fire under her plot. Not a real fire, mind you. Just a harmless one that caused a lot of smoke and heat and... okay, so maybe it was a real fire. But it wasn't close enough to hurt her - it just singed a few hairs.

Surprisingly, she didn't get mad. She even laughed nervously and promised they would leave after lunch. That satisfied Discord just fine. Perhaps he'd even get to make the cutlery dance like at Fluttershy's dinner party. Just no offended fishbowls... he would have to make sure the ones this time didn't have feelings.

But there were no dancing candles or offended food bowls of any kind, as it turned out lunch was to be a feast with what seemed to be hundreds of ponies. The princesses and Twilight's friends sat at the main table, as well as a few of the bluebloods that roamed the castle. Celestia sat next to him, with Luna on the far side of her, also showing the anxiety at the separation from Celestia. It was probably the result of hardly leaving Celestia's side since her return from the moon.

Luna pointed her hoof at him, "Make sure thou sends letters to us daily, my sister! We know he knows how... and if that ruffian harms a hair in your mane we will be sure to show him what a thousand years on the moon is like..." She still hadn't broken herself of those volume issues, he could hear.

Fluttershy sat on his other side. After much prodding, he had convinced her to quietly describe her exploits since the last time they had seen each other, "...then we had all our cutie marks switched. I was given Pinkie Pie's! I'm sure you can imagine, I wasn't very good at making people laugh. I don't even like being in front of crowds."

Discord was intrigued "Well… if I had been there, you would have been sure to make all the ponies laugh." He chuckled, thinking of how he could have helped Fluttershy with her temporary destiny. He could have made her dance or speak with funny voices. She smiled up at him shyly, probably thinking she was glad he hadn't there to 'help.'

"But really… each other's cutie marks? That sounds exciting! You get to try something new, expand your horizons. Come on, was it really so bad?" It sounded fascinating. He wondered what it would be like to switch lives with somepony for a few days. That could be so much fun! He found himself slightly jealous of Fluttershy, if he had been there he could have made the experience so much better. Well, his version of better, they probably would say he would have had... what is the expression? Oh yes, 'added fuel to the fire.'

"Well," She began looking down at her food, "I suppose it was okay, you know... at first, as a learning experience. And I suppose it did help me come out of my comfort zone a little. But I wasn't very good at it, and I didn't make people laugh. Oh! I was so bad at it and the town was so angry!" Her voice was squeaking with anxiety by the end. He placed a claw on her shoulder to comfort her. She smiled up at him appreciatively.

"It's okay, sugarcube," Apple Jack interjected, "We were all pretty terrible at each others' jobs."

Rainbow Dash, forgetting to glare at Discord for a few seconds, said, "Yeah! Even me, the most awesome pony here! I couldn't get those animals of yours under any sort of control!"

"Oh, that's right!" Fluttershy said, "The animals were so hungry, they tied up Rainbow Dash and threw her in a pot. If Twilight had gotten me there any later, she would have been soup! Those poor things..."

"Those poor things? I was nearly soup! Uhhh... not that I couldn't handle it, but still!"

Rarity theatrically threw her foreleg over her forehead, "Oh, you think you had it bad? You didn't have to try to control the weather without wings! From the ground I could only make this horribly repetitive checker pattern with the clouds! And I got so incredibly wet, my mane wouldn't style right for a week!"

"You think that's bad?" Pinkie burst out, barely able to contain herself in her seat, "I still have a bump on my head from that stupid water shoot! Aaaaaaaaaand NO PARTIES! I've never gone so long without a party! No wonder everyone was so angry, I don't know how you all do it..."

Which lead to them all squabbling about who did the worst job and who had the roughest time, pushing him out of the conversation entirely. Not that he minded, the chaos flowing between them boosted his magic and left him feeling giddy.

This also left him feeling rather cooped up... he wanted to get out and move. He just didn't do sitting still.

He leaned over to Celestia and whispered, "I thought you said we were leaving today? At this rate we will be lucky to even make Ponyville before nightfall."

Celestia sighed, "Yes, you're right of course." She stood and coughed gently. Even such a small, delicate cough demanded the attention of everypony in the dining hall.

"Thank you, my little ponies. I am afraid that this very amazing lunch must come to an end. But first, I would like to compliment our cooks, all of you really outdid yourselves today."

There was general mutters of agreement and a few hoof stomps. Somepony in the crowd even cheered.

"Now, while some of you already know, I must inform the rest that I must be taking my leave of you. Discord and I will be leaving Canterlot tonight. We quite possibly will have to leave Equestria, and for some time. I cannot honestly give you an idea of when we will be back."

Gasps and exclamations erupted from the crowd. It was to be expected, she was their princess, their protector, and they hated having her away from Canterlot for any length of time. They would all miss her... supposedly. Discord wondered how much of it actually had to do with missing her and the peace she brought, or if it was the prosperity. There was an economic boost that inevitably occurred when she resided at Canterlot palace. Diplomatic visits, vacations, and emergencies nearly always spelled an economic slowdown for the region.

Not to mention that Celestia was the more lenient of the princesses. Luna had always been a more strict and demanding monarch. Not that she was feared or hated, but Luna always made sure the taxes were collected on time... no leniency. Then there was the fact that no one had any idea what kind of princess Twilight Sparkle was going to turn out to be yet.

Discord had a feeling with all the uncertainty in the region, Canterlot would almost certainly experience an economic slowdown over the next few months. Possibly even a recession. The ponies wouldn't be very happy... Pinkie Pie would have her work cut out for her. Maybe he could help...

As Celestia continued to address her subjects, Discord plotted the time-bomb surprises he could leave behind as they left Canterlot.


"Celestia, you look silly walking around with that pack on your back. Please, allow me to take it for you," Discord said for what felt like the hundredth time.

"Oh, very well Discord, if you insist. You really don't have to…"

By then Discord had levitated the pack off of her back. A zipper magically appeared in front of him, which he opened wide enough to shove the pack in. He zipped it back up and sent the zipper away again. He chuckled at Celestia's shocked stare.

"Oh don't you fret. Your pack, and all the precious cake you packed inside, is perfectly safe. It's an inter-dimensional pocket. I can access it, and anything I put inside, from anywhere," He said.

Celestia frowned at him, "My pack is not filled with cake."

"Liar, liar, hooves on fire," hooves on fire - that might be a good idea for later, if she took to fibbing too much.

"Okay, okay… only a little cake."

"So, Princess, how long until we reach the border? I've been encased in stone for a long while, but I'm pretty sure that it is in that direction," he said pointing.

"We're not headed to the border yet. We have one stop we need to make first."