Ponies Explaining Ponies

by Sleipnirs Foal

Rarity and Fashion (What Else Did You Expect?)

Rarity and Fashion

What Else Did You Expect?

“Really darling, are you sure?”

“Yeah, she said so herself!”

“My goodness. That's disappointing.”

“I know, right?”

“There go my plans for next Hearts and Hooves Day.”

“Mine too.”

“Anyway darling, why did you ask me here again?” Rarity and Pinkie Pie sat at a table in Sugar Cube Corner's kitchen, sipping tea and sharing the latest gossip.

“Oh, right!” Pinkie bounced from her seat. “I wanted you to answer some questions for our fans.”

“I see.” Rarity raised an immaculate eyebrow. “Are these the same 'fans' that Fluttershy was telling me about at the spa?”

“I dunno. Probably.”

“Hmm.” The alabaster unicorn set her teacup down.

“Yeah, she was way into it too!” Pinkie hopped excitedly. “We had a great time!”

“I'm afraid Fluttershy remembers it slightly differently.”

Pinkie Pie either didn't hear, or chose to ignore this last statement. “I'm introducing all of our friends to the fans, and having all y'alls answer questions for them!”

“I'm going to have to answer a question aren't I?”


“And you're not going to take 'no' for an answer, are you?”


“Very well.” Rarity sighed. She really did enjoy spending time with her pink friend, but sometimes Pinkie Pie could just be so... Pinkie Pie. “So, is it true that the Guild of Psychiatrists has barred you from their services?”

“Yeah. Talk about a spank to your self-esteem!” The earth pony said with a frown.

“Oh, I'm sorry dear.”

“It's okay! The only problem is I'm not allowed to leave the Corner till the judge figures out what to do.” Pinkie lifted a rear leg to show an anklet with a flashing red gem in the center.

“Oh... Um, uh.” Rarity was at a loss for words, fortunately this was an affliction Pinkie was immune to.

“So, are you ready to answer a question?”

“Um, yes, ask away!” The unicorn was eager to change the subject.

The party pony looked at some writing scrawled on her hoof. “Okie dokie! Since you're a fashion designer, you're the perfect pony to explain saddles!”

“What exactly do you mean by explain saddles?”

“You know. Why do ponies wear them, why are they designed the way they are?”

“Oh, I see. Well, it-”

“Face the audience!” Pinkie interrupted.

“Ah, yes. Of course.” Rarity rolled her eyes and turned towards the wall Pinkie indicated. Clearing her throat, the white unicorn continued.

“The saddle is actually a very interesting topic in fashion history. It is possibly the oldest article of clothing worn by ponies. Archeologists have found remains of what appear to be saddles buried with early ponies and their primitive ancestors. Even the oldest known rock carvings show ponies in saddles.

“Archeologists, equipologists*, and hippologists** still argue as to why saddles appeared even before widespread tool-use. The most common theory, and the one I think is most likely, is that it was a means for the nomadic tribesponies to carry items without their mouths or hooves. Like any article of clothing, its roots were strictly utilitarian. With this draping over their back, a pony could carry more, do more, own more. They weren't limited by what they could hold in their mouth.

“The other major theory as to why saddles were invented is that they had some sort of spiritual significance. This is based off of one old rock carving that depicts a strange creature ridding a pony with a saddle. Followers of this theory think that wearing a saddle originated as a sign of devotion to this being. I for one think it's unlikely. If this creature was important it would be on more than one pictograph, wouldn't it?”

Pinkie smiled, “Makes sense to me! So what about bridles?”

Rarity blushed slightly, “I beg your pardon?”

“Bridles, y'know. Why do some ponies wear them? And why do some ponies get really embarrassed when other ponies are wearing them? That sort of thing.”

“Well, bridles have a very, er, colorful history.” Rarity gave an nervous chuckle before clearing her throat again. “They were originally a garment slaves were forced to wear, but after the abolition of slavery and the migration to Equestia they fell almost completely out of use.

"They didn't appear again until the time of the Marquis de Saddle, who made his, uh, acquaintances wear them. Since that point they have gone in and out of style, mostly as intimate apparel.”

Pinkie gave her friend a blank look.

“Um, bedroom attire.” Rarity offered.

“Like pajamas?”

The unicorn brought a hoof to her face. “No. Not quite. Anyway, over the years they became popular among various subcultures and ponies began wearing them in public. Now it is common enough to see ponies sporting a bridle in their daily ensemble, though some still consider them to be inappropriate to wear in the open.”

“Okie dokie!” Pinkie said, bouncing in place. “I still don't get it, but that's okay. All I know is that Mrs. Cake got really blushy and stuttery when I asked her why she never wore hers outside, then she told me to go take a time out, which was weird 'cause I'm not a foal, but I did it anyway.”

Once again Rarity's hoof covered her face. “Was it a black lacy affair with onyx studs?”


“And it was in a box with my logo on it.”


“It is probable best not to talk about the things you find in Mr. and Mrs. Cake's bedroom.”


* The study of Equestria and Pre-Equestria societies

** The study of Ponykind