//------------------------------// // Chapter 3: Relaxed Beginnings // Story: A Secret's Revenge // by Wayofthepen //------------------------------// Iron Hoof was woken up by a knock on the door. "Huh...C-Come in..." He said trying to wake himself up. "My lord, come with me." It was a royal guard. "Lord? I'm not a noble." The guard just told him to come. Fire shrugged, and followed him. "What's this about?" The guard remained quiet until they stopped in the empty throne room. "Wait here." Fire was about to ask him who he was waiting for, but the guard walked out. He trotted through the room, looking at all the windows that told tales from pictures. The most recent was the defeat of discord, which he admired. He heard the doors open once more, and turned his head. "Fire, I need to ask you something." Nero flew over to him. "Sure, ask away." Fire sent a smile to Nero. "What's your dad like?" Fire looked away from his friend. "He used to be a man of action. He would tell me stories of how he and Rainbow Dash became close friends. It's hard to believe that they didn't end up together." They both laughed. Fire looked into Nero's eyes...They were green. "Wait a second...Who are you?" The pony in front of him laughed as he took off the royal armor. "You took what was ours." Fire looked at him funny. "The three ponies were ours, but you stole them." Fire glared at the imposter. "Yes, I stole who you kidnapped. I'm the bad guy here." The imposter began to take something out of a satchel, when he was flung into the wall next to him. "Thanks for visiting, please don't come again." Fire's horn lit up a bright shade of red as the pony was flung straight into the air, and then slammed to the ground. "Tell Tobias I'm coming for him." The pony trotted his way out of the throne room, and into the dark corridors of the castle. Fire looked back at where he slammed the pony. "Yikes..." He thought aloud, seeing the blood and cracked floor. He looked out of the corner of his eye and saw a baton. "Well, I think I'm going back to bed..." He said aloud as he trotted to his room. - - - - - - - When he awoke the next morning, there was another note on his nightstand. He used his magic to bring it close to his face, squinting his eyes to read it. "Fire, I have no new information for you. Tobias is being illusive...Anyway, looks like you got this week off. Enjoy yourself. -Broker" He smiled, putting the note back and fell asleep again. "Wake up, your getting lazier each day." Fire groaned in annoyance. "Come on Nero...Broker has no information to give me this week." Nero rolled his eyes. "So did you hear about what happened in the throne room?" Fire got out of his bed, and went to his mirror. He proceeded to get his mane exactly how he liked it while talking to Nero. "Yeah, I saw it too. How else would somepony's blood end up on the ground? Celestia's going to kill me, isn't she?" They both laughed. "Not this time, they found an injured intruder who tried to pass himself off as me. He's being interrogated by Captain Jude. We found a enchanted baton in the throne room as well. If anyone was hit by it, they would have been instantly knocked out." Fire thought back to when he flung him into the air, he had hardly used a inch of his power. "If that was a small amount of my magic, what would happen if I used all my magic?" He thought to himself, planning on taking more lessons with Luna. "Anyway...Want to hit the pub? I finally have a day off, and I haven't had a good drink in a LONG time." Nero said smiling to his friend. Fire smiled back. "You're buying, Nero." Nero rolled his eyes. "Would you have it any other way?" Fire replied with a no, leaving them both laughing as they flew to town. - - - - - - - The two landed outside the bar and made their way to the long counter. "So Fire, you ever had any type of alcohol?" Fire shook his head. "Well well, your in for a nasty surprise." Nero said to him, motioning to the bartender that they wanted two drinks. The bartender nodded and slid two brown liquid filled cups their way. Both stopped theirs with a hoof. Nero drank his down within seconds, shaking afterwards. "First shot of the night always gets you." He said to Fire. Fire looked into the glass, and washed it down. "Oh Celestia, that's awful." Fire said to his laughing friend. "You get used to it. It takes away the stress." Fire shrugged, and ordered another round. They went through about four more each before the decided to stay at Nero's place. "You're lucky I'm not too drunk. Who knows what your family would say." Fire said as they neared the house. "Whateversh...Shtop stresshin..." Fire laughed at the way Nero was talking, but stopped after he had fallen asleep standing up. "Great...Drunk and carrying another pony into his own house..." He knocked on the door while using magic to load Nero onto his back. Nero's mother opened the door. "What happened? Is he alright?" Fire looked back at him, then to her. "He's fine, just had too much to drink. Mind if we sleep here?" She nodded, showing him the way to Nero's room. He set him down and followed her back downstairs. "You can sleep on the couch. I'm sorry if its not too comfortable, but we don't have any other beds." Fire shot her a drunken smile as he set himself on the couch. "Don't worry...I think I'm too drunk to care. Thank Celestia I don't get like Nero when I am..." He slowly closed his eyes, and fell asleep. - - - - - - - Fire woke up to a filly in his face. "Oh Celestia, my head..." He said putting a hoof on his head. "Nero, I'm going to kill you..." The filly looked at him funny, and then went into the kitchen. He slammed his head back onto the pillow, moaning a little. "Well you're up..." Nero slowly came down the stairs. "No thanks to you...My head feels like I got sliced in two..." Nero laughed, sitting in the chair opposite of Fire. "Why aren't you hurting like me...?" Nero gave Fire a twisted grin. "Because I'm not a first time drinker. One more thing, never go into a bar with Pinkie Pie. Not pretty." Fire rolled his eyes, head still killing him. The filly came back in the room and hugged her brother. "I missed you too." He said laughing as the two fell onto the floor. "Well, I don't plan on getting drunk next time we go to a bar." Fire said slowly getting up. As he was about to exit through the front door, Nero said something that made him stop in his tracks. "While you were gone saving my family, a strange pegasus came to me...He told me what you were really doing. Fire, I don't know if your doing it because you're brave or stupid. Your the only friend I have..." Fire turned to him, seeing his friend look sad while his sister trotted around him. "It's something that I must do, Nero." Nero sighed, rolling onto his stomach. "That's what I was afraid you would say." Fire trotted out and flew back to his bedroom. When he approached his balcony, he saw Luna standing there. "What brings you here?" He said in a friendly tone. She looked at him, with a tear in her eye. "Luna, what's wrong?" She came over and hugged him. "I got a letter...From your father. He told me he is going after Tobias, to save you from what you would become." Fire looked into her sorrowful eyes. "I know where he is going...And I will be there to take down Tobias. Luna, you've been a good friend and mentor." He shot a smile at her, which she returned. "Good luck." She said to him, flying to her own room. Fire walked over to his desk and took out paper, ink, and a quill. He began to write a note. "Nero, I know you will find this first. I'm going to avenge her tonight. He's broken my family, and it's time to repay the favor. If I don't come home, don't blame yourself. You and Luna are the only friends I have ever known, and I'm not one for mushy stuff. Goodbye. -Iron Fire" He set down the quill and got up to put on his armor. After strapping his armor on, he attached his sheathe to his back. "Alright Tobias. I'm going to enjoy watching the blood drip from your head as you did my mother..." Those were the last words he said as he took off. - - - - - - -