//------------------------------// // 2: You have Arrived. // Story: My Little Fortress: Dawnpick // by Paaaad //------------------------------// Virtue's Diary - 1st Slate Well, we're here. Wherever here is, exactly. We left Coupledye just over four months ago, checking each of the previously marked potential sites on our map. The unicorn teams sent out last year must have found three dozen sites where they could detect metal ores underground, but we've only explored eight so far. Today I made the decision for us to stop here and begin setting up a more permanent camp. Every site we checked previously had either little to offer, or the metal ores were of little value. King Thebilstetar was pretty clear that we were looking for iron if at all possible, but so far we've only found copper, among a few other less valuable ores. We're pitching camp here because this marks the turning point of our little endeavor. We've used up more than half of our supplies already, and so we can't make it back home easily. The reports of this site look more promising than any we've checked so far, so I'm hoping that my decision will prove to be a good one. Even if we only find copper again, at least there might be enough to make our expedition economically viable. I have a lot of confidence in the team sent with me, and they've proven their worth up to this point. I'm growing to be quite fond of them as a whole. The only exception is our armed escort, Halberd. None of us really seem to be making any sort of headway with him. He stays to himself all the time and rarely speaks to anypony. Well, I guess after four months of being on the road with people you don't really know, I can kind of understand. Anyway, now that we're setting up a more permanent position, everypony will get a chance to put their skills to the test. Saw Dust didn't need any instruction, and went straight off to begin prospecting like at the previous sites. I hope he turns up something valuable this time. We'll be needing something to start setting up proper shelter as soon as we can, and it will be some time before the quarry will produce anything of use, so I've asked Ashwood to begin clearing out some of the trees near the campsite. With a little wood, he and Saw Dust can begin working on some shelter. I can see some ominous looking clouds on the horizon heading this way. I'm sure they'll be here before anything is ready, but I think everypony understands the circumstances. We're working as fast as we can, and we've all slept in the rain a few times. Anyway, I've drawn up a map of our immediate surroundings, which I'll try to keep updated as things move along. I've noticed a few of the others finding ways to amuse themselves while we wait for the wood to get cut. Panacea painted what she called a "quick doodle" of us all founding this little campsite. I think it's quite nice, perhaps I'll have it mounted somewhere once we get some buildings up. She's more talented than she says, I think that pony might have missed her calling! Virtue's Diary - 3rd Slate, 251 We've been out here two days, and things are already beginning to shape up! Most importantly, I'm pretty ecstatic that Saw Dust turned up some magnetite underground. I'm so relieved, I was worried that we'd have to send word back to the king that not only had we failed to find any useful ores, but were basically stranded in the wilds. Now I can send him word that we've done exactly as he asked. By now we've set up a temporary stockpile and moved everything from the wagon train. Halberd seemed a bit upset that we dismantled the wagons for their wood, and I can kind of see his point. We're completely committed at this point. Still, we weren't going to make it back home with what supplies we have, so the extra wood seemed like a good idea to me. The other big thing is that we've got a small farm going, which should be more than enough to sustain us. I must admit that I was a bit surprised when I first met Harvest Moon. I haven't met many farmers in person, but I've never seen a pegasus farmer. He assures me that he's up to the job, and I trust him. He claims he knows a few special tricks for farming that only pegasi can use, but I don't know what that could be. We also had our first setback today. While looking through our stocks I noticed that all of the crossbow bolts we brought with us were gone! It turns out Longshot used them all up hunting the guinea pigs in the area. I suppose it makes sense to start hunting to keep our food stocks up while we wait for the farm to start producing, but we don't have any way to process the meat yet! Oh well, guess we'll make do with what we've got. It's going to be a long time before we can replace those bolts. Halberd's Journal - 3rd Slate, 251 Things could be going worse, but I'm already worried about our future. First off, I can't believe Virtue would dismantle the wagons. I can understand that we'll be needing all of the wood we can get, as soon as we can get it, but those wagons represented our only realistic chance of getting out of here if we had to. The others don't seem to appreciate how dangerous the untamed wilds can be. I've been a soldier long enough and been in enough campaigns to see things they can't. Then I hear that Longshot used up all of our ammunition shooting rodents of some kind. What was he thinking? If we come across something large and dangerous out here, he'll be wishing he still had something to shoot in that crossbow of his. An axe is not the right choice when you have a means of fighting the enemy at a distance. I'll let it all slide this time, since they're all new to this. I wouldn't want to be in Virtue's position, but maybe she should consult me before doing anything else drastic. On that note I think I may have offended some of the others on our trip out here. They probably think I'm stuck up for not wanting to talk all the time, but that couldn't be farther from the truth. All the yammering on the way out here just kind of gets under my skin. Longshot's Journal - 3rd Slate, 251 Oh man, today has to be one of the lowest points in my career. I got a bit bored sitting around waiting for things to happen, so I took it upon myself to go find some critters to bring back for us to eat. I used up all of the ammo I had with me, but it never crossed my mind that we didn't bring any more! Virtue seemed a bit surprised, but mostly because we didn't have any way to prepare all of them before they rotted. Oops. I think I really ticked off Halberd. Actually, I think he's always been ticked off at me, but he just sort of stared a hole in me when he heard what happened. Never said a word though. Guess he didn't have to.