
by TheDerpyOutcast

The End of a Beginning

Celestia appeared. "Trixie stop now." The look in her eyes was strict. "Take off the Amulet."
"But this was Trixie's childhood dream. Why would I want to stop?" I grinned
Suddenly Twilight was in front of me. A red aura charged around my horn. A purple aura formed around Twilight's. I acted first by taking Pinkie's mouth away. 'There. That will keep her quiet.' I suddenly remembered that I had made a control spell. Soon I was making ponys fight. I looked confidently at my twin. But she gave Pinkie Pie her mouth and party cannon. Angered by the pink earth pony's ability to make anypony happy, I put her in a cage hanging above the area. Then I once again did an age spell on Snips and Snails. Twilight somehow reversed the spell.
"How did you...."
"Practice, Trixie."
Suddenly a memory surfaced.
"Come on Twi. You can do it!" I encouraged my sister to do the spell. She was trying to turn an apple inside out.
"I'm trying, Trix." Whined the purple unicorn. "Can you help me?"
I nodded and did the spell. When the apple was inside out, Twily beamed.
"I did it! Even if i needed your help I still can start it."
"Practice makes perfect, Twi." My sister smiled. My best friend.
"Your right. I need to practice my control spell some more before I try to take over Equestria." My memory had gotten me to realize that I was so confident I would always be better than Twilight I never practiced. But she had taken my advice and practiced as much as she could. I realized it was my fault she was better at magic. I told her to practice but never did myself. I took off the Alicorn Amulet and set it down. Rainbow immediately flew over and grabbed it.
" I realize that I never practiced, yet I told Twilight to so she got better than me. My confidence that I was the best was turned into envy and I never saw the truth." I looked right at Twilight. "Can you ever forgive me, sister?"
"Mabye, Trix. Mabye."
I laughed and threw a cupcake at her. She caught it in her mouth. We now we're TSBFF (twin sister best friends forever) once more.