Equestria's chain of conflicts

by Dranz_89

Revealing the Dark Secret

Applejack was tired and limping, but after a few minutes she at last returned to the ponies' camp, and she saw the white and black dragon rampaging on the main force of the ponies. One of the unicorn soldiers watched her coming and helped her reach the infirmary tent. After preparing a bed, he used a healing spell on Applejack's wounds, and gave her a bowl filled with herbal soup, wich Applejack didn't hesitate to eat.

"Thank you, sir" said Applejack with her mouthful, and after swallowing she continued, "I'm so hungry I could commit canibalism."

"What happened to your legs" asked the soldier after healing Applejack's hurt hooves, "your horseshoes are a mess, looks like you went against an entire army, all by yourself."

"It's nothing," Applejack shook her right front hoof and showed it to the soldier, "it's a trick some earth ponies do when we need to shake the ground a bit. This is what happens if you overdo it."

"Can earth ponies really shake the ground?"

"Not all of us. It takes strong hooves and years of working in an apple farm. We're not called earth ponies just because we don't fly" and Applejack continued eating.

"Well... umm please, don't tell me you're the only survivor" The soldier asked, after taking off his helmet.

"Of course not!" Applejack stopped eating, "we were scattered, and well, I don't know about the others, but I went off track. And as much as I don't like it, I don't think I'll be of much help right now. Anyway, where is Twilight's brother?"

"The general is outside, fighting that huge dragon, and I better be on my way. Please stay here, and have some rest" the unicorn put on his helmet again and headed outside.

The white and black dragon, fighting countless ponies was leading the dragons to victory, as nopony seemed to be a match for him, even General Shining Armor was having trouble, and his spells were useless against the mighty dragon. Ponies were outnumbered, and the dragons pushed forward, the battle was almost lost, but suddenly, a hurricane was born on the crag where Twilight and her friends were, the black and white dragon flew away, heading that way.

"Yes! Escape while you can, you... you big ball of... you coward! You don't mess with us!" one of the pegasus soldier yelled, while Shining Armor decided to take advantage.

"Don't taunt him! This is our chance!" Shining Armor commanded the counter attack, "charge! For the princess!" Without the big dragon in their way, the ponies advanced, beating wyverns and pseudodragons. But just before Shining armor began to move forward, the unicorn who helped Applejack talked to his general, and Shining Armor rushed back to the infirmary tent.

"Applejack! Where is my sister?" Shining Armor wasted no time to ask, "is she ok? What happened?"

"I don't know!" Applejack answered after a surprised gasp, "I said we were scattered. But she was with Guardian Sword, she should be alright."

"Please! Tell me everything!" Shining Armor put her hooves on Applejack's shoulders, he was hysterical as the unicorn tried to calm the general.

"Can you calm down for a bit, now?" Applejack pushed Shining Armor back, "Twilight's no wimp, she can handle a dragon by herself, and by the way, I'm fine, thank you very much for your concern."

"I-I'm sorry" The general looked down.

"I know how you feel, Shining Armor" Applejack said, "my sister's there too, and i'm also worried sick about her. But my friend Rarity told me that she is not a filly anymore, and I believe in her. So maybe you should believe in Twilight as well, it's not like she hasn't been in danger before, right?"

"You're right. My sister's magic has been stronger than mine even since long ago" the general finally calmed himself.

Meanwhile, the Cutie Mark Crusaders and Moondancer finished the reparations on the Sky Wanderer, a notable upgrade compared to what it was before. It was now faster, with new shields and guns, and finally flyable again. As soon as it was ready, the ponies boarded the ship and Applebloom turned on the boosters while Moondancer used her magic to activate the engine. The Sky Wanderer took off, the propeller slowly started to spin, and after a few seconds, Applebloom was ready to pilot again.

"Way to go, Applebloom!" Moondancer was very excited.

"It's thanks to you, just remember to keep the engine power constant" Applebloom answered with a proud smile in her face.

"Look! Isn't that Rainbow Dash?" Sweetie Belle pointed with her right hoof, as she noticed a rainbow trail and a pink trail chasing each other.

"Where?" Scootaloo pushed Sweetie Belle aside so she could see by herself "Rainbow Dash... She was really angry at Fluttershy..."

"Sorry, Scootaloo" said Moondancer, "but the princess is our top priority." And the Sky Wanderer headed for the hurricane.

Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash fought Fluttershy, and to her surprise, Fluttershy fought back, very decently. The shy pegasus who once was her friend was now her enemy. Long ago, Fluttershy showed her the peaceful town below Cloudsdale, and the wonderful ponies who lived there, and now, she had to fight her.

"How dare you do this?" said Rainbow Dash, "you were like a sister to me, my very first friend. And you betrayed me? Just like that?"

"I didn't want this" Fluttershy sighed and tried to reason, "it was Princess Celestia who brought this by her own. Loyalty is not a virtue if it makes you blind. Open your eyes, Rainbow Dash, all those dragons live in caves and mountains because they are considered dangerous creatures. Ponies fear the dragons because the princess wants it that way."

"You're right" Rainbow Dash nodded, "I admit I follow Princess Celestia blindly, because it's my duty. But I'm not the only blind, look around you, Fluttershy. This isn't just Princess Celestia's fault, it's yours too. Did you even took the time to think about all the ponies you've hurt? All that time the Apples family has spent working on Sweet Apple Acres? Will all of this be worthy after it's over?"

"I... I just... It's too late now..." Fluttershy looked down, "this was the only way."

"No, it wasn't. This is all a big mistake. A mistake that I'm going to fix right now!" Rainbow Dash launched herself at Fluttershy once more.

Fluttershy wasn't a match for Rainbow Dash in close combat, she was using her dragon skills to quickly attack Rainbow Dash from the distance, as the rainbow pegasus, was recieving all the hits until she fell once again. Rainbow Dash stood up, and realizing she needed to change her strategy, she started flying around Fluttershy.

"I have tricky moves too, Flutters" taunted Rainbow Dash, and little by little she was moving faster, until a twister swallowed Fluttershy. "Let's see you fly out of this one!"

Fluttershy was struggling to get out of the twister, but suddenly, Rainbow Dash also got in the twister, and using the spining force of her own twister, she attacked Fluttershy several times until the twister stopped. Rainbow Dash elevated herself, but Fluttershy noticed she was preparing another Sonic Rainboom and she chased her to stop her again, but before catching up with Rainbow Dash, a flash blinded her, and Rainbow Dash tackled her to the ground.

"What was that?" Fluttershy was the one getting up now, very confused.

"It was noghing less than my Buccaneer Blaze... copyrighted" stated Rainbow Dash as Fluttershy regained altitude.

After a short pause. Rainbow Dash accelerated slowly toward her opponent, and Fluttershy did the same, the two pegasi crashed at each other once and over again, gaining distance between them as they were elevating, sparks appeared in each impact, each one stronger than the last one. The final charge, Rainbow Dash did a Sonic Rainboom, and Fluttershy did her own Sonic Boom at the same time. The clash between the two forces was intense, as both pegasi struggled to defeat each other.

In the end, the Sonic Rainboom overcame Fluttershy, and took her to the ground, leaving a huge dust cloud.

"Fluttershy..." said Rainbow Dash, panting and exhausted, "give me a good reason to not finish you off."

"I don't have any..." the hurt and defeated Fluttershy just smiled at Rainbow Dash and lost conscience.

"Well... I do" Rainbow Dash also smiled at the unconscious Fluttershy, before carrying her on her back, and fly away toward the hurricane.

The hurricane's wild winds, made it hard for Rarity to keep going forward while taking care of Spike, he was awake now, walking beside the unicorn, as they were climbing up little by little, a familiar voice sounded from a far, Rarity! Spike! but the rage of the winds made it hard to reach the unicorn's ears, however Spike could hear it.

"Ummm... Is it just me? Or that sounded just like Pinkie Pie?" the young dragon stopped to wonder.

"Darling, I think you're exhausted..." said Rarity before she turned around to notice the huge green snake floating behind them, "WHAT ON EARTH, SKIES, AND SEAS IS THAT?"

"Howdy! Do you need a ride?" Pinkie waved her hoof while hopping on Quetzal's back.

"My name is Quetzalcóatl, it is my pleasure to meet you" the feathered green snake also greeted Rarity and Spike as he lend his tail to let them climb on his back, "please do not fear me, for I am no longer your enemy."

"Wow, those are good news, for a change" Spike said and jumped on Quetzal's tail right after Rarity, "this hurricane is sure giving us a hard time."

"Umm... Are you guys alright?" Pinkie noticed the injuries on her friends bodies, "did a huge dragon gave you a hard beating too?"

"I can feel their cold bodies" said Quetzal "you have encountered Lednik, I presume?"

"Oh, heavens. Was he your friend, sir?" Rarity lowered her ears, and after sharing a worried sight with Spike she proceeded to inform Quetzal what happened, "the truth is, he and I had a... shall we say disagreement? And well, I would be frozen down there if it weren't for Spike, here. I'm really sorry, but I had to take certain measures to deal with your friend."

"I see" the dragon closed his eyes, and after a few seconds he said, "he was my friend, yes. But do not worry, we were ready for something like this would happen. I am not happy to hear it, but I must not let that get in my goal now."

"So you're still helping us, Quetzey?" Pinkie asked after hearing how Rarity and Spike defeated Quetzal's friend.

"Of course" Quetzal approached the peak of the crag, where the princess is supposed to be, "Lady Fluttershy is wrong, and your princess did not help either, and this hurricane is proof that Skyclaw has lost his cool. It is up to us to end this fight, for the sake of dragons and ponies." The snake dragon, then reached the top, where they found both, Skyclaw and Twilight.

After Guardian Sword had failed in his last stand to defeat Skyclaw, the dragon, although wounded, survived the crash, and his rencor toward Celestia, Twilight and almost everypony in Equestria was the only thing his eyes showed. The princess was still in her prison, the only obstacle stopping him from an Equestria ruled by dragons was Twilight, an obstacle he was determined to crush. However, Twilight believed that she lost her friends, and only one thought passed through her mind, this is war... we are pawns in a chess match between life and death... so you must take your enemies' lives... so they can't take yours... Then, Twilight used her magical wings, and floated in front of the dragon.

"My friends... Guardian Sword, you were right" Twilight's trembling voice turned into a loud speech, "Skyclaw! My friends give me power, alright! But I was Princess Celestia's star student before I met them, and you are about to see why."

As soon as Twilight said that last phrase, her whole self began to glow in a lavender color, and a strange symbol with the same shape as her cutie mark appeared behind her. The dragon threw his fire at her, but a strange barrier protected the unicorn, then, the barrier got in Twilight's horn, and she shot the same fire at Skyclaw.

The dragon attacked Twilight with his claws, but she teleported, avoiding his attacks. Twilight dashed at the dragon's face and a huge sword came out of her horn, she hit the dragon several times before the sword turned into a javelin and threw it at the dragon. The javelin took Skyclaw to the ground and exploded after the impact.

"Ugh... Is this a unicorn's true magic?" Skyclaw found himself in trouble, "and she is just the princess' student. Then, Celestia must be far more powerful, now I see why Fluttershy wanted to capture the princesses."

"Princess, I'm sorry I'm using this forbidden spells." said Twilight, "but Skyclaw will see, what happens if you mess with my friends. I will release you, princess, no matter what!"

Skyclaw summoned a lightning storm again, but Twilight multiplied herself, the storm hit several Twilights, but none of them were the real one, the confused dragon went on a rampage, throwing fire and attacking with his claws aimlessly, trying to hit the unicorn unsuccessfully, until he tired himself, all the remaining Twilights became light needles which hit the dragon. Then, Skyclaw covered himself in green fire, and jumped high.

"There is no escape from this! Meet my Dragon Meteor!" The dragon let himself fall to the ground, wrapped by his own flames.

"Twilight! Please, stop Skyclaw!" Quetzalcóatl warned the unicorn about Skyclaw's next attack, "he will destroy everything if he hits the ground!"

"What?!" Twilight tried to use a massive barrier spell, but was broken by the Dragon Meteor. Then, Twilight tried to use her telekinesis, Rarity jumped from Quetzal's back to aid Twilight, but nothing seemed to stop the meteor. After a short while, the Sky Wanderer came, and Moondancer and even Sweetie Belle joined the struggle.

"What is this thing?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"It's Skyclaw!" Twilight desperately answered, "don't let him advance!"

Quetzalcóatl rushed to stop him with his body, even if his speed was lowered, it wasn't enough to stop him, when suddenly, the blue dragon appeared beside him.

"Lednik... You are alive!" Quetzal was happy to see his friend again.

"Did you really think I would die so easily?" the blue dragon smiled at his friend.

Shortly, Rainbow Dash also appeared, "c'mon, Scoot! Fly with me as if there's no tomorrow."

"Yeah! Or else there won't be a tomorrow!" Scootaloo without thinking twice flew, beside Rainbow Dash.

"Please allow me to assist you, captain!" Guardian Sword also joined and all the pegasus used all of their strength to stop the meteor, still in vain.

"Skyclaw! Stop, please!" Fluttershy had woken up, and with this single request, the meteor lost power.

When Twilight saw this, she decided to fly toward the meteor, she turned herself into a light beam and shot herself at a high speed.

"Don't stop! We got it!" Twilight shouted. The rest of the creatures saw the unicorn coming and helped Twilight with their strength combined, in the end, the hurricane stopped, and the green flames on Skyclaw's body were extinguished. Twilight and the dragon both fell on the ground, exhausted.

"It is over, Skyclaw! We lost" said Fluttershy.

Twilight stood up, and without saying a word, her horn began to glow, and she slowly began to walk forward. Her face had an awfully serious look, she stopped for a few seconds in front of Skyclaw, she stared at him, and kept walking heading for the princess. She shot a small light beam to the princess' prison, and as simple as that, the crystal broke into pieces, the princess was finally free.

"How can this be? I thought you couldn't break the spell unless Skyclaw died" Guardian Sword wondered.

"I told you I'd find a way." Twilight smiled at her friends, happy to see they were fine, "Skyclaw wasted all of his magic fighting me, and that meteor was the last thing he could perform. Dragon's magic is different from the unicorn's, but magic is not unlimited not even for dragons, I only had to make him lost enough magic so he couldn't keep the prison anymore."

"Twilight Sparkle, you never stop to make me proud of you" the princess smiled at her student, and hugged her with her right wing, "now, Fluttershy. Stop this madness, immediately! And your punishment won't be so painful!"

"Ummm, the princess seems a little angry, right?" Pinkie Pie whispered to her friends.

"A little angry? She is furious!" Rainbow Dash whispered back, "remember how Twilight freaked out when she was late for her letter to the princess? Well, let's just say she wasn't overreacting at all."

The princess approached Fluttershy, and the pegasus finally admitted her defeat, but behind the princess, the white and black dragon landed, surprising all the creatures, even his own allies.

"This is not over yet!" stated the black and white dragon.

"Stop it now, Foskiá!" Fluttershy commanded, "we lost, let's face it." But the dragon didn't listen, and he attacked Princess Celestia.

"Princess!" All the ponies gasped and rushed to help the princess. And the dragon was now aiming at Fluttershy, but the rest of the dragons stood in his way.

"What are you doing Foskiá?" Skyclaw prepared his fire, "if you dare to defy Fluttershy. Then you dare to defy me."

"You fools!" Foskiá laughed, "she is just another pony. I was just waiting for this precise moment, you are all tired, and you have no power left, I have nothing to fear!"

"Did you plan all this by yourself?" Lednik asked.

"Of course not. I couldn't have done it by myself, while you were following Fluttershy, I met another pony who is far more powerful than her, he promised me not just a land for dragons, but a land where I will be the great Dragon King."

"Another pony? Who?" said Twilight.

Foskiá laughed a little more, and answered, "by now, he must be reigning in Canterlot Palace. The dark unicorn, King Sombra."