//------------------------------// // Interrogation // Story: My New Life // by Ark125 //------------------------------// My New Life Chapter 32 - Interrogation "Which cell is it in?" I asked Vapor Sky as we walked down the dungeon corridor. "Umm, this one." She said as we stopped in front of a steel door. "Open it." I said. "Are you sure? It is a very strong creature." "I can more than handle anything it does. Now open it!" I seethed. She fumbled the keys but got them into the lock. "I am going to close the door behind you, but when you want out, just tap the door three times." She instructed and I thanked her. She opened the door, I stepped in, and then she closed the door. I looked towards the back of the cell and saw a shadow. "Good evening." I said. "Luna? Is that you?" I was startled at the response. I began to quake a little. "P-Pure Heart?" Slowly, a single, shackled hoof stepped into the light. "It is you." The chains rattled as he walked forward. "Pure Heart." I said in relief as I stepped toward him. But I then stopped, remembering what Eclipse had said about wendigos being able to pose as loved ones. "How do I know you are really my husband?" He looked stunned. "What are you talking about?" "Come on. I know this is just a trick to get me to come closer." I took a step back. He frowned and shook his head. "Luna, Luna, Luna. This is silly. You know it's me." "No, I do not. Last I checked, my husband was in the hospital." "So you have seen me in there?" I scuffed the dirt as I looked down. "No, but it is what my sister has told me. She told me that he is in an unstable condition that can't be threatened by outside contaminants." "And you believe her." "Of course I do!" I snapped. He shook his head. "Really? Didn't you think it suspicious that they all clammed up when you started talking about me?" I paused. "How did you know about that?" "We're connected, aren't we? I know what you are thinking." I took another step back. "Then what am I thinking right now?" "You're thinking that there is no way I can really be Pure Heart because he would never hurt innocent ponies, much less eat them." I was stunned in horror. "There is no way you could know that." I fell back on to my rear end in shock. "Yes, there is. You don't have to accept it now, but the truth of the matter is that I am your husband, Pure Heart." I stood up on shaky legs and backed up to the door. "No! I won't accept it. You are not my husband. He would feel remorse for what he did. You are completely at peace with it." "If I am not him, then why did I stop before eating our children." I turned towards the door, tears streaming down my cheeks. "I have heard enough of your lies." I tapped on the cell door twice. As I was about to tap it a third time, I heard the chains shuffle. "If you will not believe me, then I have no choice." I turned in time to see a large clawed hand thrust in my direction. In defense, I pulled my sword and slashed off the beast's hand. It howled in agony and went in for another attack. This time I was ready and thrusted my sword straight through it's heart. It cried out and slowly shrank down to a motionless form on the floor. "Ask your sister." It whispered. Then it was dead. I turned and tapped on the door three times. "Princess, what was all the commotion about?" Vapor Sky asked. "Do not worry about it. Just shut the door, I must go talk to my sister." I walked back down the hallway and up the stairs to the throne room. "So Luna, how was your visit with the beast?" Tia asked as I walked into the room. "Horrid. It tried to kill me." She looked shocked. "It did?" "Yes. But do not worry, I dispatched it." Tia openly gasped and fell out of her throne. "You don't mean?" I raised an eyebrow. "Yes, I killed it. Funny thing is that when it took the form of Pure Heart, it told me that it was him. Of course, I didn't believe it for a second because Pure Heart is still at the hospital, right?" She was visibly shaking now and I went to her side to help her up. "What's the matter sister?" Once she was back on her throne, she cleared her throat. "That was him." I cocked my head. "What?" She shook her head. "Months back, when Eclipse was admitted to the hospital, there was a disturbance in Pure Heart's room. When I got there to see what it was, I saw what looked like that beast and Pure Heart mixed together eating the staff. It then escaped into the night." I went silent. "Luna, I am so sorry. I wanted to tell you, but I knew how much it would upset you." "So you thought that I would be less upset when I found out this way?! With the blood of my husband on my hooves!" "You were not supposed to find out." "Oh and I suppose that would have made everything so much better!" "Now Luna, I was only trying to look out for my sister." "And who might that be? Certainly you are not talking about me." I turned away, tears erupting from my eyes. "As far as I am concerned, I have no sister." I ran out of the room. "Wait, Luna!" I heard Tia yell, but I was already gone. Hive of the Changelings "King Kron, the beast is now dead." A changeling said. "Already? We haven't even had enough time to get all the information we need." Kron said, rubbing his chin. "We should go check on him, see what he has extracted." Chrysalis said. "Good idea, my love." He said, reaching across the throne and giving her a peck on the cheek. They both stood up and walked down to the dungeon and opened a door. As soon as it opened, they could hear screams of agony from inside. "Tell us what we want to know, and we will stop." Red Rum said. "Wow, sounds like he is really enjoying himself." Chrysalis said. "Of course he is. He is a Grade A lunatic after all." Kron laughed. In the room, there was a rack and along the walls were multiple instruments of torture. Currently the rack was occupied by a single bipedal figure. "Now tell me, what I want to know or I will cut out one of your kidneys next." Red Rum said. The figure turned his bruised face to him and spat on him. He wiped of the spittle and smiled. "Have it your way." "That's enough." Kron said. Red Rum turned. "Come on. We were just about to have some fun." "I said that's enough. You can play doctor some other time." He put the bloody scalpel down and walked out of the room. "Hello again." Kron said as he stepped into the room. "Let's chat." The figure turned away. "Face your king when he speaks to you." Chrysalis said, grabbing his chin and turning it towards Kron. "He is not my king." The figure said. "Bite your tongue!" Chrysalis hissed, smacking him across the face. "Can I please? That way I don't have to talk to you two." He smirked. "No, no. Don't go and do that, or we will have to get the information from another source. One with maybe a more royal presence." Kron smirked. "You stay away from them!" The figure shouted. "Then tell us what we want to know!" Kron yelled, slamming his hoof on the table. The figure sighed. "Alright. But first, you must promise to stay away from them." "I give you my word." Kron said, raising his hoof. "Okay. Here his how you do it..."