Herald of the Night

by Commentaholic

Chapter Thirteen: Strange Mares and Hidden Stairs

Herald of the Night

Chapter Thirteen: Strange Mares and Hidden Stairs

The distant horizon grew slowly from a midnight blue, dotted by twinkling stars, to a dawn sky tinged by the arriving sun, clouds alight with the fire of its passing as the light seemed to flow over Equestria like a sea of molten gold, bathing it with the radiance of Celestia's charge. And yet, through all this, Twinkleshine still had yet to finish all she had to tell about Twilight's requested topic of Nightmare Moon and the Elements of Harmony. There were an astounding number of conspiracy theories, rumours, legends and myths surrounding the events of a thousand years previously. The accounts of the survivors of the Everfree fiefdom - Those that had not departed with Luna - had been passed down through the generations, but many of the details had faded into obscurity. Possibly due to some efforts at concealing the truth over the centuries.

What she could verify (as far as conspiracy facts were 'verifiable' in the loosest sense of the word) was what she and Luna had already figured out: Sometime around fifteen years in the past, the Elements had been moved from the Everfree to a secure location. However, the rumours couldn't seem to agree on where they had been moved. Some said a secure vault beneath Canterlot, which Twilight hoped for. (At least that rumour would place her in the right area, even if she was herself locked away at the moment.) Other guesses said that the Elements had been scattered to the four winds to prevent (or ensure, depending on the opinions about Celestia) some great disaster.

Celestia... Twilight mused, taking a brief moment to look outside the window at the rising sun, only half-listening to Twinkleshine's continued ramblings.

Twilight hadn't even had the time to ask about the reclusive Alicorn, aside from the occasional word squeezed in between Twinkleshine's occasional breaths. What she did know was the scattered accounts, the opinions ranging between benevolent ruler to insufferable tyrant. Any of these things could be true, for all Twilight knew of Equestria's Monarch. But much of what Twilight had read - and heard, directly from Princess Luna's own lips - had labeled Celestia as a strong, benevolent ruler, if a bit liable to get swept up in the moment.

But in the wake of what Twilight had seen and heard... The overbearing guardsmen... the subdued Canterlot ponies... the Marked ones... None of these were indicative of any sort of tyrant. If Twilight didn't know any better, Celestia's actions spoke of -- Twilight almost dared not even think it of an immortal Alicorn -- fear?

The rustle of military-grade armour was not a strange sound to Twilight's ears, having heard similar noises many times while wandering the halls of Luminus Castle. And with the coming dawn, Twilight could only assume they came to take her back into another audience with Captain Shining Armour.

Leaning against the bars of her cell, the lavender unicorn caught a glimpse of three guardsponies - oh-so-fancy in their gleaming gold armour and flawless white coats - tromping down the dungeon corridor towards the Marked Ones Wing. As they came to a halt, Twilight could recognize the one that had brought her down here fishing out his key to unlock her cell. Once it was open, he stepped back a little and to the side.

"You're coming with us."

At least Twilight would be prepared this time. She solemnly stepped forward between the two Earth Pony guards, giving them a slight glance. "Aren't you a bit short to be a Royal Guard?" she remarked to one of them, relishing in the small resistance she could offer without prompting violent reprisal.

The stallion in question snarled and pushed her forward roughly while the other one sniggered, hiding it expertly with a hoof. The pegasus barked at them to be quiet before leading the way back out of the dungeons. Twilight risked a final glance backwards, seeing the others watching her go with pity in their eyes. The white unicorn waved a hoof in farewell; a gesture which Twilight tried to return, but was shunted along by one of the guards. But before Twinkleshine disappeared from sight, Twilight was treated to a conspiratorial wink.

Twilight, of course, had no time to ponder this strange gesture. The small group headed back along the dark corridors, the ambient lighting gradually growing as the morning rose in its full glory. Through the occasional window, Twilight could almost see Ponyville, far in the distance. Beyond the small village was the Everfree Forest.

Her distracted daze was broken by a startled grunt and the clatter of armour on the stone floor. Her head whipped around to see the pegasus guard crumpling to the ground, one of the other guards standing over him. Noticing Twilight's slack-jawed confusion, the stallion next to her reached up with a hoof and tipped his crested helm off his head. There was a hazy swirl of an enchantment dispelling...

Pink. Ridiculous amounts of it exploded out of the ornate golden head covering. And 'he' wasn't a 'he'. 'He' was a 'her'. It took Twilight a moment to recognise the strange Earth Pony mare from Ponyville - much longer than it should have taken, she would admit - her fluffy pink mane poofing back to its usual shape. Twilight took a few steps back in surprise, bumping into the other guard - the one who had knocked out the pegasus - who removed 'his' helmet to reveal Zecora.

It wouldn't have been too strange. Maybe even believable... if her friend didn't still have the body of a pure white stallion clad in gleaming gold armour from the neck down.

"But... wha.... how did you... huh?" Twilight gaped, her head tilting in confusion.

A gentle hoof stemmed the tide of questions. "Friend Twilight, there is no time now to be agape. Now, with haste, we must make our escape." A nod to the pink pony elicited a gleeful grin and the mare - Pinkie Pie, if Twilight remembered correctly - crouched darted off the way they'd come, down towards the dungeons.

Twilight finally regained the power of speech, "But Zecora, we can't leave without the sapphire! Luna had you give it to me for a reason!"

"I knew you would worry for the blue gemstone's fate," Zecora said, as she nudged Twilight down a side passage. She paused for a moment, a white hoof reaching beneath the armour and drawing out the small pouch and proffering it towards Twilight, "We found it first. Sorry we're late."

Twilight eagerly took it from Zecora's hoof with a twist of telekinesis, clutching it to her chest with a relief-filled exhale before she tied it around her neck with the pouch's drawstring, turning to follow the departing zebra. Many questions swarmed through her mind, but she opted to hold off on them until they were safely away... except for one question:

"How are we going to escape?"

A questing hoof roamed the right-side wall as they trotted down the darkened corridor. "To find the hidden exit is hard. Revealed to me only by the Lunar Vanguard."

The hoof pressed down on a loose cobblestone, which slid into the wall. The was the grinding of stone on stone and a portion of the wall slid back and swung into a passage. Glowing gemstones illuminated a staircase that led downward.

"The Lunar what?!"

"No time to tell all that's happened, Twilight. We will explain when we're safely out of sight." Zecora asserted firmly, giving Twilight a 'look' and gesturing down the stairs. Behind them, there was a cacophony of quiet hoofsteps approaching and, around the corner, came the Marked Ones, led by a bouncing white guardspony stallion. With a flourish, he whipped off his helmet, allowing Pinkie Pie's head to whoomf back into existence like an inflating balloon. She flamboyantly saluted.

"Party guests retrieved! Private Pie ready for more!"

Twilight could only stare. The Marked Ones, aside from Twinkleshine, also seemed rather confused. Zecora just gestured down the stairs again and they all began to file down into the dimly lit passage. A second pushed stone prompted the concealing stone wall to swing back into place with a deep, heavy thud.