//------------------------------// // Under the Cover of Crimson // Story: Applejack's Stetson Hat // by Fattymagee1 //------------------------------// “Get up ponies, you have much work to do!” The leader of the Diamond Dogs reached into the pocket of his shirt and withdrew a ring of keys. Taking a few seconds to fidget around with the keys, the canine eventually found the right one. He proceeded to open the gate and walk inside the prison cell. Big Macintosh, releasing a colossal puff of air with his nostrils, glared with disgust at the fiend who had abducted his precious Rarity. The stallion raised to all fours and initiated in lifting his front hooves up and down, as if to stretch for a sheep-herding run. He glanced over at Rarity, who stared back at him with a look of trepidation. He turned back to face his enemy. The Diamond Dog stood there all alone, walking towards him in the cell. How could he be so darn foolish? Ah could charge him right now, take care of the other two, and Miss Rarity and Ah will be home free, thought Big Macintosh as he focused in on his foe. “Come out ponies, we have some nice carts waiting outside for you to pull—Ahh!” Without warning, Big Macintosh charged at the canine as fast as his massive hooves could carry him. “Big Mac! Stop!” Rarity screamed. “There’s—” “Guards!” Out of seemingly nowhere, three massive bulldog-type dogs shot through the cell door. Their coats were composed of completely brown fur, and they each wore iron chest armor and helmets covered in spikes. They each held a spear with their massive forearms. “Guard dogs....” Rarity mumbled. Not a foot away from the Diamond Dog leader, Big Macintosh froze, his heart sinking into his stomach. Rarity watched in horror as the three dogs pounced on top of the stallion. Big Macintosh headbutted one of them into the stone prison wall, but the other two were able to grab ahold of him. Despite the dogs’ considerably larger frames than the big red stallion’s, they struggled for several minutes to contain the workhorse’s bucking. Only once the headbutted guard dog regained its senses and rejoined the other two did they finally subdue their rebellious charge. Once Big Macintosh was on the ground, the guard dogs quickly leapt into standing positions and rapidly pointed their rock spears in the stallion’s direction. Soon after, the other two Diamond Dogs scurried in through the cell door. “Well, well, well... looks like he’s trying to protect his marefriend.” sneered the leader dog to his minions. “How pathetic!” Though invisible due to his red coat, he blushed and glanced over at Rarity. He was surprised to see a slight tint of red on her cheeks as she gazed back at the big red stallion. Was she also... blushing? He didn’t have much time to think about it, however, as two of the guard dogs lifted the stallion and held him firmly. The big red stallion attempted to resist once again, but the guard dogs were simply too strong. The Diamond Dog leader motioned towards the exit, and the two dogs proceeded to carry Big Macintosh out the cell door. He looked back in dismay as the third guard dog hoisted Rarity onto its back, the mare flailing wildly about, before he turned a corner and lost sight of her. Big Macintosh’s heart sank. Here he was, this great hulking stallion, being carried away so helplessly, and there was absolutely nothing he could do to help himself, or, of much greater importance, the mare of his affection. This wasn’t how it was supposed to happen. All he needed to do was chase the dog down the hole, buck him to kingdom come, place his lady Rarity on his back, and gallop out the cave entrance like a hero. Nope, a couple of oversized mutts were dragging him away from his mare in what had to be one of the most pathetic rescue attempts of all time. “Ah... Ah failed her,” apprehended the stallion. Helplessness and shame was all that penetrated his mind now. They were taking him away from her, possibly for good. After a few minutes of being extremely uncomfortably lugged through an utterly discombobulating maze of tunnels and shafts, Big Macintosh finally arrived at the entrance of a large cavity. Stalagmites rose from the ground and stalactites dropped from the ceiling everywhere, and small fragments of gems could be seen in the grey stone walls everywhere. Finally, the dogs released Big Macintosh, simply dropping the mighty stallion onto the hard ground. Upon contact, the entire cavern shook slightly, sending many droplets of water from the stalactites to drip down onto him. Before Big Mac could gather his thoughts, he felt something being fastened around his midsection. He turned his head and realized that he was now attached to a large cart of some sort. He gazed forward again, and there stood two of the guards, their spears pointed directly at his face. Suddenly, he heard a voice, a whiny voice that he had been longing to hear, originating from the same place. “Put me down, you big brute! You’re continuing to ruin my already dreadful hooficure!” It was her. They were bringing her to the same place he was. Despite her disheveled state, and only being apart for a few minutes, when he first glimpsed the mare coming around the corner on the guard dog’s back, she was the most beautiful sight Big Macintosh had ever laid eyes on. When Rarity noticed Big Macintosh standing dead ahead, her eyes seemed to light up with surprise as the two made eye contact. She hadn’t been expecting to see Big Macintosh so soon either. Once Rarity entered the large open cavern, the ear-plug adorned guard dog just dropped her onto the hard, dirty ground like the others did with Big Macintosh. “That is no way to treat a lady!” muttered the opulent mare as she rose to all fours. She turned to face the stallion. Big Macintosh, whose instincts screamed at him to go comfort the poor mare, reluctantly could do absolutely nothing, since there was a spear pointed at him on both sides. Thus, all Big Macintosh and Rarity could do was stare into one another’s eyes, and await their fates. A few seconds later, the three earplug-adorned Diamond Dogs entered the cavern through another entrance. The leader immediately noticed the scene in front of him. Big Macintosh and Rarity broke eye contact as he ambled into view. "Well, well well,” the Diamond Dog leader sneered, “look at what we’ve got here.” He walked over to Big Macintosh, whose face was one of extreme rage. “Nopony treats Miss Rarity like that, ya hear? Y’all're gonna be sorry fer that!” The big red stallion and the Diamond Dog leader glared at one another for a few gauche seconds before he erupted into laughter. The dog spun around to face his two partners in crime. “Did you hear that? He thinks we’re going to be sorry!” All three of the canines disgorged a rather obnoxious laughter, nearly falling onto the dirty ground. “Yeah boss, he thinks he can save his marefriend from us!” bellowed the larger of the leader’s two accomplices. “What a silly pony!” Though nopony could see it due to the stallion’s deep crimson coat, Big Mac was blushing immensely. Despite the circumstances, he couldn’t help it. Just the thought of somepony else describing the love of his life as his marefriend in the same sentence made him once again blush redder than the reddest apple in Sweet Apple Acres. His feelings having shifted from anger to sentiment and even a little embarrassment, the stallion gazed over at the beauteous white mare in front of him. He was shocked to see she was also blushing again, and staring straight down at the ground as if she were purposely trying not to make eye contact with the stallion. Her blushing was once again quite obvious since the color of her coat was paler than a cloud. He couldn’t help but let the thought creep into his mind. Maybe... she does have some feelin's for me. But how? We've barely even talked. All Ah’ve done is just let her down.. Once the dogs’ odious cacophony of laughter finally subsided, the leader and his accomplices trotted directly between the two ponies, then stopped. “You two are going to find us all the precious gems in this entire cave," the leader stared at Rarity and then pointed at his earplugs,"and your whining won't work this time pony!" The leader sauntered over to Rarity, patting the defenseless unicorn on the head. “You already know the drill, don’t you? You’re going to use your fancy magic to find them—” the canine leader spun around to face Big Mac, “—and you’re going to dig them for us!” The dogs all began to voraciously laugh again as they proceeded to saunter over towards the center of the cavern, the leader motioning for the guards to follow. The guard dogs pointed their spears at Rarity and Big Macintosh, obviously indicating they wished for the ponies to follow. As Big Macintosh walked further towards the center of the cavern, he happened to gaze up and noticed a gem chandelier lighting the room above and in front of the stallion. An idea suddenly popped into his mind. Maybe a way to get out. All Ah need is... He glanced over at Rarity, who was also being followed by two guard dogs with spears. His heart sank. Their chance was coming up, but he couldn’t just tell his plan to her. He needed to think of something, and fast. However, it was to no avail. An overwhelming sense of futility overcame the stallion as without incident, he and the mare were led at spear-point out of the chamber and into another tunnel.