Forge World: The Full Metal Fantasy Role Playing Game

by shenadri

2: Don't knock it till you try it


 Forge World: The Full Metal Fantasy Role Playing Game


By; Zelkova48

Special thanks to DetectivePingles for proofreading my story


2: Don't knock it till you try it


"....So to attack, you roll one dice. Then you add the number to your weapon skill and attack damage. Finally, you compare the number to the enemy's defence or armor" said Twilight as she was doing her best to explain the somewhat intricate battle system of the game, condensing it as much as possible "If the number is higher then you hit the enemy or bypass their armor. Damage to your foe is done by subtracting the number you rolled plus your weapon damage, subtracting their armor, then subtracting that number from the foe's hit points. Not counting any abilities however"
"Why is there so much math?" Rainbow groaned while she complained "I thought battling bad guys was supposed to be fun, not a pop quiz in disguise!"
"Don't getcha feathers in a bunch there, Rainbow, it's just basic addition and subtraction" said Applejack "It ain't all that hard" she told Rainbow Dash who just continued to groan in exasperation.
"Don't groan like that darling, it'll affect your vocal chords in the long run" said Rarity before she turned to Twilight "So now we have the basics on battling down, we have all that we need to play the game. Paper, pencils, and dice. What's next?" she asked. Twilight began to vigorous flip through the pages of the book. At the exact moment she stopped, a wide creepy grin formed on her face.
"It's time to understand the lore!" Twilight exclaimed as if she was a foal with a brand new set of crayons "Come on over here and check it out! There's a map and everything!" she flipped the book over and showed all her friends the highly detailed map of the continent of Metallos.
"Okay, I have to admit. That is most definitely awesome!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed when she saw the massive fantasy world. It was so huge in fact that the game can only take place in a small western area of Metallos, Even if it was just a small chunk of land, it was divided up into several smaller states and countries. If her math was right, she must've counted about five different empires and kingdoms ruling their own individual plot of land. The sheer size of each kingdom dwarfed Equestria in almost every possible aspect.

"Wow! That's super, duper, ultra, amazingly huge! Think of all the parties I could throw there!" Pinkie squeaked uncontrollably at the thought of spreading her special brand of joy throughout a continent roughly one hundred times larger than Equestria.
"Hold on there Pinkie, let's read the story behind this 'Metallos' first" Twilight suggested which only caused Pinkie to nod her head back and forth rapidly like an out of control firecracker "Alright. The continent of Metallos is.....


Forge World

Western Metallos is the main setting in which you, the players, will explore in Forge World. It is a big and mysterious world, ripe with danger and adventure at almost every corner. It is a world that has seen great advances in progress and great displays of horror. This is a world that is not meant for the light of heart. However, if you can steel yourself, if you and your friends are willing to journey in this brave new world, then be prepared for the adventure of a lifetime!

Table of Contents

                    -Myths and Religions
                    -Life in the Forge World
                    -Life beyond the Forge World
                    -Steel and Magic




The records of civilization on Metallos date back several millennia to when each race had only begun to form small tribes and societies. Ages passed and with the concept of "survival of the fittest" many races rose to imperial greatness before evolving into something much more than a mere empire. Constant shifts in ideology and philosophy eventually caused several ancient empires to crumble to dust and drive each race to coexist together. This period in time is dubbed "The Great Unification" coined by Griffon scribe and scholar, Crow Magnum of the old Griffon Kingdom.
Several centuries passed after each race agreed to coexist amongst one another, and the idea of imperialism rose up once more and took hold of Metallos. Within the span of only a few centuries, new empires and kingdoms rose from the ground up. No longer was it about mindless warfare between squabbling tribes. It was to be the beginning of a modern age where science, magic, philosophy and political power became staples of everyday life. Centuries ago, five key states and countries rose to power and become the very center of western Metallos.

Myths and Religion

Of the four dominant races of Metallos, each have their own religion and beliefs based on the creation of the world or how to seek enlightenment. Each religion is based on several aspects of their own species. While some faiths have died out, there are few that remain a part of everyday life for the denizens of Metallos.
-The Church of Vita: Vita is said to be one of two alicorn sisters, with the other being her twin, Thanatos. Vita and Thanatos are said to have moulded the continent of Metallos from scarce beginnings, forming the landscapes and it's inhabitants purely out of their very essence. When the world was formed Vita taught her little ponies that the truest way to enlightenment is to be selfless and to love and tolerate others.
-Thanite Cults: While Vita's philosophy to enlightenment is to be selfless and love others, Thanatos rejected the idea of lowering oneself to ascend beyond all others. Thanatos believed that the truest way to enlightenment was to achieve it through any means necessary, to be free of any and all restrictions. As sound as the ideal appeared, it has been misinterpreted by many who failed to see the original meaning. Because of this, Thanites are mostly comprised of criminals, corrupt nobles and practitioner of necromancy. As a result, Thanites have been ridiculed and stigmatized as dangerous extremist in the eyes of the masses.
Diamond Dog
-The Paw of Dog: Diamond Dogs believe in an almighty omnipotent being known only as DOG (which at times can be confused as an anagram for "Dig On Guys") the story goes that one day in the other plane in which DOG resides, he grabbed a chunk of dirt and molded it into the continent of Metallos purely out of boredom. It wasn't until DOG realized the significance of his creation that he decided to reward the world's inhabitants with gems.The catch however, was that the gems must be found by digging for them.
Because of this simple ideology, Diamond Dogs accelerated to become the forerunner of modern technological advancements and engineering of high end machinery including the research and development of the coveted "Engines" for the sake of gems. The ideology of DOG has since been a hot topic for philosophers and scholars alike and has since been perceived in a multitude of ways.
Most have come to the conclusion that the ideology of DOG is more than just finding gems. The true meaning is that you can reach whatever goal you set for yourself through hard work and perseverance.
-Order of the Four Winds: The religion of the Griffons is by far the oldest of the bunch, dating all the way back to the dawn of their species. Griffons believed in hundreds of gods, but only four stand out from the rest.
Four phoenixes, each one representing one of the four elements, helped to created Metallos from absolute nothingness. Chikyu, the phoenix of the earth, formed the world from one of his feathers. Mizu, the phoenix of water, dived into the planet and created the great oceans. Kasai, the phoenix of fire, removed his left eye to create the sun, always watching over the world and to protect it from potential danger. Lastly, Inazuma the phoenix of lightning brought forth the spark of life and breathed life into the desolate world.
The Griffons worship the four phoenixes and built the idea of unity around the creation of the world. Unity has the ability to raise monuments or crumble whole mountains. Unity brings everyone together and promotes peace and tranquility.

United we stand, divided we fall.

-Sect of the Broodmother: Changeling have their own take on the creation of the world. They tell tales of the great conscience, a concept to the Changeling that has them all neurally linked together in one great collective consciousness. The great conscience simply thought of the world and it came to be so. It then created beings in its own image to populate the world. Because the great conscience is ethereal and intangible, it has no shape of its own. The Changelings believed that their innate ability to change shape at will is part of the great conscience trait and gift to their species.
While the sect of the Broodmother is technically not a true religion to the Changelings themselves, many races have come to call the Changeling lifestyle a faith of it's own. An ideology was formed because of the Changeling's shape shifting ability. The ideology is that changelings are all but one piece of the whole, and have the ability to change yet remain the same.
Thus the sect of the Broodmother has been known to be a religion that revolves around redemption and charity to others. Ponies, Diamond dogs and Griffons from all around flock to the great temples of the Broodmother to be absolved of their sins and to seek a better and altruistic life.

Life in the Forge World

The continent of western Metallos has five noticeable states and kingdoms that rule over the vast land. These five are the center of western Metallos and are the focal points of society in the Forge World. Of the five, there are:
The U.S.S.R. (United Silverus Socialist Republic)
Founded by Griffons, the U.S.S.R. is a highly militaristic state that known for it's modern military management and unity of it's citizens. Headed by Czar Talon III, the land of Silverus has made several advancement in military strength and equality despite being in the very heart of the frozen tundra where average commodities are scarce.
The U.S.S.R. is a tradition heavy state and has been ridiculed for having a dictatorship even with their focus on uniting the people whether rich or poor. Rumors of a secret police erasing political enemies plague almost every crack and corner of the frozen land including it's capitol, Silverus City. Looking past the supposed tyranny of the Czar, the state still stands as one of the most powerful because of its warriors.
Home to the intimidating "Skyterrors" of Silverus, perhaps the most fearsome and skilled fighters in all the land. Using their unique blasting pike, a weapon that is basically a pike with high yield explosives carefully fitted to each tip, they have to capability to wipe out whole forces with relative ease and they even have the audacity to fight an "Engine" head on without remorse.
With raw power and the people's zealous devotion to the cause of unity, the U.S.S.R. is not something to be trifled with.
The Lazurian Empire
The Lazurian Empire rules to the east of western Metallos. With help from the wide expanses of forests and mountains, it is nearly impossible to conquer the Land of Lapis Lazulia. A kingdom ruled by a monarchy, Queen Diamonda oversees her kingdom from her castle deep within the woods. It's citizens comprised almost entirely of ponies, the Lazurian Empire is equal to or perhaps even greater than in political power of the U.S.S.R.
The nation's greatest strength is its knowledge. The Lazurian Empire is famous for promoting a formal education for each and all of the people that live there. Housing the greatest numbers of schools and home to over a number of universities, almost all, if not all, of Lapis Lazulia's people are learned scholars, professors, and politicians. Being masters in the oratory art, the Lazurians are unmatched in debates and arguments during meeting with world leaders. Having a silver tongue and an expanded mind helps when the Lazurian Empire is pacifist in nature.
Though the Lazurian's may be pacifist, that doesn't mean that they can't defend themselves. While most turn to steel and lead to defend their homes, the Lazurians are masters of the arcane. Having greater understanding in magic than most, they pride themselves with a standing military of purely magi and grunts. The Lazurians are well equipped, and coupled with the terrain advantage, it is a daunting task to defeat them in their homelands.
Bronza of the Blazing Sands
Far to the south of Metallos, near the equator lies the kingdom of Bronza, otherwise known as Bronza of the Blazing Sands. Bronza is a nation that is trapped in time with a population that is a mix of every race. Refusing to modernize, Bronza is an agricultural based society where farming, irrigation management and weather control are the staple of everyday life in the blazing sands.
Aside from farming, Bronza is also known for having the most skilled artisans in all of the other kingdoms. Using ancient techniques that have been proven to stand the test of time, Bronzite's are famous for their skilled metal working, crafting and architectural accomplishments. Their towering stone monuments and gargantuan pyramids are only but a few of the many wonders they had accomplished using only hand tools.  
Surprisingly enough, the system of government that Bronza has is a kratocracy. Only the strongest are allowed to run the nation and they decide so with a massive battle at their capitol, Bronzaria. Being in the middle of the blazing, almost inhospitable desert has forged violent and hot blooded warriors known as "Judicators." They are warriors with unrealistic strength who learned to wield and master weapons larger than they are. Hardy, reckless, and downright savage, the Judicators are demons of the sands.
Divided Golderan
A fallen and fragmented nation. Golderan's demise began through civil unrest and widespread racism of other races centuries earlier. Originally formed on a island to the west under the premise of unity and prosperity of its people, Golderan's representative government horribly failed as a crude number of bizarre laws were passed to keep the people at bay. When it was discovered that the laws were passed through backhanded tactics and bribery the nation crumbled underneath the feet of the citizens that they swore to protect.
Change is evident in modern day Golderan, or Divided Golderan as it has come be known now. The island is split up into two sections, northern Golderan and southern Golderan. Each side has decided to govern its citizens in their own way, for better or for worse. Thankfully, bigotry and racism have since been quelled and all of its citizens can live without fear of discrimination, though that isn't to say that some people still prefer to hate others because of who they are.
The greatest strength of the nation of Golderan is their insurmountable number of connections with other political leaders and trade corporations around Metallos. Simply put, Divided Golderan is a massive shipping industry. Anything and everything that goes around the Forge World has to go through Golderan's ports first before being sent off to their destination.
Because of this, the nation holds great power in communications, trafficking and intelligence of other nations. Golderan may be divided but they know and control more than enough to remain powerful in the eyes of the world.
The Protectorate of Rubinelle
The Protectorate of Rubinelle is not much more of a state than it is a country. In fact, it's neither. However, Rubinelle wasn't officially recognized as a key nation by it's bordering neighbors until the former leader of Silverus, Czar Loonin, discovered that the area of Rubinelle had a working government and strong leadership.
Mainly populated by Diamond Dogs, the neutral land is basically one big dig site for the canine inhabitants. Shanty towns and large mechanical facilities meant for the construction of digging equipment and "Labor Engines" dotted the great plains. Aside from being a dig site, the neutral land is common for sheltering fugitives and politicians seeking political asylum. Under the guise of catching criminals, Loonin went to the neutral area in good will to convince the leader of the land to be absorbed into the U.S.S.R. for protection from the surrounding kingdoms.
Loonin's plans horribly backfired when the appointed leader of the area, Foreman Husky saw through his lie and decided to do something else. Husky went and united each and every small town and city to form the Protectorate of Rubinelle, a nation of workers backed by an oligarchy that is a mix of meritocracy, geniocracy, timocracy and technocracy. From then on, Rubinelle became the buffer for the other four nations that surrounds it.
The Protectorate since then has risen to become the forefront of industry and commerce throughout the entirety of the Forge World, becoming the most powerful through trade, production of goods, and technological achievement.
Beware, Skyterrors from Silverus, Magi from Lapis Lazulia, and even Judicators from Bronza who are foolish enough to attack a neutral nation. With the protectorates massive armor of "War Engines" death comes to all.

Life beyond the Forge World

Farther to the west of Metallos lie other areas of the world, mostly islands and a very small continent. These lands and their people are declared as neutral and are not associated in any political involvement with the main five kingdoms.
Black Pearl Cove
Black Pearl Cove is an infamous island off the coast of Rubinelle and Golderan. Originally an expansion of Golderan, it all changed when the nation fell. The marines who were left behind on the island were driven to fend for themselves. In this state of isolation and madness the marines resorted to piracy and sacked local cargo ships and fishing boats that were unlucky enough to sail close by the island. Several years of being stranded on an uncharted island out in the middle of the sea, the marines eventually became pirates and built a city from broken ships to call their own. Thus, Black Pearl Cove was born.
Eventually, Black Pearl Cove became the center for pirates, thieves and criminals the world over. With no real sense of leadership, each province governs themselves in their own unique way. The most significant of these governments is the Black Pearl Armada, lead by Graybeard the pirate who has shown strong leadership abilities with almost every crew in port and resilience to withstand liver destroying amounts of grog.
Perhaps the most interesting aspect of Black Pearl Cove is Brigand City, home to one of the most entertaining gambling scene in all of Metallos. There you can win and lose just about everything you can possibly think of that was probably stolen by all kinds of thieves. Just make sure to check your pockets before leaving Brigand City
The Obsidian Flats
In an unearthly realm of Metallos, there is a land that is said to be cursed by the darkest and foulest of all magic possible. Nothing ever decomposes in the Obsidian Flats, so whenever something dies its body remains intact in the way it was when it met its demise. Because of this, mutilated corpses line the ground like a path of flesh and bones, or even stacked up high like hills and even mountains for the scavengers to feed on.
No one really knows what happened to cause the once verdant jungles of Obsidia to become  such desolate black wastelands of torn flesh and despair. What people do know is that surviving the horrors that the flats wrought often yields great rewards in the end. Enchanted by of the allure of mysterious treasure and adventure, many foolishly set course to the cursed land to either strike it rich.... or die trying.
While the Obsidian Flats may be a desolate land, many people have actually succeeded in building settlements and even creating a city in the heart of the flats. Necromancy is a valued art in these parts and is often encouraged by others for the benefit of everyone. The Flats is also the only land where thanites can live in peace and hone their skills properly without being hunted down by those that wish to harm them for their involvement in the dark arts.
The Iron Republic
The Iron Republic is a nation of soldiers, founded by soldiers, for soldiers. Almost every single one of it's citizens has served in the military at one point in time. However, they all left or were discharged to pursue another interest. It doesn't matter whether they served in Lapis Lazulia, Bronza, or even Silverus, they all share one common dream; to be soldiers without being pawns of the government. Simply put, they are a private military organization on a continental scale.
                    The Iron Republic fund their self proclaimed nation and endeavor through a staggering amount of mercenary contracts. The republic is popular among big and small businesses alike along with nobles of the upper crust who're looking for some extra protection against bandits or would be assassins.

Steel and Magic

Metal plays a key role in the Forge World. The continent of Metallos is so incredibly rich with ores and nuggets of all kinds that it's hard not to find a soft chunk of copper or tin just a few inches below the dirt of the mines. Life in the Forge World practically revolves around such a simple element, so much so in fact that monopolies around mining corporations and contractors were forcibly eliminated by Diamond Dogs because of it. Almost everything in the Forge World is made of metal; swords, guns, trains, railroad tracks, zeppelins, and engines are just a few.
Magic is a part of the Forge World, although it's a finicky element and only experts in the arcane can properly master it. Magic can be used by each of the playable races in the game, although with varying degrees of effectiveness depending on which race and sub species you choose. There are several types of magic to choose from; elemental, healing, arcane, and even black magic are among those that you can choose to wield. Just be sure to make a note that dark magic is looked down upon in the Forge World and can lead to a lot of unwanted attention and hostility.          

"Yikes, that was a great read and all but some of this certainly wasn't meant for the foals" said Applejack who looked over the column about the Obsidian Flats again, tickling her fascination of the abomination "Blech! That's a hard thought to swallow, a land where nothing ever decomposes...." she grimaced at the thought of seeing hundreds of her apples laying on the ground, dead yet maintaining their deceptively fresh appearance. It caused her to shudder uncontrollably at such a horrific image.
"I'm fairly interested in the Protectorate of Rubinelle" Twilight said "Their system of government and how they came to be sounds plausible for something that is supposedly make believe."Tthe inner scholar within her began to turn the cogs in her head, winding up slowly as her imagination went wild "The fact that the Diamond Dogs are the most technologically advance is really surprising as well. All of that knowledge, and their drive is only for the gems" she giggled to herself, remembering how even the most successful of scientists have even a small amount of naivety.
"Hmm, I'm slightly conflicted about this.... Bronza" said Rarity "Home to both the greatest artisans in the land and the most savage of warriors? Talk about a nation of contradictions" she chastised "If we do go on an adventure there, I hope we stay as far away from these Judicators as possible"
"Well maybe they're not all bad" Fluttershy joined in "They do live in the desert, so it only seemed natural that they grow strong to survive. The bad attitude must just be from the heat" she proposed with a warm smile "I'm sure deep down they're just like us"
"Coming from the pegasus that single hoofedly help point Discord's moral compass in the right direction, I would have to agree with you there Fluttershy" Rainbow Dash interjected before she turn to Twilight "Okay, history lesson’s over. Let's get on to the next part, what is it?"
Twilight flipped back to the table of contents before flipping back to another page. Once again, when she stopped another wide and creepy smile formed on her face, one that made everyone recoil in fear.
"Uhh... -T-Twilight? Y-you're making that f-face again...." Fluttershy said hid back into her mane "It's s-scaring us..." Twilight immediately snapped out of her book driven revelry when she noticed everyone giving her the you're making that face again look.
"Oops, sorry. Force of habit!" Twilight said as her face turned red like a tomato from embarrassment "But I think this is something that we'll all enjoy!" she flipped the book over and showed them a group of heroes, kind of like them minus most of the violence, political incidents and the ruining of other people's lives "It's time to make our own characters!" her friends all cheered with delight.
"Finally, now we're getting somewhere!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed "I'm gonna make my character a powerhouse! How do we do it?" she asked as she puffed out her chest.

  Twilight looked at the table of contents once more "Well, let’s see, there are...."



Character Creation

Character creation is by far the most important aspects of playing Forge World. Since you are going to be a part of it you're going to need a character that best suits the world. Making a character is quite easy, all you need to do is pick a race and then two career types. Everything else is entirely up to you, from appearances to their personality. It is YOUR character, after all. Keep in mind that there is no such thing as a perfect character; many races and careers may have certain prerequisites and limitations, but don't let that stop you from creating a unique character that you want. Want to be a Priest/Judicator? Sure. How about a Skyterror/ Investigator? Go for it. They are who you choose to be.


There are up to four different kinds of races that you can play as in Forge World, each have their own set of unique advantages and disadvantages depending on which race and subspecies that you choose. The following races are:
Ponies are one of the races that you can play in this game. They make up most of the population in Forge World and are known for their magical prowess and resourcefulness. Most live in the Lazurian Empire along with their queen but ponies can be found almost everywhere else, either working the fields or running business all over the continent. Ponies have three subspecies to choose from when making a character.
-Earth Pony
Earth ponies are the average Pony. They're the everypony of the Lazurian Empire and can be seen doing all kinds of jobs. They can't fly or use magic all that well but they make up for their shortcomings with their amazing endurance, stamina and hardiness. Their natural physical build makes them resistant towards brutal strikes and blows by their enemies and make great guardians and myrmidons because of it.
Pegasus are ponies of the sky. They're mostly either guards, farmers, or brushers because of their ability to fly.  Aside from flight they have the ability to gain limited control over the weather. They're not as hardy as their Earth Pony counterparts but they are fast on both land and air. Pegasus is also one of the only few races that can become a Skyterror as one of their career along with their race locked career, Stormcrafters.
Unicorns are mostly royalty and politicians around the Lazurian Empire. They're renowned for their mastery in the both the oratory and arcane arts. Being innately connected to magic, their prowess allows them to control a multitude of magic at the cost of frailty. Their control over magic allows them to choose careers choices such as the elemental Magus, powerful Arcanist, healing Priests, or even the dead raising Thanite Advocate.
Diamond Dog
Diamond dogs also make up the general population of Forge World albeit not as much as the ponies. They can be found in the Protectorate of Rubinelle or almost anywhere else, often digging around for gems or building machinery. Because of this they are masters in excavations and mechanical engineering. Their exploits are what helped to make the Forge World the way it is today. There are three subspecies to choose from:
Grunts are the medium sized Diamond Dogs. They are the backbone of Diamond Dog society and are the ones that are most seen doing all of the work around their province. Diamond dogs grunts are roughly about the size of one and a half ponies, making them ideal for a multitude of jobs. Their expertise in mining and engineering allows them to choose careers such as the Mechanikal Engineer, Miner, or even Military Officers depending on your playstyle.
Brutes are the powerhouse and the biggest of the three subspecies. Being around two ponies tall, they're often seen carrying around heavy loads and doing most of the lifting. They are easily the strongest of the three subspecies with strength that rivals a minotaur. Having the greatest strength in the game they are capable of defeating heavily armed opponents with just their bare fists. Their expert in pugilism allows them to take careers of the brawler or even the mighty judicator.
Runts are the runt of the litter, around one third the size of an average Pony. They are very agile and are valued among Diamond Dog society. Their size does not limit their abilities to help out their pack, rather it allows them accomplish feats that their larger brethren are incapable of. They can fit into small areas to perform diagnostic check in machinery and engines, and their dexterity lets them sort through all kinds of dirt and junk to find what they're looking for. Their speed and quick handling lets them to handle career choices like the thief or gunslinger with ease.
Griffons are the mighty half lion, half eagle of the Forge World. They're mostly warriors and politicians that live in the harshest of conditions, living all the way north towards the frozen waste or all the way south to the burning desert. They are a tradition based society and have remained relevant throughout the Forge World through both military and political rule. Their civilization has survived for century because of their build. They can fly, they're naturally strong, and are great leaders. Because of this, Griffons do not have a subspecies and are only devoted to the order of the four winds.
The Changelings are a fairly new race in the Forge World, being integrated into modern society just a century earlier. Before then they were only classified as insects and were treated as such; the fact that they fed off love and other emotions made them seen as monsters in the eyes of the general populace. Then one day, Changeling Queen Arachnia from a hive out in the Bronza desert grew tired of her species being kicked around and mistreated like a common gnat. She did her best to make the Changelings look like a civilized race despite the fact that they lived in a massive hive.
She built towns, scripted entire government structures, learned an entire language, even proved scientifically that you can't die from being fed on by a Changeling just to be recognized as an equal among her peers. It took close to three decades to make themselves presentable but when it finally happened, Changelings were no longer subjugated to abuse and were integrated into society where they were free to walk among the other races. Since then the Changelings have been able to live harmoniously with the others without strife, yet some still can't get over their hated for them.
-Ascended Changeling  
There is a minor misconception and confusion regarding the Changeling race, Changelings aren't entirely about mindless drones that follows the queens orders on a whim, that is only half of the picture. There is a split between Changelings in their hive, drones and ascendants. Drone are the workers, they do most of the work in and out the hive. Ascendants are similar to a queen, only they don't have their minds linked with everyone else in the hive. They do most of the directing in the hive. Aside from the queen, ascendants have free will and can do as they please.
For years, ascendants have been living a sheltered life under the queen’s watchful mind with almost little to no knowledge of life beyond the hive. Now that they are considered citizens on Metallos they are finally exploring the world for the first time. However, even after being recognized as citizens some people still treat them like insect and often stigmatize them for being spies of another country because of their shapeshifting abilities. But others are willing to extend a hoof, paw, or talon in friendship to them and accept them for who they are.


These are the races that aren't playable but should be mentioned for the sake of world building and creating npcs. Some of these races or subspecies are possibly going to be playable in the expansion pack.
Minotaurs exist in Forge World but they are fairly rare to see as they mostly live to the east of Metallos that has yet to be talked about in this book. The chances of seeing a minotaur hanging around a tavern in western Metallos is almost slim to none, as they mostly keep to themselves and live in tight knit communities pass the mountains to the east. It should be common knowledge that minotaurs are gladiators by nature as well as master smiths, capable of forging some of the greatest weapons and armor in the land. To fight or gain some piece of equipment from a minotaur is considered to be an honor of the highest caliber.
-Donkeys, Zebras, and Cows
Donkeys and Zebras are other subspecies of the equine race that are mixed into the Pony population. Just like the ponies they can be found almost everywhere in western Metallos and are mostly workers rather than adventurers. Although it is quite rare to meet a donkey or zebra going adventuring somewhere it shouldn't be immediately ruled out, as they like a little rush every now and then just like everyone else.
Cows are in the same boat as the donkeys and zebras, although they're mostly the type that prefers to work rather than go out on life threatening quest.
Ratlins are a hit or miss to the views of the general public, though the view so far has been leaning a bit towards negative and for good reasons too. For starters, they're oversized rats that smell. Next, They love to steal thing and because of this the Diamond Dog Runt's are commonly blamed for committing the heinous deed. Lastly, they're all disease carrying vermins that enjoy ruining other people's day. Whether it's stealing candy from a baby or taking a bath in some chef's big pot of soup, they are the main cause of mischief that happens in the city.
While it may be rare to find the occasional well dressed and polite rat, they are a scourge on city living. Ratlins don't even have a sense of community, for them it's finders keepers losers weepers. Should you find a ratlin, track it down, kill it, then loots it's den that's stashed full of treasure. When you're done, takes it's corpse and have it turned into a coin purse. Their fur is resistant to all kinds of weather and will keep your money safe in even the toughest of environments.


While your race is the base for a character, the career might as well be your catalyst. There are plenty of careers to choose from, each one suiting your own personal playstyle or interest. The list is:
                    -Arcane Engineer
                    -Bounty Hunter
                    -Gun Mage
                    -Mage Hunter
                    -Mechanikal Engineer
                    -Military Officer
                    -Thanite Advocate
The Alchemist is trained in the arcane science of refining and combining rare and exotic ingredients to create Alchemical items, including blasting powder, healing salves and potent alchemical grenades. The alchemist is the only career in the game that is capable of fully exploring the world and science of alchemy without suffering the occasional explosion that normally occurs from performing untrained alchemy. Seasoned veterans in the alchemical arts are deadly bombers that can bombard their enemies with corrosive, fire, ice, and even rust bombs depending on the situation.
Not to be mistaken with the Magus career, the Arcanist are those who have devoted themselves in learning and refining the innate magical abilities that exist in all living creatures. They train for years to master the arcane arts and are a very flexible magic career that focuses purely on spellcasting. Their skillset allows for offensive support, control, and even utility. If you are more interested in a character that can use magic correctly and effectively then this is the career for you.
-Arcane Engineer                 
Bridging the gap between machine and magic, Arcane Engineers are similar to Mechanikal Engineers except they are masters in crafting magically enhanced items. They can command engines just like a Mechanikal Engineer can and even improve upon existing weapons and parts through rune etchings. Having an Arcane Engineer on the team to help buff your weapons and gear as well as crafting and fixing said items is an invaluable asset to any team.
Prerequisite: Pony, Griffon
Aristocrats descend from the upper class in society. They can be nobles from Silverus, politicians from Lapis Lazulia or even a merchant prince from Bronza. What the Aristocrat lacks in combat abilities they make up for in social etiquette. With vast amounts of wealth, strong connections to others in the upper class and graced with a silver tongue Aristocrats can talk, bribe, or even seduce their way out of any bad situations.
-Bounty Hunter
Bounty Hunters make a living chasing criminals, deserters and wanted fugitives of all stripes. They are capable of tracking down even the most elusive of criminals and can subdue them with ease, especially if you want the person of interest alive rather than dead. The Bounty Hunter is a great combat career as well as a social career if you're interested in being a law dog for locals.
Brawlers are bare knuckled pugilists that love to punch things into submission. Aside for having great unarmed combat abilities they can also grapple enemies and even improvise to use their environment as a makeshift weapon. Being a Brawler is a great career choice if you just love to beat stuff into a thin red paste without receiving too many injuries in the process.
Brushers are individuals that live out in the wild. They're mostly paid to scout out hostile environment or find some rare creature hidden in the brush. They're in their element when outside in the woods rather then being cooped up in the cities. Brushers are masters at fighting wild animals and mastering rough terrain with relative ease, making them valuable for campaigns that take place in the woods or if the objective is to hunt down wild animals.
Make no mistakes, being a Cutthroat means that you are a cold blooded killer. Cutthroats specialize in mostly melee combat that involves bypassing armor and attacking multiple times in rapid succession. Their mastery over the backstabbing ways makes them both cunning and dangerous foes to fight against. If you choose to pick the Cutthroat as one of your two starting careers then be prepared for the bloodshed that you shall soon wreak.
The Duelist is a career that exemplifies refined combat through both the sword and the pistol. They can block and deflect attacks while attacking back at the same opponent during their turn. Their expertise in combat is not the only advantage that the Duelist has, they are also well versed in etiquette and are respected individuals among all members of society.... except maybe for that one guy you just shot.
The Explorer career is for those that love to travel and mapping out large expanses of the world. They are masters of survival in the wild and are very intelligent, being able to crack ancient codes as well as being very perceptive to anything that is foreign and bizarre. Their knowledge of the landscape also makes them great navigators, so getting lost in the woods isn't much of a problem if you have an Explorer on your side.

Guardians are soldiers who believe that the best offense is a good defense. They have strong defensive capabilities and can survive even the most horrific of encounters. They can go prone if a bomb goes off, avoid being knocked down and even shield other friends from harm. Because of their strong defensive abilities they are a valued member to any group lucky enough to have one.
-Gun Mage
Shooting bullets not good enough for you? Then try out the Gun Mage! Being a career that allows for long range fighting and magical attacks makes them a force to be reckoned with. Gun Mages use specially constructed magelock weapons that are capable of dishing out insane amounts of physical and magical damage in a large area of effect. When combine with other gun focused careers their effectiveness skyrockets to absurd levels.
Gunslingers are experts in utilizing the pistol. This is a gun focused career that allows you to either hit a single target multiple time or striking them once for the maximum amount of damage. Surviving an onslaught of bullets from a Gunslinger can be tough, as they can pin you down and force you to make only one move per turn. If you love to shoot stuff up then the Gunslinger is right for you.
The Investigator is a career that excels in criminology and forensic science. Nothing can get pass the keen eyes and wit of a seasoned investigator. Capable of detecting, understanding, and deducing all form of the problem, the Investigator has the skills and the knowledge to help prove the impossible, possible. If you're interested in playing a character that can solve the most boggling of puzzles, then look no more for the Investigator is the career for you.
Prerequisite: Citizen of Bronza
Judiactors are hot blooded and wild warriors of the sands. They are warriors that are forged in the blazing heat of Bronza who learned to harness unfathomable amounts of strength in their body to wield massive weaponry that are easily double or even triple their size. They emphasize raw strength and because of this their recklessness can hurt not only themselves but their allies and unfortunate others as well. If you're going to play a Judicator then make sure you hit something with that power of yours, otherwise you'd just be a walking liability issue.
-Mage Hunter
Prerequisite: Earth Pony, Diamond Dog, Griffon
Mage Hunters might as well let their name speak for themselves. Mage Hunters carve out a living hunting down people who use magic. It doesn't matter whether they're good or not, they just want to see magic extinguished from the world. Being silent assassins and almost immune to magical attacks the Mage Hunter can make quick work of any magic user. Be wary of the fact that when playing as a Mage Hunter you will have a very hard time speaking and interacting with magic users in Forge World.
Prerequisite: Unicorn, Changeling
The magus is a specific magic career that allows the user to tap into the power of the elements. The Magus is similar to the Arcanist in that they can both perform magic, the only caveat for the Magus is that they can use their innate magical abilities to fortify themselves passively rather than actively. Choosing one of the four elements to master can benefit you in more than just some spells. Choosing fire can grant you immunity to fire attacks while choosing earth will make you more resilient to physical attacks. All in all, the Magus is a powerful career that wields magic and should not be taken lightly in any case.
-Mechanikal Engineer    
The Mechanikal Engineer is a career that lets you build, repair and properly upgrade an engine, aside from commanding one of course. Mechanikal Engineers are also great crafters and can build and repair almost anything that's made of metal or wood. If you choose to play as a Mechanikal Engineer then be prepared to command your very own engine! This is the only career in the game that allows you to obtain a light engine at the very start of the game, which can be very helpful when facing large groups of enemies early on.
-Military Officer
The Military Officer is a natural born leader and is a career that can boost your teamfighting capabilities. Military Officers can issue order to the team that can affect the flow of a fight. They can call "Find Cover!" so that the team could get more defense or "Charge!" to increase their chance to hit a target. Aside from providing some much need directions for the team the Military Officer can also command engines just like Engineers can. If you are a leader then the Military Officer is right for you.
The Miner is career that allows for an odd mix of playstyles. Miners can wield their signature tool, the pickaxe, as well as any swordmaster can, and can use dynamite without suffering negative penalties for premature explosions. Combat aside, the Miner is in their element underground in the continent of Metallos or when digging for treasure. With a keen eye for jewels and all sorts of baubles they can appraise the item to further it's value for sale. Being a Miner can put you in good standings with the civilian populations and they'll act positive around you.
Myrmidon is just a fancy name for a knight. However you like to call them there is no dispute that they are masters of the sword and the shield. Being a very well rounded career the Myrmidon is great for beginners who are just starting the game. The Myrmidon is equally balanced for both combat and social encounters so choosing this as one of your starting career is not a bad choice.
Prerequisite: Citizen of Black Pearl Cove
Pirates, privateers, buccaneers, however you like to call them they are all the same thing, they're raiders of the open seas. Being able to pilot ships and perform daring raids are only a few of the trick that a swashbuckling Pirate has up their sleeves. Aside from ship battles, Pirates are known for their bag of assorted dirty tricks that let them gain the upper hand in almost any situation. Headbutt someone to knock them down or even duck an attack to let some unlucky fool get hit instead of you, like your teammates.
Prerequisite: Church of Vita, Sect of the Broodmother, cannot have Thanite Advocate as second career
The priest is member of either the Church of Vita or Sect of the Broodmother, they can use healing magic quite proficiently and some combat magic as well. The Vitan Priest leans more towards support while the Priest of the Broodmother is geared towards combat. Aside from healing the Priest also has an aura that can passively provide additional benefits to your team without wasting an attack or action. Keep in mind that most Thanites despise Vitans and will most likely attack on sight if you aren't careful.
The Riflemen is another career that is focused on using a specific type of gun, namely the rifle. While the gunslinger uses pistols and can pin a target down, the Riflemen can snipe targets from afar as easily as shooting the wings off of a gnat from a mile away. Using distance to their advantage, the riflemen is a versatile career that can be combined with all sorts of careers to boost your effectiveness. If you prefer to hang back and provide covering fire to your allies then pick the Riflemen.
Prerequisite: Pegasus, Griffon, Changeling (U.S.S.R.)
The Skyterror is by far the most restricted career in the game, requiring both an appropriate race and nationality. However, the benefits far outweigh the cost. The Skyterror is specialized military career that can only be attained by races that can fly and are from the frozen nation of the U.S.S.R. They're hardened soldier that can rapidly flank enemy positions and devastate them with their signature blasting pike without suffering damage from their own explosions. Choosing a Skyterror as a career is choosing a military career that offers a whole lot for very little.
Similar to the Myrmidon, the Soldier is a well rounded career that uses the gun instead of the sword. Soldiers know how to issue commands just like a Military Officer can, and can even patch up injured teammates with their medic skill as well as commanding an engine. Choosing a soldier as a starting career is great when you find yourself fighting in both urban and wilderness areas of Metallos.
The Spy is a master of espionage and subterfuge. While not very combat oriented they can provide unique advantages for the team. Spies and tap into their connections to gain knowledge about a certain subject and even gain some support from their friends in the shadows. Aside for information the Spy is a master of disguise and can blend into almost any environment in both the urban and wilderness areas. With some forged papers and a good wig you can fool almost anyone, unless you're a Changeling; then that's another story.
Prerequisite: Pegasus
The Pegasus subspecies can tap into their innate magic to control certain aspects of the weather, albeit for a short amount of time. Stormcrafters can stir up raging storms to blast foes with bolts of lightning or even create a thick fog to blanket and area to conceal movement. With that said, the Stormcrafter is a unique career that is only available to the Pegasus and can be very handy in many cases. Keep in mind that just like actual weather, they are unpredictable and can backfire on the team at a moments notice.
-Thanite Advocate
Prerequisite: Thanite Cult, Cannot have Priest as second career
The Thanite Advocate is member of the Thanite faith, worshiping the great alicorn, Thanatos. The Thanite Advocate can control dark magic with the ability to raise the dead for their own benevolent or malicious purposes. Being a practitioner of the dark arts grants you access to powerful spells that can lay waste to your foes and even let you grow stronger when you kill an enemy by consuming their soul. Bear in mind that the general view towards Thanites are very negative so you might want to keep your faith to yourself.
The Thief is a very simple career, you're very good at cracking safes and stealing things. Being a master Thief lets you pickpocket passer by's with relative ease and allows you to blend into the crowd to hide from the authorities. Locks are your natural prey and you are the predator, with your collection of lockpicking tools there are no valuables that are safe from your greedy grasp.


Throughout the passages that you've read you're probably wondering what an Engine is. Check out the cover of this book, see that big robot on the cover? That is an Engine. Engines are large steam powered robots with the ability to reason, thanks to an artificial brain, the cortex.
They were originally built by the Diamond Dogs to be used as additional labor for their frequent mining operations. When the need for bigger and tougher Engines came up, people found that they could apply it for military use. Since then, the Engines have been been a staple of everyday living in Forge World in both the work environment and the military.
-Light & Heavy
The Engine come in two flavors for now, Light Engines and Heavy Engines. Each have their own unique set of chassis that are fitted for any type of job, big or small. Light Engines are the standard for average work around the Forge World. They're handy, reliable, and can help cut work time in half. Heavy Engines were developed for more rigorous chores such as salvaging for sunken ships or handling volatile substances in a caustic environment. Engines can be outfitted with all types of gear for any situation or work at hand.

The only sound that you could hear in the quiet library were the light hums of Pinkie Pie and the collective sounds of  multiple pencils scribbling on sheets of paper. After about an hour of decision making, figuring out which career was right for each of our heroes and adding up all of their abilities and stats, they were ready for action.
"Phew, that was actually kind of fun, even if we were just writing the whole time" said Twilight "Let’s see what we have for our characters" all of her friends flipped over their own character sheet and began to share it amongst themselves. Some had expected outcomes when it came to making a character, others were quite surprising when it came to breaking the status quo "Now this is very interesting"
                    Name: Twilight Sparkplug
                    Race: Unicorn
                    Career: Arcane Engineer/ Mechanikal Engineer
                    Equipment: Rune etching kit, light labor Engine
                    Armor: Armored great coat
                    Weapon: Wrench
                    Engine name: Twilight Sentinel
                    Chassis: Light
                    Cortex: Lazium cortex
                    Armor: Rusty iron plating
                    Weapon: Empty hand
                    Gear/ Upgrade: Hydraulic crane
                    Name: Rainbow Blast
                    Race: Pegasus
                    Career: Skyterror/ Stormcrafter
                    Equipment: None
                    Armor: Skyterror plate mail, Skyterror shield
                    Weapon: Blasting pike
                    Name: Captain Pinkie Pirate
                    Race: Grunt
                    Career: Pirate/ Alchemist
                    Equipment: Spy glass, gun brace, mixing kit, grenade bandoleer
                    Armor: Alchemist leather
                    Weapon: Cutlass, handcannon, ember bombs
                    Name: Elusive
                    Race: Unicorn
                    Career: Aristocrat/ Spy
                    Equipment: Disguise kit, forged papers
                    Armor: Modified elegant dress
                    Weapon: Springblades, holdout pistol
                    Name: L' Orange De Apple
                    Race: Earth Pony
                    Career: Rifleman/ Guardian
                    Equipment: Scope, ammo bandoleer
                    Armor: Infantry armor
                    Weapon: Cannon Shield, bayonet
                    Name: Necrolyte Butterfly
                    Race: Pegasus
                    Career: Thanite Advocate/ Investigator
                    Equipment: Necklace of the Thanite faith
                    Armor: Plated robes
                    Weapon: Battle cross, sacrificial dagger
"Wait, what? Ya actually chose the Thanite Advocate?" Applejack asked "Aren't they like the crazy dead raising cultist or something? Ah expected you to be the Priest or something along those lines" she asked as she stared at the calm and innocent pegasus. Trying to picture someone like Fluttershy going around raising the dead and eating a pony's soul was almost impossible.
"Well, I thought since my character is going to be my persona in another world, I choose for her to be a bit different from me" Fluttershy explained "I wanted her to be the strong but misunderstood heroine who uses her investigative and necromantic skills for the benefit of others rather than evil. Thanites aren't all bad you know?" she then assumed a proud stance with her head held high. For just a second, she almost looked as if she was Butterfly the Thanite Investigator.
All of her friends reeled back. The leap in logic Fluttershy gave was astounding, it left all of her friends speechless and made them question the moral values of good and evil. The stunned expression left on everyone's faces made Fluttershy feel uncomfortable when no one said anything for five minutes.
"Uh.... girls? Are you all alright?" asked Fluttershy. Right then everyone in the foyer was brought back to Equestria from their involuntary soul searching.
"Whuah? What? Oh! Yes darling, we're fine" said Rarity "You just gave us another one of your surprising moments, that's all" she fluffed her fabulous mane a few times.
"So can we play now?" Pinkie excitedly asked "I mean we've got everything we need to play right? I mean we can't have everything and not play. What kind of game would that be then if you prepared yourself for everything then just get up and leave. *Gasp!* what if that is the game? What it it's all really some game within a game that- mmmph mmmph mmph" Pinkie would have continued to talk on and on for the next few hours if it weren't for Twilight and her magic zipping up her lips to keep the noise levels down.
"I'm sorry, Pinkie, but I don't want to get cited for noise pollution by the royal guards, especially at a library!" Twilight said as she let go of Pinkie's mouth "Anyway, to answer your question, it says here...." Twilight began to silently read the passage of text to herself "It says that someone has to be the game master to help create the campaign for us" her friends all looked at her perplexedly.
"But there's already six of us that have characters. We can't be a game master" said Rainbow Dash "We're not going to have to make our own campaign are we?"
"I believe I can help you with that" Spike's disembodied voice spoke from the dark side of the room.
"Oh! That would be great! Thank you Spi-" Twilight stopped in mid sentence when she realized what she was about to say next. Her heartbeat quicken, her pupils mediated before shrinking into pinpricks. She turned to the dark side of the room and saw an small baby dragon sitting in a big armchair outlined in the black shadows "Spi-Spi-S-S-Spike!" she shouted "H-how long have you been s-sitting there?"
The baby dragon reached his little purple claw to a nearby lamp and turned it on. With a loud clicking sound the little dragon was revealed in all of his suave glory. He was just sitting comfortably on the chair wearing his favorite robes and fez, pretending to nonchalantly smoke a pipe that was actually a novelty bubble blower. He looked at his friends with a smug glance, shifting his pipe side to side every now and then before giving Twilight a big wide grin.

"Oh, only for the past hour and a half. We already defeated Fordstadt and got pardoned by the Silverus military so everyone else went home till we prepare for the next adventure..... sooooo...." Spike slyly spoke as he dramatically paused himself.
"I-it's not what it looks like! I swear!" Twilight attempted to lie despite all the paper evidence that was strewn onto the table like the library had sneezed on it.
"Oh really now? Well it looks to me like a couple of good friends are enjoying a game of Forge World, am I wrong?" Spike shifted his eyebrows ever so slightly which only added to his classy appearance.
"I.. but... well you see" Twilight stuttered "I'm just... reading! Yes, that's it! I'm reading... heh heh" Twilight's eyes began to dart back and forth frantically as her mane was starting to grow moist with sweat "Hey, is it getting hot in here or what?" she swallowed a lump in her throat, hoping that Spike would buy her bluff. But Spike was no child (well technically he's a baby dragon but that's besides the point) he knew full well that Twilight and her friends were about to enjoy a good game of Forge World behind his back.
"Say it" said Spike as he got off his chair and walked over to Twilight "Come on, say it" he pestered his older sister "Come on, it easy. All you have to do is say that I was right" he smiled coyly as he stared into lavender unicorn's very soul with his draconian eyes.
"I-I don't know what you're talking about" Twilight attempted to dodge the question, but as she tried to back away she ran into Pinkie Pie who held a large interrogation lamp over her head.
"Come on" Pinkie deceptively asked with a coy smile of her own "Just. Say. It" she held the lamp closer to Twilight who felt like she staring directly into the sun. As Both Spike and Pinkie Pie persistently pestered poor Twilight, Applejack just rolled her eyes and decided to speak up.         
"Oh! For land sakes! Just say it ya stubborn gal!" Applejack shouted "Sheesh, and you say Ah'm the stubborn one"
"Fine!" shouted Twilight who cracked like an egg under the pressure "I'll say it!" the room fell silent as Twilight began to collect herself for the trial that await her. With deep breathes she steadied herself to the point where she could've achieved pony nirvana.
"S-Sp-Spu" she tried to get the words out of her throat "Sp-Spike" she managed to say "You were r-r-ru-ruh" she struggled hard to say the last word "You were ruah... you were ruiaht... you were re-reaght" Twilight felt as if she was carrying the world on her shoulders now "Ruagh... reuight.... r-r-r-"
"Only one more word left Twilight" Spike said as he cupped one of his claw to his ear, hovering as close to Twilight as possible.
"Ru-r-r" Twilight couldn't say the word, she had far too much of her petty pride swelled up in her head to say such a sentence. So she did what any sane unicorn would do during stressful time. With one of her hooves raised to the side of her head she went and quickly (and painfully) slapped herself on the side of the head.


"That's all that I wanted to hear" said Spike as he looked over Twilight. She was a wreck, she looked exactly like that one time she nearly got Ponyville destroyed over her Mister Smarty Pants doll "Well you know if you needed a GM I'd be more than happy to guide you girls on the adventure of a lifetime" he paused for second as he remembered something vague yet important "Well, maybe the adventure of the month" he added
"Really? That would be wonderful" Fluttershy said "Thank you very much Spike" by then Twilight had recovered from her shell shock and sat back at the table, all the while trying to fix her bedraggled mane. She gave herself a few seconds to grip her nerves before returning back regular Twilight instead of mental breakdown Twilight.
"So what kind of adventure do you have in store for us mister game master?" Twilight asked. Spike stared into space as he tapped on his chin.
  "It's been a while since I was the GM of a campaign, ever since Sombra decided to take over I haven't had much time to create a new campaign" before anyone could say anything else, Spike ran over to his room and came out carrying a large wooden box "I keep most of my current ideas in here. I've got a few good ones, which one would you like to try?" Spike asked as he pulled out three sheets of paper. On each one it reads:
"Special Delivery!"
Transfer a box and it's mysterious content over to a neighboring country. But you might ask yourself, what's in the box that people are willing to kill you over?
A group of Thanites seek refuge in the Obsidian Flats. Help escort them all to the safety of the hostile land before they're wiped out!                                  

"The Krimson Kutthroat"
Go out and solve a case of mass suicides in Black Pearl Cove. But be wary, for the Krimson Kutthroat roams the city of thieves looking for new victims.

"Well? Which one do YOU choose?