Tanks for the Memories

by BillyMays


"So you're saying that these "Elements of Harmony" defeated some guy called Discord."

"That's exactly what I'm saying!"

Alex stopped polishing his pistol and looked up.

"But how does that work? None of that works! There's no such thing as Magic, just illusions." Alex argued.

"Magic is real you doughnut." Pathfinder said.

"Yeah next you'll be telling me there are dragons flying around."

"There actually are, but they normally sit in caves."

"You're full of shit!" Alex shook his head.

"Why don't you believe me?" Pathfinder sulked.

"Not until I see it with my own eyes."

Pathfinder stood up and began walking in circles.

"Sit down will you?"

"No! Iron still hasn't woken up! How do you know if she'll ever wake up again?!"

Alex rose to his feet and held out his hands.

"Hey now, calm down, your friend WILL be alright. I promise."

Pathfinder sniffled and took a few deep breaths.

"Stupid Box. This never would've happened if it wasn't for that stupid thing..." Pathfinder mumbled under her breath.

"Just sit down, alright?" Alex suggested.

He sat down, crossed his legs and began to polish his gun again. Pathfinder trotted up next to him and sat down with her legs folded underneath her.

"You see? Easy." Alex said.

Pathfinder grunted and rested her head on the grass. Alex took another look over Pathfinder.

"Why don't you get some rest, you look tired." He said.

Pathfinder looked up at him with the faintest of smiles.

"That sounds like a good idea." She said.

And with that her head fell softly onto the ground and she began to snore lightly. Alex chuckled and went to stand but froze when he heard faint music coming from the distance. The commotion in the background made it difficult to pinpoint the music's direction.

"Everyone! Quiet!" Alex yelled.

The commotion died down almost instantly.

"Is that...?" Alex began.

Crewmen in the background began to laugh and sing along to the tune.

"Well I'll be damned. Ride of the Valkyries." Alex said, astonished.

He and the crewmen walked forwards towards the music. A Humvee loaded with gear and spare wheels sped up the grass covered field towards them.

"That'll be, Utah." Alex stated.

Utah beeped the horn and pulled up next to the group just as the song ended. The rear passenger door opened and two ponies in golden armour hopped out. The mood changed greatly. The front passenger door then opened, an orange pony and a grey pony hopped out. The drivers door finally opened, the Gunnery Sergeant stepped out, took a deep breath and smiled.

"Good to see you Gunnery Sergeant." Alex said as Utah walked over.

"Good to see you too, sir." Utah said with a salute.

"Who are your friends?"

If Utah had noticed many of the crewmen eyeing the ponies in armour he didn't say anything.

"The ponies in armour are Lefty and Righty. The orange pony with the hat is Applejack-"

"Howdy." Applejack said with a tip of her hat.

"-and the grey pony is Ditzy." Utah finished.

"Hello!" Ditzy said happily. "There are more of you!"

"Yes there are." Utah said.

"Why did you bring armoured ponies along?"

"Wasn't my choice, Captain, Princess Celestia ordered them to accompany me."

"Princess who?"

"Celestia. She's the ruler of this land."

"You've met up with royalty?"

"Yes, sir."

Alex looked at the Gunnery Sergeant in wonder and shook his head.

"So we've settled diplomatic relations then?"

Utah who was just taking a sip of his canteen, sprayed water out of his mouth in surprise.

"W-what? Was I meant to?"

Alex laughed and shook his head again.

"No. You didn't need to, that will be handled later. But how did this Princess react?"

"She didn't seem surprised to see a human, unlike Applejack. But when she found out someone had shot Twilight she lost it."

’How did Twilight get back to the town so quickly? ...fucking Magic.’

"So she's not very happy?" Alex said as he crossed his arms.

"No, sir."

"Well we're going to have a little more careful."

"Excuse me, mister."

Alex looked down at the voice and found Applejack at his feet.

"Where's Fluttershy?"

"She's in the Retribution II. The first tank in the convoy." Alex pointed with a thumb at his tank.

Applejack looked over at the tank and her jaw dropped.

"You weren't lying, Utah." She said in awe.

She trotted cautiously over with a worried looking Lefty in tow. Ditzy just stood close to Utah, looking at the other crewmen with a contagious smile on her face. Righty stood next to the Humvee casting random glances at crewmen.

"What's she doing here?" Alex asked.

"Ditzy? Well she uhh..." Utah trailed off.

"It's my day off!" Ditzy burst out.

"Alrighty then." Alex said slowly.

"It doesn't matter, sir. She's harmless."

"...Very well then."

There was a sudden yell and some barking.

"Sweet Jesus! The pup!" Alex yelled. "Don't touch that pup!"

Applejack was standing on the turret and looking into the cupola.

"You've got a Timberwolf in here! I'll get it for you!" She exclaimed.

"Please Applejack it's alright..." Fluttershy said, but Applejack didn't hear her.

"Wait, wait! Don't you touch that fucking pup!" Alex yelled as he ran up.

Applejack looked at Alex and tilted her head in confusion.


"I said don't touch that pup."

"Why in Celestia's name do you have a Timberwolf pup?!" Applejack asked.

"Found her." Alex stated. "Now get the fuck down from there!"

"And what have you done to Fluttershy?!"

"Look, ma'am, all these questions will be answered at a later time. Right now I need you to hop down from that turret."

Applejack looked angrily at Alex and finally hopped down.

"Who do you think you are coming down to my town and ordering us around?"

’Oh boy, here we go!’

"Ma'am," Alex said through gritted teeth. "Look at this from my point of view, you've got talking, intelligent ponies that can drive tanks for fucks sake. You don't think that would make you a little worried or cautious?"


"Argh!" Alex threw his hands in the air. "Of course not, you're a pony too!"

"Um excuse me, Noah?" Fluttershy asked meekly.

"What is it Fluttershy?"

"Could I come down from the uhh..."


"Thank you. Could I come down from the turret, please?"

"Yeah, whatever."

“You see? You’re treating us like dirt!” Applejack yelled angrily.

"Sorry but I'm not in the best of moods right now." Alex growled.

"Come on Fluttershy, lets go." Applejack was about to say something more but decided against it.

Alex helped Fluttershy down and watched as the two ponies walked away.

"Good going." Utah said.

Alex grumbled and shoved past him.

"Let's just take these ponies to where they need to go, then we'll leave." He grumbled angrily.


Alex turned around to face Lefty.


"I know you're not in a good mood, neither am I, but you have to calm down."

"And just who do you think you are?"

"I'm going to have to agree with the pony." Roger said.

"We're all in a bad mood, Captain." David said.

Sam walked up to Alex and placed a hand on his shoulder which Alex shrugged off.

"Look, Biltz. You've already made one bad choice by stopping our tank, we don't need you making more. You're in a bad mood, we all understand that but we're going to need to think straight if we're going to get out of this mess."

"I..." Alex was stunned. "I've done it again haven't I?"

"You have."

"Thank you, Sam. Thanks all of you. Now... lets get this show on the road! Daseal, front and
center!" Alex said with renewed vigor.


"The ammunition has been handed out?"

"Yes, sir. It's been handled."

"Good man. Prep your LAV."

"Aye. Come on guys." Daseal waved his hand forward and moved off with his crew.

"Adam?" Alex called out.

"Sir!" The Australian said.

"Good job with the Leopard."

"Thank you, sir!"

"Prep your tank."

"Let's go lads!" The Aussie yelled.

Alex was once again left with his faithful crew.

"Come with me you guys, we've got some shit to do."

Alex walked off towards Pathfinder with his crew leaving Utah and Lefty behind.

"Well that went well." Utah said.

"I'd have to agree with you there, Ape." Lefty said.

Utah slowly turned to face the armor clad pony. Lefty grinned like a madman and galloped off.

"Oh no you fucking don't!" Utah said as he chased after him.

As this had happened the crew of the Retribution and made it to Pathfinder and had discovered that Ironluck had regained consciousness.

"How's the head?" Alex asked Ironluck.

"Uh, it hurts." Ironluck said groggily.

"I'm not surprised. Now are you fit to command?"

"Uh, Captain, what are you doing?" Roger asked carefully.

"If we're going to get through this we're going to need their trust. Also we don't have the men to spare for that tank." Alex said.

"I see."

"You're letting us keep Box?" Pathfinder asked, surprised.

"Borrow. That's German property you're driving."

"But you're letting us drive it?" Pathfinder asked in disbelief.

"One chance. That's all you're getting, you hear me? One chance. Don't. Screw. Up." Alex said.
Pathfinder looked at Ironluck. Ironluck looked at Pathfinder. They both smiled and bumped each others hoofs, much like a brofist.

"Sweet." They both said.

"Prep your tank, if you can, we leave in 10." Alex said as he cracked his knuckles.

There was a cheer from behind them and everyone turned to the sound. Ditzy was hovering behind them with a large grin on her face. The crewmen smiled awkwardly and turned back to the tanker ponies.

"Well what are you waiting for?" Roger said.

Ironluck and Pathfinder looked at each other again and ran off.

"You sure that was a good choice, Cap'n?" David asked.

"I can only hope." Alex admitted. "Now, where's the Gunnery Sergeant?"

The crewmen split up and looked around for the Gunnery Sergeant but he was nowhere in to be seen.

"Wait, I think- yep that him!" Roger called from the Humvee.

Alex ran over to Roger and looked a little down the field. Utah was chasing Lefty with a wild look on his face, Lefty was laughing his ass off.

"Well they're having fun." Sam announced.

"You don't fucking say." Roger said with grin.

"What's all the commotion?" Righty said as he nudged through the crowd of Marines.

The ponies look was priceless to the Marines, Righty looked like he was about to burst a blood vessel in his forehead. He ran down yelling curses at Utah and Lefty, they both stopped, looked at each other and began to run away from the enraged Royal Guard.

"Do you think should I stop this guy?" Alex asked.

"Give 'em a few more minutes." Sam said.

David and Roger nodded their heads in agreement with Sam.

"Alright. A few more minutes then." Alex agreed.

The crewmen continued to watch the frenzied chase, many of them had taken seats on the Humvee's bonnet. It wasn't long until it had attracted the attention of Applejack and Fluttershy who reluctantly trotted over.

"What in tarnation is going on here?" Applejack asked.

"Take a look yourself." Alex said with a gesture of his hand.

"Oh look here they come." Roger announced.

Utah and Lefty had turned around and were now running back towards the Humvee.

"Oh my..." Fluttershy whispered.

They were almost at the Humvee when Lefty tripped and his helmet flew away revealing a sand coloured mane. Utah then fell over Lefty and they landed in a heap together. They both looked at each other and began to laugh. Utah ruffled Lefty's mane just as Righty pounced.

"Ouch." The group said in unison.

Righty and Utah rolled around in the grass as Lefty tried to find his helmet.

"Has someone got a megaphone?" Alex asked.

"No." David said.

"Alright, cover your ears."

Alex took a deep breath and cupped his hands around his mouth.


Utah looked up from Righty who he had pinned and nodded, Lefty was still frantically searching for his helmet. Utah stood up, dusted himself off, offered a hand to Righty, which he accepted and pulled him up. Utah and Righty starting walking back towards the Humvee but stopped when they heard Lefty call something out. Lefty held his helmet high into the air and the replaced on his head. Righty said something and Utah laughed. All three of them approached the Humvee with beaming and exhausted faces. They were all handed canteens which they greedily drank up.

"I think I went a bit over the top." Utah said between sips.

"You think?" Lefty panted.

"You're lucky I don't teach you two a lesson." Righty said with a deep breath.

"Keep dreaming." Utah said with another laugh.

"Alright you guys. That's more than enough." Alex said.

"Aye sir."

"Utah, you'll be leading us into Ponyville."

"I'll be happy to, sir."

"We'll be heading out in 5, so you better get a move on." Alex suggested.

"Yep, give me a second." Utah said.

Alex and his crew walked off towards their tank. The dirt crunched under their boots as they walked.

"Well that was interesting." Roger said.

"I'd say so." Sam agreed.

David also nodded his silent agreement.

"Get the tank ready, I'm going to have a chat to Pathfinder about the formation. I'll see you in a bit."

They waved and nodded their goodbyes and Alex walked off. The Leopard was still sitting behind the Retribution II where the Kangaroo had left it. Pathfinder and Ironluck noticed Alex walk up and
they nervously waved at him.

"Alright this time I want you to say in formation, no speeding, going off the path or anything that will hinder our process. You will be behind my tank, the Kangaroo will be behind you, making sure you don't muck around."

"Ok." Pathfinder said.

"Ok you got that?" Alex asked.

"Yep." Ironluck said.


Alex then quickly instructed them on how to use the headsets. When he had finished he walked to the Kangaroo and Old Tom to inform them of the changes.

"Daseal, you'll be in front of my tank and behind Utah's Humvee."

"Got it, sir."

Alex walked back to his tank with a pleased smile on his face. He whistled happily to himself and admired the view. The sky was free of clouds and the sun was shining brightly into the field, the grass swayed as a light breeze blew in. Alex took in a deep breath and picked up his pace.

"Hello!" A voice called happily.

Alex looked up to see Ditzy hovering above him.

"Ma'am." Alex nodded.

She swooped down and landed softly next to him.

"What's your name?" She asked.

"Captain Noah."

"Do you have a boat?"

Alex raised an eyebrow at the strange question

"...Well yes I have one back at home."

Alex could feel the happiness and enthusiasm radiating from the grey pony.


Alex raised his eyebrow further and Ditzy laughed.

"Yeah, it is." He agreed.

They walked quietly for a moment until Alex decided to break the silence.

"You said it was your day off? What do you do?"

"Oh, I'm the mailmare!" She said proudly.

"Mailmare? Like a mailman?"

"Mailman? That's silly." Ditzy said with a giggle.

"I suppose." Alex said.

He walked up to the hull of his tank and turned around.

"Well you had better go meet up with Utah if you're going to get a lift from him."

"Where is he?"

"The head of the convoy."

"Ok thanks! Bye!"

Ditzy took off into the sky once again and Alex watched her leave with a puzzled frown. He
shrugged it off, climbed up onto his tank and slid into the cupola.

"Good to see you made it, Captain." Roger said.

"Shove off." Alex said with a laugh.

"All units, report your status." Alex ordered into the headset.

"This is the Kangaroo, we're ready to go."

"Old Tom here, ready to move out."

"This is Utah, everybody is aboard and comfortable."

There was some commotion on one of the microphones and then Ironluck finally reported in.

"Box is good to go."

"Confirmed. All units move into formation." Alex ordered.

Engines roared to life and dirt crunched under moving treads.

"Easy now, Old Tom is moving up." Alex warned Sam.

"I see her."

Old Tom rolled in front of the Retribution II and came to a slow stop.

"Old Tom is in position."

"Retribution II is in position."

"Box is in place."

"Kangaroo is in position."

"So far so good..." Alex muttered. "Utah! Take us out, nice and slow."

The convoy slowly began to make progress once again.

"Utah here, sir. I should have told you this earlier but there a pony sitting up on a cloud watching us."

"Rainbow tail?" Alex asked.

"Yes. How'd you know-?"

"Rainbow-?!" A voice interrupted Utah.

"Applejack quiet please."

"I spotted it before but I wasn't sure what it was. You've just confirmed my suspicions."

"You're welcome."

Alex popped his head out of the cupola and watched the Humvee and LAV bounce along the dirt path. The soft breeze was still blowing and Alex soon found himself captivated by the swaying grass. Movement to the left caught his eye and he turned. A cloud was hovering low to the ground, this cloud has a rainbow tail.

;Let's give this pony a fright.’

Alex grabbed hold of the .50 cal, spun it around to face the cloud and yelled.

"Oi! I know you're in the cloud! Come out slowly and you won't be harmed!"

A rainbow mane slowly emerged from the cloud followed shortly by a cyan head with glaring magenta eyes.

"Alright you got me." The pony said begrudgingly.

"Come on out of there and join us." Alex yelled.

The pony raised an eyebrow.

"And why would I want to do that? I'm not going to become one of your prisoners."

"Prisoners? You serious?"

"You've captured AJ and Fluttershy and you're forcing others to drive your machines! You won't
take me!"

Alex facepalmed hard.

"It's not like that-" Alex tried to say.

The pony suddenly put on a burst of speed and flew right for the Captain. He ducked back into the cupola just as the cyan pony flew over.

"Utah! I've got that rainbow pony hassling me!" Alex said urgently.

"That ponies name is Rainbow Dash." Utah said.


"Hmm. Do you want to stop? Applejack is friends with her, she can get her to stop."

"That sounds like a good idea."

Alex popped back out of the cupola and looked into the sky.

"All units prepare to stop on my mark. I repeat, prepare to stop on my mark." Alex said over the headset.

Rainbow whizzed over Alex's head again.


The convoy came to a gradual halt.

"Do your magic, Utah!" Alex said once the convoy was still.

The doors of the Humvee opened and the ponies stepped out.

"Rainbow!" Applejack called.

She turned to Applejack in surprised and flew down to her.

"What in the hay do you think you're doing?" Applejack said.

"I'm stopping these hoo-mans from taking over Ponyville." She said urgently.

Applejack's eye twitched and she ushered Rainbow to move closer. Their conversion was inaudible but it definitely looked heated. Rainbow had a sheepish grin on her face and she was red with embarrassment. Alex looked over to Ironluck who was also watching with a large grin on her face. They both shrugged and continued to watch.

"So you see Rainbow that they're just trying to help." Applejack said.

"Heh, yeah." Rainbow rubbed the back of her head.

She flew back towards Alex and landed on the turret.

"I'm uh... Sorry." She said quickly.

"No hard feelings." Alex said with the nod of his head. “Just don’t do it again.”

Rainbow flew back up into the air and onto her cloud.

“All units, we’re moving out. Utah, lead the way.” Alex said into his headset.

“Got it sir.”

Alex closed his eyes as the convoy starting moving again. Ride of the Valkyries continued to play in his head.