//------------------------------// // What Are Friends For? // Story: A Second Chance: Fading Memories... // by Heavy Rains //------------------------------// "Fluttershy, darling, may we please come inside? It simply cannot be good for you to dwell upon this..." "Come on Fluttershy! That guy was just a big meanie, you know nothing he said was true!" Did something happen to Fluttershy? As I finished my thought the rain began to pick up, which caused the ivory mare to let out a wail of sorrow as the downpour dampened her mane. "Pinkie! Would you kindly be a dear and keep trying to comfort Fluttershy? I must find some cover from this insufferable rain!" "Okie Dokie Lokie!" She gave off a crisp salute before resuming to play my harmonica. The ivory one began to trot towards Ditzy and myself, actually bumping into me. She turned her head from 'Pinkie' and looked up at me. "Hi there." I gave a small wave as I spoke. Her eyes widened as she looked me over, then turned to Ditzy and simply shook her head. "If you'll excuse me I must be going..." With that said I stepped to the side and let her pass, after her departure I faced Ditzy and decided to ask her something. "So do you bring strange creatures to Ponyville often?" She grinned and nodded. "Well then... You said this was Pinkie Pie correct?" "Yup!" Hmm well before I bring up why I loathe that bubbly mare I should probably see what's troubling Fluttershy. I walked along the path up to the cottage door, all the while Pinkie was playing my harmonica. Once I was within arms length of the wooden barrier I knocked twice before announcing myself. "Fluttershy, it's Danny, are you alright? Did something happen?" It was completely silent as far as I could hear. No sobbing, no cries... Just... Nothing. I tested the door to find it opened rather easily... "Its unlocked..." I turned to Pinkie and repeated myself. "Its unlocked." She stopped playing my harmonica and looked at me just as everypony else had when they met me. After an awkward silence she cleared her throat and spoke. "Even if its unlocked you don't just barge into ponies' homes silly! That's just rude!" These ponies... I... I'm going to need a drink after all this... "Well then... Ditzy, would you wait out here for a moment? I think it would be best if I went in alone..." She stood there for a moment. rubbing a hoof against her neck before finally responding. "Well Okay if you think that's best..." With that said and done, I proceeded through the door and look around. It seemed as if the air was opaque with the lack of lighting in the home. I stood in place trying to let my eyes adjust to the scarce illumination that was present, pondering what could drive Fluttershy to such sorrow. What was it Pinkie said as I walked up... Something about a 'meanie'. After my eyesight had resurfaced I looked around the ground floor of the cottage for the butter colored Pegasus, but to no avail. I did however find the kit nestling in a small crevice... gnawing on a white rabbit's foot. I sighed and walked away from the kit to the stairway. On top of whatever had her upset in the first place, now Angel's gone... how unfortunate. Although I can't say I will miss the little bugger, Fluttershy doesn't need that right now. As I ascended the stairs I couldn't help but feel like something was not as it seemed, nonetheless I shrugged it off... for Fluttershy's sake. I came upon the door to her room, put my ear to the door and listened... Just like before there was no sound, or indication that anyone was even inside the place. If she isn't here where would she be? Hoping for the best I pressed onward; opening the door and peering inside. To say the sight was a relief would be a complete understatement. Fluttershy was lying upon her bed. Asleep. -------------------------------- Meanwhile in Canterlot... -------------------------------- "See Bon Bon? It wasn't that bad, my parents love you!" "Yes well, We shall see how you feel when you meet my parents." Invisible to all but Lyra, an image appeared in the sky. A biped was displayed in all its glory as a subconscious message was conveyed to her. "Bon Bon... We need to get back to Ponyville." "Why? What's the hurry?" "They've come at last..." -------------------------------- Back in Ponyville... -------------------------------- I sat in the darkness of the cottage, watching my caretaker slumber. As I sat I began to wonder what happened... until the presence announced its arrival once more. Oh Danny Boy... The pipes are calling. That's how it goes correct? No matter, I've had quite a bit of fun with your memories and what not. Why me? Why must you haunt me? Oh I manifest everywhere and in everything. Don't be so conceited Daniel... And like that the presence left once again, but not without leaving images within my head. With each closing of my eyes, a new image would replace the previous and they would grow more vivid. It seemed to be the inside of an outhouse or rather a barn due to its size. Within said structure Fluttershy and five others encircled... a blur. It seemed vaguely familiar in its color scheme; an off shade of brown and tan was the best I could tell from beyond the blur. As well as it's voice, though distorted it sparked a search of my memories for its source. While I was trying to find what stirred my mind, Fluttershy began to move in on the blur gazing at it intensely. Within the blink of an eye, Fluttershy was upon the ground sobbing heavily. I sat silent as it transpired, but began to creep my way toward the prone form. I reached out to her in an attempt to comfort her. I felt her coat in my palm for but a second before she, and everything around us, burst into flames. I was petrified; forced to watch her coat give way to searing flesh. The smell was of both scorched hair and singed flesh. Yet despite all that was being portrayed, I felt nothing of the flames that surrounded my body. I did nothing to stop them. The last thing I heard was the presence's voice before falling into the void. Ashes to ashes and dust to dust... "..." "Danny? Are you okay?" -------------------------------- The Void... -------------------------------- "The horror! The horror!" I awoke to the screams of Ponyville, and flames sweeping through... wherever I was. From what I could tell I was no longer in the barn, if I had to guess I would say it was a dilapidated Sugar Cube Corner. As I looked I couldn't seem to find my body... I had apparently manifested as the flames that singed so much of the town not so long ago. The next few events were, even with my situation, unbelievable... As I continued to inspect my ethereal form, a wall crashed. Behind it was a... If I didn't know any better I'd say a griffon. It had a scar that ran from its left cheek (I believe this to be the proper term) to its right, It also wore a tattered scarf. I recalled seeing that scarf somewhere else... "Wysteria!" What in the hell was that?!? It was a voice louder than anything I have ever heard. The earth shook as it boomed. But wondering to what being it belonged frightened me...although I didn't have to wonder for very long. Soon after the initial 'boom' something large landed outside of the building. As I sat motionless in my ghostly form, the being passed by a window allowing me to catch a glimpse of what it was... A dragon... With a crimson hide, and a pair of contradicting sky blue eyes, the giant paced about outside. "Wisteria! Do you not see the path you are condemning us to take? Discord is not to be trusted!" "Discord would seem a sight better than you Vendium! I don't see him trying to gut me!" Is this really what destroyed the town? A quarrel between a griffon and a dragon? Suddenly, the dragon (Vendium I take it.) sent a volley of flame towards the avian. Had the avian (Wisteria I assume.) not anticipated this action he might have fallen prey to the blazing embrace. Wisteria launched into the air above the building, with Vendium in his wake. The two soared above the town in a game of cat and mouse, destroying many of the buildings that were unscathed by the flames. Wisteria was just fast enough to escape most of Vendium's attacks; changing direction mid-flight to throw off the larger of the two. The downfall of Wisteria's tactic was that he would never deviate from a pattern... a pattern that Vendium no doubt noticed. Just as the griffon was about to repeat his evasive maneuver, Vendium perked his head up and peered toward the outskirts of Ponyville. The same direction of the former Sweet Apple Acres... Wisteria, staying true to the pattern he created, attempted to change directions, only to catch a blow from Vendium's tail. The force of the strike sent him hurling toward the ground at such a velocity that some of the nearby windows had given way to the impact. After Wisteria's fall to the earth, Vendium took off for the smoke rising from the farmstead. "RUN VENDIUM! GO TO YOUR SELF PROCLAIMED SON, BUT KNOW THIS! YOU SHALL PAY FOR THIS! YOU AND......" The last of his words faded into the vast void, as did all sound. The cacophony of the town was silenced, allowing events to play forward without an audible crutch. The griffon clambered his way back to the crater from which he arose, and attempted to grasp something. After a few moments of disorientated misses, he deemed to leave whatever it was within the crater. Most likely because of the approaching guards. With a strenuous burst of his wings he plunged into the air once more, beginning to fade into the night. Not long after a mare passed through. A coat of shaded orange, mane and tail of gold, and emerald eyes glistening in the dark of the night. She kept galloping, not slowing down for anything in her path, eventually meeting the ground in its full embrace. As she fell into Wisteria's crater, she hesitated to rise, seeming to wait to resuscitate her composure. Struggling to her feet she glanced down and noticed something. It was a small cloth of sorts, burns and tears mottling its form. She stared at the garment, examining it for reason's unknown. Then a face of rage masked her previous depression, coercing her anger into stomping on the ill-adornment. Each stamp of the hoof seemed more wretched than the last, until she finally began to tire. The sound began to resurface. First, the screams... Next, the crackle of the flames... And finally, the words of those around. From the sobbing of the mare, to the call of a saccharine laced voice... "Applejack!" The voice emanated through the dilapidated village, marking its presence with a luminous display. The light blinded me but for a moment. My sight was lost just as my hearing was seconds ago. "Applejack." Though my vision was gone, the images of those speaking began to display into my mind. "Are you okay...?" It was... Fluttershy. "Holy moly! That was brighter than the sun! I don't think the Princess would like having competition." Pinkie... "Applejack! How can you lie in that filthy trench!?" Rarity I presume... Before more could be said, the fire I possessed was snuffed out, cutting ties to the vision. The void grasped me and I receded into nothing.