A Secret's Revenge

by Wayofthepen

Chapter 5: Sanctuary

- - - - Iron Fire - - - -

"You don't like my gift?" The cracked voice called in the emptiness of the void. Fire look around, still trying to figure out where he was. "This gift is more of a curse. Where am I...Or we...?" He called out, trying to understand what he had gotten himself in to. There was silence, then a short chuckle. "You are inside our mind. I gave you the power of hatred, making us stronger." Fire felt ground below him and scanned the darkness. "Strength for me, or you?" The voice had stopped its maniacal laughter. Another long silence before the demon broke it. "We are each other." It called to him again. Fire thought for a moment. 'I don't get this...One moment I am fighting Tobias, and the next I'm in my own head?' He looked at the square, seeing himself fly back to his room at the castle. "What are you thinking?" He said aloud.

- - - - Demon Iron Fire - - - -

He landed on his balcony and moved quickly to the inside. After surveying the room, he noticed nothing different. When he trotted to his mothers picture, he let a tear drop. "He's dead. You may rest in peace." The cracked voice had said. There was a knock on the door a few minutes later. "Enter." Princess Luna stepped inside, looking around the room. When her eyes rested upon him, fear replaced joy. "Luna..." The demon said, further putting fear in her. "W-Who are you?" The demon closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. "Fire? You..." Her eyes no longer held fear, but determination. "You're not Fire. I refuse to believe this." He opened his eyes, adjusting to his surroundings. "Luna, you have to get away from him." The voice was Fire's. "I...Can't fight him." His eyes closed once more. "Silly foal..." The demon had returned.
Luna gave him an angry look. She turned to the balcony, starting at a slow trot. "What are you planning?" He said as she changed her pace to a full gallop. She leaped from the balcony, flying at amazing speeds to Ponyville. Possessed fire just watched, knowing that she was no match for him. He heard a hoof step behind him, but saw no pony. Trotting to the mirror, he saw an image that made him stop in his tracks. "Silly foal am I?" Fire said to the demon. "Ye§, you are." The demon said to him. "I won't stop resisting you, monster. Nero and Luna will stop you." The demon shed a evil smile to the mirror. "Nero...He is still at that wretched prison..."

- - - - Nero - - - -

His head rung from the cheap shot to the head. 'Well, that hurt. Where's Ruby?' Even his thoughts hurt his mind. "A live one here, Flame." A voice said sounding distant. Nero opened his eyes to a bright light. "I know this one. He's a friend of my son. Private, to your feet." Nero felt a set of hooves pull him to his own. "Where...Where am I?" Nero called out to the blur in front of him. "A compound in the Everwinter Badlands. We need to get home, and fast." Nero's vision cleared, revealing the legendary flier Skyward Flame. "Wait. Has anyone seen a little filly? She has a red coat with blue eyes. She's a pegasus like me." Skyward Flame looked around, and trotted off. Nero had been helping wake and tend to the other prisoners when Flame came back. "Did you find her?" Nero said to him. Flame turned to his side, revealing a sleeping filly on his back. She was wrapped in a bundle of clothes. "I know they have caravans, but the guards could be a problem." Everyone looked at him, most with odd looks. "You have no idea...Do you?" Flame looked at him, concerned.
"Idea of what? What do you mean?" Nero was beginning to feel uneasy. "All the guards are dead. Fire killed them...He showed no mercy, and is paying the price." Nero's eyes went wide. He never thought that his friend would do something so cruel. He shook these thoughts from his mind, focusing on his little sister's safety. His royal guard instincts took over. "Alright, listen up! Get everypony clothed properly and board the caravans. As soon as we're all set, follow Flame to Ponyville where all wounds will be treated. Do so orderly, and we can all make it within two or three hours." It took them twenty minutes to load up, and another ten to get them in standard formation. "Flame, take my sister home. Fire has some answers I need." Flame nodded, leading the caravan off. 'I know that he wouldn't do anything Skyward Flame accused him of...I need to find this out for myself.' Was the last thing he thought as he took off for Canterlot.

- - - - Demon Iron Fire - - - -

"Well, you need to learn your place. You are no longer in control." The demon croaked at the mirror. 'Seeing Luna made me be able to take control...What made it so I could take over?' Thought Iron, but then he got an idea. "Well, it's not much of a gift if I cannot be in control." The demon looked confused, as if thinking. His face straightened, the markings faded, and the positions in the mirror were replaced by the other. "I can come out whenever I want, even when you don't want me to. Remember that." The demon said laughing as the figure in the mirror began to resemble the normal Iron Fire. Right as he reverted, a voice called from his door. "Dear Celestia...He was right." Nero had finally arrived.
"You...You're not alright. You need either Luna or Celestia's help, Fire." Nero looked at his friend, trotting towards him. "Nero, I do need help. There isn't much I can do though...What he did to Tobias was more than he deserved..." Fire looked back to the mirror, still seeing only himself. He let a sigh of relief as his friend put a forearm around him. 'Your friendship sickens me, Fire.' The demon pronounced from inside his brain. "Uhmm...Let's go to town, I think Luna can help me."

- - - - - -

They knew Luna would be at Twilight's house. Nero opened the door to find only Luna there with Mateo. The two stepped inside and interrupted whatever conversation they were having. "So, I hear you are a demon." Fire looked into Mateo's eyes. "Yes, but not by choice. Anger, hatred, any feeling against someone caused it." Nero looked over to him, then to Luna. "We need to help him...I don't want Celestia to banish him." Fire turned to his friend, a shocked expression. "What do you mean banish me?" Fire sounded scared. Nero looked at his hooves. "I went to her before you, and unless we can return you to normal....You would be sent to the moon like Luna." All three of them exchanged worried glances. "The demon would see that as a reason to manipulate my mind, making him stronger..." Fire's voice was shaking, showing he was overcome with fear. Mateo took a deep breath and sighed. "We need my wife." They all looked to him, nodding. "She put the elements somewhere that not even Celestia knows about. I told her to keep them in town, so she went to get them. Who knows how long she will be...Fire, I'm sorry." Fire's eyes had started to tear up. 'Pitiful...I am stronger than your puny elements of harmony...But if you want to disobey me, then you shall be punished. The demon started doing things to Fires head. Bringing long forgotten memories of his mothers death, visions of his friends dying, and other horrible things.

- - - - Nero - - - -

He looked over to Fire after hearing a small yelp. "Fire? Fire, say something!" He screamed as his friend fell to the ground, howling in pain. "We have to do something!" Nero was yelling to both Mateo and Luna, but they didn't do anything but watch in horror. Nero grabbed Fire's tail and started dragging him to the hospital. 'Come on buddy, I am not letting you die...Stay with me!' Nero screamed inside his head, determined to break the demons hold on his only friend.