//------------------------------// // The Game is Over... For Now // Story: The Four Strangers // by The One and only One //------------------------------// The Four Strangers The Game is Over... For Now "Submit! End her torment and my own!" - Gravemind (Halo 3) The tension continued to rise as the four Juggernauts hesitated to answer the question because out of everything they had gone through, rejection was the only thing that could happen now, every scenario was going through their heads. The group of ponies and changeling continued to stare at them in patience, except for one cyan pegasus. "Well, are you going to tell us or what!" "Oohhh, I bet they're aliens from another planet!" yelled out Pinkie. "Pinkie, why would aliens hide from us, doesn't make them... suspicious and aliens have been proven to be a myth." Interjected Twilight. "Well... actually she is technically correct." stated Tolerance. "What? How can that be possible, you aren't scientifically possible?" Replied Twilight. "It would explain for their outward appearance since I have seen many creatures in my time." Princess Celestia added in. While everything was going on a changeling drone had flown over towards the group, eyeing the four Juggernauts, the drone landed next to his Queen. "My Queen?" asked the drone. "Yes, my loyal subject." replied Chrysalis. "What are your orders, my Queen?" Looking around at the debris that was left of the town the Queen made an assessment of the situation, "How many casualties?" "Seventy-two percent of the swarm is still intact and five percent are unaccounted for, and well twenty-three casualties." Replied the drone. "Mmmm... then if that is the case... I order you and the rest of the swarm to continue to search for missing changelings and start repairing the damage to the town itself." " Yes, my Queen." with that the drone buzzed away from the group. "Well, I don't remember you being so calm about these things." stated a surprised Celestia as she was unamused by the fact that the aliens hesitance to give them their story. "Yes, since my failed attempt to take over Canterlot I have... thought over my life and decided to start over, the reason more the dress was because a few days ago I was planning on returning to ask for... a truce between our people." Celestia's eyes widened like dinner plates with a wide smile on her face, she then hugged the Changeling Queen, who after hesitating for a moment, hugged back, everypony and flood looked over at the sight with Luna having a smile on her face. After everything was done between the alicorn Princess and Changeling Queen the group once again focused on the four Juggernauts, whom continued to stall. "You're stalling." stated Pinkie. "What?" asked Obligation. "I said your all stalling." "We ArE nOt STallInG." interjected Restraint. "Then tell us what and why you are here, oh andmaybeafterwardswecanhaveapartyandthenyoucanshowusmmmmm..." before Pinkie could finish Twilight's hoof clogged her up. "Pinkie they can't understand you when you do that... but she is right, can you please start from the beginning, before you deceived us." "MMMmm... ok we will tell you everything, just don't hate us or try to destroy us." replied Tolerance and with that they told them everything about Flood history, from the beginning with the Forerunners to the Human-Covenant war to the death of the Gravemind, from their they explained in great detail that the last couple of days before today were the few greatest days of their lives, saving the CMC and meeting 'hopefully still' new friends. All the while the changelings were almost finished in rebuilding the small town of Ponyville with all the residents watching from a distance. After finishing their story the ponies and changeling stood there for a moment to analyze all the information given to them in the past seven minutes or so. Celestia and Luna were the first ones to finish and both had soft smiles on their faces. Shortly afterward the rest of the group started to smile, except for Chrysalis. "There is one thing I don't understand, why do you want to change your ways, but the rest of your kind didn't?" "Well, we were bred to think like the enemy and over time we decided that violence wasn't the answer, also the Gravemind may have been sort of a schizophrenic." replied Obligation as everypony except for Twilight and Chrysalis looked at him with confusion. “He MeAns CrAZy.” Added Restraint. “Ohhh!" With that the group began to walk through the slowly repairing town and headed towards Twilight’s place, which only faced minor damage that had already been taken care of. The inside of course looked exactly as it did when she left it, minus one baby dragon. Everypony plus changeling entered the building and the four Juggernauts placed their appendages inside through the windows. The changeling Queen decided to speak up first, “So, what do we do now, with… you know the truce?” “About that Chrysalis,” Replied Celestia as she turned her head to face Twilight, “I think you and Twilight should work together to find a compromise to the changeling/pony situation, if that is you both find that acceptable.” “I won’t let you down Princess.” Answered Twilight. “Mmm, I have grown fond of Twilight… I accept your offer.” Replied Chysalis as she moved closer to Twilight and blushed. “With that out of the way I think we should finish our discussion about the current dilemma, Obligation and his brothers wish to become members of the town and they have that right so the rest of you here are going to help them and the town adjust to this change while Twilight takes care of changeling relations and Obligation, Tolerance, Mercy, and Restraint... I wish you four the best of luck in this quest of redemption for your people." "We appreciate it." Replied Obligation. "Well, my sister and I have to return to Canterlot, I bet the nobles are panicking over our sudden leave of absence." with that both Princesses disappeared in a flash of light and five ponies left the library to help the repopulation of the town and adjustment of the four Juggernauts and the townsfolk. Back inside the library Chrysalis and Twilight began to draw up the plans for the truce. “Do you think peace is possible.” Asked the Changeling Queen. “With friendship anything possible.” Replied Twilight. “Anything?” “Yes… anything is possible.” END OF ACT 1