//------------------------------// // Responsibility // Story: A Dream is a Wish...or a Nightmare // by Mekon //------------------------------// Blank. Twilight's mind was utterly and completely blank. There was no traveling train to be derailed, no lingering shadow of thought passing across the faded screen, no distant foggy memory that slunk its way through the hazy bog of consciousness that gripped Twilight. Everything was gone; all thought was wiped clean and purged from Nightmare's accidental kiss. Her lips were soft...... Twilight shook violently as that forbidden thought crossed her mind, tilting her head to the side quickly to relinquish herself from the lip lock and clear away any thoughts following along the same, absolutely forbidden path. However, while her lips were free, the rest of her body wasn't. She was pinned helplessly underneath the larger, corporeal form of the dream goddess, and that wasn't even the worst part of the entire situation which was already ridiculous in itself! The purple unicorn could easily sense the incredulous stares of her friends, some aghast, some simply stunned and one was very confused. This was bad, very bad. “Diana!” Twilight hissed darkly, trying to shove the bigger unicorn off of her with little success, “Get off.” Diana didn't reply. In fact, there was no indication, verbally, physically or mentally, that the goddess had heard the command at all. The lavender mare growled, trying to fight down the immense and absolutely reactive blush that invaded her face. “Nightmare! Cut it out and get off!” Still, Twilight received no response. Renewing her struggles again, the flustered, purple unicorn refrained from levitating, more like blasting, Nightmare off of her; Twilight's less-than-calm thought patterns would not be conducive to casting even the simplest spell. After a few more vigorous bouts of spastic and completely pointless movement, the purple unicorn finally noticed that the dream goddess had been unconscious the entire time. “Woah nelly!” Applejack finally shouted, gathering her wits and composure much faster than the rest of her friends who were still suffering through different stages of shock. The reliable farm pony moved over to her trapped friend and helped pry the knocked out mare off of Twilight who was still valiantly struggling to free herself. “You alright Twi?” “Fine...perfectly fine....” Twilight stammered, the whole reality of the situation finally sinking in as she took in the expressions her friends were making. Two of them had rather uncomfortable appendages sticking out prominently from their sides, though Rainbow's looked particularly more bothersome. Pinkie was bouncing rapidly in her seat, almost ready to combust at the slightest prompting, and the other pony looked scandalized, like she had just witnessed a taboo, dark ritual derived from the hells itself take place right in front of her eyes. However, her distinct blush, framed against her snow white fur, was quite telling. Spike was just plain confused. “So...awesome...” a squeaky voice breathlessly whispered, multiplying Twilight's blush tenfold. “Guys! It's not what you think! I swear! There's a perfectly good explanation for all of this,” Twilight attempted to assure through her furious blush, but even her own shaky voice didn't seem to believe her. She searched desperately for a reasonable explanation, but even with all of her intellect, Twilight drew a blank spectacularly. She never was a good liar... “Twi! You might want to check this out, like now!” Applejack said urgently, ignoring Twilight's protests and diverting the flustered unicorn's attention back to the unconscious mare posing as her cousin, “Diana's pulse is mighty low.” Immediately, the lavender mare rushed over to the fallen goddess, replacing Applejack's hoof on Nightmare's jugular with her own, the thin and weak beats of a struggling heart making themselves known. Twilight opened and closed her mouth in horror; she may not completely like the perverted, manipulative and absolutely shameless alicorn goddess, but she would never let another pony die. However, the mare's fate was uncertain. The beating of her heart was bordering on death, and the purple unicorn trembled at the thought that the goddess' life was in her hooves. Cautiously, Twilight was hopeful though. When her hooves had made contact with Nightmare's throat, the pulse had jumped, almost as if in response to Twilight. She wasn't sure if there was any cause and effect relationship, but she held her hoof there regardless. After a few tense minutes, she could now tell that there was some sort of relationship, because the dream goddess' pulse had slowly strengthened, albeit not enough to call her healthy. So, Twilight just sat there, wondering and thinking. What had caused the disguised alicorn to fall into a near death coma? Why did Nightmare seem so desperate to get the necklace, the strange piece of jewelery, crafted by Zecora, probably with strange secrets and effects, to her? Did the ornament even have anything to do with the goddess' condition now? “Is Diana going to be okay Twilight?” Spike suddenly asked, snapping Twilight out of her thoughts. The lavender mare looked down into the worried face of her number one assistant and smiled as positively as she could. “Of course...” Twilight answered warmly, an idea suddenly striking her, “She just suffers from severe anemia, so she's rather prone to fainting.” “Oh my goodness!” Fluttershy suddenly cried out, forgetting all embarrassment and going into her natural nurturing mode, and the lavender mare sighed in relief. She had just dodged a bullet. “Oh the poor dear! She needs plenty of rest and lots of nutritious foods to eat. I'd suggest a heavy nut diet or maybe some beans.” “Anemia...” Rarity chuckled nervously, “I believe that makes perfect sense. Yes. There cannot be any other explanation. You're obviously not in a romantically forbidden relationship of sin and depravity with your cousin. Haha. How silly is that idea!” Twilight cringed, but did her best to to not react further to the white unicorn's less-than-subtle implication. “Ha...yeah...really silly,” the lavender mare said with an awkward chuckle of her own, hoping her friends wouldn't get any other crazy ideas. “So she's still single right?” Rainbow joked, earning a pointed glare from Twilight, Applejack and Fluttershy, “Kidding, kidding. But seriously, I hope she's alright.” “Me too....” Twilight admitted, looking up at the clock to find that it was outrageously late, “I think it's best if I get Diana up to bed. It's really late.” Everypony agreed, and they watched as the purple unicorn lightly levitated Nightmare up, her hoof still connected with her neck, and walked out of the room to put Diana to bed. “Okay. Who else thinks there's something fishy going on here?” Rainbow suddenly asked as soon as Twilight left the room and was out of earshot, “Twilight conveniently passes off a goodnight kiss as anemia. What kind of feathering funk is that?!” “Rainbow!” Fluttershy admonished immediately, “It's not nice to just assume things about other ponies, especially if they are our friends. What if Diana really does have anemia? Won't you feel absolutely horrible that you didn't believe it?” “I'm just saying it's suspicious. Twilight suddenly has a cousin that none of us, not even Spike, has heard about?” the cyan pegasus conjectured, “I mean c'mon...I don't know about you guys, but the way I see it, the way they act is definitely not normal for cousins....” “Rainbow, I don't think it's right to suspect our friends. Don't you have any faith in her?” Applejack accused, also surprised at Rainbow. “Of course, I trust Twilight one hundred percent. But they act a bit too friendly, intimate sort of, for normal family ...they always seem to be fighting about something too, but it's always like a secret joke that they share,” Rainbow elaborated, “And during the party, Diana acted a bit clingy. At least I think so....” The orange farm mare sighed, adjusting her hat out of habit to clear her head. “Rainbow...Diana doesn't know any of us. Isn't it natural for family to stick to family?” The prismatic mare opened her mouth to retort but was cut off. “Regardless. It isn't our business to peek into the secret or not secret affairs of our dearest Twilight,” Rarity cut in weakly and unconvincingly. She loved to gossip more than all of them combined. “Though of course, I loathe to think that she would keep any important secrets from us.” “What do you think Pinks? You haven't said anything the entire time,” Rainbow suddenly asked, turning to find the party pony still bouncing in place, “Uh...Pinks?” “Tail twitch, lip quiver, hoof spasm, body bounce combo!” Pinkie declared, jumping up onto her seat, “It's that combo! Oh boy! I haven't felt that combo since I ran into that cello playing pony.” “What in Equestria are you going on about Pinkie?” Applejack asked, “In all my time here, I ain't ever heard you mention that combo.” Pinkie took a few deep breaths while running around the room to clamp her hooves over Spike's sensitive ears. “It means that there are sexy games going on!” the pink mare declared, igniting a multitude of responses, “I didn't think I was right, but I heard it distinctively!” “Heard what dear!? Heard what? Rarity asked, her voices clearly an octave higher as her imagination took her to very uncivilized places. “Diana called Twilight 'mistress'!” Pinkie announced without hesitation, causing everypony there with unblocked ears to either balk or fall over. All of them, being adult mares, understood the implications of that heavy word, but they had no idea that THEIR Twilight was such a deviant! What else did Twilight partake in!? Did she make Diana prance around in a skimpy maid outfit too to fit her role? “Even...even if the entire thing about Diana being Twilight's cousin really is a lie, it's not our place to pry,” Fluttershy concluded uneasily, pawing at the ground absentmindedly as she thought about a select number of books lying around in a secret drawer protected by a three padlocks and one custom-fitted winglock, plus an angry army of small bats and squirrels. Maybe Twilight liked leather.... “But this is our dear Twilight we're talking about! She didn't even understand what the 'monthly visit' was a few months ago!” Rarity exclaimed exasperatedly, unable to control the blood flowing to her face, “For all we know, she could be being used!” “Twi already explained that she did know what the 'monthly visit' was,” the farm pony countered, shaking her head hopelessly, remembering that fiasco, “She just used some strange scientific word for it is all. We ran around the entire day freaking out for nothing, and that could happen again!” “I'm merely worried about our friend's mental and emotional sanity. Who knows what sort of debauchery they are partaking in. Twilight is just so naive that I worry for her,” the white unicorn defended herself, leveling her gaze to match Applejack's. “I think you should just leave it alone. Twi would be upset if you meddled in her buisness.” “I hardly think that one of my best friends would be upset that I worry about their well-being!” “Well-being my hoof! You just want the juicy details of their relationship so you can blather it all to everypony you find.” “How dare you! I would never do such a thing! All I'm worried about is Twilight. She's my friend, so I have a responsibility to make sure she is alright.” “Responsibility!? You just don't know when to keep your muzzle where it belongs!” the orange earth pony replied, shoving her face challengingly into the unicorn's. “Well you would know about that first hoof wouldn't you darling?” Rarity countered heatedly, but after a brief moment, what she had said caught up with her. Horrified, she clamped her mouth shut, but the damage was done. “WHAT!” Rainbow shouted, spitting out her drink violently, her face absolutely stunned as she pointed back and forth between the clean and pristine diva and the down and dirty farm mare. She had been enjoying the argument....”You mean....you two...wha.....what!” “Oh would you look at the time!” the fashionista hastily exclaimed as she sweated buckets, “I do believe that dear Opal would hate me if I didn't tuck her in tonight! I'm afraid that I must go!” In a flash, Rarity was gone, almost as if she had teleported out, and similarly, Applejack had evaporated as well. “Argh! C'mon! Am I the only one here not getting any?!” the cyan mare complained, throwing her hooves up in exasperation. Luckily, neither one of the other two ponies graced her with an answer. Rainbow groaned, slamming her head down on the table. “Umm...I think it's time to go home now,” Fluttershy suggested feebly, not wanting to stick around lest it get even more awkward. “Yuppers! Thanks for letting me use the house Spike!” Pinkie declared, releasing Spike's hearing in the process. “Oh sure. You guys are going now?” Spike asked, not even bothering with asking about what he had just missed out on. He was quickly answered with two nods and a noncommittal grunt. Shrugging, he lead the mares out, returning to the now empty kitchen to find a very confused Luna who was wondering where everyone had gone. “Um...did I miss something?” Spike shrugged. He had no idea what was going on either. ♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪ Twilight didn't waste any time. She ran up the stairs as fast as she could, depositing Nightmare onto her bed while double checking her pulse again. It was definitely getting better, but still frighteningly weak. What in Equestria was going on with Nightmare? “Nightmare! Nightmare! Answer me! What's wrong with you!?” Twilight asked as powerfully as she could, hoping her loud thoughts would break through the dream goddess' unconsciousness. There was no answer, and Twilight slumped down in desperation. “Please...just say something Nightmare....anything.” A tense silence reigned.... “I never saw you as one to beg mistress....” a weak, but glad voice whispered, a shadow of a chuckle in her voice. Abruptly, the lavender mare jumped and looked down to the mare sleeping in her bed, her eyes only barely open. However, those frail, azure eyes proved to the lavender mare that the goddess was still alive. “Nightmare!” Twilight screamed, half-relieved that the disguised alicorn was alright, half-irritated that she had to make a joke of it all, “I'm going to kill you for pulling a stunt like this! Imagine how worried everyone was that you were suddenly passed out on the floor! And you gave me so much trouble too! I barely got out of them thinking you were my secret lover or something!” The dream goddess giggled frailly, blinking slowly, “Sorry mistress....but dying... I guess it wouldn't be that bad. I already almost died anyway...” The purple unicorn froze in place, stiffly turning her gaze to Nightmare's eyes. There was no lie behind them, and that truly scared Twilight. “What are you talking about?” Twilight whispered fiercely, inching closer to the unstable goddess, “What happened? What's wrong with you?” Nightmare sighed, looking away towards the open window, framing the clear night sky above. “Hmm....it seems that the corporealization process wasn't one-hundred percent flawless....my form is still unstable, resulting in...well...possible death and/or symptoms of it. Zecora was rather worried about it actually....” “Huh!? Zecora!? Near death symptoms!?” the purple unicorn screeched, resisting the urge to shake Nightmare senseless. “Why didn't you tell me!” “Hmm....well mistress....I didn't want to worry you. Zecora crafted that necklace for a reason, and I had hoped that it would prevent me from having to tell you this...” Twilight breathed in deeply, trying to reign in her temper and maintain her patience which was rapidly waning. “You talked about a necklace....Do you mean this one?” the lavender mare asked, gesturing to the gold and onyx ornament that adorned her neck, “What does it have to do with your near death episode?” “Magical Essence Resonator....My corporeal life and form, which has actually intertwined with my real being strangely enough, is facilitated through continual, passive magical insertion from a live source....better known as you mistress...I'm sure you can figure out the rest from that.” Nightmare said quietly, still staring out the window. The purple unicorn paused to filter the information and soon enough figured out the rest. “The spell that has crystallized in the jewel which also binds your essence feeds off of my passive magical aura and acts as an anchor point of existence for you....so if I take it off...” “I'd probably die or slowly die anyway. The magical drain is rather gradual that even I didn't sense it...” Twilight fiddled with the piece of jewelery for a moment, finally analyzing the enigmatic piece that had spawned Nightmare's worldly form. It seemed to hum and pulse in tandem with Nightmare's heart and was unusually warm to the touch, as if the beating heart of the dream goddess was in her hooves at that very moment. “So I need to keep this on at all times?” Twilight hazarded wearily. “Well I would appreciate it mostly....Though....if you wanted to end my long, suffering, false life of wandering through space and time without a real existence or tangible form, with no true purpose, with no friends....then by all means...I'm sure you're fed up with me at this point anyway....” Nightmare began, her voice half comical, half serious, and that truly alarmed Twilight. Was life really that horrible for the dream goddess? “I would NEVER! EVER! DO THAT!” the purple unicorn hissed, actually shaking her patient now, disregarding all control, “You're crazy! I may not entirely like you or anything like that. You're annoying and completely random, not a good random like Pinkie either, and you really get on my nerves and rile me up for the smallest things! But....but I'm not going to let you die...What kind of pony do you think I am!? I wouldn't just kill you off so that I would feel at ease! In fact, that would kill me too! And, you know what is annoying me the most?....It's the fact that you're so ready to give up on your new life that you just got! It makes me so angry!” “But aren't I a bother? I mean...” “Didn't you promise me that you'd make me happy? That you'd help me fulfill my dream? What happened to all of that? I'm still waiting on you to make good on that promise.” “But...you'd be better off without me. You can easily fulfill your dream...in fact, it's already halfway there...I keep claiming that I'm going to make you happy...but you've done more for me than I have for you....I don't deserve it, a mare like me....” “I. DON'T. CARE! I am not letting you die! You can't be that selfish! I won't let you. You're going to stay here, and you're going to live out your new life. You're my responsibility....and....I'd like to.....eventually become your friend....I mean...if you wanted to...” Twilight exhaled finally, blushing a bit now after reviewing her passionate outburst. But she held firm and waited. “Friend huh?” Nightmare pondered, turning back to face her mistress, staring intently at the lavender mare. She didn't offer another word on the subject, however, and closed her eyes to sleep. Twilight groaned and wiped her face hopelessly, exhausted. However, the lavender mare swore she saw it and was hopeful: the light mist that had gathered in Nightmare's eyes before she had drifted off to sleep. “Is everything in here alright? I thought I heard some yelling,” a worried voice called. Cautiously, Luna poked her head through the doorway and frowned, her gaze meeting the sleeping mare. “Is Diana okay?” “She's fine....just tired out,” the lavender mare lightly lied with the best smile possible, “Thanks for worrying though. I'm sure Diana appreciates it...You should get some sleep Luna. It's really late.” Luna giggled, “Well normally, I'm up around this time, but I suppose, out of the infinite kindness of my heart, I'll adjust to your time schedule. I do know how much you love schedules.” “Oh shush,” Twilight laughed, waving Luna off, “Good night. Sweet dreams.” “You too Twilight. I hope Diana feels better soon. See you in the morning! Remember, you promised you'd show me around town tomorrow!” The purple unicorn nodded, and waited patiently until she was certain that Luna had entered her room, listening for the light sound of the wooden door closing below. Yawning, she turned to her bed, and a new problem faced her. “Great...Now where am I supposed to sleep!?”