//------------------------------// // chapter 8 // Story: Prototype: Friends until the bitter end // by Carmine Prophet //------------------------------// 18 weeks, and one visit to a clothing manufacturer later, and the three guards that had been chosen to join Quann’s guard had finished their training. Quann, who wasn’t wearing his mask or goggles, Cooper, the three guards now in Blackwatch armor, Cadence, and Shining Armor, stood in front of a makeshift firing range; Quann and Cooper with the weapons that they had received after their fight with Nightmare, and the guards with modified Crossbows. Quann and them ware in One of the Castle courtyards ok out a bullet from his pouch and levitated it to Cadence. “Ok so what you are telling me is that this spell can duplicate anything that isn’t alive?” Quann asked Cadence, whom he had asked about 15 days ago to teach him to teach him magic. “Yes Raptor, it can.” She replied to her student. “Cool now can you make a bunch of these please?” He asked, hoofing her a single bullet. “Sure.” Cadence responded. The bullet started to glow as she took it in a light blue aura. And the next thing Quann and Cooper knew, they were buried under a mountain of bullets. After several minutes, the two finally managed to scramble out of the pile. They looked to the pile and back to Cadance, and back to the pile, and made a very childish squeal. “Holy Fuck!” Quann yelled and ran up to Cadence with a smile on his face. The others didn’t even flinch, having gotten used to his and Cooper’s rather foul language. “That is so cool!” Cooper commented taking some bullets and quickly loading them into his magazines. “Cousin Cadence, You HAVE to teach me that spell. YOU JUST HAVE TO!” Quann pleaded. “Ok. Ok I’ll teach it to you later. Gosh Raptor you are like a little colt with a new toy.” Cadence replied to her new cousin. His prediction 18 weeks ago had proven correct and after the first week the two of them were almost inseparable. Except when it came to matters of importance, like when Quann was training his guard. But Quann and Shining armor did have different ideas when it came to certain things like the training of the guard. And somehow, much to Cadence’s pleasure, they had not run into Blueblood since he met him at the gala. But, come to think of it, nopony had seen the way Quann trained his guards. Not even her aunts. “Now, if you'll excuse me.” Quann stated as he speed loaded his SAW and his extra magazines before stepping in front of His guards who snapped to attention. “Alright Fucktards. Here is what we are going to do…. Cooper, the targets.” Quann started. Cooper nodded and set up five target-pony dummies. “Ok Each of you will be going up and shooting the targets to work on your aim. Celestia knows you need it.” Quann said. “Yes sir!” They replied in unison. “Ok, Callsign Crysoch, you’re up.” Quann said. A blue unicorn trotted up to the firing line. The only way you could tell he was blue was from the color of his horn that came jutting out from inside his hood. He levitated his Crossbow in front of him in a brown glow. Now, what made these crossbows different was that they work on a spring and mag system, meaning that the arrows are fed to the action from a magazine and the draw is fixed to a spring, so that when one arrow is fired it will bring the string back and another arrow will be automatically loaded, ready to fire, creating the first semi automatic crossbow. “Ok,Thirty seconds. Ready? Quann asked, levitating a stopwatch. “Ready Sir.” “GO!” Immediately the cloaked pony emptied his entire magazine into the target. Of the ten bolts fired, five hit the dummy in the chest and one hit it in the head. ‘He’s a decent shot, with decent grouping. Not bad.’ “He’s a pretty good shot.” Cooper said to Quann, who nodded. “Ok that was good. Back to the line. Callsign Shock Jock you're up.” He said “Yes sir!” A bronze colored earth pony trotted up to the firing line. “Ready... Go!” Quann shouted One in the head, two in the chest. and the rest missed. “HA HA HA! HAY Raptor, looks like you have competition. This guy is terrible.” Cooper laughed, causing Quann to look down and face hoof. And the laughter was loud enough to draw out Celestia, who looked drained. But everypony except Cadence, Quann, and Cooper bowed. “Let me guess auntie, more stuck up nobles?” Quann asked, seeing his aunt drained. “You guessed right Raptor. May I ask what is so funny?” She asked with a motherly smile. And then she saw the pile. “And what are those?” she asked gesturing to the massive mound of munitions. “Well to answer your first question princess we were having a laugh at Raptor, and Shock Jocks expense. They are terrible shots. And to answer your second question they are the ammunition for mine and Raptor’s weapons.” Cooper said “Any way! Next to the line. Heart Stop, you’re next, get on the firing line.” Quann said, annoyed at his friend. “Ready! Fire” “Yes sir!” A yellow Pegasus mare stepped forward gripping the weapon in her wings she fired all 10 bolts. Eight in the head two in the heart and speed back to the lineup. “Outstanding! That was amazing marksmanship.” Quann said to the mare in the lineup. “Thank you. I aim to please.” She responded proudly. Shock Jock raised his hoof. “Go ahead,” Quann stated. “Sir, why don’t the two of you show us what you can do?” The private asked. “Ok then. Sergeant!” Quann shouted. “Lieutenant Sir!” Cooper responded with a salute. “Get on the line.” Quann said as he and his friend stepped up to the line and brought out their weapons. Cadence, Celestia, Shining armor and the others gathered around. “Ok Reaper, ready?” “Ready, sir.” Cooper responded. “You might want to cover your ears.” Quann said with a smirk. Everypony did as asked and placed their hooves over their ears before they looked to the target. Everypony but one. “Fire!” Quann yelled. Cooper looked down the ACOG scope of his M4, flicked off the safety and squeezed the trigger. ‘Crack’ Cooper burst fired his entire magazine into the target scoring 5 headshots, 5 shots to the heart, 5 to the lungs, 5 body shots, and the other 10 hits in non-fatal areas. Cooper ejected his magazine and loaded a fresh one. “Fuck. he’s still better than me.” Quann said under his breath. “I’ve still got it” Cooper said with a triumphant smirk. “WHAT!” Shining Armor Yelled trying to regain his hearing. The poor unicorn had refused to cover his ears believing that he could take the noise. “Ok. Well look at you, mister fancy ass.” Quann said to Cooper. “Well, I guess it is your turn Raptor.” Cadence said, not knowing what to expect from her cousin. Quann stepped up to the line and stood on his hind legs and loaded the 100 round magazine into the gun, fed the belt into the chamber and pulled back the action. “Ready.” Quann said aiming down his ACOG scope. “OK FIRE!” Cooper shouted. Quann Channeled biomass into his muscles and pulled the trigger. And unlike the other weapons that were a lot smaller and semi-automatic, except for Cooper’s M4A2, everypony present could see Quanns entire upper body recoil from the guns kickback as he started emptying the magazine. Resulting in about thirty shots to the upper body and the rest landing all over the body and ripping the silhouette to shreds. “Well I think you hit it Raptor.” Cadence said eying the target. “You suck dude.” Cooper said “Sir, what are you doing?” Shining armor asked as they all turned and saw Quann reach into one of his pouches and take out a small sphere with a ring on it. “Yes Raptor what are you doing?” Celestia asked warmly and in response he took the object in a hoof and used his other hoof and ripped off the small ring on it, and the little lever on it flew off as his grip loosened making an audible clicking sound. Quann looked at them with a smirk. “This. FRAG out!” Quann shouted as he threw the Grenade at the target and it landed under the target and did nothing. ‘BOOM’ the target was blown to bits “‘ that for aim.” Quann said getting back on all fours and slinging his SAW over his shoulder. “Bitch.” He added as he shoulder-checked Cooper. Quann turned around to see Celestia giving him a very stern look. “What?” he asked sarcastically with a smile “‘Sigh’ just don’t do it again without telling us.” She said Just then a Guard came around a corner,gaining everypony’s attention,and saluted. “Yes. What is it?” Celestia asked warmly. In response the Guard turned to Quann and shot him a salute, which Quann instinctively returned. “Sir, your new recruits have arrived. And they have taken the creed. Sir.” The guard responded. “Ok thank you. Bring them here.” Quann said. The guard turned and trotted back to the entrance, bringing in two earth ponies, two unicorns, one Pegasus, and one Zebra. The six of them lined up in two lines of three, and Quann stepped forward and glared at the Zebra. The two princesses and the others stepped back to see what would happen. “You’re about to see how WE train OUR Troops.” Cooper said to Shining Armor. “What is your name, private!?” Quann yelled in the zebra’s face. “SIR. Moton, SIR!” The brown and tan striped Zebra yelled back with an African accent. “TELL ME, PRIVATE what are you doing in this country! And why did you join Blackwatch?” Quann yelled. “SIR, I wanted to earn citizenship in this country, and I want to be a doctor SIR!” He answered. “Well that is good to here. Welcome to the Watch Private DOC!” Quann responded. “SIR. THANK YOU SIR!” Doc replied. Quann stepped up to a green earth pony next to Doc. Celestia turned to Cooper and Quanns other guards with a face bearing confusion, and a little worry. “Does he always yell at all of the recruits?” She asked. “Yes, this is totally different from the Raptor we know.” Cadence said. “This would never happen in the regular royal guard. Or the lunar guard.” Shining armor said as they watched Quann punch one of the recruits. “Relax. It’s how he weeds out the ones who don’t really want to be here.” Cooper said calmly. “I guess that makes sense. But I still don’t like it.” Cadence said “He is just doing the same thing our old drill sergeant did where we are from.” Cooper said. But then they heard one of the recruits make a smart remark. And if they could hear it, there is no doubt that Quann heard it. “Who said that?” Quann asked. Nopony answered. “WHO THE FUCK SAID THAT!?” Quann asked again in front of the line still not getting an answer. “Nopony huh!?” Quann asked. Nopony answered again. “Princess FUCKING Celestia said it!?” Quann said, turning towards her.. “Auntie, did you say anything?” Quann asked his aunt. “No Raptor, I didn’t say anything.” She responded quickly. “Out Fucking standing. I will PT you all until you Fucking die!” Quann shouted. “I will PT you all until your assholes are sucking butter milk.” Quann shouted again. “How about you, you scrounge Little Fuck WAS IT YOU?!” Quann asked/yelled as he grabbed another earth pony. “SIR, NO SIR!” “You little fucking piece of shit, I bet it was you.” Quann yelled and was about to punch him. “Sir, I said it, sir.” The unicorn standing to Quann’s left piped up. “Well no shit… what have we got here? A fucking comedian. Well I admire your honesty. Hell I like you. You could come over to my house and Fuck my sister.” Quann said, right before he punched the unicorn in the chest, knocking the wind out of him and sending him to his knees. “MY little scum-Bag. I’ve got your name. I’ve got your ass. You will not laugh. You will not cry. You will learn by the numbers I teach you. Now, Get on your hooves.” Quann said as the Unicorn struggled to stand up. “You had best un-Fuck yourself or I will Break off your horn and shove it up your ass. DO YOU GET ME.” Quann said “I get you, sir.” The unicorn said as Quann stepped back to the earth pony. “What’s your excuse?” He asked. “Sir excuse for what, sir?” the earth pony asked. “I’m the one asking the fucking questions here private. Do you understand?” Quann said “SIR, YES SIR!” “well thank you very much. May I be in charge for once?” “Sir, yes sir.” “Are you choked up? Are you nervous?” “Sir, I am, sir!” “Do I make you nervous?” “SIR..” “Sir what!? Were you about to call me an ass hole!?” “Sir, no sir” “How tall are you private?” “Sir, four-foot-three sir!” “Four-foot-three!? I didn’t know they stacked shit that high. You trying to squeeze an inch in on me somewhere, HUH?!” “SIR, NO SIR!” “Bull shit. IT looks to me like the best part of you ran down the crack of your mama’s ass and ended up as a brown stain on the MATTRESS! I think you’ve been cheated…. Where in the hell are you from anyway Private?” “Sir, Appaloosa SIR!” “HOLY DOG SHIT. Appaloosa? Only steers and Queers come from Appaloosa Private cowboy. And you sure don’t look like a steer to me, so that sure narrows it down….. DO you suck dicks?” “SIR, NO SIR!” “Bullshit. I bet you could suck a golfball through a garden hose.” “Sir, NO SIR!” “ARE you a Pieter pumper?” “SIR, NO SIR!” “I bet you are the kind of guy that would Fuck a pony in the ass and not even have the goddamn common courtesy to give them a reach around. I’ll be watching you.” Quann finished and stood in front of the Recruits. “Now follow me.” “SIR YES SIR” they all answered ‘Way to quote full metal jacket’ ‘Who the fuck is talking to me?’ Quann thought ’ “Guards Fall in.” Quann ordered and Cooper and the others got in the lineup with Cooper running parallel to the rest of the group. They started trotting to the barracks and decided to start a Cadence.