//------------------------------// // Chapter 1: The Move // Story: A Fresh Start // by QuilliamPenn //------------------------------// Chapter 1: The Move[ Sketch soared through the clouds, the air rushing past him as he flew, the wind blowing through his mane, his black and tan mane gently moving as he whizzed through the air. Sketchbook was on his way to Ponyville for the first time since he was a colt; He had been practically forced to leave his home in Cloudsdale, due to his family. His mother and father had, over the recent years of his life, begun to split apart. There was constant fighting at home and more often than not, sleep was usually accompanied by the screaming of his mother and father. Sketchbook’s parents loved him very much, of course, and he loved them; but he hated the constant fighting, the spiteful things that were said, the lies that were told with Sketchbook himself getting dragged into the whole mess. So Sketchbook had decided to move out, he had packed his few belongings and had them shipped to Ponyville, only keeping a few irreplaceable items with him in his saddlebags, not having the bits to pay for a carriage. The saddlebag contained a small picture of his Mother, father and baby brother, taken just a year or so ago, a pouch of bits that he had saved just in case the exact situation he was currently in ever arose, and his notebook. Sketch’s father had given him the notebook when he had reached the age where he could read and write, The notebook itself was rather large, and he had barely only filled a quarter of its pages since he had received it. It was because of that notebook, that Sketch had discovered his special talent: Sketch had the ability to replicate anything he saw down to the last detail, in the form of a drawing. Sketchbook shook his head, trying to clear it of the bad memories he had been left with from his family. He oriented his gaze towards the ground, looking for any sign of his destination. “I should be there by now” Sketch thought to himself as he scanned the ground. “There!” Slowly appearing in the distance, Sketch spotted the small town that was Ponyville. Sketch had only been a colt when he last saw Ponyville, yet he was sure that it had grown significantly, a few new structures here and there. At once the air became completely clear, allowing Sketch to get an unhindered view of the quaint little town. The buildings were much different than those in Cloudsdale, each one appearing to be made out of some sort of wood with a light colored roof. Sketch could see the tiny figures of the residents of Ponyville bustling about, each little dot minding its own business or socializing with somepony else. He began his descent towards the edge of Ponyville, hoping to walk around a bit before he went and met with the moving pegasi; whom had most likely already begun to unload his things at his new home. Sketch had spent all the remaining money he had to hire movers, due to the fact his parents had refused to help him, and he had never really made any friends in Cloudsdale who could help him. The word “friends” hit Sketch where it hurt; his heart sank a bit as he remembered how he never really had made any friends in Cloudsdale and that he would know absolutely nopony in Ponyville. Sketch pushed the thought out of his head, angled himself downwards and gently flapped his wings in order to cushion his landing a bit. After touching down Sketch’s balance was a bit off center, as his body was expecting the softness of a cloud, but he quickly restored his balance and looked around. The field he had landed in was beautiful; the grass was a warm green with a flower or two dotting the hilly terrain ever so often, a light dirt path that wound across said hills, and Celestia’s sun casting its warm rays over the landscape. The whole scene looked like something out of a storybook. Sketch reached into his saddlebag and pulled out a small map of Ponyville, he had landed where he meant to, across town from where he was going to be living. “Good. Now I can get a feel for the town like I had hoped.” Sketch looked at the map one last time before returning it into his saddlebag. He then began to make his way towards Ponyville. Sketch focused his eyes on the dirt path, watching as it slowly began to become more worn, slowly turning from light brown, to a darker brown and finally into a cobble path. Sketch looked up and realized he had arrived just outside of Ponyville. He looked around and saw but one mare. Her coat was a light crème color and her mane was a brash pink with navy blue stripes, she had a cutie mark consisting of three objects that appeared to be bows, or maybe it was three pieces of candy. “Hello there!” The mare turned her gaze to Sketch, a snarl plastered on her face. She growled something like that of some dog, turned tail and returned into what appeared to be her home. Sketch stood there, not quite sure of what just happened. He shrugged off the mare’s sudden anger and trotted on, silently wondering what had gotten her so upset. As Sketch walked further and further into Ponyville, the amount of other ponies around him grew. There was a large tree that appeared to have been turned into a residence of some sort, with a purple unicorn sitting outside on a blanket, her eyes trained on some book. Sketch could have sworn he saw a small dragon as well in one of the windows, appearing to be cleaning something up. Eventually Sketch made his way into what appeared to be a marketplace of some sort, many stalls and produce carts surrounding a large shop with a sign that read Sugarcube Corner. A delicious aroma drifted out of the open door of the shop as he walked by. Sketch stopped for a moment to enjoy the pleasant aroma of a variety of desserts and snacks, the different smells mixing together to make a sort of sweet scented cacophony. But then something caught Sketch’s eye, there sitting next to one of the windows and sipping on some sort of shake, was an aquamarine mare, her mane was a color that reminded him of mint, with white stripes running through it. Her bright golden eyes looked somewhat sad, as if she had recently been through a stressful ordeal; a look Sketch unfortunately found himself all too familiar with. This mare was a pretty mare, her mane lying perfectly atop her head, framing her face and golden eyes like the frame of a picture. Sketch found himself staring deep into the gold eyes belonging to the mare, and those eyes were staring back at him. Wait, those eyes were staring back! Sketch shook his head and quickly looked away, his white face glowing a faint red. Sketch watched out of the corner of his eye as he trotted away, watching the mare giggled silently at his blunder. Then he crashed head on into the side of some cart head on. “Celestia must want me to make as much of a foal of myself as possible today” Sketch thought. Sketch looked up to realize it was not a cart he had walked into, but a mare! The mare was an almost overpowering pink, and a frizzy looking mane that was a few shades darker pink than that of her coat. As Sketch’s eyes met that of the pink mares, here pupils shrunk to an incredibly small size. The mare took in a deep breath as if she was about to scream. Sketch closed his eyes and prepared his eardrums for the verbal assault, but it never came. He peeked one eye open and saw the pink mare bounding off into the distance. “This town has some weird ponies…” After further exploring Ponyville and taking in its sights, as well as almost trampling a yellow Pegasus with a light pink mane; who had for some reason been leading a row of ducklings. After apologizing to the Pegasus, who ended up simply whimpering and hiding her face, Sketch made his way to what would be his new home. Sketch arrived just in time to see the moving pegasi fly off with their strange moving cart. He trotted up to his new home, and took in the sight. The house was rather cozy, a white picket fence placed around the small grassy area in front of it, the grass was a bit long, and Sketch made a mental note to deal with it once he got settled in. As he approached the door, Sketch saw it was made of some kind of light wood, with an ornate glass window adorned near the top; the glass was decorated with some intricate design that resembled the sun in some way. As Sketch pushed the door open he realized that the good looks on the outside did not match up with the inside. The entire place was empty and dirty. There was a small fireplace across from the entryway that looked about a hundred years old, and a kitchen area to the left of where Sketch was standing, complete with sink, oven and fridge. Sketch closed the door with his back hoof and walked over to the two boxes that sat in the center of the room, as he approached them, noticed what appeared to be a bedroom door. “I can see why I got it so cheap…” Sketch opened one of the boxes in the center of the room, inside were some toiletries and the like, as well as some canned food and kitchen appliances. Moving on to the next box, Sketch saw that it carried items he had packed up from his room in Cloudsdale, a small chest filled with knick-knacks, some books and a large wall clock Sketch had received from his grandfather before he had passed away, as well as a large floor rug, more of Sketch’s drawing supplies and a record player with a few disks, also a gift Sketch had received from his grandfather. Sketch looked away from the box and noticed his larger possessions against the wall, His bed as well as a small table and nightstand. Sketch decided to explore the house a bit first before he began to unpack, and trotted into the bedroom. The bedroom was about the same size of his old room in Cloudsdale, with a large round window on the far side of the room, and what appeared to be the doorway to a bathroom across from it. Sketch trotted into the bathroom; a rather small and simple bathroom, there was a roundish mirror above a sink, and a bathtub that looked way too large for the room. Sketch turned and trotted out of the bathroom, returning to his boxes so that he could work on unpacking. However, just as Sketch opened the first box, there was a knock at the door. “How do I already have visitors?” Sketch looked through the glass window that was centered at eye level on his door, due to the decorations on the glass however, everything on the other side was distorted. He opened the door and a wall of sound hit him like the Pony Express. “SURPRISE!!!!!!” Sketch saw there in front of him, the bright pink pony who he had run into earlier, and behind her, what appeared to be the whole of Ponyville. Sketch opened his mouth to try and speak, but was cut off by the pink pony. “Hi there, my names Pinkie Pie and I just wanted to welcome you to Ponyville with a nice big PARTY! When I bumped into you earlier by Sugarcube Corner, I realized I had never met you before, and if I had not met you, that means you have never been to one of my parties because you don’t live in Ponyville, and I know that because I know EVERYPONY in Ponyville, so I got all my friends in Ponyville, Meaning everyone in Ponyville you see, and I threw you a big surprise welcome party!” Sketch listened as Pinkie said everything in one breath, and then everypony began socializing with one another as music began playing from some unknown location. Sketch simply stood there flabbergasted at the fact that not only an entire party had been thrown simply for the fact he had moved to Ponyville, but also the fact he had only seen Pinkie Pie a few hours earlier. Sketch jumped a bit as he heard a voice next to him. “You will never get used to Pinkie Pie, trust me.” Standing next to Sketch was the purple mare he had seen reading by the large tree like building when he arrived. “My name is Twilight Sparkle, and who might you be?” Sketch stared blankly at the mare for a moment, and then shook himself back to his senses. “I’m uh…umm…Sketchbook, yeah, my name is Sketchbook!” Sketch said awkwardly. Twilight didn’t seem to notice his awkward response and began to speak again, just at it dawned on Sketchbook who this mare was. “Wait…THE, Twilight Sparkle? As in the pupil of Princess Celestia herself, Twilight Sparkle? As in the pony that represents the Element of Magic, Twilight Sparkle?” “Yep! The one and only!” Twilight replied, blushing slightly. “Come on, I will introduce you to my friends!” Twilight lead Sketch through the rather large crowd, introducing him to her friends, one of whom included the Pegasus he had nearly trampled earlier that day. “I cannot express how sorry I am for nearly trampling you, Miss Fluttershy, was it?” The Pegasus had managed to overcome some of her shyness now that her friends were around and responded, even if somewhat softly. “Oh, that’s ok. I am just glad nopony got hurt!” Fluttershy smiled warmly as she spoke. Sketch was introduced to the rest of Twilight’s friends and eventually he left the keepers of the Elements of Harmony to mingle with others, although not before a rather confident rainbow maned Pegasus challenged him to a race, an offer he politely refused much to the Pegasus’ dismay. Sketch mingled a bit, and eventually it started to get dark, and by the time Luna’s moon shone in the sky, everypony had cleared out, all save Pinkie Pie and her five fellow Element Holders, who offered to help him clean up. Once the aftermath of the party had been cleaned up, Sketch waved goodbye to his new friends, He was extremely tired, but he had enjoyed the party nonetheless. Just then, as he was about to step inside his door, Sketch heard something. The sound was a heavenly one; it was as if the wind had been given a musical form. Sketch listened to the musical sound as its harmony carried on the wind; the music was soothing and calm. It seemed as if all other noise had ceased to exist, save that of the music that now graced his ears. “I wonder who could be doing that...” Sketch thought. Shaking himself from his thoughts, Sketch flew inside his house and slipped his saddle bag on, and slowly flew off towards the sound. After a minute or so of flying Sketch came to a small clearing on a hill, not too far from his house. The moon was at such a point that it looked as if the hill itself had given birth to it, rather than Princess Luna raising it herself. Sketch locked his eyes on a lone figure sitting on top of the hill, the figures feature obscured by the way the moon cast its light. Sketch silently crept closer to the figure and pulled out his notebook from its spot in his saddlebag. As he crept closer the figures details came into visibility. It was the same mare he had embarrassed himself in front of at Sugarcube Corner. Now that he could get a better look at the mare, Sketch realized she was a unicorn, and her cutie mark resembled that of the instrument she was playing, a Lyre. A faint green glow surrounded the lyre as its heavenly sound echoed through the wind, the mare sat there completely still, the light of the moon now revealing her aquamarine coat and her white and mint mane cascading over her shoulder. Her eyes were closed as she focused on her music. Sketch silently began to draw the beautiful scene in front of him. The mare with her lyre, and the moon in the background made a wondrous sight to behold. He copied every detail into his notebook, from the placement of the unicorn’s mane to the blades of grass she sat on. After a few seconds Sketch had finished his artwork, a near perfect black and white copy of the scene before him, his art completed so fast due to his special talent being able to draw so well. Sketch noticed something shine off the unicorns face; the shiny object rolled down her cheek and fell to the ground. “Are you crying?” The unicorn gasped and the music abruptly stopped, Sketch realized his blunder, he had forgotten not to speak. He silently scolded himself as the unicorn spoke up. “H-how long have you been there?” She asked Her voice was as calming as the music from her lyre, a soothing sound to the ears; even though sadness tainted it. “I, um…I uh” Sketch found himself unable to formulate words. “Well?” The unicorn sniffled and wiped her face with her hoof as she trotted over to sketch, her tone firm, and slightly worried. “I am really sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you, I just heard your music and followed it to the source, and when I found you, the scene was so nice…I uh….really wanted to sketch it” The Aquamarine unicorn stopped a few feet from Sketch, allowing him to fully take in her natural beauty and features. “Wait a minute” She said, drawing out the words. “I know you! You’re that Stallion who I caught staring at me at Sugarcube Corner earlier this afternoon, aren’t you?” The mare’s tone had softened and she sounded more friendly. Sketch blushed bright red. “Uh…yeah…I am…” He said, slightly embarrassed. “My name is Sketchbook, by the way. You can call me Sketch if you like.” He said trying to change the subject. The unicorn perked her ears up. “Oh you are the pony who moved here from Cloudsdale right?” “Yeah, I am, how did you…?” Sketch was cut off. “Pinkie Pie” The unicorn said with a giggle. “My name is Lyra, Lyra Heartstrings” The mare said with a smile. “So you aren’t too bad with that lyre!” Sketch found himself trying to keep up conversation; something he didn’t normally do . “I like to think I can play it well.” An incredibly awkward silence followed. “Tell you what new guy, I didn’t eat much at that party Pinkie threw for you, so how about you and I go get some food and you can explain all about how you were stalking me.” Lyra grinned cheekily; her mood suddenly becoming playful and flirtatious. She tapped Sketch on the nose with her hoof as she trotted by, her Lyre somehow disappearing in front of her as she walked away at an angle. “Hey! I was not stalking you!” Sketch said, a bit hurt. Lyra simply ignored him as she trotted on back towards the town. Sketch found his eyes locked on Lyra’s swaying flank as she trotted away, the swaying motion mesmerizing. “You going to stare all night Mr. Stalker or you gonna come with me and get some food?” Lyra said without looking back. Causing Sketch blush an even brighter red. “I was not staring and I am NOT a stalker” He said, as he trotted after the unicorn. Truth be told, Sketch really wasn’t hungry at all, he had eaten a fair amount of food. However this pretty mare had offered to join him for a meal; and that meant spending time with her. Something that Sketch did not intend to pass up. Lyra lead Sketch to Sugarcube Corner, Sketch found they normally only served snacks and sweets and the like, and not an entire meal he wouldn’t be able to finish; much to his silent delight. Lyra had chosen a corner booth and slid in across the cushioned leather, sticking her legs out and sitting at a rather odd fashion, her back legs swinging lazily aver the edge of the bench and her front hooves placed upon the table top. Sketch raised an eyebrow when he saw her strange way of sitting. “Don’t ask” Lyra said flatly. Sketch just smiled and slid into the bench across from Lyra “What, you don’t want to sit next to me?” She said with a fake pout, letting Sketch know she was teasing. Sketch found the pout adorable. He kept this to himself however. “I just didn’t want to overwhelm you with my insane good looks and charm” Sketch retorted. “You wish Mr. Stalker” Before Sketch could return fire, Mr. Cake trotted over; Sketch had met Mr. Cake at the party, learning that he ran Sugarcube Corner with his wife, Missus Cake. “What can I get for yah?” Mr. Cake asked. Before Sketch could say anything however, Lyra spoke up. “Just two of that shake I usually order, Mr. Cake, and two blueberry muffins” “You got it Lyra!” Mr. Cake chimed, and trotted away. “You are going to love what I ordered, trust me” Lyra said, smiling at Sketch. Her smile was warm and Sketch felt his heart skip a beat when she smiled at him, he completely forgot that Lyra had not even asked what he wanted as he became lost, staring into her eyes. “Hello? Lyra to Stalker boy, come in Stalker Boy!”  Lyra waved her hoof on front of Sketch’s face. Sketch realized he had been staring again and shook his head, trying to ignore his blunder and trying not to blush; something that he was not doing very well to accomplish. Lyra simply giggled and changed the topic. “So then Mr.-“Sketch cut Lyra off. “My name is Sketch, not Mr. Stalker” He said jabbing his hoof at Lyra. Lyra let out a fake gasp “Oh my, well I don’t see how you could ever think that I would do such a thing!” She giggled again, a sound Sketch did not think he would ever get tired of. “Anyways! You said something about drawing me, Sketchy, you would not happen to still have that drawing would you?” “Oh! Um yeah sure I guess you can see it.” Sketch dug his notebook out of his saddlebag and placed it on the table; the notebook was about 3 inches thick and weighed maybe a pound. Sketch silently realized she had just given him a nickname and wondered why he didn’t really care. “Sweet Celestia that’s a big notebook” Lyra said, genuinely surprised at the size of the book. “It was a gift from my…um…parents…” Sketch hesitated at mentioning his parents. Lyra seemed to notice this, as well as a pained look in Sketch’s eyes, so she left it alone. Sketch flipped the notebook open to the page he had drawn Lyra playing her Lyre on, and flipped it around so Lyra could see. Lyra’s eyes widened at the sight of Sketch’s art. “Wow, that’s amazing! It looks like an actual photograph! How did you manage to do that!?” Sketch beamed with happiness at Lyra’s praise. “It’s my special talent!” he said, extending his wings with a flourish and striking a pose. Lyra laughed at his display; a warm and light laugh. Just then, Mr. Cake seemingly materialized next to Sketch and Lyra, holding a platter with two muffins and two frothy looking drinks in one hoof. “Here’s your order! Enjoy!” Lyra reached over and took one of the drinks and handed it to Sketch, still giggling slightly as she did. Sketch happily accepted the drink and looked down into it. The drink looked as if it would taste like some sort of vanilla strawberry mix and there was plenty of frothy substance on the top of it, he peered at it curiously. “Well, go on then try it! You will love it I promise!” Lyra smiled her warm, sweet inviting smile again, Sketch could not bring himself to have her tell him what was in it first, and he seemed to have a soft spot for her smile for an odd reason. “Better not let her know that.” He thought to himself. Sketch brought the glass up to his lips and took a sip. He felt his cheeks suck in as the sour drink took its toll on his poor mouth; his eyes beginning to water as the sour taste had its fun with his taste buds. Lyra was laughing so hard he eyes were almost watering. “Very Funny” Sketch said through the sour taste. “Oh dear Celestia, oh ho, wow you should have seen your face.” Lyra laughed for a few more seconds before she sat up and wiped a tear from her eye. “Ha-ha Sketchy, that face was priceless, oh if I had only had a camera or something.” Lyra giggled a bit more before continuing. “Try it again Sketchy” She said with another smile. Sketch’s eyes widened. “Yeah, how about no.” He said, his mouth still recovering from its previous abuse. “No really! It’s only that sour the first time I promise!” Lyra gave Sketch her big smile again and her golden eyes watched Sketch with hope. Sketch sat stone still, eyes flitting back and forth from Lyra to whatever was in his glass. Lyra saw his uncertainty. “Ohhh come on try it one more time for your pal Lyra please?” Lyra drew her “Please” as long as she could. Sketch huffed and carefully sipped the drink again, his eyes locked onto Lyra’s golden eyes the whole time. The liquid hit Sketch’s tongue and instead of the insane sour like before, it was a soft sour, and that then turned into a sweet taste as he swallowed the liquid. “See I told you!” Lyra said in a sing-song voice. Lyra took a swig of her drink, the sour seeming to have no affect on her taste buds. When she set the drink down she stared at Sketch for a moment. He noticed this and set his drink down, his eyes still locked on hers. “Do you have something to say?” Sketch asked. “Yes I do, if you don’t mind that is” “I don’t mind at all, Lyra. What would you like to know?” Lyra sipped her drink and then continued. “So what brings you to Ponyville? Why did you leave Cloudsdale?” Sketch’s heart sank, his happy expression instantly turned to sadness, and he did little to hide it. “Oh, sorry, um….if you don’t wanna talk about it that’s cool with me!” Lyra said, noticing Sketch’s sudden mood change. “No it’s alright, I guess I might as well tell somepony sooner rather than later.” Sketch said with a sigh. “You want the long or the short version?” he asked. “Whichever you would like, I’m not going anywhere” Lyra said with a soft smile. Sketch ran a hoof through his mane and began his story. “About a year or so ago, my parents began to fight. Nothing major at first, just a harsh tone here and there. I was in the final year of my schooling and it seemed like whenever I would get home, there would be an argument. At first it didn’t really impact me at all, just an awkward dinner or something like that. I told myself it would all work itself out, and really didn’t think anything of it until the next week or so. My father had gotten a new job you see, and this meant he had to travel to Canterlot for work at the beginning of every week, and he would return in time to spend the weekend at home.” Sketch took a sip of his drink and continued “But while he had gotten this new job, my mother had…..gotten lonely, so to speak. She became close friends with one of the teachers at my school and started to spend more and more time with him; during the weekends however, when my father was home, she didn’t say anything. She and my father would try to avoid speaking as much as possible during the weekend and it was rather awkward. When he would leave again, she would go back to spending time with this new stallion, going out to dinners with him and the like, and I began to think something was up. However, not wanting to think my mother could do that to my father, I pushed the thought out of my head and tried my best to ignore it. This went on for about two more weeks until one weekend, my father came home and found these…notes. She had been fooling around with this other stallion while my father had been away. I didn’t find this out however, until that night when I was in bed. I could hear them yelling and screaming at each other through the walls, hell I think everypony in Cloudsdale could hear them. After that my father was never the same, he and my mother would say so many spiteful things behind each other’s backs, and they would tell these things to me, expecting me to take a side or something I guess, the pressure of knowing the things they would tell me, having them tell me things about each other I never would have thought true if anypony else had told me. They would start to yell at me when they thought one had said something about the other, and I didn’t want to upset either of them so I would just keep my mouth shut. Eventually it got too much to bear; I couldn’t take the stress of having to deal with it all. So I made the choice to start saving up my bits, I finished my schooling and got a job, waiting until I would have enough money to move out and start a new life. After a while I finally had enough and here I am today. My parents were upset that I was moving out, hell I don’t know why they even still lived together, but I left anyway.” Sketch sniffled as he finished his story, raising a hoof to clear the tears from his eyes; he hadn’t even realized he was crying. Lyra looked heartbroken. “Oh, Sketch I’m so sorry” Lyra got up and trotted over to sit next to Sketch, hugging him when she sat down next to him. Sketch sighed. “Thanks Lyra. Heh, I don’t even know why I just told you all that. Normally I don’t like to talk about my parents at all” Sketch looked down to see Lyra nuzzle him gently. The two ponies sat in silence for the remainder of the time. Lyra sat next to him, never even hinting she wanted to move. They sat until Mr. Cake had to practically kick them out, they had been there over an hour and Mr. Cake wanted to go to bed. After they both finished; and Lyra refusing to let Sketch pay the bill, the two ponies walked outside. Sketch looked up and saw the moon had risen significantly higher, its pale light shining across Equestria. Lyra nudged Sketch gently. “Mind if I walk home with you?” Sketch looked down at the pretty aquamarine mare, her golden eyes staring into his for a moment. “I would like that” Sketch said with a smile. The walk home took less time than it did to get to Sugarcube Corner, due to the fact they were not returning to the hill Sketch had found Lyra on, and the two ponies said little, each one perfectly happy with the others company. Eventually they arrived at Sketch’s house. Sketch stopped as he neared the door and turned to Lyra. “I had a great time Lyra, Thanks a ton.” Lyra trotted closer to Sketch and spoke. “Anytime, Mr. Stalker.” Lyra kissed Sketch on the cheek, effectively crushing any annoyance he would have had at her name calling. Lyra blushed as she pulled back, Sketch simply stood there his face even more red than hers. There was a moment of awkward silence before Lyra spoke up. “So, ummm, I need to get going. Yeah my…. roommate is going to be fuming because I have been out so late.” Sketch noticed Lyra visibly wince at the mention of a roommate. “You have a roommate?” “Yeah, so um I’ll catch you later I guess?” Lyra asked, ignoring Sketch’s question. Sketch repressed his urge to pursue his curiosity about Lyra’s roommate. “Yeah! That sounds great!” Lyra looked at Sketch for a moment and spoke again. “Actually, maybe sometime this week I can stop by and show you around Ponyville a bit, that sound good?” “Oh! Yes…uh….yeah I would like that!” Sketch flustered at Lyra’s sudden offer. “Now, now Sketchy, calm down, were not going steady just yet.” Lyra poked Sketch’s chest playfully as she teased. “I….uh….I mean…..” Lyra turned and trotted off away from Sketch, leaving before he could get a word in. “Bye Sketchy!” Lyra said in a sing-song voice as she walked away. “B-bye Lyra!” Sketch barely managed to call out. “That was…different…” He thought to himself. Sketch turned around and opened the door to his house, When he walked in he realized everything was still in boxes and his furniture was still in the corner of the living room. “Oh Celestia, I forgot about that”