Rainbooms and Romance

by Kodeake


(Continuation of Secrets)

Twilight stared flabbergasted at the cyan pegasus in front of her. Did she just? No, I must have misheard her’.

“I’m sorry?” She asked, surprised by how quiet her own voice was.

“I… I said… I l-love you…” Rainbow choked out, wings extended and twitching as her fight-or-flight instinct started leaning towards the ‘flight’ option.

“That’s what I thought…” Twilight stared blankly at the rainbow maned mare that refused to meet her gaze, instead opting to stare at a particularly interesting rock at her hooves.

“Uh… ah gotta go… buck apples? I’ll see y’all later!” Applejack edged away from the table slowly until she deemed she was a safe distance away and began galloping to her farm.

“Yes, I do believe I have a few clients that will be coming by shortly, best to be prepared, I hope to see you girls again soon!” Rarity made her escape in the same fashion as Applejack. Pinkie opened her mouth to say something, but it was slammed shut with a blue glow. Her whole body the proceeded to lift off the ground and float behind the now rapidly retreating Rarity.

“Oh… I think one of my birds might need some more food…” Fluttershy whispered quietly, hiding behind her mane as she backed away from the table; nose so low it was nearly scraping the ground. She left only Twilight and Rainbow Dash. Twilight was still staring numbly at the pegasus, who still refused to meet her eyes.

“I need to go…” Twilight said nervously, teleporting away before Dash could offer a word in protest.

“WAIT!” She yelled at the space where Twilight had stood moments before. “You never gave me an answer…” She finished sadly, flapping her wings and lifting off the ground slowly. ‘Stupid, stupid, stupid. What was I thinking!?’ Rainbow’s thoughts tormented her as she flew away, half the restaurant still staring at her as she made her slow retreat. ‘Never should have done that. Never should’ve sent those stupid letters. I never had a shot’ she sighed sadly as she caught a glimpse of the tree library over the top of some houses. It was nothing but a painful reminder of what she would never have.

She flapped harder, gaining speed rapidly as she flew to her house, leaving her signature rainbow trail behind her.


Twilight reappeared in the centre of her library, her horn glowing as soon as she did so, already pulling parchment and quills from her desk. She piled them all on her centre table, a few jars of ink joining from her storage closet.

“Spike! The library’s closed, close up and grab some bits for yourself. I am not to be disturbed!” When Twilight turned back to her work she noticed Spike scamper down the stairs, bits in claw, and slip out the door as quietly as possible, flipping the sign to closed as he went. He knew when Twilight did not want to be disturbed under any circumstances, and this was one of those times.

Twilight allowed her self a small smile at how efficient he was. If she didn’t watch for him she never would have know he was there at all. That smile quickly faded, however, as she turned her gaze to the window, a rainbow was streaking across the sky. From the direction, it looked to be heading to the east side of Ponyville. Or, more specifically, Rainbow Dash’s cloud home.

She sighed as she turned back to the stack of paper, quills, and ink her table had become. It would be a long night, which meant a lot more coffee.


Rainbow glanced out her window, seeing the sun rise slowly above the mountains. She had been lying in her bed all night, but not one second of that time had been spent sleeping. No, most of it had been spent with her face buried in her pillow, trying to convince herself that the wetness on her face was not tears. After all, tears meant she was crying, and Rainbow Dash did not cry. Unfortunately, not believing in something does not make it any less true, so she had cried all night.

Not even the light of day, the cool breeze blowing through her window, or the light blue sky, calling out for her to fly, could rouse her from her bed. Instead she covered herself with her blanket, hiding from the outside world, the world that had done nothing but hurt her since day one.

Much to her annoyance, the one thing that her blankets and pillows did not protect her from was sound. This flaw was drawn to her attention by the insistent pounding of somepony knocking on her door.

“GO AWAY!” She shouted angrily, not in the mood to deal with anything other then herself. The knocking, however, only grew louder and more persistent.

“I am not opening that door!” This caused another flaw to be brought to her attention; her blankets and pillows, wrapped tightly around her body, may make her feel safe, but she was not safe from magic of any kind, especially a teleport spell, cast by one lavender unicorn that had the power to teleport her entire house to the other side of Equestria. Thankfully she kept it down to Rainbow Dash, her blankets, and only to the front of her house.

Upon realizing what had happened and who she was in front of, she made a squeak that was incredibly accurate to something Fluttershy would do, and hid further into the blanket still wrapped around her snugly. This did little to dissuade the unicorn, however, since a simple flick of her horn caused the blanket unravelled itself and fly to the side. It took Rainbow a minute to notice she was without her protection, but when she did she resorted to the next best thing; hiding her face behind her hooves and praying Twilight would go away eventually.

“Rainbow Dash? What’s wrong?” She asked, sounding not only concerned, but as if she actually had no idea as to why Rainbow was hiding from her.

“Oh, I don’t know, maybe because my heart has been crushed like an ant under the foot of a dragon?” She spat bitterly, some of her normal bravado bleeding through into her voice, though it was still nothing compared to her normal tone, which practically oozed confidence.

“What happened?” Twilight cocked her head to the side, drawing an exasperated grunt from Rainbow.

“Seriously? You rejected me, in the middle of the restaurant, without so much as a ‘sorry’ and then left without saying anything at all! What do you think happened?” Twilight couldn’t resist giggling a little at Rainbow, who was waving her hooves around, attempting to emphasize her point, but only succeeded in making herself look like a fish out of water.

“Oh Rainbow, I didn’t reject you, I just had to go make a few plans, which is actually why I’m here.” She paused to take a piece of paper from her saddlebags, levitating it down to Rainbow’s current eye level. Rainbow looked up enough to see a calendar, some of the dates highlighted in lavender.

“These are the day’s I’m free, I wanted to know when a good date night for you would be.”

“I… but you… yesterday… and I… what?” Rainbow was mentally grasping at straws, gaping like a fish at the sudden proposition.

“Well, if you love me, then surly you’d try to make me feel the same, at least that’s what my book said, so I read more about romance, since I’m relatively new to this, and found out that most ponies go on dates to achieve a mutual level of love for one another.” Twilight recited matter-of-factly, as if she was reading directly from a textbook. Rainbow’s mind was spinning with a thousand questions and even more thoughts, but only one phrase really made sense to her right now.

“I’m free tomorrow.”