Failure Isn't In Store For You

by Kiernan

Chapter 15: The Other Side

Chapter 15: The Other Side

Nick couldn't believe his eyes. Standing before him, wearing jeans and a plaid button-up shirt, stood his brother, his sideburns extending halfway down his neck. A smile cracked across his face, and he stepped foreward Nick, arms outstretched.
"Guess who's dead?" he said, wrapping his arms around nick's neck.
"You?" Nick answered sarcastically, returning the hug. He could see the rest of his group making their aquaintances with their deceased family members. Braeburn was speaking with his grandfather, Twilight's grandmother had embraced her in a tight hug, Pinkie had quite a large assortment of ponies of all varieties. Even Fluttershy's Father had showed up, though he didn't look very pleased with the reunion. Nick somewhat felt sorry for her, but knew that it was not his place to intervene.
The only one who had nopony to greet them was Kai. Nick wondered where they were. Bloodstain had said that they were in here, or rather, had hinted at it. But Kai didn't seem to be bothered by it. As a matter of fact, He saw a tear run down is cheek, disappearing into his lips as he smiled.
"So how'd you go, and how long ago?" asked Nick's brother, bringing his attention back to what he was doing.
"Actually, I'm still alive, Thomas," said Nick, pulling back. I'm just here for a visit."
"No, seriously," said Tom, ruffling Nick's hair. "What got you? Car accident? Plane crash? Or was it a nice, clean pipe to the temple?" He made the motion of swinging a blunt object as he said the last one.
"I'm being serious," said Nick, his face growing stern. "I'm still alive. I'm just here for Galaris' blessing, and the gauntlet. Call it a business venture."
All joy faded from Tom's face as he realized that Nick was being honest with him. "Then I take it that these are your companions, and you'll need a guide to the temple?"
"If you wouldn't mind," said Nick, a smirk glancing across his face.
"Alright," Tom shrugged. "As soon as they all finish catching up. Are they all...?"
"Ponies? Yes."
"Uh-huh... How'd that work?"
"Well," explained Nick, "You could say that it was a case of mistaken target. Fluttershy meant to magically summon one of her pets, but ended up summoning me instead. I spent the first day on that plane with a splitting headache, unable to move much, and with very blurry vision and hearing. Eventually, we found a possible method of sending me home, and we're attempting it now. That's why we need the gauntlet."
"Uh-huh..." Tom said, still skeptical of the entire situation.
"A lot has changed since your death, too. Mom left Johnny, and found herself a girlfriend instead. Now we have three sisters."
"I know that can't be right," scoffed Tom.
"You're right," cinfirmed Nick. "It's only two. The third is on the way."

After what seemed like an hour, but only registered as two, everyone had finished speaking to their respective families and friends, Kai still standing alone by the door, they set off for the temple, lead by Tom, who had made it his own personnal goal to escort them. It didn't take long, but the temple didn't look like much. It was nothing more than a run-down building, containing one room. At the far end stood a small altar, made almost entirely of a silvery substance, topped with golden statues.
"This is it, then?" asked Nick, peering through the window. "Where's the gauntlet?"
"This is but the shrine, where you can receive his blessing," explained Tom. "I don't know where the gauntlet is. Only the guardians know."
"What guardians?" asked Nick, growing impatient. "Who are they, and where can we find them? Time is of the essence!"
Tom only shook his head. "I don't condone this, but... I can't watch out for you forever, can I? I mean, look at me. I'm dead! There are two guardians, of that I am certain, though their names escape me at the moment. They're up there," he pointed to a large door at the end of a tall stairway. "behind the door. We've been told that it's dangerous inside, and if we value our peace, we're to stay away."
"And what of us?" asked Twilight. "Are the living allowed entry?"
"Go, if that is what you will. But don't say I didn't warn you."
"Then we take our leave," said Nick, patting his brother on the shoulder. "We'll return shortly."
"I certainly hope so.." Tom whispered as he watched the group climb the stairs.
The other side of the door was wholly uninteresting. A large room, completely empty, was all that awaited them. The walls were bare, and the purest white imaginable. The floor was grey, and somewhat slick. Pinkie soon learned that this was not a place for bouncing.
"Where are the guardians?" asked Fluttershy, looking around. "I don't see anything in here."
"They're here," confirmed Akaitora. I know they are. I can practically feel their presence." The door slammed shut behind them, and a voice called from the left wall.
"Why, I think we deserve more credit than that, Dearie," said an auburn unicorn, stepping through the wall, her short, blue-black mane drifting around her. Her eyes shone white; there were no pupils or irises to speak of. "Did we really upset you enough that we only have a pronoun to represent us?"
"You stood idly by and did nothing to help in my time of most need," reasoned Akaitora. "I find that reason enough to condemn you to simple pronouns. Out of respect, though, I go no further than that. No dancing on graves, no mockery, and no cursing your name. A wall shall suffice."
"Now, now, Kai," said another spectre, this one coming from the right wall. "There's no call for such bitterness. We've forgiven you for what you've done. Can't you do the same for us?"
"Your battery was worse. You condemned me to a life with no support, and cast me out 'pon the cobble. For that, I have suffered. I don't hate you, though. To hate is to be absorbed such in anger that one would stop at naught to hold thine self away. And what hath I been forgiven of? Seeing through eyes which thou could not? seeing the world as all alive see it today? or for being misinterpreted with no case to defend thine self? I bear no guilt, what cause have I to seek forgiveness?"
The two unicorns hung their heads. They had not wished for the damnation they had cast upon him.
"Nevertheless," said Kai, calming back down, "To not forgive you would be to cast the same damnation that created me upon you. I forgive you, but not for your sakes. Because of the hardships that I faced due to your actions, I melded and manipulated such a tenacity that I became greater than I had ever wished. Therein, I bid you a chance at my forgiveness, that you may keep it close to you always. Now for the real question. Are you willing to earn it?"
"Name your price," said the stallion, bringing his head into a prideful stance, the red tips of his green hair billowing in a non-existent wind. "We would be honored to help you."
"We need the gauntlet of Galaris," said Kai, a smirk crossing his face. "We need it so we can send Nick here home." At this last sentence, he pulled Nick over to stand beside him. "The sooner we get him back, the better he fares. Can you help us, help him?"
"Else may I never be Sufferthorn again," said the stallion, stepping over to the mare. Their horns touched, sending a beam of magenta light to the back wall, opening a gap. Within the newly-made inlet, there was a short pedestal, and a black gauntlet sat atop it. Nick hesitantly reached for it, thinking it a trap. The moment that his hand touched the smooth metal surface, it sprung from the pedestal, wrapping itself around Nick's arm, and growing up it, to his elbow, then his shoulder, and before he knew it, it had engulfed his entire body on black armor. The bands of Gim-Palarcanus, the amulet of Oneiros, and his rucksack were expelled from his body, leaving only the armor. Thankfully, his clothing had stayed attached under the armor. The only visible portion left was a slit in the helmet, revealing his eyes. As with the two guardians, his eyes glowed white.
"Are you okay!?" Fluttershy rushed to Nick, looking him over. A split second later, Nick's arm flew up, clutching Shy's neck.
"You little foal..." said a voice from under the helmet, though it wasn't quite Nick's. "All of you. Did you really think I would just give you what I rightfully own?"
The armor spread to cover Fluttershy's body as well, in a different piece. As was with Nick, only her eyes remained visible, also turned to white. "How dare you try to steal my treasure?" Fluttershy's voice joined the choir that had already absorbed Nick's. "How dare you!?"
Fluttershy dove at Braeburn, wrapping both forehooves tightly around his neck, squeezing his windpipe, While Nick swung at Pinkie. Within moments, they too were encased in the ebony armor, and turned toward the final two standing together, the guardians now cloaked in the armor as well.
"This can't end well," whispered Akaitora to Twilight. "Do you remember reading anything about a suit of armor that binds to everyone it touches?"
"No," said Twilight. "Do you remember anything having to do with the gauntlet itself?"
"No, answered Akaitora. "Are we screwed?"
"I think so."
Nick, Maison, and Sufferthorn all made a grab for Akaitora, While Pinkie, Shy, and Brae did the same, aiming instead at Twilight.

Authors Notes:
First, a story. I was eating potatoes today, and I suddenly realized that I hadn't seen the episode, "Secret of my Excess" in like forever. So I watched it. Those were some good potatoes, though.
Anywho, I would like to give two apologies. First, I'm sorry this chapter is shorter than what I had intended it to be.My writer's block is really starting to get annoying, since my muse ran off, second, I'd like to apologize for not posting quite as often as I used to. Again, this is due to writer's block. Unlike some writers, I don't just write. I proofread, and ask myself, Is it a coherent story?
And here's another thing. The guardians have been mentioned before. Ten points to the first pony to guess who they are correctly, -500 for anypony who guesses wrong, and -20,000 for anyone who just up and says, "I don't know." You don't have to guess.
Last order of business for these last five chapters, I applaud Sonicbrony66, because, at the latest report, He's about 1% finished with conquering my psyche. I give him the next five chapters to delve further into the matter, and remember the origin of YALORT. As was stated before, here's your hint.




Recognize a few?