I'm sorry, what?

by Bazing


My name is Julian Sinor, I live in South Australia, on the greatest continent in the world, Australia, jokes, I am 15 years old.

I slowly wake up on the day everyone hates most, Monday, I slowly lift my right arm up to my phone, I pick up what would be my phone, although most people would not agree because of how terrible it is, I open my eyes to be greeted with a blinding white light, the time on my phone says 7:00 AM

"Stupid phone, always goes off early" I sigh and press the 'Snooze' button, I set my phone next to my head and doze off into sleep. I am rudely awoken by my alarm, again, and my younger brother standing in my doorway with an annoyed expression.

"It's time to get up, we have to leave soon" he said to me with anger in his voice, I don't know why he is so angry or annoyed, I'm usually the one who is ready before him, I pick up my phone, and like before am blinded by the sudden bright light, I gasp at the time 8:10

"Why does my stupid phone never get the alarm right?!" I throw my phone onto my bed and slowly sit up

"Get out of my room" I always hated how my little brother would always come into my room in the mornings. As he walked out, I slowly put on my school uniform, I always hated Mondays, I put my feet onto the ground next to my bed, I suddenly feel a sharp pain in my foot "Ah! what the fuck!?" I know now that it is a piece of Lego left behind from my brother. "William! What the fuck man!?" Argh I hate Mondays I put my foot back on the ground and slowly bring my other one next to it, being cautious of other bits of Lego still on the floor in My room I walk to my wardrobe and grab a pair of socks.

After I have put both my socks and shoes one, I walk out into the kitchen and make myself some Coco-Pops, I glance at the clock 8:20 AM Fuck I sat my breakfast down on the table and started to munch down happily on the delicious chocolate flavour, William walks up next to me annoyed and says.

"There's no time, we were supposed to leave by now" I didn't stop eating, I didn't even look at him, I just replied with 'Cool' and went back to eating, after I had finished my breakfast, packed my bag and brushed my teeth, it was around 8:30 Well fuck me I'm going to be late I always hated being late.

On the way to school me and my brother were arguing about the most pointless thing ever; "Timers and Clocks" according to him Timers can go over time, I kept telling him that Timers count down not up, but he is to stubborn to admit it, while I'll agree that not all timers do, but I'm also to stubborn to admit defeat as-well as he is, in fact I'm more stubborn and will keep arguing even when I've lost the battle.

As we walked around the corner up to the Pedestrian Crossing I always look both ways before crossing, I slowly stepped onto the street to begin crossing, just to make sure all cars have stopped, none were there, so I walked across the road, with William already on the other side, just as I was half way through, in the middle of the street, I heard a loud engine to my left, and saw a large car speeding down the street, I had no time to react, by the time I noticed it, it was to late, the car had made full impact on me and sent me flying a good 20 feet, the car was traveling at least 60 in a 25 zone.

I was instantly unconscious on impact.