A Changeling Named Sin: Acid's Rage

by Art Inspired

Part Five: Souls

A Changeling Named Sin: Acid’s Rage


“There's no emotion within the souls of the dead.”

Sin grimaced as she saw the blank stare of her friend, Silver Blade. Next to her stood Wilderness, her comrade and friend. For the past hour, the two had been standing in fields of green, yellow fireflies zooming slowly in circles around them, and Wilderness speaking the truth even though it had yet to be accepted by his golden maned ally. Finally understanding it, the missing love in Silver's transparent gaze, Sin let the depressing fact sink into her mind.

All the world was silent then except for crickets annoying the two with their continuous sounds. Sin gulped away the fear of Wilderness's words actually being true, and raised a hoof towards Silver. He responded by doing the same, but his expression showed no sadness, no happiness, no joy; nothing but cold eyes that taunted her, same as they always did. As their hooves made contact, Sin's sank into his. She tried not to cry, and succeeded.

Her hoof returned to its former position with a stomp. Anger was beginning to replace any other feeling she possibly had. “Why couldn't anyone have told me this?”

“Because, you were never near our kind," Wilderness voiced. "Evolvers, a lot of them, died without the correct emotion or element to feed on. For example, it was tough for Rehi, absorber of Regret, to live. Nopony for miles had anything to feel bad about. He died at a young age. His sister, Cheer, loved him enough for when he died of starvation, she enveloped his soul. This was the first occurrence of the phenomena. We gathered our data from incidences, and learned from it. The dead have no feelings. They're just that: Dead.”

Sin shook her head in rage. The grass swirled with the winds her power stirred, but the clasping of her friend's hoof on her shoulder settled the nerves that pumped negativity though her aching heart. All this time, Silver Blade had been a vessel, invisible to any but herself. “Why must I suffer?”

“You don't suffer. You just don't know what suffering really is.”

She bounded back. “You can't say that... I've been through so much, you couldn't possibly understand!”

Chuckling, Wilderness proved her wrong with little effort. “I've lost both my sisters... I've never known a mother... I've witnessed my home be destroyed, and I've had to move on without a single tear being shed, unlike you. What have you lost? A lover who was suicidal to ever allow himself to like a Changeling? A mother who, at some point, wished to murder you? A palace where servants waited on you hoof and knee?!” Sin huffed slightly at the cold and unnecessary words. “Don't talk to me about pain, Princess.”

Silence filled the field once again. This time, not even the crickets disturbed it. Sin lowered her head in pity. “I'm... so sorry... I'd forgotten your story...”

“You've told me yours," Wilderness said, glancing away. "I've told you mine. I'm sorry for what I said, but don't think you're better than others because of the pressure found within yourself. I'm no better than you, too. We're equals in this world now. Our losses mount, but the quantity is still the same for each... Now then, are you ready to try this?”

The two had been discussing how other Evolvers, and maybe even lower levels of the changeling race might be able to see the souls of the dead who stalk another, not them. If this theory that was to be tested true, it would mean Sin could see Wildlife, Wilderness's second deceased sister. She loved Sin like family, enough to house her and keep her safe from harm's path. Sin felt the same bond growing, and it still remained, but dormant deep inside her, refusing to be let free. She nodded, and asked, “How do I begin?”

“Open your heart,” Wilderness explained. “Allow yourself to feel her warm aura right in front of you. She's there, I can see her clearly. All you have to do is open your eyes, and see her as well.”

Sin stared for what seemed like a dozen minutes, visualizing what she looked like, but never seeing her in actual reality. The images of her mangled and deformed body was still fresh. It clouded all the love she had for Wildlife, and replaced it with hatred aimed towards Inferno. “I can't... S-she's just not coming to me. All I see is red flames... All I feel is disgust for that loathsome-”

“Enough with that. Peaceful memories, Sin. You're not trying to feel love now. Put all that behind you and realize she's there. Your sister, Wildlife, is staring at you face to face, wishing for you to see her.”

Sin blinked, her scowl receding, and her mind opening up to the emotions needed to allow this experiment to work. She was finally seeing it; starting from the tip of her hooves and moving its way up to her chest, glimmering sparkles shined and showed Sin her friend. As it worked up to the eyes and completed her mane, Sin smiled.

Content senses flourished her like never before. Happiness overcame Sin once Wildlife's whole body was finished materializing in spiritual form. Just like Silver Blade, she too had a blank expression painted clearly on her face. The two soul's eyes and muzzle were identical. They stood side by side, emotionless in the dark night.

“You see her then...?”

Sin nodded, her eyes swelling with salty water. “It's like she's still alive, but I know this isn't her... She's so cold looking. Why must it be like this?”

“Because, we're Evolvers... I think we were cursed with sorrow, as if it's a friend we're meant to greet every waking day.” Sin closed her eyes and walked straight, passing the two ghosts which didn't move much until a distinct distance was met. Wilderness followed, and said, “I'm a bit jealous of you, being able to see Wildlife and I can't see your friend... I'm sure he was a great stallion, wasn't he?”

Chuckling, Sin responded with, “You have no idea.”

The two walked along, being followed by their dreary friends. Into the woods again, Sin and Wilderness both knew not to speak of it for the rest of the night. At that time, they needed to find shelter. A storm was brewing in the distance, and obviously headed for their location. “I just hope we find Acid soon,” Sin said confidently. “Once he's dead, our travels will be over. Burden, for what it's worth, will become sanctuary... Right, Wilderness?”

He didn't protest this. Instead, the plant-like changeling agreed, and spotted a seemingly deserted cabin out in the corner of his eye. “This way,” he chanted, just before rain came to wash away the distress of their successful test. All would be fine for the night. The dead, though feeling nothing, still wandered with their loved ones in peace.