A tryst with destiny

by Monki

Chapter 4: A tryst with destiny

Chapter 4:

The next day she got up early. She took a long shower and brushed her mane and teeth very carefully, since she wanted to leave a good impression on her father. She was relieved to see that Soarin didn't show up yet, since it was way before his usual time. Although Soarin was quite good looking, and she liked the flattering things he used to say, her head was full of other stuff and she didn't want to deal with his flirting today. Apple Cookie was surprised to see her that early but he didn't complain, instead he smiled when she reached the ground floor. After the breakfast she kept him company and watched him preparing several baker plates with 'Moon Buns'.

The bells at the door rang as a new customer entered the shop.
"A customer that early?" Apple Cookie wiped off his floury hooves with his apron, then stepped from the kitchen behind the counter in the salesroom.

"Good morning" a deep familiar voice calmly greeted him.

"Master Sunray? What an honor havin' ya here. How may ah serve ya, sir?"

Eva followed her host into the salesroom, seeing the old magician standing next to the counter wearing his red cloak. He delivered a quick bow towards her before he faced Apple Cookie again.
"No need to be so formal, Apple Cookie. You really have grown a lot and you look more like your father than ever. I recently learned that your father had passed away- I am sorry I didn't attend your father's funeral, we knew each other for a very long time after all."

"Thank ya for ya kind words Master Sunray-" saying that, Eva noticed a slight grief in his eyes.

"I also learned that you still make those lovely apple-donuts. I am here to place an order." he laughed heartily and took out a small bag of bits from inside his cloak and put it on the counter with a tinkling noise.
Apple Cookie turned towards Eva with a questioning look. Seeing her bashful smile accompanied with a shrug he once again faced the elderly pony.

"Thanks a lot, Master Sunray. I will prepare yer order as soon as possible.

"That would be all for now. Have a nice day, Apple Cookie," the cloaked pony said before he walked towards the door. With the handle in one hoof he turned around once again to say:
"I guess we will see each other later, Eva?"

She nodded eagerly. He then opened the door and the bell rang anxiously while the door got closed.
"Master Sunray ain't yer father, is he?" Apple Cookie asked, kind of amazed to see him here.

"No but he was a great help in finding him." She burst out laughing imagining the old collected pony as the love interest of her mother.

"I’m beginin’ t’ think that yer an angel sent by Celestia to act as my lucky charm or somethin'. Ever since ya showed up at my door, my business started to burst. At this rate ah need to recruit an assistant soon. Ah don't know how you did all this, but ah am certainly in your depth." He quickly stepped near her gently kissing one hoof while slightly bowing down.

"No no, I didn't do anything." She quickly pulled back her kissed hoof. However she felt happy for him. Having an apprentice or an assistant around would also make him feel less lonely.

Finally the time had come to meet up with Sunray at the library. She bid Apple Cookie goodbye and once again walked down the road towards the white round tower. After entering the library she saw Mrs. Primrose the caretaker watching her with an irritated expression. However she didn't say anything when Eva walked past her desk to enter Sunray's office. Back in his office Sunray greeted her frisky. She then thanked him for placing an order at the bakery.
"Don't thank me, thank those delicious donuts. I am looking forward to eating more and it was the least I could do for Apple Cookie."

Both of them sat down on the couch like yesterday. On the table there was already a plate with two steaming teacups along with milk and sugar. Again they talked about different things and discussed the lifestyle of the changelings, until a quiet knock on the door interrupted their conversation. Primrose's head appeared in the gap between the oak-door and door-frame looking a bit more pale that it used to be.

"Master Sunray, Prince Shining Armor has arrived."

"Send him in, don't let him wait," Sunray replied, then faced Eva with a serious but proud expression. "I will wait outside to make sure both of you can talk in private. I wish you all the very best!"

Outside of the office he heard the damped voice of Sunray talking to the Prince:
"Your Majesty, inside my office is an important guest waiting for your arrival."

"Guards, please wait here!" the unfamiliar voice which had to be the Prince's ordered in a calm tone.

"Aye, sir!" she heard deep strong voices calling.

The door got opened. A handsome looking unicorn entered the office. He wore a red vest with several medals attached to it. He had sharp blue eyes and a light blue mane streaked by indigo and dark blue wisps, just like her own mane only a bit shorter. The door got closed from outside and he turned towards the disguised changeling.

"Hello, young lady, are you the important guest Master Sunray mentioned?" he asked in a gentle and pleasant voice.

"I- I think so- your Majesty," she shyly replied looking at the ground.

"So what exactly am I here for?" he wanted to know with an encouraging smile.

"Well I am here for- you see- this is a rather complex issue- I-" her voice cracked as she stuttered, not knowing how to start. He stepped near her, gently lifting her chin with a hoof so their eyes could meet.

"Don't be nervous, young lady, I am just a pony like yourself. You may speak to me freely."
Looking into his gentle eyes she let out a small burst of sour laughter because of the phrase he just used while turning her head away from him. She then took a deep breath.

"You see, I’m your daughter!"

"What?" he asked chuckling. "So this is what all the fuss is about? I never imagine Master Sunray being a prankster. Acting so nervous you almost got me there for a minute." He laughed out loud.

"No you don't understand! I am serious!" she yelled desperately staring directly into his blue eyes.

His laughter died down instantly and his cheerful mood seemed to be completely gone.
"How could that be possible. I never cheated on my wife once. I have always loved her since I first saw her. I could have never cheated on her, I have never been with another mare. She is the love of my life! I don't find that funny anymore. How dare you to tell such filthy lies directly into my face?!"
His voice got louder, more furious the more he spoke.

"No- " Eva whispered hoarsely.

"What the hay's the score?! Did you call me here to insult me? I shall accuse you of treason and imprison you for your impudence, but you got me in a good mood today. I will let you go unpunished, since you are still quite young."

"No--" she repeated barely audible.

"- However I would have never expected Master Sunray would help you with such a filthy act. Or did you trick him to help you? I can't believe I wasted my time here!" he shouted enraged. Eva however began to sob.

He abruptly turned around and furiously opened the door and shut it with a big bang that left the wall shaking. Eva broke down on her knees. Tears dripped down on the carpet under her face as she started to cry.
"'Special guest', eh? Now I know what that means- Guards, we're moving out!" she heard the muffled voice of her father shouting at Sunray.

"Aye, Sir!"
Eva heard the sounds of several hooves marching through the library. Lying on the ground she made herself as small as possible, while embracing her legs shivering. The door got opened. She heard somepony quickly rushing over to her.

"Eva what happened?!" It was Sunray's voice, but to her it sounded so far far away. She didn't notice the worried sound. He knelt down next to her, grabbing her shoulder. She raised her head, tears dripped down her cheeks like cataracts. Sunray clasped her to his shoulder. Leaning to his chest the gates of her eyes opened even wider and Eva began to cry like she had never ever cried before.

After what felt like ages she slowly calmed down a little and stopped crying, since there were no tears left to shed. However she still remained in Sunray's gentle embrace.
"He-he didn't believe me-" she finally started to explain accompanied by sobbing.
"He wasn't listening- he thought it was a prank- he shouted at me- he wasn't listening- It was a bad idea to come here in the first place- Why does he hate me that much?!" Her voice sounded hoarse and her body was still trembling.

"No- No it wasn't." he replied gently. "It was a good thing and you are a good girl- he doesn't hate you. It's just because he doesn't know who you are. I should bring you home now, so you get some rest."

"Home?! Where is my home? In my village where no one ever cared about me? In Ponyville where no one knows my true self? In Canterlot where I lied and betrayed my host who was more the father to me than anypony else? Not even my real father loves me. I have no home!"
Sunray winced because of that desperate cold tone in her voice. Shocked by her desperation, it felt like his heart started to bleed.

"Maybe it is time for both sides to trust each other. How can somepony trust you if you don't trust them? Maybe it is time to stop lying and be honest with each other," he mumbled. She looked up at him and after a long moment she slightly nodded.

With a snap of his hoof both of them were surrounded by a warm golden glow and got instantly teleported to the bakery. Apple Cookie was just kneading some dough when he got startled by the golden flash next to him. He blinked into the spark and saw Eva with red swollen eyes sitting on the ground and Sunray bending over her.

"What in tarnation?! What did yer do ter her?!" he quickly dashed over to Sunray.

"I didn't do anything. Let's say the meeting with her father didn't quite turned out like both of us expected-"

"Her father? What did that bastard do t’ her? Did he beat her up? I'll call my cousins and we shall hunt that bastard down and bring him to justice!" Apple Cookie's voice turned cold and furious. Eva never heard him talk like that before.

"Calm down, boy!" Sunray replied tersely. Then he stepped back from Eva so she could stand up again. She got back on her legs whispering:

"Apple Cookie, I don't deserve your kindness, I don't deserve your friendship- I lied to you from the start. I also lied to Big Macintosh and the rest of the Apple-family, too. I’m a monster. I lied to everypony who was nice to me. I even exasperated my only friend back at my hometown. I understand why my father hates me." She spoke with a sad, soft voice.

"What are ya talkin’ ‘bout, girl?" he asked with a twinge of panic.

Without another word Eva changed back into her changeling form.

What the hay-?!" Apple Cookie was shocked looking over at Sunray seeking for help. But the old stallion only stood there with a stony face.

"I can understand if you hate me now, too. I am not the one you thought I was. I am so sorry. As you can see, I am not a pony."

"Is this a joke? Quit messing with me!" Helplessly he leaned to a nearby wall to not collapse.

"I am a changeling. Yes, one of those who invaded this city several years ago. I was from the start. I tricked you and your family to offer me shelter. I am a horrible person-"
Once again her eyes filled with tears.
"I’m so sorry, I never meant to hurt anyone."

"Ah-ah don't understand- so you weren't looking for yer pa in Canterlot?"

"Yes I was. He is a pony. My mother mated with him before the invasion. I came here to find some answers but got rejected by him."

"So yer saying the Eva I met was a changeling right from the start? The Eva who smiled a lot, flirted with Soarin, the Eva who gave me advice with my bakery all of it was- you?"


"Sweet Celestia-!" He breathed heavily saying that, still leaning to the wall. Eva remained silent staring at the floor. She didn't dare to look him in the face after she had confessed to him.

"Eva please look at me-" he begged after a while. She reluctantly lifted her head looking into his face. He stared into her glazed green eyes for a very long time until he slowly stepped near her lifting his hoof. Eva expected a punch so she turned her face away but wasn't going to defend herself more, since she deserved any beating, but instead of hurting her he gently touched her cheek and turned her face back towards him.

"Ah dunno what you are, but I know who you are. You are no bloodthirsty monster, nor are ya gonna hurt somepony, are ya? I can see it in yer eyes. Yeah, ah was kinda shocked a moment ago, but ah recognize you as 'Eva' no matter what appearance ya have."

He took his hoof back stepping back a little while slightly smiling at her. Eva however couldn't understand what he just said. She stared back at him yelling:
"But I am a monster. I lied and betrayed you. How can you forgive me that easily?"

"Ah said it once and I'll say it again: Big Mac was right sayin' ya mean no harm. Maybe he knew from the start-"
She lifted her head more to deliver a thankful smile to him.

"Since everything seems to be just fine I will take my leave now. There are some things I need to attend to." Sunray's calm voice suddenly interrupted the silence. He then vanished in a golden flash, leaving an empty space.

"Yer father is a bastard not realizing what a wonderful person ya are, no matter what yer origin is. Ah would be proud ter call ya my daughter." He then gently embraced her with her hugging back. Again salty streams dripped down her cheeks, but this time because of gratefulness.

"I never had a father, but you are the closest person to one I’ve had. I once again have to thank you for everything, Apple Cookie."
Both of them stood there hugging each other for a long moment.

"Thank Celestia ah was able to put that frown upside down," he grinned.
"Ah couldn't stand that sad face a second longer." Both of them giggled.
"We should go t’ bed now- Ah feel like ah could sleep a whole millennium now."
Eva agreed. All that crying had made her terribly tired. She said Goodnight to him and slowly scuffled up the stairs towards her room. While doing so he asked her:
"Yer sure yer OK?"

She nodded weakly and entered her room. Without the need of a pony disguise she wrapped herself in her blanket feeling the fluffiness with her own skin for the first time. It felt very different and Eva was glad that Apple Cookie now knew her secret. An incredibly heavy burden was taken from her shoulders.

The next morning Eva got awoken by a violent knock at the front door. She heard how Apple Cookie interrupted his early work, cleaned his hooves and then walking towards the door.
"Who is it? We only open in an hour, come back later."

"In the name of Prince Shining Armor, open that door or we'll kick it in!" a deep chesty voice called from outside.

"Oh no, they are coming for me!" she whispered to him from the stair head.

"Don't worry, kiddo. Stay upstairs and hide," he whispered back to her.

He waited till she vanished before he opened the door. The rude Pegasus guard rushed into the house, followed by his lanky unicorn sergeant. After looking around for possible threats they stepped aside so the Prince could enter the building.
"What's the meaning of this?" Apple Cookie wanted to know.

"I came here for a certain girl," the Prince replied in an apathetic voice. "Eva,, I know you are here somewhere. I also know what you are so come down, please!" he had raised his voice to make sure she heard him.

"Oh no, ya don't. Ya may be a Prince but to get her, you needa take her from my cold hooves."

"Pay a little respect to the Prince or your wish may be granted, baker!" the beefy Pegasus rushed towards him and knocked him to the ground.

Eva, who has heard everything from upstairs changed into her pony form and slowly stepped down the stairs.
"No, don't hurt him. I surrender. Just please do him no harm. He is innocent."

Now standing on the ground floor opposite the Prince and the unicorn guard she looked over at Apple Cookie who was violently held down by the mean Pegasus-pony.

"Show me your true self!" the prince ordered in a stern tone. She did as she was asked for, now standing in front them as a changeling. She felt so vulnerable standing in front of him undisguised. Both guards gasped and took up a combat stance.

"Guards, wait outside!" the Price ordered again in his stern voice.

"But my Prince with all due respect, she is a changeling!" the Pegasus objected.

"I said, wait outside! And If you ever raise your hoof against a citizen without my command again you will peel potatoes for the rest of your service term, understood?" he repeated himself without changing his tone.

"Y-yes m'lord." the Pegasus nodded towards the unicorn and both of them left the bakery closing the door from the outside.

The Prince then just stood there staring at Eva.
"So it is true- Please excuse my intrusion."

Apple Cookie was just pulling himself together, when the Prince turned to him directly addressing him:
"Would you be so kind to let us alone for a minute?" He had changed his tone to a softer one.

"The hay I will!" Apple Cookie replied. "You won't take her away that easily."

"Listen, I am not here to drag her away. If I was, I would have already done so. No, I am here to have a word with my daughter."

"With-with yer daughter?" Both Eva's and his eyes widened and his mouth dropped open.

"Yeah, so again would you please be so kind-?"

Apple Cookie turned towards Eva and saw her nodding. He then hesitantly returned to the kitchen and closed the door.
The prince then took a deep breath. "I apologize for the scene. I didn't want to hurt anypony -or any changeling" he quickly corrected himself. "My guards tend to be a bit too overzealous when I am around. So how would you like to sit down and talk?"
Eva didn't move a muscle.
"Listen, I apologize for my behavior yesterday. I didn't understand the situation. I am sorry for yelling at you. So please may we sit down? This may take a while-," he slightly smiled over at her.

Eva wasn't sure what to do. Then she nodded and both of them sat down on Apple Cookie's couch standing in the rear end of the house next to the lapsed chimney.

"After I left the library I returned to the castle," he began. "Several hours later Sunray appeared in front of me and explained everything. He told me that you are in fact Chrysalis' child, is this correct?"
She nodded without saying a word.
"Sweet Celestia- Yes it is true that Chrysalis and I shared a relationship but without me knowing who she really was. I thought I would live together with my fiance. You see it was hard for me to understand that I have a child. It was even harder to understand that my child is actually a changeling. This situation is not easy for me. Again I am sorry for yelling at you, yesterday. I can hardly imagine what you must been through just to come here and meet me."

Eva could tell that he was very nervous talking to her now. A moment ago he had ordered his guards around and had asked Apple Cookie to grant them some private time, in a very confident manner. But now he acted like a young colt asking his crush for a dance. She on the other hoof was very calm, maybe more calm than she should have been. She just sat there defiantly staring into his face, while listening.

"After Master Sunray had talked to me, I realized that you are indeed my daughter. We even have the same hairstyle," he chuckled. "And you also have your mother's eyes."
"Listen, I know we had a bumpy start but if you can forgive me I'd like to get to know my daughter better."

"Did you love my mother-" she finally asked in a freezing tone.

"Honestly? No. I only loved the image she represented. I was honest with you yesterday, saying that I never loved any mare but Cadence," he answered honestly.

"So how could I ever expect you to love me?"

"You are my only daughter, and yes, it is true it wasn't really planned, but the hands of time can't be reversed. Now I see you sitting here, looking at me and now I realize how much of me I see in you. Even though I don't love your mother doesn't mean I can't love you. However I can't say I hated the time the both of us shared."

He reached out a hoof to her. She however looked away defiant.
"Please" she heard him begging.

Eva faced him slowly lifting her hoof. He carefully enfolded her hoof with his. Looking at the tiny hole in her leg Eva saw him frown. She was about to pull her hoof back but he gently held her back. She could feel the warmth coming from the touch. She looked into his eyes and could only find curiosity and tenderness. He then came closer, touching her cheek with a hoof like he was going to discover her. Once again she felt the warmth coming from his hoof.

"Father, I-"

Eva suddenly noticed that she was crying silently. He gently wiped away the tear rolling down the cheek he had just touched.
"I am sorry I wasn't there to comfort you. But if you like I can be there for you now."

Eva never heard words like this before. She never heard a voice expressing as much love and pride as this before. Just a day before she feared that he might hit her and now his touch expressed so much emotion. Without warning he caught her in his arms and she didn't resist. She never felt like this before. Even though she just met him she never felt that close to someone before. She remembered her dreams, she had back in the village before her journey. She remembered how the faceless pony-monster changed into her father hugging her, loving her, missing her.

"Father, I am so happy- ," her voice trailed off.

"I know-" he whispered into her ear, "- me too."

"But what will your wife say?" Fear shadowed her face.

"I already talked with her about you. As you might expect she wasn't that pleased to hear I got a child from another mare. She locked herself into the bedroom and cried the entire night. I am afraid she will never accept you. But since I am your father I have to take responsibility for you now. She will have to deal with that. Maybe someday she can see the beautiful girl you truly are.
However I fear that the citizens of this city will never accept you. The scars that your people left after the attack are too deep. Many good ponies lost their lives. The ponies of Canterlot won't forget that easily, however Cadence and I are moving to the Crystal Empire soon. The ponies there never saw a changeling and so they don't hold a grudge against you. You may consider moving there with us. But for now I may ask you to continue disguising as a pony while walking around in Canterlot. I will tell my troops to not bother you again."

Eva nodded, then she whispered: "I’m glad I finally found you, Dad."

He then arose from the sofa and walked over to the closed kitchen door. He knocked and opened it. Apple Cookie stood there holding a massive wooden baker's peel ready to fight against anypony.
"It's OK. I didn't hurt her, instead I accepted her as my daughter. I'd ask you to come out so I can thank you for helping her and staying loyal at her side."

He slowly stepped near with his baker's peel in his hooves looking over Shining Armor's shoulder to see Eva. She stepped next to her father and smiled at Apple Cookie. Seeing her happy face he was utterly convinced and put away his weapon.
"How about you accompany us to the Crystal Empire? Princess Luna thinks highly of your baking and we would need a skilled baker like you. You would serve directly under my command and will never have to fear being poor, again."

"I err- I don't know your highness, this is a very generous offer but Canterlot is my home-"

"I see, well think about it wisely."

He then opened the front door. "Guards, please come in."
The guards who had waited outside the whole time, returned inside the bakery.
"I hereby decree that this changeling here shan't be harassed in any way- Show them your pony form again, dear-" he said turning to Eva. "-Neither in her real form nor in this form, do you understand?"

"Are you sure, your highness?" the Pegasus guard carefully asked.

"I said: 'do you understand'?!"

"Yes your highness!" the unicorn guard replied starchy.

"It seems like your sergeant is smarter than you are, lieutenant. How about I promote him to be a lieutenant and put him in charge of my personal guard?" The unicorn's eyes brightened up.

"Your highness?" the Pegasus asked speechless.

"Silence! I don't need an officer who questions my decisions all day long. Nor do I need an officer that is harsh to our subjects. You brought shame onto the royal guard. A flaw that I must reassess. And I will, as soon as we are back at the barracks."

Eva giggled. She never liked that guard in the first place. She completely agreed with her father's decision. Once again he turned towards Eva:
"If you ever need something do not hesitate to ask.

"I understand. But there's one thing. Could you talk to my mother before you move to the Crystal Empire? I know it sounds strange but I think she misses you."

"She misses me?" Shining armor called amazed. "Who had ever guessed. That sounds strange indeed. Yes my dear I might speak to her in time."
"We shall return to the castle now. Onward!" She followed them to the door and watched how they marched down the street leading towards the castle.

"Well, ah never met the prince before, but he seemed like a nice pony. Did he really accept ya as a daughter?"

"Yes he did!" Eva beamed with joy.

"Phew thank Celestia, so in the end it turned out quite well, didn't it? I am really happy for ya - Should I really go with him to the Empire?"

"It's up to you but why not. You may show the Crystal-ponies there the traditional Canterlot cuisine. Also you would be the first pony opening a branch business there."

"Hmm that doesn't sound that bad-" he scratched his chin while imagine himself in the Crystal Empire.
"Apple Cookie, please excuse me. I have to visit Sunray, now."

"Sure go ahead, 'Princess'." he chuckled.

She quickly galloped down the street, past those round tables with their colorful umbrellas, towards the great white tower she saw in the distance. Reaching it she opened the door and rushed right past Mrs. Primrose, however she didn't move a muscle to stop her. Entering Sunray's office she saw him bending over another of his ancient looking tomes. Without any warning she sprinted towards him jumped at him while flinging her arms around his neck. He reared up startled, but calmed down as he recognized Eva.

"Thank you, thank you thank you thank you!!!"

"So I guess it turned out OK, then?" he turned towards her smiling. The look into Eva's happy face was more enough to answer his question.

"I can't express how much I owe you now."

"Urgh this again- you won’t listen to me when I say you owe me nothing. You won’t believe me when I say meeting and studying you was enough?" She gleefully shook her head.

"But by the way I might have found an answer to the question why some beings get corrupted and some doesn't." She let go of him eagerly waiting for his explanation.
"I am quite sure that only those beings getting corrupted whose love gets stolen from them by a changeling. The missing link between the ancient dogs, Clover the Clever and your pony friends is that they all gave away their friendship and love by free will. They weren't forced to share their love. I think if a Non-changeling offers his friendship to a changeling on their own accord they can't get corrupted, because the love is multiplied and not taken away. The dogs were happy that your ancestors cared for them and offered their love in return. Clover knew about Midnight’s nature and offered his kindness to him. Your friends, although they didn't know about your true nature, offered their friendship willingly, didn't they? So If that's indeed true no changeling has to ever starve again if they manage to live with other races together in peace. Well this is only a theory-"
But it sounded very believable to Eva.

"Would you come to my home and talk with my mother about that theory?" she asked him out of nowhere.

"Your mother? You mean Queen Chrysalis? Oh boy, I don't know-"