//------------------------------// // Stitches // Story: The Blacksmith, The Soldier, The Fool and The Cat // by Cheshire //------------------------------// Darkness... That's all there was... Just... Darkness... Nothing but black... Really, quite a boring experience. There was nothing to do, nobody to talk to, and nothing to look at. It was just... Empty... Save for one thing... An egg. ----- Digging.... There's something special about digging. Especially when you've done it before. Despite the circumstances, Quickdraw found it almost soothing, to be back underground, digging as a slave to the D-dogs. There was a certain rhythm you needed to get into. Lift, strike, pull. Lift, strike, pull. Over and over. One rhythm to rule them all. Quickdraw mused at this fact, trying to find light in the familiar situation he found himself in. Storm couldn't work due to his previous experience, so the mutts kept him locked up in the above-ground areas of the mines and Dizzy... He didn't think anyone knew where she was, or what she was doing. Cheshire had disappeared days ago, and nobody had seen hide nor hair of her. So, Quickdraw made himself as content as possible, just digging away at this stone/dirt wall. It's not so bad, he thought. At least they're feeding us properly. Not a single pony or dog had seen Dizzy since the attempted breakout. She'd disappeared without a trace, the only things left behind being a pile of confetti and a kazoo. As it turns out, most of the prisoners were too scared or too complacent to even try. Quickdraw had been hearing stories about an enormous dog that ran the mines in place of the alpha. Not only that, but he found himself on the receiving end of a magical inhibitor ring. The very same ring that caused his magic to backfire when he tried using his horn. He briefly wondered what had even happened to Cheshire. The cat hadn't been seen since the group was ambushed back in town. Quickdraw was coming to miss the fussy cat's remarks. Yet, despite all these thoughts, Quickdraw kept digging. His plans of escape slowed to a grinding halt and thrown out the window. Without Storm and Dizzy's assistance, there was little to no chance of freedom. A shout came from around the corner, startling Quickdraw. He dropped his pickaxe and ran towards the noise, only to find that the commotion was already over. A large brown minotaur lay writhing in pain, clutching his face, blood soaking through his fingers and beginning to pool on the floor. A burly dog, one of the gangers, stood over him breathing heavily. Blood stained the mutt's black claws, dripping to the ground in small droplets. A gravelly, booming voice came from further down the tunnel. "Why is this slave injured? Who told you to hurt them?" The ganger took a step back, fear beginning to show on its features as the sound of claws scraping along the walls and tapping on the ground could be heard echoing throughout the tunnel. The scent of the bull's blood grew stronger, the coppery tang blending with the scent of sweat and tears. The new voice came closer, its hulking frame filling at least half of the pathway. The ganger turned to run. "Don't let that mutt escape," the voice boomed. "Catch them!" The ganger started sprinting towards Quickdraw, only to be brought to a sudden stop as the stallion stuck out his leg, tripping the dog, causing it to crash to the ground in a jumbled heap. "Please pony," it pleaded, its feminine voice at odds with her large, bulky frame. "Please don't turn me in! Let me escape, and I'll do the same for you..." Quickdraw contemplated his options in the short time he had. On one hoof, I could just leave her to her fate... probably death... and on the other, I could get her to help me escape the other mutts later down the track. Weighing his options, he decided to just leave the girl to her fate. He wasn't happy, but at least he might be rewarded. The beast of a dog lumbered closer, the sound of his paws hitting the floor akin to the rumbling of a mountain. The female cowered and tried to run again, but an enormous paw dropped like a boulder onto her back, pinning her in place. The new dog cracked his knuckles, the sound causing the girl beneath him to tremble and begin to cry. "You, grey slave pony," he began. "Get that bull to the infirmary and wait by his side until I arrive. I need to speak with you both." Qucikdraw nodded silently, grabbing the minotaur's muscular arms and throwing them over his back. He turned and began walking towards where he believed the infirmary to be, hearing the screams of the female and the wet crunches and squelches that came with them. --- The minotaur's wounds were treated and stitched shut, though they would remain for the rest of his life. He came to slowly as the effects of the painkillers wore off. "Urgh.... What happened?" he croaked, his deep voice resounding through the room. Quickdraw nervously looked towards the large bull. "Well... I don't know what happened, but you were hurt," he began. "A dog tore a some large wounds into your face. She's probably dead now..." The bull stared, obviously troubled by the information. "She's.... Dead?" Quickdraw stood stock still, his head hanging low, the sounds of the dog's screams still in his ears. "Didn't she try to escape? She was supposed to get away!" The minotaur's voice echoed, each and every word a dagger piercing Quickdraw's soul. "I... I stopped her," he said, his voice quivering. "I stopped her from getting away, and now she's dead because of me!" The bull stared, tears beginning to stain the bandages wrapping his wounds. "She... she told me the plan was sound... that nobody would get hurt..." "P-plan?" The minotaur's eyes turned questioning, his features softening slightly. "Y-you mean you didn't know?" Quickdraw looked uneasy. He knew something was wrong with this picture, but he couldn't figure out what. "Well," the bull started, "she was helping a group of slaves escape... I was the distraction." "So you got yourself cut up and beat to shit to help some other slaves escape?" "Yes... Look, I'm pretty mad at you for what happened, but I'm willing to forgive if you help me with something. Name's Brutus by the way." Brutus the minotaur held out his hand which Quickdraw accepted and shook. "Quickdraw. So... what is it you want me to do?" Brutus opened his mouth to speak, but quickly drew it shut as the door to his room slammed open. It was the dog from earlier, his enormous frame completely filling the doorway and then some. The two slaves swallowed nervously as the dog peered into the room. He pointed a large finger at Quickdraw, motioning for him to head outside. He obliged. The dog shut the door to Brutus' room before kneeling down in front of the stallion, inspecting him. "Look into my eyes slave," the beast boomed. "I am Atlas, your new master." Quickdraw glared at the mutt, his change of paws lighting a fire in his eyes. The dog stood and laughed, the sound echoing deep into the caves and rattling anything loose nearby. "You've got some fight in your eyes pony, I like that. That's why I'm sending you to the arena, or as the slaves call it, 'Purgatory'."