Requiem for a Clone

by FictionaryThought

Follow the Everfree Road

I woke up in Zecora’s hut, greeted by the smell of fresh stew. My mouth was instantly watering. I hadn’t eaten anything with meat in it since I got here. Makes me wonder why I didn’t kill any of those monsters in the Everfree Forest. Oh yeah, I don’t know anything about cooking. I guess I could go hunting, but I wouldn’t know how to prepare the meat. I got up, and noticed something. I was wearing a crescent moon necklace…What?

“Fascinating.” Zexion said. “A dream encounter that made it’s way to reality. I’ve seen magic work in strange ways, but this is quite an astounding feat.”

Trying to ignore Zexion’s intellectual thinking, I look to the source of the delicious fragrance. Zecora was at her cauldron, adding spices to her delicious smelling brew. She smiled towards me, and spoke. “A good morning to you, oh friend of mine. You’ve awoken at quite the perfect time.” Friend…Hearing Zexion say that just makes me think of how I don’t have any. But hearing Zecora say it-

Screw thinking, I’m hungry. “Man I hope that’s my breakfast your cooking,” I say, mouth still watering.

Zecora laughed. “Wait in bed and don’t make haste. I will brings some to you, so you may have a taste.”

I suppose some would get tired of hearing her always rhyme, but I kind of like it. I’m still not sure why. Anyway, back to the food. I’d try to describe it, but I still don’t know what kind of meat she used. Could’ve been manticore meat for all I knew. I was just happy to have something with protein. That of course brings me to my next question. After scarfing down the meal I ask-

“Hey Zecora, aren’t ponies herbovors?”

I blame Zexion for me knowing that.

“This is true, that is why this meal is between me and you. In Zebra Country this is not so, and I would prefer that you not let the ponies know.”

“So Zebra’s are omnivores?” Zexion asked.

“There are indeed times when death must be dealt, a mercy kill which we ensure is not felt. My people have learned not to waste the corpse, to help preserve life of course.”

“Bringing death to ensure life.” I started. “I guess many would miss understand that kind of philosophy.” I get back to eating. The sun hasn’t risen much, but I’m an early riser, and so is she. Twilight would arrive in about a three hours, which would give me some more time to study Equestrian history. Better to know something and accept things, than to learn nothing, and deny everything.

Normally I can just solve problems with my sword, but not this time. This time, I had to be peaceful. I wasn’t exactly made for negotiations, being a clone built for killing and all. But because of Twilight’s stupid idea, I had to.

“Could be worse?” Zexion suggested.

Honestly, I doubted it.

We were almost in town. I was wearing a hooded robe that Zecora gave me. Had to wear something to keep me warm. Twilight said that her friend Rarity could make me some new clothes, which I was glad to hear. Meanwhile Applejack was being really quiet. I wasn’t sure why she wasn’t asking me questions, but like they say, never look a gift horse in the mouth.

“I wonder if that could be considered a slavery term here.” Zexion said.

I doubted it. These ponies seemed too nice to enslave each other.

“Looks can be deceiving. I’m not saying you should be paranoid or anything, but you should be on your guard.”

Couldn’t argue with that. Those timber wolves were just one of the dangerous species that existed in this world. Who knew what else I’d run into here.

“Now remember.” Twilight started. “You are a recreated human based on a DNA sample I found. Your memories are all genetic, and untrustworthy. I’m not sure if we should stick to your name though.”

Zexion was visible, and walking along side us, with his hood up. “Well, the name Riku is Japanese, a language humans invented during the Keyblade War as a type of code. Riku means, earth. If you say you got the sample while digging up herbs, you could say the name means “Replica of the Earth”, thus making the name Riku Replica more symbolic.”

Twilight stopped walking, and turned around to face Zexion. “Japanese is an actual language!?” She asked, obviously shocked by the statement.

“Yes.” Zexion said flatly. “As I said, it was used as a code language in the Keyblade War.”

“I can’t believe it.” Twilight said more quietly. “The anthropologists were right!” She said smiling. Then she looked at Zexion perplexed. “But I don’t know anything about any 'Keyblade war'.”

Zexion laughed a bit. “It was basically the creation of each and every world, shattering the colossal world all life started on. It’s why most of the worlds out there have humans in them, and why all worlds share the same languages. Japanese is now more of a secondary language than anything else.”

I rolled my eyes. “You're just looking for excuses to show off your knowledge.”

He chuckled. “At least I know how things started.” Zexion said.




“Look who’s talking.”

“Oh both of you shut up!” Applejack said.

“Wow.” I started. “Even Applejack can’t stand you.”

“Us.” Zexion corrected.

“Oh for the love of-“ Twilight started. “Can we please try to get along here? We’ll be heading into town soon.”

“She makes a good point.” Zexion said. “You best keep your spirits high while you still can. Soon you’ll be headed into a town full of curious creatures.”

“Which reminds me, where exactly will I be going? Do I head to the town hall and make a speech or something?”

“Actually no.” Twilight said. “I decided that it would be best if I did the explaining. You’ll be headed to my library where you can explain yourself to my friends. Keep in mind, they’re Elements of Harmony as well, and deserve to know the truth about you.”

I rolled my eyes. “I still don’t know if I should trust you on this whole ‘Elements of Harmony’ thing.”

“Well-“ Zexion started. “It would explain why she’s so concerned towards the balance of light and darkness. Besides, we have no evidence against it, and she doesn’t seem the type to lie.”

Twilight took some pride in this. “Thank you Zexion. Also, I will allow you to make yourself visible for Repliku’s sake. Given that our story means he only has genetic memory, it would make sense for him to mentally unstable.” She looked my direction. “That will also give you an excuse to make ponies leave you alone.”

I rolled my eyes. “Oh trust me, if I have the whole town asking me questions, I will be mentally unstable.”

“Will be?” Zexion asked. “You have to talk directly to your own consciance just to know what to do next. You’re already passed that point.”

Applejack grunted. “Will ya’ll just shut up already!? Ah’m feelin’ stressed enough without you two arguing like foals.”

I raised an eyebrow. “You mean fools?”

“No.” Zexion said. “A foal is the equivilant of a small child for an equine. She’s saying that we’re acting like children.”

Twilight smiled. “Something tells me I’m going to enjoy your company.”