//------------------------------// // The Explosive Mare // Story: Lucky's Seven: The Changeling Hunters // by Lucky424 //------------------------------// Simon just stood there looking at me as if I was crazy. I wasn't going to budge, and neither was he, meaning there would be only one way to settle this like we always do. There were only two rules, no killing, and last one standing wins the point. Fortunately, I didn't have to show him my relatively new speed and strength, as a shout from outside drew our attention. “Everypony run!! The Changelings are attacking!!!!” Simon and I drew out our pistols and ran outside followed by Streak and Starfyre, taking aim at the 'attackers'. Walking down the street was a male Changeling, with a pegasus mare who had a foal saddle on. A quick glance confirmed that the foal was a Changeling. “Stand down, he's okay.” I was tapped on the shoulder, and turned to my friend. “You sure? From what I understand, these things are the reason you're a guard captain.” “Yeah, I'm sure. If it wasn't for him, I'd be a bit of black dust in the Badlands.” I walked up to the trio and put my pistol away. “Pokey, nice to see you. Sorry I left before you got back, and I just want to thank you for saving my life.” Mirage decided that it was the perfect time to wake up, and to inform her parents that she was hungry. Unfortunately, this drew the attention of quite a few ponies, and some stallions made their way towards the pair. “Whoever's foal you have, hand it over and we promise to be quick.” I turned and stood in their way, hand resting on my pistol. “I suggest you leave, before something happens.” They stared at me in disbelief. Here I was the leader of the so called Changeling Hunters, and I was now protecting one. Thankfully, they stopped moving when Note brought Mirage out of her saddle bag and pulled her to her chest. The stallion in the lead glanced at me and I nodded at him, watching as they all backed away. “Pokey, as much as I'd like to give you a tour, I think we should go in to the library for some peace and quiet.” As I finished talking there was a massive blast, and we could see a giant dust cloud towards the Everfree Forest. Something in the air caught my eye, and I realised that it was heading straight for us, and I grabbed Mirage, before hitting the deck with her underneath me. I waited a few seconds with bated breath until I noticed that it didn't hit yet. Turning over, I saw a large metal plate hanging in the air in a mixed aura of white, red, electric yellow, blue, and purple. Sitting up I noticed who was casting the spells. Twilight took hold of the entire piece as Feather trotted over to me. “It's okay sir, it's Wednesday today. This is the usual happening around town, although this is the first time she's made anything come in to town.” I put my hands over Mirage's ears. “Who the fuck are you talking about?” “That would be Technia, sir.” I was sitting in the library awaiting Simon and 'Alpha Squad', as they had become known, to escort this 'Technia' mare to us. It was a long shot, but I had Dave take his M319 with them. If this mare really did like explosives, then a grenade launcher should get her interested. As I bantered with the Seven, I heard an excited female voice from out side. “Oooh, what are you things then? Wait, you have fingers!!! Are you monkeys? No, you don't have fur........you're not Minotaurs....AHA!!! Are you humans?? If you are, then I would like it if you'd accompany me to....” The mare was cut off by another. “Lyra, leave them alone. They must be here for a reason, and if she is with them, then it is not something I think we should stick around for!” There was an annoyed grunt before I heard heavy hoofsteps followed by a sigh. “Honestly, that mare.” Well, looks like we'll have to meet with Lyra soon then. Great!! The door swung open and Simon walked in followed by a charcoal grey unicorn mare with a two tone lighter grey and red mane. She looked around and set her sights on me, with eyes that were a deeper emerald than Applejack's. “So....you're the one who makes things explode? I bet I can make better ones than you!” I just stared at her. Did she really just challenge me to make a big explosion? “What?” “You heard me, I bet I can make a explosion bigger than you!!” I just shook my head and looked to my friend. “Simon, what kind of armaments does you ship have?” “The Luna is equipped with Planet Killers...they are rated at a hundred and fifty megatons.” “What's a 'megaton'?” “Did you just say Luna?” “A megaton is a measure of explosive power. And our main ship is called the UKSC Princess Luna. It's a UNSC Prowler-class vessel. The scientists investigating the anomaly from the event came up with a bunch of blueprints that looked like squiggly lines until we scanned them and over laid them with each other. And we got the Luna from it.” “May We ask why thou hast a vessel with our name upon it?” We all turned to see the lunar diarch in the door way, looking around with curiosity. “We were informed thou hast a Changeling inside, and we came to investigate the rumours that thou were protecting it.” I stood up and saluted, then pointed towards the back. “No rumours ma'am, they're in the kitchen, feeding their daughter.” Our guest seemed to get nervous at this. “Wait, there's a Changeling here? I need to leave!!” “Technia, calm down, he's perfectly sa.....” “You don't understand!! I.....took care of a Changeling colony before I moved here, and it wasn't pretty! What if he is here looking for me?” “Um, excuse me miss, but if I was here for you, then you would not be here now.” Her gaze drifted towards the kitchen doorway, and she leaped towards the main entrance....right in to Luna's chest. Pokey walked over and offer to help her to her hooves. “If I can infiltrate Canterlot Castle and be in the presence of the princesses without my disguise faltering, then finding you would have been foals play. Where was the colony you 'took care of'?” “I-i-i-i-i.......” “Technia, this is Pokey Holes. If you want me to prove that he means no harm, then believe me when I say that I'd be dead right now if it wasn't for him.” She visibly forced herself to calm down, and tentatively reached up her left fore hoof and gripped Pokeys, allowing him to support her. He led her back over to the couch and gently sat her down. “So then, Technia was it? What was the location of this colony?” She took a deep breath before she began. “It was somewhere between Trottingham and Stalliongrad. I saw something on my travels and followed it towards the mountains. There was a cave system full of them, and I thought they were the ones responsible for Manehatten, so I went to stop them. I looked all around the area for secondary entrances but couldn't find any.” I knew that Equestria was a big place, but I had never seen a map, so I thought it was high time I got a good look. “Lady Sparkle, do you have a map of the area?” She just nodded to me, and turned to line on the wall, which slid out to show a map of the known world. And it was big. Simon came up beside me. “Interesting.” “What is?” “This is the same area that showed up on scans from the Luna. For some reason, all other areas remain dark. I think I may be able to put ours in sync, as long as that is okay with you, Lady Sparkle?” She nodded to him and I expected him to bring out a camera or something. Instead he raised his left arm and an orange glow surrounded his forearm. “What the fuck? First ODST armour....and now you have an Omni-tool? What else has been created in the past year?” He just flashed me a cheeky smile and carried on scanning. A beep from his arm and the glow finished, before he tapped a button and a 3D holographic image of the planet appeared. Fuck, this world is massive!! “Okay, we're synced up, and thanks to your map that you created, we now have a grid for the scanned area. As for what else has been made, well...... ever wanted to use a jet pack?” Jet Packs? Count me in! “Fuck yes! Where are they?” “On board the Luna.” He pulled up a interface on his Omni-tool and type in a few commands, to which I noticed a woman's face appear. “MAI, bring the Luna down. Take her to Canterlot Castle, I'm sending you an updated map with place names.” A flash of light in her eyes and a flicker of her image, then the voice came through, but it sounded created instead of natural. “Course laid in Admiral, ETA is forty five minutes. Will you be joining me?” “No, not yet. Just be ready to unlock all storage lockers when we arrive.” The light flashed again and the screen went off. Simon turned back to us and saw us all staring at him. “What?” “Dude? Just who the fuck was that?” “Huh? Oh, yeah! That's another thing we managed to create. Military Artificial Intelligence, or MAI for short. She likes the name.” He was bowled over by a charcoal streak. “Did you say artificial intelligence?” “Yes, I did.” Technia was sat upon his chest with an eager look in her eyes. “Can I see it?” I just shook my head and chuckled to myself. “Technia, we'll talk about that later. Right now, I need to know what happened to the Changelings.” “Oh, well if they haven't starved to death by now, then they are probably still trapped.” She leaned over and looked at the map, pointing a hoof at the edge of the mountains. “There. That's where the caves were.” We all looked in to see where she was pointing, and a shocked gasp came from the single Changeling in the room. “That's New Damarescus! It's not just Changelings there! There are ponies living there too, it's another colony! Including my brother!” He suddenly ran over to Technia, who was shrinking back with worry. “How did you seal the entrance? What did you use?” “I-i-i-i used a small explosive compound to collapse the entrance, and then placed smaller ones above to collapse the mountain side. I'm sorry, I didn't know those places existed. Please, I want to help anyway I can.” I just stood and threw a hand signal to Simon, to which he nodded and walked to the kitchen, emerging a few moments later with the others. “Technia, Pokey, come with me. You may wish to inform Blue Note that you are leaving for a bit. Don't worry, she and Mirage will be safe here, I give you my word.” He nodded once and walked in to the kitchen, and another concern was voiced. “Captain, just what are you planning to do? And I am also still waiting to hear the answer to my first enquiry, as to why your friends vessel is named after me?” Simon pulled me to the side and whispered in to my ear. “Dude, you know why we chose that name. You should tell her.” I just looked at him and shook my head, before whispering back. “I don't think that would be a good idea. Did they tell you about the night before we left for the Badlands?” “Yeah, they did. They also said that they took human form. You sly dog Captain, both of your princesses, multiple times in one night?” He pulled back with a massive grin on his face, lifting his right arm in to the air, raising his voice. “Dude, high five!” I lifted my arm up and slammed it in to his, completing the action. I'd never leave a friend hanging, even if I was still fuzzy on the details. “Captain, I am still waiting...” I waved her outside and joined her, noticing that the streets were now deserted. “Remember what I told Twilight about her being my nieces favourite from the show created on my world?” “Yes. It was quite a shock to discover that was your world, but what does that have do with the name of this vehicle?” “Well, I got to watching it with her.......and you became my favourite 'character'. They knew it, so they chose that name as they were coming after me. You remember my 'party dream'?” She nodded. “The t-shirt I was wearing was of you. And to be honest, you are my favourite out of all the ponies I have met so far.” “I see. I think I understand, but this discussion can wait. Now, what is your plan?” “Simple. I'm going to use the Pelican to blow a hole in the side of the mountain. Technia is coming along to make sure we go to the right place. Pokey is coming along because when, not if, we do breakthrough, then there will be a lot of pissed off Changelings and ponies, and his brother lives there.” “Very well Captain, but please, don't allow Technia to get her hooves on you weapons.” “I don't think that's a problem, the big ones are on the Luna, I'm sure she's already got explosives to rival the Pelicans armaments.”