//------------------------------// // The Darkhorse Equation // Story: Her Candidates // by Nyte-Blade //------------------------------// ~Previously~         Face to Face with King Sombra, the group is surprised when it turns out that he’s looking for something or someone by the name of ‘Heartseed’, and that Ruby is connected to this it somehow. However, Ruby has already been infected with the curse and is undergoing transformation. Hoping to rescue Ruby, They all engage Sombra in combat, but to no avail. Despite his power not fully returned, he gained the upper hand when he took Ruby hostage. Knowing how much Jeremy valued his cousin, he was nearly coaxed into destroying the Elements of Harmony if it meant Ruby would be safe.         Luckily, Princess Celestia would intervene and take Ruby, but she reveals her intention to seal her away, just like her sister. Jeremy’s anger hit it’s peak, knowing the implications behind that, but the royal princess of the sun would break down his twisted resolve in a heartbeat, pointing out one flaw after the other, forcing him to realize that Ruby became an eligible candidate for Nightmare Moon by his own hands.         Soon after, King Sombra would disappear, leaving them to the Windigos to freeze everyone in the room to death. Jeremy’s resolve was so broken however, he didn’t even budge, forcing Rainbow Dash to rescue him and take an alternative path while Trisha, Megan, Twilight, and Shining Armor, head for the Hovercraft to escape the sinking facility.         While trying to escape from the Windigos, their path is blocked off, and they’re forced into hiding inside the first wooden cabin they find amongst a series of them in the field of snow. Running inside and slamming the door shut, Twilight would then unleash the fire of Friendship, driving back the ghastly creatures. Unfortunately, their survival may be short lived, when they’re shocked by the arrival of some strange figures wearing masks that resemble a horse’s head, aiming their gun at Twilight Sparkle.         Twilight stared into the steel barrels of the shotgun knowing just how dangerous it was... but that was intentional.         What truly ran through her head, was a mystery to all but this mysterious being. She wanted to fight the horror off by focusing on anything but that mask. All she knew, was that making eye-contact was a huge mistake. The dark beads that represent the eyes of the mask, *Ka-chuck* *BOOM!*         The trigger is pulled, and everyone averted their eyes, not wanting to see a potentially gruesome sight. “Damn!” The Horsehead cursed at his failure to turn the purple unicorn’s head into mush. On top of that, Twilight snaps out of her strange paralysis the moment she felt the burning sensation on her cheek and left side.         Shining Armor, the one who protected his sister with his magic, immediately rammed into the Horsehead wielding the shotgun, knocking him outside and into the snow! The other horsehead immediately would aim his handgun at the white stallion, prepared to shoot him to save his accomplice. “OOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!” Trisha ran up to the second horsehead, screaming. With it’s attention now focused on Trisha, the Horsehead would aim it’s gun at her, but she grabs the horsehead’s wrist with her left hand and used her right to jab the adam’s apple, then grab it’s head and slam it against the picture on the wall with all her might. The horsehead fell to the floor and lost the grip on it’s gun, wheezing and clinching it’s throat. Trisha would then pick the gun up and throw it outside while rushing Shining Armor’s aid. “What... was that...!?” Twilight muttered to herself, putting a hoof to her head, trying to comprehend what just happened “Worry about that later! We need to restrain him!” Megan ran up to the Horsehead “Oh, r-right!” Twilight nervously complied, still trying to shake that strange image out of her head. Using her magic, she attempted to bind the mysterious assailant’s hands and feet together. “Wha...? My magic’s not working!”         The mysterious assailant suddenly starts to crawl towards target abnormally fast. The moment their eyes met, Twilight fell into that paralyzing fear from before. Before she knew it, her airflow became thinner and thinner...         Thankfully, Hover Clear tackled the attacker, freeing Twilight from his grasp. Megan then followed up by smashing a chair to the back of his head. With the Horsehead unconscious, he pulled the sleeves of his coat up, exposing the skin of his wrists...         “It can’t be...!” Megan though, just before Twilight successfully restrained the hands as well...         “Looks like we know who’s attacking us...” Twilight noticed the skin as well...         Human skin. As for Shining Armor, who’s still struggling with the first horsehead that tried to kill Twilight, he’s quickly thrown off and the enemy immediately gets back on it’s feet, preparing to fire! The moment the Horsehead pulled the trigger, Shining Armor would quickly sidestep, narrowly avoiding the shot. He even conjured up a magic force field just to be safe. The horsehead however, would fire a second shot, with the white stallion narrowly dodging that shot as well. The mysterious Horsehead would then drop his shotgun the moment the stallion teleported above it’s head. It would then pull out what appeared to be a small black box with two jagged tips at the front, like a beetle. He would then strike at the stallion’s forcefield, creating a huge electrical discharge, eventually breaking through! Shining Armor’s eyes widened the moment he realized his magical barrier was broken, just before he felt a hard fist slamming into his face like a brick. Before he knew it, he was lying on his side, watching the enemy’s feet come closer, hearing a familiar clicking noise. “Righteousness is on our side! DIE!” The Horsehead spoke as he inserted two fresh shells into his gun, then readied it to fire... But then...! He heard a burst of wind from his side, catching his attention. “Wha-GUAAAAAAH!” The Horsehead felt a strong kick to the side, right in the liver! It would get a good look to notice a human girl attacking him this time! “Wait, I’m a human too!” The horsehead suddenly said in a pleading tone. “I DON’T GIVE A DAMN!!!” Trisha shouted, aiming her next kick right at the horsehead’s groin, making him double over, squealing in pain! She then forcefully steals the taser from the horsehead and knocks him out with a good zap to the back. Trisha then  hurries over to Shining Armor to help him. “Are you okay?” “Yeah, thanks! What the heck is with these guys!? If they’re human like they say...!” Shining Armor trailed off, then said, “Let’s restrain him. “You’re right. We need to at least interrogate these guys, find out why they were trying to kill us.” Trisha agreed, walking with Trisha back to the cabin, lifting the unconscious horsehead.         With the two assailants restrained back to back, Twilight, Trisha, Shining Armor, and Megan planned to interrogate them all. However, Hover Clear was the first to speak... “Those creatures... I think I’ve seen them...! Maybe they were the ones who attacked us...!” Hover Clear put a hoof to his head, averting his eyes away from the masks, just as Twilight did. “What are you talking about? It’s obvious that these heads are just masks.” Megan chimed in, before unmasking one of the attackers. “See? It comes right off. Are you saying Humans attacked you?” Everyone had an idea that, behind the masks, these two were human beings... but they didn’t want to accept the possibility. For the journalism club, they believed they were truly the only humans there... For the ponies, they didn’t want to believe that humans would be so hostile like that compared to the group of teenagers they’ve befriended so far.         With his mask removed, the face of a man with a blonde crew cut was revealed. He appeared to be in his late twenties. The second mask was removed, revealing man with medium-straight black hair. A man who also appeared to be in his late twenties... “You goddamn kids...!” The blonde man said. “You should be WITH US, not AGAINST US!” “You tried to hurt my friends. So fuck you.” Trisha coldly said. “Ha, you’re glad you’re some kind of hero just because you took us by surprise?” The blonde curtly retorted. “Yeah, I am a hero. Deal with it.” Trisha boldly said it as if it were natural. As if she’s done this for years. “Umm, Trisha? We’re supposed to be interrogating them, not gloating about your heroics.” Megan reminded, adjusting his glasses. “Ah, sorry about that! Guess that side of me came out again...” Trisha sheepishly said. “Still, I’ll gladly say thank you for saving me and my brother.” Twilight smiled, then turned to the two men wearing the strange night-sky coats. “Why were you trying to kill us?” “Our lord ordered us to do it. And we WILL fulfill our mission!” The black haired human said. “Who do you work for?” Megan asked.         At that moment, the blonde haired man spat on Twilight’s face, then said the word, “Bitch.”         Shining Armor of course, smacked him in the mouth with his right hoof. The human’s mouth bled profusely, and even let a tooth slide out of his mouth. “Spit on my sister again and you’ll lose all of them.” “‘You’re gonna regret getting in the way of our cause!” The blonde haired man shouted. He barely managed to get his words out due to the constant bleeding from his mouth. “What cause are you talking about?” Twilight asked, after wiping away the spit on her face. “You already corrupted the humans here, so we’re not obligated to tell you anything!” The black haired man said. “There’s eight more of us anyway. There’s plenty of us to get the job done. Just know you’ll be saying HELLO to EVERLASTING NIGHT, BITCH!” The blonde haired man angrily said. “You’re working for Nightmare Moon then?!” Twilight asked, shocked at that phrase. “Hey, you said too much already!” The black haired man said to the blonde. “Who cares, they’ll never figure it out with whatever we told’em! I’d rather these idiots despair and NEIGH like the fucking horses they’re SUPPOSED to be!” “How racist.” Megan said, folding his arms, scowling at the blonde man’s remark. “Geez, are all humans like this?” Hover Clear asked. “No, we’re not like that, I swear! Not all humans aren’t stupid like this guy!” Trisha defended herself. “I sure hope not.” Twilight added. “Racist? Come on, man! That’s how these ‘PONIES’ are in our world! They don’t talk, all they do is whinny and neigh all damn day, shit and piss all over the field unexpectedly, and who knows what the hell else! You get what I’m saying, right? You know damn well I’m right!” The blonde human said. “............” Megan didn’t say anything. Mostly because he knew arguing against a man like this is meaningless. “He has a point you know. But our discovery of intelligent ponies just happened to make us realize that they could be so much more, that’s all. At least according to the King. It doesn’t change the fact that we’re the alpha species.” The black haired human chimed in. “UGH! Okay, so what if he’s right... ponies in their world are considered animals... and in our world, humans are practically aliens... so it evens out, right? Ugh, I hate this subject! It’s degrading!” Twilight closed her eyes tightly as she thought to herself. “Either way, we’ll never talk, even if you torture us.” The black haired human added. “Is that so? I was trained to torture terrorists during my time at the royal academy. Are you sure you should be saying that?” Shining Armor warned, glaring at the restrained humans. “Oh, in that case, we’ll do you one better. Ready, Steiner?” The black-haired human smiled bitterly. “We really gotta do that, huh Reyner?” The blonde haired man called ‘Steiner’ rose an eyebrow at his partner. “We have to. We can’t let the plan be known under any circumstances. It’s not for the humans here to know. They’re supposed to NEVER find out. That was part of the deal. The deal to make our ideals a reality.” Reyner closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “Heh, yeah whatever. Hoo boy, that person’s crazy, but means well I guess. Let’s do it!” Steiner formed a smirk on his face, closing his eyes too. At that moment, the two restrained humans started to emit a sudden burst of star mist from their strange coats... “What the hell?!” Megan started backing away. “For the sake of our ideals, we offer thy bodies to imprison this world! WE WISH TO BRING FORTH EVERLASTING NIGHT!” The two humans said, suddenly fading away into star mist quickly. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?” Trisha asked what everyone was thinking. Why are they disappearing? “You know girlie... being a hero is pretty damn lame. No one gives a damn about heroes anymore and you know it.” Steiner said to Trisha, with half of his face completely gone... “This world has so much potential. Yet, in our world, it’s filled with dregs and hypocrites. In this world, it’s filled with weak willed beings holding back potential. It’s a shame I won’t be around to see the new world, but it’ll be nice to be part of the solution.” Reyner said, with the top half of his head already faded away, followed by his mouth.         Soon, the two were no more, turned into a goblet of mist that floated into the skies. The only thing that remained were their black long-sleeved overalls and boots, and the horse head masks they wore. Strangely however, their odd coats were no longer present either, as if they allowed them to disappear like that. “They just... killed themselves like that? Why...? It doesn’t make any sense! WHY ARE THEY GOING SO FAR JUST TO BRING EVERLASTING NIGHT!? Why are they doing so much for Nightmare Moon!?” Twilight closed her eyes, unable to contain her frustration. So many questions, and absolutely no answers... “It was horrifying watching them die like that...”  Trisha commented. “I think the true horror stems from the fact that they were willing to die for the sake of this strange cause and did it in a heartbeat. It’s like they were programmed to be suicidal terrorists... Kind of a letdown.” Megan speculated. “Is it like that in your world...?” Twilight solemnly asked. “Yes, it is. It’s a rare occurrence, but there are people who are so deranged, they believe they’re doing something they truly believe is right.” Megan bluntly answered. “We don’t know what that cause is though...” Shining Armor said. “What if Sombra did this to them? I wouldn’t put it past that evil tyrant to plant something in their heads like that.” “But... those masks... if they’re the ones...” Hover Clear speculated. “But... those masks... if they’re the ones...” “We need to get out of here though... We’ll discuss this more when we get back to the Crystal Palace.” Twilight suggested. “In a minute...” Trisha answered as she went over to the clothes of the two men who disappeared. “What are you doing?!” Twilight was slightly thrown off by Trisha searching through those clothes, digging in the pockets. “Seeing if we can find anything useful, maybe something containing answers. It’s not like I’m grave robbing, you know.” Trisha jokingly answered, giving a wry smile. “You just couldn’t leave it alone, could you?” Megan asked.         As Trisha searched through the first set of pockets on the overalls, she finds five keys on a ring, each of them looking like the kind they use in their world. In another pocket, she finds several Equine Crystals they have yet to use. “Wow... good thing we took them down when we did... if they had used these, we would’ve been in trouble!” Trisha nervously said. “Well, the fact that they had these pretty much answers our question on who was in the mining facility...” Megan said. “They might’ve been the ones I seen that time... but I don’t remember seeing them wear those masks before, yet alone those strange coats they disappeared with.” Shining Armor added. “That’s one thing I’m confused about. It’s as if they’re like the Shadowbolts when they wear those coats, yet they don’t have their speed and near intangibility... If they did, they would’ve killed us without all the trouble we gave them.” Twilight speculated.         Trisha continues to dig in the pockets, finding a brown wallet with silver metal edges. Written on the front side reads, “King’s Foundation.” “King’s Foundation? Wait a minute...” Trisha trailed off. “Chris’s family... his last name is King, remember?” Megan reminded her. “Well, that little guy’s got some explaining to do. If those people were working for his family...” Shining Armor furrowed his eyebrows dangerously. “Wait, wait! Chris is a good kid, I swear! He can be a bit selfish, cowardly, and a bit annoying when he flirts with me, but he’s got the crew’s best interests at heart, I can tell!” Trisha defended him. “He also helped us to renovate our hideout when he didn’t have to, all to be accepted by us. Besides, someone scared as he is, he wouldn’t think to betray us.” Megan also chimed in, defending him. “That kid still has some questions to answer though when we get back.” Shining Armor scoffed, still feeling irritable. “Sorry, he’s just angry over what happened to me. That’s why he’s my B.B.B.F.F.! He’s so awesome!” Twilight gloated. “Oh Twiliy! I’m just doing what a brother is supposed to do!” Shining nudged. “Umm... what does that stand for again?” Trisha asked. “I’m going to guess Big Brother Best Friend Forever, right?” Megan answered with a look of indifference. “Hey, how’d you know?” Twilight asked. “It’s painfully obvious. Even the lowliest of primates could’ve figured that one out.” Megan arrogantly answered. “Whatever you say, Mister Genius.” Twilight quipped. “If you were half as smart as I, you’d look at your peers as mere primates too.” Megan shot back.         Trisha then opens the wallet to find an ID card with the name 'Frederich Steiner' on it, and a photo of him, Reyner, and at least twenty-four people, all wearing casual attire. Included in the photo, is a blonde haired man who looks a lot like Chris, save for the light stubble on his chin. Among them is even a pregnant woman too... “Huh... is this his family? Well... it’s a bit of a stretch to say though...” Trisha asked. “If that other guy’s in this photo, I’m going to guess it’s his crew. He did say there were eight others, but this photo shows way more than that. Makes me wonder... did some of them die already?” Megan asked. “We only saw two bodies inside that facility, but there could’ve been more that we’re unaware about.” Twilight added, observing the picture. “The bodies were sorta faced down, so we couldn’t tell who they were.” Shining Armor added.         Trisha finished checking the pockets, only to find a simple flip phone with a strange white screen. There was no pictures on it or even a user interface. Just... a glowing white. “This is weird... like the plot out of some horror flick.” Trisha muttered to herself. “I think I know what we’re doing to Jeremy next halloween.” Megan covered his mouth, trying to hold back his laughter. “Halloween...?” Twilight asked. “Oh, well... In our world, there’s this holiday called Halloween, where we dress up in costumes, go from house to house, and get candy. But we also can take this time to give people a good scare too!” Trisha explained. “Oh, that sounds exactly like Nightmare Night!” Twilight said. “We dress up in costumes, get candy and such as well! It’s actually Princess Luna’s favorite time of the year because she gets to have all the fun she wants.” Twilight smiled, then gave a look of determination. “That’s why we’ll stop this Nightmare Moon plot once and for all!” “Yeah! We might as well help you out, because this whole plot is why we ended up in this world to begin with. If we can help you in some way, we might be able to finally go home!” Trisha said enthusiastically. “We are her candidates after all.” Megan fixed his glasses. “Still though, this phone is strange... did something happen to the LCD?” “LCD?” Twilight asked. “Liquid Crystal Display. It’s what several screens are made out of for our cell phones, as well as our television and computer screens...” “I think I read about something like that in the Book of Humans...” Twilight said. “Huh... that’s weird... I didn’t think this world would know anything about that.” Megan narrowed his eyes, unable to believe Twilight. She then used her magic to show him the Book of Humans, opening it to show the page she was referencing. It only took a simple glance at a page for him to turn his head away in frustration, “......Tch... can’t read this...” “Oh, I thought you were a genius.” Twilight made a light remark, but continued. “But well... we don’t. It’s just, this book is something Princess Celestia got rather recently and passed it off to me, so I’ve been studying it for a while now. But I feel like that book will help me understand human nature a bit more. I know all humans aren’t bad. You guys just have your share of bad apples, that’s all.” “Twilight really does believe in us. I’m happy knowing that, even after what happened today.” Trisha then looks through the other set of overalls left behind by Reyner, finding more Equine Crystals. “Once again, thank goodness we took them down before they could use these...”         She then finds another flip phone with the same white screen. The phone itself is colored red and black, just like Steiner’s phone.         “I think those might be Equine Crystals...” Hover Clear chimed in.         “The LCD screens?” Megan asked, looking at the strange phones.         “Yes. I believe we might have used the crystals as a form of communication at one point during the rebellion.” The crystal stallion carried on his explanation. “Remember that treasure box Shining Armor showed ya? Those rings were earrings! We placed them on our ears and used them to communicate with our friends who had them.”         “Huh... if what you say is true, then...” Megan trailed off, then asked Trisha for one of the phones. “Umm... sure.” Trisha agreed, handing the phone to him. Afterwards, she widened her eyes to notice him walking outside. “Megan?” “Put the phone against your ear, and wait.” Megan asked, pointing at Trisha before stepping through the door. ............. “Trisha, can you hear me...?” “Ah!” Trisha widened her eyes the moment she heard Megan’s voice on the other end. “Megan!” “I knew it... I had a hunch these guys actually replaced their LCD’s with Equine Crystals... Princess Cadance said they could be used for dowsing, but it’s really beneficial for us if they can be used as a form of communication as well.” Megan said on the other line. However, it didn’t sound like he was on a phone at all. Instead, he sounded as if he were speaking mentally, giving an extremely clear sound without any static or feedback. Megan then walks back inside the cabin, closing the flip phone, and says, “I think we’ve discovered ancient form of communication.”         Trisha would then continue to search the second set of overalls, finding another wallet, along with five extra shotgun shells. Trisha sighed to herself as she held onto the shells. She then looks at the blue wallet with the silver, curved metal edges. “Another King’s Foundation wallet?” Opening the wallet, she finds an ID card with the name, ‘Reyner Graham’. Along with it, is another picture of him, Steiner, and the same people. The only thing that’s missing this time is the blonde haired man that looked similar to Chris... “Hmm... he’s not in the picture? Maybe he’s not with the group after all...” Megan speculated. “What makes you say that?” Twilight asked. “Well, that man wasn’t wearing the same suit as everyone else in this picture...” “But neither is that pregnant woman, and she’s still here making a strange symbol with her fingers.” Shining Armor said. “That’s a peace sign...” Trisha nervously corrected. “Wait, LOOK!!” Twilight’s eyes widened the moment they laid their sight on... a curved strand in the corner of the photo. The strange strand that appears to be a tail, is colored dark green with a streak of  dark gray... “That’s... a pony’s tail, right?” “It can’t be!” Megan looked closely, then scowled at the sight. “There’s no way...!” “But... it might be possible. After everything that’s happened so far, I don’t want to risk disbelieving anything strange. And besides, if this is really the tail of a pony. Then it may have had a way to enter our world! It’s a huge breakthrough!” Trisha and Megan gained a newfound hope, despite this picture raising more questions. “So there really is a way to get home... but that would mean finding out if that’s really a pony, and if that IS one, we have to find out how it came to our world. We still have a lot to investigate, and we have to tell the others.” Megan suggested. “Yeah... we do...” Trisha agreed, but looked solemn. “He’ll be fine.” Twilight suddenly said, giving Trisha a smile. “What do you mean?” “Princess Celestia... there’s a meaning behind everything she says. Even if it was harsh this time, there’s still a meaning behind what she said to Jeremy. He just needs to figure out the meaning. When he does, he’ll come around. I’m sure of it.” Twilight then thought, “But... I get the feeling what she said wasn’t JUST for him to figure out... what’s with this whole “Midnight Lost Child”?” “How can you be so sure? I actually cringed when she broke him down like that...” “Because as her faithful student, I’ve had to figure out the meaning behind everything she’s said to me time and time again, and I’ve always found the answer. So everything will be fine.” Twilight said confidently. “Alright, I’ll trust you.” Trisha nodded.         With that, the group leave the cabin, walking out into the snowy field, taking horse mask with them. Thanks to Twilight’s Fire of Friendship of course, the snow isn’t thick anymore and strands of grass could be seen growing through the field of white. With the orange sky making itself obvious through the now thin clouds, the group head back to the hovercraft. When Hover Clear walks up to the engine to start it up, he’s surprised that it’s even making a sound. “It’s a miracle that this thing even works after all that’s happened!” Shining Armor looked surprised. “Are you kidding? It was just the engine that was frozen, but now that it’s defrosted, It should work properly again!” “Oh good! I’m so worn out, I don’t think I’ll be able to teleport all of us back to the palace until tomorrow!” “I’m guessing it requires a lot of magic to teleport in the first place?” Trisha asked. “Not really. But the more people that I have to take with me, the more magic I’ll need to use. And there’s five of us anyway.” Twilight answer. “I’m with Twily on this one. I’m exhausted from all the fighting!” Shining Armor said. “Well, okay. But are you sure you want to leave the guns behind?” Megan asked. “As tempting as they are... I refuse to become a murderer. I want to help people, not kill.” Trisha said, throwing away the shotgun shells. “And what about you? Why are you taking the phones with you? Couldn’t they track us or something?” “Because I have a plan, and I want to use these as the base to modify our phones. I’ll seek out a pony who can use magic to cut the crystals into the perfect shape.” Megan said.         Setting off for the Crystal Empire, the group take the time to relax and rest from today’s hectic events. Megan, sitting at the back of the hovercraft, is looking back at the cabins and scratches his head. He takes his glasses off and wipes them off again. He looks ahead though to see a blue, blurry, and floating image in front of him. He puts his glasses on again to see it was Shining Armor there. “I’m surprised.” Shining Armor started. “At what?” “Remember when I first saved you and your friends? You looked down on us pretty hard, yet when that human said those things about our kind, you actually stood up for us. Did you have a change of heart or something?” Shining Armor asked. “No, I look down on everyone. It doesn’t matter if you’re human, equine, an ant... I’ll look down on you and think I’m miles above until proven otherwise. But at the same time, I know my limits. I feel that in itself is what makes me superior.” “That explains why you haven’t fought once.” Shining Armor said. “The thing you excel at is fighting. You were professionally trained to fight just about anything. I’m sure you’ve also been trained to survive dungeons and fight dragons. So it doesn’t surprise me one bit. Why are you even talking to me?” Megan coldly asked, folding his arms. “Why do YOU look down on everyone? What if you were killed by those humans, or Sombra, or those Windigos? Everything’s been dangerous so far, and yet you still have that attitude!” “I have... my reasons for looking down on everyone. If I were to humble myself at any moment, I’ll be vulnerable.” Megan averted his eyes. “What do you mean?” “It is none of your concern, Shining Armor. I provide my intellect when necessary, and I know of the dangers, and assist those I trust without fail.” “One of these days, you’ll be blindsided.” “As if.” Megan scoffed. "Just because the teacher made a mistake, doesn't give you the right to call him that!" The principal called himself ‘scolding me’. "I simply told the truth. Is it not okay to tell the truth?" I answered honestly.         I sat in the chair in front of the Principal’s desk. It’s only been six months since I’ve been in this school, and the teachers here are all mediocre at best. In front of me is the principal himself, a middle-aged man wearing an eyepatch, sitting at his desk. Behind him is a large bookshelf filled to the brim with various text books. To my left, there was a large window with the sunlight of lunchtime peering through the curtains. To my right was obviously the exit, which looked very tempting.         But I had to stick around, obviously. I didn’t ask my dad to send me to Cheshire State Westford Academy for nothing. And so I crossed my legs, folded my arms and answered the principal without flinching or wavering one bit. “I can teach that class, and his skill as a teacher is highly questionable. That’s why he deserves the title of ‘primate’.” “YOU BRAT!!!” Mr. Harrison, an average looking man, started to lunge at me. Thankfully the Principal held him back for the sake of his career.         I’m sure you’ve figured out why I’m here in the principal’s office by now...         However, as I sat there, bored out of my mind, I hear a click at the door. Knowing someone was opening the door, I turn my eyes to it, awaiting who the next fool’s gonna be. The moment the door opened, it revealed a dark skinned man, appearing to be the same age as me. Thing is, his hair looks wavy like a clump of seaweed. “Uhh, this is like, the principal’s office, ya?” “Oh, you must be Jeremy! We’ve been expecting you! Angela’s already told me everything. In fact, this is an opportunity for Megan here to redeem himself!” The principal beckoned him to come take a seat next to me. “Who?” Jeremy rose an eyebrow, not knowing that the principal was referring to me. Usually, I’m not bothered by my name unless someone assumes I’m a girl. Other than that, I never really liked my first name much. Personally, I prefer to be called Megiddo. But that wouldn’t go well if I asked my peers to address me as such.         So this one’s named Jeremy? Never seen him before... he seems like one of those... outgoing types. "Okay, so here's what I want. Megan, for your punishment, I want you to work with Jeremy here to create a club within one week." The Principal suddenly made an outrageous statement, acting as if he’s making a suggestion. "Whoa, what!? Dude, I don't even know this guy!" Jeremy complained. Naturally, I would too. "Why should I work with this ingrate?" "It'll give you the chance to build character." Character? Working with ingrates builds character? "My character is superior, sir." "What'd this guy do anyway?" Jeremy asked. "He called his science teacher a primate, saying he could teach the class himself." The Principal answered. "Really? Awesome!" How... is that ‘awesome’? "This isn't a laughing matter!" The principal would scold Jeremy, then continue his orders. "Now I want you two to work together to create a club that will shine, and in turn, understand what your hopes and dreams for the future are. You are dismissed."         And so... I had to work with this hard-headed guy. I didn’t like it one bit. "Soooo, any ideas, man?" Jeremy asked curiously. "You're the one who needs to figure this out, so figure it out. Use your brain." I flatly answered. "I am using my brain, and I have no ideas!" He continued to grate my ears with his complaints. "That just means your brain is inferior to mine." "Then use that superior brain of yours to figure something out!" "You're unworthy." I quickly answered. "GGGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRR! Fine then, be an ass!" Jeremy yelled and then stormed off. The ingrate got angered at my words all the time. But as the days went by, he kept coming to me, pitching ideas, even though I always angered him. “How about... a music club?” Jeremy stupidly suggested as we were walking down the hall. “Don’t you know your limits? We can't play instruments. And there's already a music club.” He really doesn’t know anything. "Light?" "There's a Light Music club too." I felt like I was specifying to this idiot... "Oh, how about the cooking club?" "No." I don’t wish to cook. "Occult?" "Negative." I didn’t like the idea of fooling with magic or supernatural trash. That stuff doesn’t exist. Then came Friday, when he muttered more ideas, until... "Hey, Megan! I GOT IT." He sat at the lunch table in front of me suddenly, with the dumbest grin ever like he won the lottery. "What?" Honestly, I had my hopes up a bit. "An anime blog club! How do you like the sound of that, eh? Eh? Am I right, or am I right?" I was stupid to expect an intelligent answer from him... "Anime blog... club?" That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard him say. "Well, yeah! Like, for blogging and alla that!" Jeremy specified like I didn’t know. But the way it was worded just... ugh. "Hmph." "Well, what's your bright idea, Einstein?" I wish that was my name instead of ‘Megan’. "Just do a simple journalism club and be done with it." I suggested. "Journalism? Wait, I thought there'd be one by now..." Jeremy looked confused. "Don't you ever look around? A lot of people never thought of a journalism club because they thought it was taken. Isn’t that foolish of them?" That shows how paranoid the common public can be. "Whoa, I think I like that idea better! So how'd you think of it?" He asked, ignoring my answer before. "It's called looking around. If you did that, you wouldn't even be bugging me about this." "But the principal wanted us BOTH to figure out a club. In a way, I guess that makes us partners or something!" He finished his can of soda quickly as he said that. "Hahahahah! Partners? What nonsense do you speak of!?" "Well, it's pretty logical to me. Two guys who hate each other are all of a sudden forced to team up to fight ultimate evil for the greater good! Or something like that." Does this guy have eighth-grader syndrome or something? ".... you're insane." The words just slipped out of my mouth. He really did sound insane saying that. Does he think this is some comic book? "And even if you do want to make this club, you realize that you need two more members and an adviser, right?" "Well, you'll be number two, and Alice can be my Number three, so we just need to find an adviser, and BAM! Club formed, man!” He waved around his sandwich nonchalantly. "What!?" I almost spat out my drink. ME? The Number Two? "You're still my partner in this. We don't even have to be partners anymore once the club's official. We're under orders." For once he had a point. "You're giving me a headache..." "Oh bloody hell, take an advil or something!" "Tch. I'll pose as your second club member until it's official, but as soon as it IS official, I'm quitting." "Fine by me, smart ass." Jeremy scoffed.         As we discussed our plan, we happened to be seeing our new school mascot being built at the school’s courtyard. A horse... “The Darkhorse... that’s the mascot Angela wanted the moment her stupid Hopes and Dreams program got approved...” Jeremy griped, as if he didn’t like it. “I didn’t think they’d go through with it... despite how strange it is, it makes sense in portraying a single message... that you can do it. It doesn’t matter who you are.” “What, achieve their dreams?” Jeremy wanted clarification. “Yes, exactly... perhaps it’s her way of giving the entire student body the courage to work hard for their goals.” “I thought that was all about talent. Man, I don’t got any of that... I’m only even trying because of Angela. That’s it.” Jeremy griped. Trying because of Angela... “Fool... you’re the one who brought us together in the first place. That in itself is a talent. If only you would see that...” Megan thought to himself with a grimace before sighing and placing a hand on his forehead.         The group continues their journey back to the crystal Empire, hoping that everyone is okay. With the way today’s events concluded, they all know that their unintended vacation is far from over... Why are there humans who are going so far to serve Nightmare Moon? What are their plans and ideals? Did a pony really come to the human world...?