Turnabout Storm: Bad Ending

by HeatherBlossom

The Conclusion

Turnabout Storm: A Horrid Ending

“With the evidence supplied by the prosecution...” the Judge began sternly

“I...I didn’t do it...” Rainbow Dash’s words of truth were hardly acknowledged as Twilight gave a squeak of agony. The judge delivered his final verdict with forced indifference, “This court finds the defendant, Rainbow Dash...guilty.” he brought down his gavel with no remorse.“We lost...” Twilight’s words were a mere whisper but was audible enough for Trixie to pick up, she scoffed back “Was there ever any doubt?”

Phoenix did not look up, he remained still looking down at the desk before him...I...failed...I failed Rainbow Dash, Twilight, everybody....his trance wasn’t broken until the judge declared that court was adjourned and gave a final pound of his gavel. “Phoenix...let’s go...” he felt Twilight’s hoof gently touch his sleeve, slowly he raised his head and they walked out together but were closely followed by a malevolent blue unicorn.

“Haha! Once again the GREAT and POWERFUL Trixie has proven herself to be the most stupendous pony in all of Equestria! What say you, Twilight Sparkle? What say you, now that-!”

“ENOUGH!” Phoenix turned viciously around making both unicorns flinch, “You are a lot of things Trixie, bitter, nasty, arrogant, deceitful, but I never thought you could stoop so low! Don’t you understand? Twilight is about to lose one of her closest friends! And here you are gloating heartlessly! You’re relentless! Nothing Twilight could have done to humiliate you could ever provoke something like this! You DISGUST me! You’re plain DISGUSTING! You’re-you’re...” he began panting in as his anger faded to agony, lowering his head once more.

“Phoenix...”Twilight stood near tears but shifted her gaze to Trixie, “Just...go Trixie, before you make things worse, as usual...”

Trixie huffed insulted “Fine! The GREAT and POWERFUL Trixie shall depart but we WILL meet again, Sparkle! Count on it!” as she left the lobby in a arrogant trot Phoenix muttered to himself “Plain disgusting...” but looked to Twilight in shame “Twilight...I’m so sorry, I tried but...I just...”he trailed off unable to find the words. “Its...its okay Phoenix, I mean it’s not okay bu-but...”,tears finally fell from her eyes as she spoke in a broken voice “...I don’t blame you, but...its like you said...I’m about to lose one of my best friends, and now...there’s nothing I can do about it!” her breaths turned to quiet sobs as hoof beats approached them. Phoenix looked to see if Trixie had returned to torment her victims once more but was instead met with the tear stained face of Fluttershy “Oh...Mr. Phoenix...don’t tell me she’s...!” he shook his head sorrowfully as tears raced down her cheeks “Oh no! This is! This is...! All my fault!”

“No! Fluttershy, don’t say that! You did what you could, we all did...” Phoenix words were lost over the sobbing as Rainbow dash approached escorted by two guards, behind trailed Apple Jack and Rarity, all three mares wearing expressions of grief. “Guys...”, was all Rainbow uttered as she slowly bowed her head, her friends went to her and all embraced her, the guards allowed the sentiment, as they released her and she spoke again “Their letting me have one last meal with loved ones, I want you all to be there okay?”

“Of course, darling! Of course! we wouldn’t miss it for the world!” Rarity comforted her immediately, wiping up her mascara that was beginning to drip.

“I’ll bring the food! Nothin’ but the best apple fritters and pies fer’ one of my best friends!” Applejack added her eyes with tears to the brim but her face carried a strong smile

“Thanks guys, thanks a bunch...and Phoenix...I want you there too” she said looking to him with a weak grin

“Really? Rainbow Dash, you don’t have to do that....” Phoenix felt a pain in his chest as he spoke, some how I think I would feel better if you yelled at me...would serve me right for what a lousy job I've done as her lawyer...

“Hey! Don’t flake on my now! I know you did your best...and I’m glad you were my lawyer despite how it came out...” as she said these Phoenix saw the one thing he never thought he would see, as Rainbow Dash looked about her friends grimly, a small tear escaped her eye...

Of course I attended the meal, even though I was sure it would only bring deeper regret...and I found myself surprised, instead of hushed words of good byes and sobs all night, the evening was filled with laughter and warmth as they relived old memories some even pertaining to the case...they did everything they could to make this night one they would all remember, Rainbow Dash even made up with Fluttershy and made her promise not to blame herself for how it went down...I found I wasn’t the odd one out, they included my in every event Pinkie Pie had planned for Rainbow's farewell, they even told me stories of the fun they had, all their adventures, even explained the whole “Elements of Harmony” thing to me...in the end we had to say good-bye when Rainbow Dash was taken away...to be banished to the sun...they had told me before that another one of their Princesses, a Princess Luna who's portrait hung in the court lobby, had been banished to the moon and had lived to return and even be reformed to good again...after one thousand years of course... I didn’t say anything then because I didn't want to crush any of the hopes that Twilight and her friends may have harbored...but I doubt Rainbow Dash would last that long...and I also doubt the Sun is as hospitable as the moon may be...Twilight did send me home, back to my office to the exact hour I was taken at the very beginning of it all...like nothing had happened...I haven’t spoken of that trial until today and since then I had always wondered...what could I have done to turn it all around? What mistakes could I have prevented? What has become of Rainbow Dash? And the others who still reside in Ponyville? And above all...who killed Ace Swift?