Apple Scratch : Onward to the Equestria Games!

by Mariacheat-Brony

Invitation to the Manehattenite Household

The first gold medal of the Games had been given to Ditzy by Princess Luna. It was tradition for the Moon Princess to give the medals in every flying competition. Ditzy had never been seen so proud when the dark blue ribbon holding the medal was passed around her neck. She took a flying tour of the Coliseum along with Soarin and the Stalliongradi who had won the bronze medal. She was so happy that, once again, Cloud Kicker had to catch her with a cloud to make her stop flying.

After Pinkie Pie announced the end of this day's trials, the teams returned to their respective locker room while the spectators slowly exited the Coliseum. After bidding a good evening to the princesses and her friends, Octavia went to Ponyville team's locker room exit to see Vinyl. Rarity had followed her to see Applejack and Twilight decided to tag along, she wanted to congratulate Applejack and Vinyl for their good performances on the Games' first day. The trio arrived to their locker room and saw the Ponyville Team leaving. Rarity rushed toward Applejack. Vinyl wasn't with them.

"Where's Vinyl?" Octavia asked Cloud Kicker. Applejack being busy making out with Rarity who had proposed a kiss to reward her for beating Spitfire and Rainbow Dash.

"She's in the shower." Cloud Kicker explained. "She only takes one when no one's fifteen feet near the shower stall." She added with an expression that said You probably know why. "Although, surely for you, she'll make an exception." She whispered to the cellist, who nodded slowly, before turning toward the others. "Why don't we go at Bon-Bon's to celebrate Ditzy's medal. Yes, Zecora. No alcohol allowed." She added quickly toward her coach who just chuckled before leaving.

All her teammates shouted their agreement with Cloud Kicker's idea. Even if Applejack's shout was a lot more muffled than the others, as she was still lips locked with Rarity. Twilight accepted Cloud Kicker's invitation to join them, not without a small growing blush. Octavia said that she would just wait for Vinyl before joining them. After a few minutes, Vinyl got out of the room, wearing her track suit and still drying her hair with a towel.

"Hey there, my little cellist." Vinyl cooed, before pecking Octavia.

"Hello, my little sprinter." Octavia giggled. "You did great!"

"Mah! I didn't win." Vinyl shrugged.

"You were on par with Spitfire and Rainbow Dash, two of the fastest runners in the country." Octavia gently said. "That's something worthy of a reward. Beside, you can always beat them in the finals." She added before gently kissing Vinyl on both cheeks which started becoming lightly pink.

"I guess I can do that." Vinyl whispered before leaning in for a quick kiss.

"Ahem." Coughed a strict feminine voice. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything."

Octavia groaned internally when she heard that voice. That was the voice of her mother. She and Vinyl turned their heads toward where the voice came from. Vinyl's eyes widened when she saw Octavia's mother. The resemblance was striking.

"Octavia, you didn't tell me you had an older sister." Vinyl chuckled playfully, Octavia simply rolled her eyes.

"Vinyl, meet my mother, Sonata Philharmonica." Octavia said in a very polite tone. "Mother, this is Vinyl Almata Apple Scratch."

"Pleased to meet you, Lady Philharmonica." Vinyl said in a very formal voice.

"Countess." Sonata replied.

"Pardon?" Vinyl blinked in confusion.

"Lady Philharmonica is my daughter's title." Sonata explained matter-of-factly. "Mine's Countess Philharmonica."

"Oh! Did not know that." Vinyl shrugged, before starting to dry her hair again.

"Is there something we can do for you, Mother?" Octavia asked in a neutral tone.

"Well, I'm here to invite Ms Apple for dinner." Sonata explained casually.

"Oh! A dinner. Nice, when?" Vinyl asked.

"Tonight at Eight PM." Sonata answered. "Is that possible for you?"

"Hmmmm! Normally, I don't have to compete in tomorrow's trials." Vinyl pondered. "So, I guess that I can make it."

"But Vinyl, your teammates are at Bon-Bon's to celebrate Ditzy's medal." Octavia remarked.

"Oh! That complicates things." Vinyl bit her lips.

"I don't see why." Sonata said casually. "It's not everyday that you're invited in the house of the High Count of Manehatten. It's considered a great honor."

"No offense Countess, but between meeting a High Count I've never seen before and celebrating a friend's success, the choice is easy to make." Vinyl said in seriousness.

"Fantastic, we'll see you tonight then." Sonata nodded. "Octavia will explain to you where we're staying." She added before walking away, leaving a sighing cellist and a bewildered athlete in a red tracksuit.

"What just happened?" Vinyl asked, tilting her head in confusion.

"You weren't clear enough for Mother." Octavia sighed. "If you're not precise with her, she'd take every word you'd say to her advantages."

"So, what happens now?"

"Well, you're expected for dinner at my father's table." Octavia answered matter-of-factly.

"I thought it was the High Count of Manehatten who had invited me." Vinyl blinked in confusion.

"And who do you think my father is?" Octavia asked with a crooked eyebrow.

Vinyl stared at the empty space around her for a few seconds. "I feel dumb for not having realized it before." Vinyl declared to one in particular. "So, I suppose you want me to go." She said, turning toward Octavia.

"In all honesty, not really." Octavia shook her head. "I know why my parents, especially Mother, want to meet you so much, and I think you don't need that for the moment."

"What do you mean by that?" Vinyl asked curiously.

Octavia explained the reasons of her parents insistence on meeting Vinyl in details. If the concerned party was annoyed by the fact that Octavia's parents only wanted to settle things down with the incident with Cornelio, she wasn't showing it. She kept listening with calm to everything Octavia was saying, waiting to be sure she was finished.

"Well, I guess I have to go now." Vinyl shrugged when Octavia ended her explanations.

"You don't have to if you don't want to." Octavia said quickly.

"It's ok, Octavia. That's something that needs to be done." Vinyl explained softly. "The sooner it's done, the sooner we can let that story behind us."

"If you're certain then. But what about the others? They're probably waiting for you." Octavia asked with concern.

"I'll explain everything to them. They should understand." Vinyl said hopefully. "Anyway, I'd better be going. I have to explain myself to the others, coming back and forth to Sweet Apple Acres to get changed and be there on time. Meet you back at your hotel?"

"All right, see you in a bit." Octavia said, pecking Vinyl's lips.

"I'll be there as fast as I can." Vinyl winked.

Fortunately, Applejack and the other members of Ponyville's team didn't mind that Vinyl skipped their celebration. While she didn't like to leave her friends and her sister like that, Vinyl was grateful they had accepted her reason. After a quick journey to Sweet Apple Acres, she had tried to get in the bathroom to get ready. Something that was harder than expected.

"Come on, Big Mac!" Vinyl yelled as she knocked vigorously the bathroom's door. "I need the bathroom, come out!"

"Ah'm busy!" Her brother yelled back angrily. "An' with ya staying out there yellin', Ah'll probably be for a while!"

"I don't have time for this! I'm gonna be late for my dinner with Octavia's family!" Vinyl shouted. "Let me in!"

"Why don' ya use the gym's bathroom?"

"Because my stuff are inside THIS bathroom's cupboard." Vinyl explained. "Come on, you're not showering, or using the toilet! Why can't I get in?"

"Because Ah'm doin' somethin"!"

"Are you decent?"

"Huuh, yes! Why?"

"Because I'm going in!" Vinyl shouted with determination, as she magically unlocked the door. "FOR CRYING OUT LOUD, BIG MAC!" Vinyl bellowed in anger as she entered the bathroom.

"What?" Big Mac said, starting in surprise.

"We've told you already to not use our stuff to wax your chest! Use your own wax, damn it!"

"But yours is less painful to use!" Big Mac sheepishly said.

"I don't care! Man up and suffer in silence or buy some for you instead of using our pot!" Vinyl shouted. "Ow! Gross! It's full of your hair now!" She added with disgust, as she looked at the state of her and Applejack's pot of depilatory wax. "Grraaaah! Get out!"

"Vinyl, come on, let me finish now!"

"I SAID, GET OUT!" Vinyl shouted, before literally kicking her big brother out of the bathroom and and locking the door. Leaving Big Mac in the corridor, shirtless, with a half of his torso shining because of the wax.

"Ya know, ya could give me the pot since ya ain't gonna use it!" Big Mac huffed. The door opened to let a wax pot fly directly at Big Macintosh, who ended up with wax all over his face. "Thank ya kindly!" He added grimly before picking up the pot.

"You're welcome!" Vinyl shouted from the now closed bathroom door.

Vinyl had managed to get dressed and dolled up a little. She had opted for a her classical dark pants with a white blouse and matching jacket instead of a dress, none of the ones she had were the kind of dress you'd wear at a Noble's table. A tad too rustic, Rarity would have said. She joined Octavia in front of her Hotel. Her lover was wearing a beautiful dark grey evening dress. They walked toward the small estate Octavia's family had rented to assist the Games, Octavia gently holding Vinyl's arm.

"Good evening, My Lady." A middle aged butler said with a little bow, after holding the door open for Octavia and Vinyl. "Your parents and their guests were waiting for you."

"Thank you, Sebastian..." Octavia said softly. "Hang on, what guests?" She added with surprise.

"Well, your uncle and his wife are here and some of your friends from the Orchestra are here as well." Sebastian said slowly. "Didn't the Countess tell you?"

"No, she didn't." Octavia sighed. "Thank you, anyway." she added softly to the butler before leading Vinyl inside the house.

"Wasn't that supposed to be a simple dinner with your parents?" Vinyl asked uneasily.

"It was supposed to." Octavia nodded. "Looks like Mother decided otherwise." She added as they entered in the living room,

"Octavia, my dear! It's been so long!" A blue haired noble man with a small mustache said happily when he noticed the couple entering.

"Uncle! It's so good to see you." Octavia beamed at her Uncle. "Vinyl, this is my uncle, Fancy Pants. Uncle, meet Vinyl Apple."

"Nice to meet you." Vinyl said politely, shaking hands with Octavia's uncle.

"Nice to meet you as well, Dear." Fancy Pants nodded. "I saw your qualifications trials. Quite a remarkable performance."

"Thank you." Vinyl smiled.

"Uncle, where is Mother?" Octavia asked softly. "I'd like to have a word with her."

"She's over there, with Fleur and your friends from the Orchestra." Fancy Pants said, tilting his head toward a corner of the room.

"Thank you. Vinyl, I'll be right back." Octavia said calmly, before walking toward the small group in the corner of the room.

" Ok, see you in a bit." Vinyl casually said, trying hard to not watching her leave with too much insistence. "So, you're Octavia's Uncle."

"Indeed I am." Fancy replied slowly. "Care for some Apple Cider?"

"I always care for some Apple Cider." Vinyl nodded happily. "One of the best beverage ever!"

"I completely understand your point of view." Fancy chuckled. "One of my favorite drinks as well, I can't start my day without a glass of cider. That and a slice of bacon."

Vinyl blinked a couple of times before smiling. "I think you and I are going to get along quite nicely, Mr Fancy Pants!"

"Octavia, you're finally there." A woman with short brown hair, wearing a cyan dress.

"Good evening Brass, Frederic, Aunt Fleur, Mother." Octavia said slowly.

"Good evening to you as well, my dear." Sonata said softly.

"Mother, could I...." Octavia started.

"Say, Octavia. " Brass said eagerly. "Is that your girlfriend?" She asked quickly, pointing at Vinyl with a barely concealed excitement.

"Heu, yes Brass. That's her." Octavia said, taken a bit by surprise by her friend's enthusiasm.

"She seems to have bond rather quickly with your uncle." Fleur noted with a chuckle as Vinyl and Fancy were clinking their glass together. "If you excuse me, I'm going to bid her welcome."

"I guess we should do that as well." Frederic nodded. Following Fleur toward the two blue haired persons with Brass.

After shorts introductions and a small conversation, the group decided to follow Sebastian, the butler, in an other room, leaving Octavia alone with her mother.

"What is the meaning of this, Mother?" Octavia asked vigorously, when no one was within earshot.

"What do you mean, Dear?" Sonata tilted her head in confusion.

"You know what I mean!" Octavia snapped. "Why did you invite Uncle and my friends? I thought Father and you would want to meet her alone."

"Well, your Uncle has a rare gift to judge people!" Sonata said matter-of-factly. "And I value his opinion a lot. And I'm sure it can help in your friend's problem with Cornelio."

"Ok, fine! Let's say I can understand why Uncle's here." Octavia conceded furiously. "It's still doesn't answer my question about why Beauty Brass and Frederic are here. And I'll have you know that Vinyl's my LOVER, not just a friend!" Octavia insisted in an angry tone.

"That's not a way to talk to your mother, Young Lady!" Chastised a deep manly voice.

Octavia snapped her head toward the voice and saw her father, Vito Philharmonico. Her father was a six foot tall man in his early fifty, with short black grizzled hair. He had a strong stature for someone his age. Octavia backed away a little when she saw the angry frown on his face.

"I'm sorry for that, Father." Octavia said slowly.

"It's ok, my dear!" Vito said as his expression softened.

"As for your friends' presence, " Sonata explained. "I hope that they could give her a good idea of what your usual company looks like. You know so that this Vinyl Apple can realize she's not at her place here."

"WHAT?!" Octavia and Vito nearly shouted simultaneously.

"Where did that non-sense come from, Sonata?" Vito asked, extremely bewildered. "I had agreed for your brother to come and help us with Ms Apple's situation with Cornelio. But what's this story about making her realizing her place?" He asked with anger.

"It's pretty obvious what it is!" Octavia snapped with teary eyes. "And don't play the innocent, Father. Nothing happens in this house without you knowing it." She added with a shaking voice. "You both don't want to give her a chance."

"Octavia, I only want what's best for you." Sonata said in a motherly tone. "And I simply think that this Ms Apple isn't fit for..."

"I don't care about what you think, Mother." Octavia snapped, her disgust pretty clear as she spat the last word. "You don't even have the slightest idea of what's best for me. You don't get that I love her!"

"Octavia, that's enough!" Sonata said coldly. "Listen to me...

"No! I'll not listen to an old hag like y...."


"You'll not speak to me like that, child!" Sonata snapped.

Octavia drew her hand to her, now bright red, left cheek slowly. Her cheek wasn't red because of anger, nor embarrassment. Octavia's eyes trembled as she looked at her mother. Realizing slowly what have just happened, her mother had slapped her! Her father stood behind his wife, his mouth agape from what his wife had just done. Sonata showed no sign of remorse. She just stood there with an angered frown on her face.

It was too much for Octavia, she just walked away from her parents, trying to hold back her tears. She opened the door to the corridor in which she collided into someone. She looked up and saw it was Vinyl.

"Hey, Octavia! Just to tell you that.....Octavia, are you ok?" Vinyl said with concern when she saw the tears in her lover's eyes, before she snuggled her head in Vinyl's chest and started crying. "Octavia, what happened?" She said as she pulled Octavia's face up.

Vinyl's eyes widened when she caught a small glimpse of the coloration of Octavia's cheek, before her lover tried to bury her face in her chest again. Vinyl started to hug her gently and slowly pat Octavia's head while gently rocking her lover.

"It's ok. I'm here." Vinyl cooed gently. "Fleur, Brass, can you take her outside for a bit?" Vinyl asked slowly to Octavia's aunt and friend who both nodded immediately. Octavia's grip on Vinyl tightened. "Octavia, honey, it's just for a matter of minutes. I'll join you outside quickly. I promise." Vinyl whispered before pecking her lover's forehead.

It took some effort but Fleur and Brass managed to pull Octavia outside the house. As soon as Octavia was out, Vinyl slowly make her way toward Sonata who eyed her with anger and disgust, her husband, her brother and Frederic only watched the two women in silence.

"What do you want?" Sonata snarled. "Don't you think you've done enough already?"

"Pray tell, what did I do?" Vinyl said in a cold calm tone.

"You attacked my son, you've turned my daughter against him and me."

"You might want to change the subject of those two phrases." Vinyl deadpanned her. "Anyway, you know what I should be doing right now?"

"Leaving and never coming back? And giving me my daughter back?" Sonata retorted angrily.

"Well don't worry, I'm going to do the first two." Vinyl nodded, her voice as cold as ice. "But, after what I just saw, there's no way in Tartarus that I'll ever even consider the third! But, that's not what I meant."

"And what did you mean?" Sonata asked slowly.

"I should probably punch you for having raised your hand on Octavia!" Vinyl said with her gaze as cold as her voice. "But, I'm not gonna do it. I won't give you this satisfaction!" She added slowly. "It would be to much attention for the lousy excuse for a human being that you are."

"How dare you talk to me like that!" Sonata groaned. "Do you have any idea of who I am?"

"You could be the High Princess herself, after what you did, I would still talk to you the way you deserve to be talked to." Vinyl said slowly. "But let me tell you something, right now! You give me one reason, one tiny reason, to even think you've hurt Octavia again, I won't stop myself from hurting you back." She said in a low threatening tone, before turning heels and walking toward the corridor.

"You dare threaten me, the Countess of Manehatten? In front of my husband and my brother?" Sonata shouted.

"They sure do look eager to defend your honor." Vinyl said sarcastically, without turning back or stopping. "Beside, I'm an Apple." Vinyl added slowly. "Apples do not make threats. They only make promises!"

Vinyl left the house and saw Octavia, still sobbing in her aunt's arms with Brass slowly patting her back, a few meters away for the front door. She slowly made her way toward her lover who looked up at the sound of her footsteps. When she saw Vinyl, Octavia rushed to hug her lover who held her tight. Vinyl's gaze went to the two other women.

"Thank you," She said slowly. "I'll take her back to her hotel."

"Don't thank me, I'll do anything for my niece." Fleur said firmly. "I can fetch my carriage if you want."

"That won't be necessary." Vinyl assured, before gently picking up Octavia who curled in her lover's grip. "I can carry her easily. It was a pleasure meeting both of you, your husband and Frederic. Good night!" She said before slowly walking toward the town hotel.

"It was pleasure meeting you as well, Vinyl!" Beauty Brass said as Vinyl walked away. "Too bad, it was in those circumstances." She added with a sigh. "I'll grab Frederic and leave."

"It's for the best, I doubt that you want to be there when Vito and Fancy will get out of their stun." Fleur nodded.

It didn't take too much time for Vinyl to make the way back to the hotel. She walked in through the back door, in case of some reporters being stationed in front of the building, since few members of the Council of Harmony were staying in here. After locking the door after them, Vinyl put Octavia under the bed's covers.

"Please, can you stay with me tonight?" Octavia pled with a shaken voice, grabbing Vinyl's arm when she withdrew it from the bed.

"I had no intention of leaving, Octavia." Vinyl said softly with a nod.

Vinyl took her jacket and shoes off before joining Octavia in the bed. Octavia quickly came close to her to hug her lover deeply. While Octavia was slowly calming herself to sleep in Vinyl's embrace, the anger in the blue haired woman toward Octavia's mother was slowly decreasing. Not assaulting Sonata had been against all what her instincts were telling her to do, but Vinyl didn't care. Octavia needed a supporting and caring lover, not an angry, hotblooded and violent girlfriend. And Vinyl was the first one to care about her lover's needs.

"Vinyl.." Octavia whispered in a sleepy voice.

"Yes, Octavia?"

"Thank you for staying with me!" Octavia whispered with a repressed yawn, before closing her eyes.

"Anything for you, Octavia." Vinyl assured, gently kissing her lover's forehead. "Anything."