//------------------------------// // Chapter 14 (Hearths Warming and a hoof to the face) // Story: The First Year // by TwilightsmyMare //------------------------------// Winter in Ponyville was a time of rest and fun, a time to gather together with friends and family. On the cold days and nights time to cuddle by the fire and enjoy a cup of hot chocolate. Trixie still came around occasionally for some study time and so she and Twilight could discuss magic in general. We spent plenty of time with our friends and Scootaloo too of course. There was still some work to do, snow and ice to be cleared and I still needed to check on the border and keep the Ward stones charged. Twilight and Scootaloo came with me several times enjoying the snow covered fields and trees. And Lyra... Silly, excited Lyra. Her boundless enthusiasm and inquisitiveness about everything human couldn't be contained. She tried to give us our space but whenever I would see her out and about or even 'accidentally' bumping into her as she happened to be walking by the house she always had more questions. She was never too pushy about it though and didn't take it personally when I didn't have the time or if my patience had run out for the day. Still as the weeks passed we became fast friends, I got to know more about her (ironically she was quite shy talking about herself) and she got to know a lot about me and human civilisation. Twilight often hung out with us too, partially to glean more knowledge about humankind and maybe also to keep an eye on Lyra. I told them everything I could think of or at least remember from ancient history (probably got a lot of details wrong I was never too good at social studies), literature, music and just general human nature as ugly as it could be, Crusades, witch trials, wars... I tried to find plenty of examples of good too but honestly the bad things are usually the ones that get stuck in your mind... Some things I withheld completely, from Lyra at least. Progress is great but a lot of human inventions were dangerous. Not just the weapons, but nuclear power, toxic by-products of many industries, I didn't know the specifics on any of those things but I knew Equestria didn't need them. Heck most of those advances might even be possible to achieve using magic for a completely 'green' as it were alternative. Hmm I would have to look into that more... The week of Hearths warming came quickly and Twilight, Scootaloo and I were waiting at the train station for Armor, Cadence and the twin’s arrival. The train pulled up and they disembarked Shimmer and Prism breaking away and galloping excitedly up to us. I scooped the two of them up hugging them tightly before placing Prism on Twilights back where he snuggled up to her hiding behind her mane and peering out at the new sights. Shimmer sat contently in my arms also peering out and squealing excitedly when her Mother and Father came walking up. Twilight hugged her brother and she and Cadence did their cute dance together oblivious to anyone watching. "Sunshine, sunshine. Ladybugs awake! Chap your hooves and do a little shake!" They both giggled together and Shimmer and Prism laughed as well. "Sumshin!" Prism squealed. "Shine, shine!" Shimmer added not to be outdone. We all smiled at their cuteness, I shook Armor’s hoof firmly and gave Cadence a brief hug. "Good to see you both, thanks so much for trusting us with them." They both smiled to one another. "We're not worried in the slightest bro." Twilight and I gasped as he levitated a large trunk over placing it beside them. "We are however prepared." He grinned. "We brought everything we could think you would need and probably more." Cadence laughed. "I'm sure we'll find need for all of it. Neither of us has much experience with foals, I've read a lot about it of course!" "Of course." They both echoed grinning. Armor levitated their trunk and we led them through town showing off our niece and nephew to anyone passing by as well as pointing out any stores or parts of town we thought they might find interesting. Scootaloo flew around us a bit before settling down on my shoulders glaring down somewhat jealously at Shimmer in my arms. I reached up and gently rubbed her neck. "How’s my filly?" She still looked grumpy but didn't fly away favouring me with a small smile. "Why don't you invite Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom to join us for supper?" "Really?" "You bet Angel." "Okay!" She flew off my shoulders hovering beside me for a second to peck me on the cheek before zooming off. "Hope you don't mind a little extra company?" I asked. "Not at all. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom are just darling little fillies." Cadence smiled warmly. Sorry I gave her permission to do that without asking you first love. She was looking a little jealous and I thought she needed to feel special. Such a softie. She smiled leaning up as I leaned down to kiss softly Armor and Cadence looking on sharing a smile together. We got back home and squeezed the trunk through the door, we had tried to 'foal proof' the library as well as we could moving anything dangerous or breakable up and out of the way or just putting it downstairs in our study behind a locked door. As we were getting everything sorted out Owlicious swooped down from his new stand to my shoulder looking down suspiciously at the two foals who looked up at him with wonder. "Whoo?" "Well Owlicious this is Shimmer and Prism the twin foals of Armor and Cadence..." "Whoo?" "Those ponies right there..." I smacked myself in the forehead. Right that’s all he can say, or rather hoot. Twilight giggled and coaxed Owlicious down beside her in front of the two foals cautioning them. "Gently, be nice." They reached out cautiously with their fore hooves to stroke his feathers lightly pulling them back quickly and smiling to one another. "Owisous!" They both giggled as he soared back up to his perch his curiosity apparently satisfied. Scootaloo arrived with Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle in tow so Twilight and I got busy making dinner, Cadence insisted on helping us while Armor took the foals and Crusaders outside for some snow fun. We barely had dinner prepared when three soaked fillies and two soaked foals came stumbling in followed by a very soaked Shining Armor. I brought some towels over. "Got a little ganged up on did you bro?" I grinned. He dried himself and the foals laughing. "Just a little. But we had a great time." "Yup!" The crusaders echoed as I dried them off tickling them a bit as I did so. "Ahh! No fair Dad! Get em!" Next thing I knew I was flat on my back with three fillies tickling me and two little foals trying to get in on the action. "Ok! Ok you got me!" I laughed trying in vain to defend myself. "Time for supper everyone." Twilight called from the kitchen prompting them to all rush to the table, well Shimmer and Prism got a levitating boost from Armor. Scootaloo hung back giving me one last poke in the ribs letting me grab her in a hug. We had a wonderful dinner then relaxed in the living room as Cadence and Armor unpacked the trunk showing us everything they brought for the twins. Plenty of bottles of milk which we stored in the fridge immediately as well as more diapers then we would ever need. Toys and storybooks as well as crayons and coloring books. They amazed Twilight and I putting the books before the foals and watching our faces as they both lit up their little horns scribbling like mad on the pages all by themselves. "Pfft, I can color inside the lines." Scootaloo scoffed. "Scoot! Their just babies! And sooo cute!" Sweetie Belle cooed along with Apple Bloom. "Whatever..." She grumped but with a smile on her face as the twins abandoned their coloring to chase her, Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom around the house. Twilight and I asked plenty of questions as well wanting to be ready for anything these two foals could throw at us... Fat chance. They needed a change so we watched diligently as Cadence and Armor expertly tag teamed them cleaning them up and changing them in record time. The evening wore on and the time came for Armor and Cadence to get back to the train station. We all accompanied them there making the conductor wait a few minutes as they hugged and kissed their foals. "You both be good for Twily and Rick ok?" "We'll miss you and we love you so much!" They passed them to us and fled to their car teary eyed and waving as they pulled away. The twins watched them go wide eyed then turned to us I could see distress already forming in their big eyes as they burst into tears. "What’s wrong?! You'll see them in a few days!" Scootaloo tried to explain. Twilight and I held them comfortingly. "They don't understand yet honey. There, there... Its ok, you can stay with Auntie and Uncle for awhile right?" "Anty!" "Ugle!" They cried clinging to us making us feel terrible for separating them from their parents. After a few minutes they calmed down a bit either from general acceptance or maybe they understood somehow that Twilight and I loved them and would take care of them no matter what. Calmed down for the moment we walked Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom home before heading back ourselves. We tucked in Scootaloo and warmed a couple of bottles to help the foals sleep. We didn't have a crib nor had we thought to ask Armor and Cadence to bring one, undeterred we cleaned them both up and burped them making sure they didn't need another change then carried them up to bed. We both lay on opposite sides of the bed with Shimmer and Prism between us, they yawned sleepily nestling down together secure together and between us. I pulled the covers over the four of us and looked over at Twi to find her watching me tenderly. I'm sorry. What? You'd make such a good father and I... We can't... Twi... I reached over caressing her face wiping her few tears away. Angel will keep us busy for a long time yet. Seeing you with them just makes me... We'll be ok, I love you and that’s all I'll ever need. I love you. We pressed together carefully kissing softly then drifted off warm and content. I awoke to a strange sound, like a low keening moan and the feeling of small hooves flailing against me. I pulled back the covers to find Shimmer thrashing about in her sleep tears streaming out from her eyes, glancing over I could see her brother awake watching her carefully pressed up against Twilight hiding behind one of her fore hooves. He didn't look scared more like he had seen it before and knew to stay out of her way. I gathered her up against me carefully containing her struggles, I gently stroked her mane whispering and murmuring to her. "Its ok Shimmer, shh, shh. It’s all ok..." After a minute or two her eyes opened and she stared up at me wide eyed. I just smiled at her wiping her tears away and kissing her softly on the forehead while gently rubbing her back, as soon as he saw his sister was ok Prism quickly dropped back off to sleep still cuddled against Twilight. Her little head started to droop again as well while she snuggled against me; I looked over in the moonlight and found Twilight watching us. Just a bad dream. I love watching you with them. I smiled pulling covers back up and reaching over to gently caress Twilights neck as we drifted back off. I woke up the next morning to the feeling of small hooves pushing on my chest quickly followed by the sensation of falling as I toppled off the edge of the bed onto the floor. "Oof..." Prism and Shimmers heads appeared over the beds edge tilting their heads quizzically as if asking how I got down there? Twilight quickly peered over the edge as well. "Are you ok?" "No problem." I groaned as the twins hopped off the bed onto me bouncing up and down excitedly. "Ooh... Looks like its time for our first changing lesson love." I said sniffing slightly. "Okay! Let’s just see now..." I gathered up the foals and we headed downstairs Twilight levitating a list in front of her. "Step one, flat clean surface..." I set them up on the table keeping the squirmy bundles of energy from getting away. "Check." "Step two, dirty diaper removal..." We both removed a diaper and placed them aside. "Check." "Step three, cleaning and powdering." Again we both cleaned them up sprinkling talcum powder on them. "Check." "Last step, new diaper!" I chuckled smiling at her and passing her a diaper. "What?" "Nothing Twi, I just love how cute you are when organizing." We fastened the clean diapers setting the foals back on their hooves. "Check. Now for some breakfast." "Check." She smiled back as we kissed. "Mom, Dad! You’re going to give them nightmares!" Scootaloo groaned coming out of her room. We both laughed and got some breakfast started, some fruit and vegetable mash for the twins, some cereal for Angel and some oatmeal for Twi and me. Afterwards the twins were both raring to get down and go galloping and playing. So we let them down and they and Scootaloo immediately began a game of chase, they had no chance of catching her even without her using her wings but she let them catch up plenty of times only to take off again. We let them play keeping an eye out of course while we cleaned up. "So what shall we do today? Any plans with the Crusaders Angel?" "Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom want to come and play with the twins some more... Maybe Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon would like to meet them too." "Alright honey why don't you go and get them and we'll all meet at the park?" "Okay! See ya soon you little trouble makers." She said as she ruffled their manes then flew off as they watched. Twilight kept them entertained while I checked the temperature outside, not too cold yet only minus five probably should have thought about that before we sent Scootaloo out. I gathered up some drinks, snacks and milk then we made sure the twins were bundled up warmly before we headed out. We let them gallop a short ways ahead of us but as soon as they encountered another pony they would retreat to us hiding shyly behind our legs as we greeted whomever it was then they galloped ahead full of boundless energy again. We had somehow acquired Pinkie Pie along the way and while the twins were wary of her at first, her funny faces and willingness to do anything to make them giggle quickly won them over. They rode on her back squealing with delight as she bounced along happily. Arriving at the park we were surprised to find not only all the Crusaders but also Applejack, Rarity, Big Mac, Inkie Pie as well as Fluttershy, Trixie and Dash waiting for us. Scootaloo bushed slightly looking a little sheepish. "I... Ran into a few other ponies on my way?" She smiled innocently. We laughed joining them. "That’s ok Angel but we definitely didn't bring enough snacks." Big Mac grinned and stepped aside revealing a large basket of his own. "Gotcha covered, Eeyup." Everyone wanted to see the foals of course, Inkie Pie was especially enthralled by them shooting Big Mac a few meaningful glances causing him to blush slightly and rush off to help the Crusaders with the snow fort they were building. It got a bit warmer even as the day passed and we were sure to dry off the fillies and foals when they got too wet while we enjoyed one another’s company, making some snow ponies and making two large snow forts. We had attracted quite a few other ponies as well and by midafternoon we elected two ponies to take turns choosing teams for a massive snowball fort battle. It was the Crusaders idea so it was only fair two of them got to be team leaders, after a bit of discussion they decided it would be Sweetie Belle and Silver Spoon, their first choices were obvious. Diamond Tiara for Spoony and poor Sweetie Belle couldn't decide so she flipped a bit and chose Apple Bloom for her first pick. Silver Spoon picked Big Mac next going for the muscle and Apple Bloom grabbed Scootaloo. I was surprised when Silver Spoon grabbed me next and Sweetie grabbed Twi, as much as I hated to be on opposite sides it was all in fun. They picked back and forth both sides ending up with twenty ponies each. I thought our chances were slim at best going up against Twi as well as Dash, Pinkie and even Inkie. Rarity was with us and even though she disliked the mess it was going to cause her competitive spirit was up to the task. We had Applejack too and I knew she and Dash were going to make this as competitive as possible. I got busy making snowballs and setting them aside while they planned a strategy of sorts; throw snowballs until both forts were destroyed! But theirs first. On your mark! Get Set! Go! Snowballs began flying fast and furious from all directions, Pegasus dropping them from above and Unicorns launching them from every direction. Don't discount the Earth ponies though they fought bravely their endurance letting them just keep throwing and throwing. A group of spectators cheered from the sidelines, anyone who didn't want to participate as well as those who were too old and young, Shimmer and Prism among them we didn't want them to get hurt at all. Fluttershy was watching them and she had an amazing way with fillies, colts and foals not to mention animals of course. After an hour everyone was getting tired so we massed for an all out charge to finish off their fort, they had a similar idea as well and we all raced out some tacking one another playfully into the snow banks, others galloping by and throwing themselves against the others snow fort. I guess if by the definition of whose fort was destroyed first we won by a bit, Big Mac charged through and not even his wife could stop him from thoroughly smashing their fort. I was soaked and tired I was really just hoping it was going to be over soon, plus there was only one pony I was looking to tackle... I managed to sneak my way through the melee and found Twilight giggling and tossing snowballs all around. I snuck up behind her to surprise her but some sixth sense must have alerted her as I leapt she spun around accepting me with open forelegs. We rolled together in the snow kissing passionately. I've heard of loving your enemy but this might be taking it a bit far don't you think? I teased. Nope! She giggled as we held each other tightly and the combat came to a close, other ponies rushing in to claim their fillies and foals and take them home for a hot bath. We got up and gathered our stuff; I found Scootaloo in the center of where the fracas had been laughing with her friends and soaked to the bone. I scooped her up in my arms to go. "A good battle girls, who do you think came out on top?" "There was supposed to be a winner?!" Sweetie Belle squeaked in surprise as Rarity came to collect her. "Ah recon we were the winners today!" Apple Bloom stated. "No way! I totally soaked almost all of you!" Dash rebutted swooping down shaking herself dry. "Ya sure did Rainbow, but ya'll saw Big Mac take your fort down first." Applejack smirked. "Well... Ya, but only a second before I took yours out!" "You'll get us next time Dash." I interjected as Fluttershy came up with Shimmer and Prism on her back who hopped over to Twilights when they were side by side. Scootaloo looked down at them and stuck out her tongue snuggling in my arms, which I pretended not to notice. "Were they much trouble Fluttershy?" Twilight asked. "Not at all, they both had a bottle and the Cakes were nice enough to let me change them at the store when they went to change Pumpkin and Pound. Their so cute! Aren't they Trixie?" Trixie had stayed out of the conflict as well to lend Fluttershy a hoof if she needed it. "They sure are, and learning to use their powers so fast! But with their parents I'm not surprised." Everyone said their goodbyes and we headed straight home running a warm bath for Scootaloo and the twins, we set them in the tub and retrieved some bath toys Armor and Cadence had been thoughtful enough to pack. For Scootaloo I retrieved a few of her Wonderbolt 'action ponies' for her to play with. Twilight and I gently washed the foals after a bit of playtime then pulled them out drying them and putting new diapers on them. Twilight levitated them onto her back and took them to get some snacks while I cleaned up while Scootaloo still sat in the bath. "Well I guess I better let you get cleaned up." "Dad..." I stopped on my way to the door. "Yes?" "Will you... Wash my mane?" Smiling I kneeled down by the tub grabbing the shampoo. "Of course I will Angel." She smiled shyly letting me soap up and rinse her wild mane several times. "You know you don't have to be jealous of the twins Angel..." "Wha...?! Me? Jealous?!" I chuckled dumping the rinse bucket over her head and kissing her on the nose as she sputtered. "Yes you. We love them and want to spend lots of time with them while their here but your our one of a kind amazing daughter and nothing will ever change that." She blushed slightly stepping out of the tub into my waiting embrace as I towelled her off. "Thanks Dad." "Anytime Angel." I gave her a final squeeze and we headed into the kitchen to help out with supper and entertaining / keeping an eye on the twins. We enjoyed dinner then relaxed by the fire for a bit before heading off to bed, again that night Shimmer had bad dreams but I held her and before too long she awoke had a drink of water and fell back asleep like nothing had happened. It worried me though, I made a note to ask Armor and Cadence about it. The next day we began preparing bright and early for our trip to Canterlot that evening, we planned to stay there for a week after Hearths Warming to visit as well as getting some furniture for our new home. Twilight got a few outfits together for her and Scootaloo (despite how much Angel hated them), some books she had copies of and wanted to have in our new home as well as all the stuff we had for the twins. Throughout this we had to take periodic breaks, Scootaloo would get bored and we needed to play with and entertain the twins too of course. We were getting into midafternoon and were mostly through Twilights ten page checklist; Scootaloo and I were reading and checking it off while she located the items when I decided to have a little fun with her. "The twin’s blankies?" I inquired. "Check!" She responded packing them away. Scootaloo sighed clearly bored. "Three copies of the Equestrians guide to Organisation?" "Check, check and check! I don't know how I keep getting more copies of that!" Scootaloo and I laughed a bit at that, Twilight was very organised but if she saw a book she wasn't sure she had or not and liked the look of it we both knew she would get it. We had reached the end of the checklist but before Scootaloo burst out letting her know I shushed her quietly then cleared my throat. "One last item, a henweigh..." "Che... Wait, what?! What’s a henweigh?!?" She asked looking around franticly. I struggled to contain my giggles. "Oh about a pound or two..." I burst out laughing and Scootaloo giggled a little maybe not quite getting the joke while Twi shot me a scathing look before it softened into a smile as she shook her head. "Oh you." She leaned over and we kissed causing Scootaloo to groan. "Come on Shimmer, Prism! Tag! Your it!" She gently bopped them both on the head and fled. They might not understand tag but they did love to chase their cousin and took off hot on her hooves while Twilight and I watched amused. "Looks like we're all ready, when does the train get here?" I asked. She glanced at the clock on the wall. "Still got an hour and a half. Time for some snacks and make sure the foals are don't need another change." "Sounds like a plan." We joined the chase eventually gathering them all up for a snack then heading out to the train station early, Twilight levitating most of our stuff and carrying Prism on her back while I carried a suitcase and held Shimmer in my other arm. Scootaloo had her saddlebags on and was proudly wearing my medal walking beside us. We got there with plenty of time and arranged ourselves to wait for the train along with a few other families heading to Canterlot for Hearths warming as well among them to our surprise were Lyra and Bon Bon. "Rick! Hi! Oh hi Twilight and you too Scootaloo, and who are these two adorable foals! I thought you said you two couldn't..." She was interrupted as Bon Bon nudged her in the side. "Lyra! Shh, they are awfully cute though." She stated cooing over the twins who hid shyly behind Scootaloo. I chuckled. "Lyra, Bon Bon these are Shining Armor and Princess Cadences foals, Shimmer and Prism. We were just watching them for the weekend and we're on our way to Canterlot to spend Hearths Warming with them and Twilights parents. And you two?" Bon Bon was about to speak up but Lyra excitedly jumped right in. "Oh my parents insisted that we come up and stay with them for Hearths Warming and they haven't met Bon Bon yet." She added in a whisper. "Are you worried they won't like Bon Bon?" Twilight asked. "No!" She noticed Bon Bon's dejected look and lifted her head up kissing her softly. "What my parents want has never affected me too much. Their both hoity toity musicians in Canterlot, they are the ones who forced me in lyre lessons when I was young. Go figure! They got that one right as I loved it and still do. But I won't let them dictate who I fall in love with." "Thanks Lyra..." "Good for you Lyra." I complimented. "Sooo, we should get a car together! Then we can talk more!" Twilight barged between us. "Sorry Lyra, the foals are going to need a nap. So we'll need a quiet car." "Oh, that’s ok. Maybe we'll see you in Canterlot?" "You never know." I answered squeezing Twilight softly. The train pulled up and we all presented out tickets storing our luggage and finding our way to our cabin. Shimmer and Prism were both nodding sleepily as the train started off, they curled up together between Twilight and I and slept while Scootaloo looked out the window. Twilight and I leaned together resting her head on my shoulder over the twins as we traveled. You ok love? She sighed. That Lyra, always trying to get your attention. It just makes me feel... Threatened. If you want I'll break off all contact with her, I don't want you to feel threatened Twi. I'd do anything for you. I know. And no, I'm just still getting used to all this. I don't want it to ever end. I love you. I gently caressed her face and kissed her sweetly. It never will, I love you. We rode the rest of the trip quietly, the snow capped beauty of Canterlot enthralling the three of us as it came into view. Pulling up to the station we found it very busy, lots of families heading out and coming in for Hearths Warming, we got our luggage and kept the foals and Scootaloo close as we made our way through the crowd. We spotted Armor and Cadence at the edge of the station waving to us and made our way to them. "Mommy! Daddy!" Shimmer and Prism squealed running over to them, they swept them both up hugging and kissing them tenderly. "I missed you so much!" Cadence cried tucking them both securely in her wings. "Missed you too my little gallopers." Armor grinned. "How did it go?" He asked as they led out of the train station to a waiting carriage. "Great! No problems, they were a little anxious when you left but we kept them safe." "I knew you would Twily. But we still missed them like mad; I can't count how many times I just sat up straight because I couldn't hear anything going on in the house!" "I kept getting their lunches half prepared before I remembered they weren't there to eat them..." Cadence sighed. "Well thank you again for trusting us with them, it was fun. Right Angel?" "Yeah, their ok." We all laughed as the carriage pulled up at Cadence and Armor’s house. "I know you only have the one bed at your place so why don't you stay here tonight?" Armor asked. It had been a long day and we were all tired so we agreed, we got everything inside and out of the way then had a simple supper chatting about the things we had done while we had the twins with us. It was getting late so we tucked Scootaloo in on the couch while Cadence and Armor put the twins to bed; they showed us to the guest room that I had stayed in before I stopped them before they turned to go. "I don't want to worry you... But Shimmer seems to be having bad dreams lately, I mean Twi and I only had them for two nights but she had them both nights I was just concerned..." Twilight nodded in agreement with me. They both nodded and smiled softly. "We know we don't know what’s troubling her but more often then not we have to hold and comfort her until she wakes up then she drops back off to sleep. She doesn't seem to remember anything but..." Cadence cut off with a sob. "We've talked to some doctors but they don't have any ideas, it’s been going on for a few weeks now. I just hope its temporary..." Armor continued. "If there’s anything we can do..." Twilight offered. "Thanks Twily. Night." "Night." We both echoed as they went to their room, I got undressed and we lay down together in the somewhat small bed cuddling close together. I hope its nothing. Me too, I'll do some research into it as soon as we get home! I know they'd appreciate that love. Goodnight, love you. Love you. We kissed softly and fell into a deep sleep. Hearths Warming music. We awoke early the next morning and had a quick breakfast together before we headed out to Twilight and Armor’s parents house. It was a very nice and old house in the more upscale part of town. Just as we were about to knock the door opened surprising us and her parents. "Oh! We weren’t sure when to expect you! I thought we would have time to deliver these few Hearths Warming cards to some of our friends." Mrs. Sparkle explained. "There’s no rush Mom, maybe we should come with you? You know show off the grandfoals a bit?" Armor grinned. "An excellent idea son, Cadence? Twilight?" Her father asked. "A walk sounds like a good idea." Cadence agreed scooping up the twins and placing them each on a grandparents back. "Oh... I wanted to show Rick around the house, where I grew up..." "That’s just fine dear. We won't be too long." Her mother offered. "And what about you young Scootaloo? Care to take a stroll with your old granddad? We'll be sure to stop for some sweets on the way!" Scootaloo looked over to us for permission and we nodded knowing they would keep her from getting into too much trouble... Maybe. After they left Twilight showed me around the yard then inside to the basement which had a small library and game room, she confided that she had spend a great deal of time down there as a filly. I never would have guessed. The main floor was fairly standard, a nice living room, spacious kitchen and the master bedroom as well as a full bath. And upstairs a smaller bath, Armor’s old room still containing the toys from his youth and finally a small room beside his. She pushed the door open turning on the light to reveal a very simple room, a small bed and dresser as well as several empty bookshelves, a small trunk at the foot of her bed and that was about it. No decorations or adornments a small window giving her a nice view to the backyard at least. All in all it was a bit depressing... I looked over to Twilight as she sat gently down on her old bed sighing a sad and faraway look in her eyes; I sat down beside her and put my arms around her holding her close. "This was my life... Just my books and studying... It didn't seem so bad then. I had my brother and Cadence sometimes, Spike later. It was lonely." She looked over to me her eyes glistening. "But now... I can see what I was missing." I kissed her gently with a smile. "Your childhood made you who you are today, and I love who you are. I'm sorry it was so lonely I wish I could have been here for you even then... But I guess that would be a bit weird." I grinned. She giggled kissing me back. "Sure would have. My past is just that, and the future... I think its going to be amazing." "It already is love." She smiled pushing my over on the bed climbing on top of me kissing me passionately. Twi! What if they come back? She smiled giving me a sexy look closing the door behind us. It’s my room... We made love wildly and passionately wiping away our troubles and worries replacing them with pure love. Thankfully we had time to clean up before everyone’s return though I was sure Armor and Cadence both gave us a sly look and grin when they returned. The rest of the day we visited, helped them decorate the inside and outside of the house a tradition in their family and sang some Hearths Warming carols. It as nice to be part of a family, still quite a bit smaller then my family back home but I felt more... Like I belonged strangely enough. Before supper we exchanged small gifts, Hearths Warming wasn't about gift giving at all but the friendship, unity and harmony of Equestria. But it was still a celebration and giving something small was a way to show you cared. Mrs. Sparkle and Cadence as well as Twilight worked hard in the kitchen preparing supper with Scootaloos help too, they brushed off any attempt Armor or I made to offer help. Mr. Sparkle having had experience knew better then to even ask and sat back entertaining and reading to the foals. The meal was beautiful but also simple reflecting the hard times the three tribes had before and during the first Hearths Warming. After the delicious meal Twilight and I headed out for a short walk while Scootaloo stayed and got to know her new Grandparents as well as her Aunt and Uncle and her two cousins better. We walked side by side through Canterlot marvelling at the sights and beauty of it all the snow covered buildings decorated beautifully. There were a few other couples such as us out walking and a few groups making their way somewhere but other then that the streets were very empty everyone in their homes with their loved ones. Rounding a corner we bumped into one such group of ponies on their way somewhere. We all stopped just short of one another and as a group they took a step back their faces showing their confusion and distaste. I was about to tell them they had nothing to fear from me when I noticed the lead stallion was staring at me strangely, well they were all staring at me but this one seemed like he recognised me. Looking at him I thought he looked familiar as well... Jetsomething... Jet Set! The stallion I had gotten Rarity’s dress from, it seemed so long ago now... Recognition also filled his eyes and he smiled slyly putting his foreleg up to block or protect what I assumed was his wife. "This is that beast I told you about that I taught a lesson too in Ponyville so long ago. Bad enough they let you wander around that pathetic little town how in Celestias name did they even let you through the gates here? Must have snuck in through the sewers right?" His wife and friends all chortled at his wit, I noticed now they were all unicorns as well the 'elite' of Canterlot I supposed. "Yes well, nice to see you again and goodnight." I said curtly. Most of them gasped in shock. "In Celestias name! It can talk!" One of the mares gasped. "Yes some rudimentary grunts and crude words pay it no mind." They all had another chuckle at that. "How dare you! You should all be ashamed!" Twilight burst out and I squeezed her gently. They all looked at her seeming to notice her for the first time also noticing my arm over her side. "What do we have here?" Jet Set asked in a teasing tone. "We should be ashamed? Hah! Lifting your tail for the likes of this thing you should be the one wallowing in shame." His wife sniffed haughtily her friends agreeing simultaneously. Twilight sputtered and seemed about to go on the attack when I squeezed her gently again. No love. Their not worth the aggravation. They can't say those things about you! If it were someone who’s opinion I cared about saying them I would be upset too. But it’s just them. It’s just rude! I know, lets just go. People... Ponies like that just want attention, ignore them and they get the point eventually. Twilight and I turned to leave eliciting more jeers from the group. "Hah, what a coward! But who could blame him after the drubbing I gave him last time. Go on and crawl off worm." I stiffened slightly at that, no one likes to be called a coward after all but I let it slide holding Twi against me while her anger re erupted. "And take your slut with you!" He added. That stopped me. Stay here a sec love. What are you…? It'll be ok. Just going to have a word. I turned and walked over to them stopping a few feet short of them, the mares stepped back nervously but Jet Set and his stallion cronies stood their ground. I tried my best to keep my voice level. "We would be more then happy to take our leave of you but first I must insist you apologise to her for that comment." "Apologise to a whore like that who would lie with a creature like you?! Don't be ridiculous!" He scoffed. "Last chance. Recant those insults to my wife or..." "Your wife!" He burst out in laughter the rest following suit. "Surely that is against Equestria law! Whores and criminals the both of you!" He was still laughing and looking very pleased with himself when my fist impacted with the side of his face knocking him on his rear. The look on his face might even be worth the trouble I just started. He just sat there blinking for a moment a small trickle of blood running from his nostril, I had hit him hard but not as hard as I could have I didn't want this to escalate out of control but I suspected that was a wish I wasn't going to have granted. "How dare you!" He sputtered pulling himself up shaking off his wife’s attempt to help. "You'll be rotting in the dungeons for that, I have powerful friends in this city! But first..." Some unseen signal must have passed as his friends spread out to circle me, the mares cutting Twilight off from me. "A lesson must be taught." "Now look, I'm not looking for a fight..." "You can look back on that mistake when you’re resting in the dungeon bloody and bruised creature!" "We'll see." There was clearly no talking him out of it and I put up my hands ready for him to make the first move. If he thought I was going to roll over for him like last time he had a surprise coming. But the first move came from an unexpected place; one of his associate’s unbenounced behind me had turned and kicked me with his two back legs. Thankfully it only clipped my side instead of hitting me squarely but it was still extremely painful surprising me and knocking me off balance right into a forehoof across the face from Jet Set opening a cut on my cheek. "Rick!" Twilights cry shocked me back into action, I might have taken the first swing but I would be damned if I was going to let them beat me unconscious or worse. I kicked backwards myself catching on of the advancing stallions in the chest knocking him back backhanding another across the face as I did. They shook their heads in disbelief, maybe they were more used to bullying those who wouldn't fight back? Their paralysis didn't last long as all four of them charged back in simultaneously. One on one we might be near the same size and weight but ponies are quite sturdily built and even though these weren't working ponies they were still solid. I tried to fend them off as well as I could taking a lot of hits and giving back punishment if I could, I managed a glance over to Twilight hearing her cries to see her trying in vain to push her way past the four mares. It didn't look like they were hurting her thankfully just holding her there and insulting her, the tears in her eyes hurt me more then the pummelling I was getting. My momentary distraction cost me and my feet got knocked out from under me suddenly and I hit the ground hard, now it was all I could do to protect myself from their blows as they laughed now having the upper hand completely. Suddenly with a flash of magic Twilight was by my side. "GET AWAY FROM HIM!" She screamed her magic flaring tossing them back and placing a protective dome of force over us. "Are you ok?! I'm sorry!" I looked at her with my one eye that wasn't swollen shut and managed a small smile caressing her face. "I'll be ok. Thanks love." "I should have done something sooner! I'm so sorry!" I kissed her softly then wiped a bit of my blood off her face. "I started it, but I guess I should have known they wouldn't fight fair." I concentrated healing myself slightly, enough to see out of both eyes at least but I was still battered and bruised all over. Twilight’s sudden appearance and shield didn't faze them long they beat on it together yelling and jeering at us when a voice rang out. "What’s going on here!?" A trio of royal guards trotted up cautiously. "Oh thank Celestia you came guards! My name is Jet Set and this... Creature and his tramp set upon us forcing us to defend ourselves! Right?" His cronies, wife and their wives all echoed in the affirmative. "That’s not true! They were the ones assaulting my husband!" Twilight cried back lowering her shield. The guards looked back and forth between us for a moment clearly confused by my appearance just our luck to not encounter any guards who knew either of us. "We demand this thing be taken into custody and thrown in the dungeon at once!" "That’s for the magistrate to decide, you'll all have to come with us." Jet Set got a sly look on his face again leaning over to the guard. "I think a case such as this should only be tried in the highest court available don't you? For the maximum punishment." He somewhat subtly levitated a clinking bag over to the guard. "A small donation for the... Guard entertainment fund." The guard thought about it a second then smiled nodding. "Of course. Come along." The guards watched me warily but not with hostility while Twilight helped me to my feet allowing me to lean on her. We talked mentally briefly considering invoking Shining Armors name in the hopes of getting out of this mess, but I didn't want to bring what was essentially my mess down on him. We'd see what the magistrate had to say first. We wove through town the guards escorting us directly to the castle and inside. Even here it was quiet just a few guards around, they led us to a large pair of double doors, most of the castle was done up in white and gold but these doors were black. Maybe they led to the dungeon I thought... They opened them and thankfully there were no stairs leading down to a dark dank dungeon, instead it was a large open room. Here finally there was a bit of activity courtiers milling about waiting to speak and some just observing. Coming into the room fully we beheld the object of their attention, seated on a large throne was Luna flanked by several of her Nightguard passed judgements and listened to complaints looking quite bored while she did so. Of course the highest court would be Celestia or Luna and as it was evening so it would be the night court. Damn I didn't want to involve anyone... Well what’s done is done. Upon seeing us she raised an eyebrow questioningly waving off the ponies before her. "Come forward." The guards escorted us up stopping before her and we all bowed respectfully. Looking over us her gaze stopped on Twilight and I for a moment before moving on. "And what is all this?" "We found this group involved in a melee against these two. Self defence they claim." "Oh really? Come forth and tell me what transpired." She gestured to the group and Jet Set stepped up somewhat nervously. He bowed again. "Your highness, I am so glad you could find the time to see to this little squabble. This thing assaulted me and my friends and we merely defended ourselves. Seeking to subdue it so it could be placed in the dungeons where it belongs." "I see. And do the rest of you corroborate his story?" She asked his group and they of course all nodded and agreed. She looked over to Twilight and I with a small smile and look of concern. "Don't bother asking them your highness. How could you trust the word of that creature and the pony that would lie with it? It would be a waste of your time!" She turned back to him. "Yes I suppose I do not need to question either of them about it. Their part in this is clear." But... It’s ok Twi, trust Luna. I do... But they shouldn't be able to get away with...! Ugh! "Now let me get this clear. You all attacked this individual?" She gestured to me. "In defence! But just we four stallions, our wives were busy keeping this... Tramp at bay." "Of course. Let the record show that the accused have admitted to assaulting one of my sister and I's royal knights." Jet Set turned to us with a venomous grin. "Now you'll be sorry you... What?!" His grin disappeared as he realised what she had just said. "A... A knight? But that’s not... We didn't know!" Luna turned to him and his group standing up and seeming to grow larger and terrifying, her voice rang throughout the chamber. "Ignorance is no excuse! You expect our knights to announce themselves to you whenever you pass?! You think one of our knights would casually assault you for no reason?! And to attack one is a crime of the highest order!" They all fell to their knees begging and pleading for mercy, I might have been feeling smug but I knew it was at least partially my fault. I motioned one of the stunned looking guards over and whispered in his ear. He immediately went up to Luna to relay my message asking for some lenience. Luna listened and resumed her normal form sitting and nodding slightly at me. "Now what shall I do with you? Perhaps a few years in the dungeons would teach you some restraint?" At their stunned looks she continued. "But as Sir Sparkle has asked for leniency in your case, though it is beyond me why. I shall show compassion to you... Five hundred bit fine each and two weeks of community service." Jet Set opened his mouth to speak but seeing her stern countenance snapped his jaw shut and bowed deeply letting the guards lead them away. "Show them to my chambers, I still have a few cases to review." Two of Luna’s Nightguard stepped forward leading us out a side door and down several halls up a long curving flight of stairs to a door emblazoned with Luna’s cutiemark, they opened the door and immediately took up positions beside it as we entered. By this time I was so exhausted I could barely stand, as soon as the door closed I sank to the floor not wanting to dirty any of Luna’s furniture. Twilight lay down beside me looking down at me with concern; she kissed me softly while trying her best to heal my wounds. She still didn't have a lot of practice healing but she was able to make me feel much better and her being by my side was the best medicine of all. "Are you ok?" "I'll be fine love. Thanks." I squeezed her tightly holding her against me. "Sorry I got us into so much of a mess." "What! You let them get away with horrible insults! Only when they insulted me... It’s my fault..." I kissed her fiercely. "Never, I don't care who it is I won’t let anyone talk about you like that. I love you too much." "Thank you. I love you." We were both exhausted by the ordeal and energy we had used for healing, we slipped off to sleep right there on the floor not even awakening when the door opened and gentle hoof clicks entered the room... I awoke to the familiar feeling of Twilights soft form pressed against me her gentle breaths and the dual beating of our hearts. But that was all that was familiar; we were on someone unknown’s soft bed covered by warm blankets. I felt much better though, flexing my arms and legs my bruising, cuts and fatigue all seemed to be gone. I opened my eyes to find we were still in Luna’s chamber but lying in her bed. "You both looked so peaceful I decided to let you sleep." Turning I found Luna seated on the floor a short ways from us a few books and papers spread out before her. "Princess Luna!" I whispered. "Sir Sparkle." She sarcastically smiled back. "Ah, sorry Luna." I was about to get up to bow quickly when I realized I was naked under the covers. At my panicked look Luna smiled. "Your clothing was quite soiled and torn so I sent it to be cleaned and mended. Don't worry I didn't look... Much." She added with a sly grin causing me to blush. "Thanks... Wait! How long have we been asleep? Twilights parents, Shining Armor and Cadence, Scootaloo were waiting for us to come back..." "Taken care of. I sent a messenger after my Nightguard escorted you here; I didn't give them any details I'll leave that up to you. Just that you would be delayed perhaps overnight." "Thank you. How long have we been asleep?" "Most of the night. Thankfully your injuries were not so severe that I couldn't manage to heal them myself, though you both were clearly exhausted. And after an experience like that I can hardly blame you... And here I thought such acts of violence and depravity were a part of the past." She added sadly as Twilight stirred stretching against me. "Morning... Wait, Luna! Mom, Dad...!" I held her tightly kissing her softly. "Relax love. Luna took care of it." She looked over and saw Luna regarding us with a bemused look causing her to blush slightly. "I'm so sorry for the trouble Princess!" "It is no trouble. If there are groups of ponies like that going around bullying others for nothing more then their own amusement and satisfaction then they should be stopped and punished." "All the same Luna, thank you I know I was in the wrong..." She looked at me strangely. "In what way?" "Well I struck the first blow..." She giggled softly. "You do have much still to learn about our ways. Rick, as a knight of Equestria you could go about slapping ponies at random in the street if you so wished." She smiled at my shocked look and continued. "We would hardly make anyone a knight that would do such a thing of course. We trust that our knights have the moral strength and good judgement to do the right thing. And no I do not think you need worry that their egregious insults were not just cause, because truly they were." "How did you know...?” "Both you and Twilight had troubled dreams on the subject." She smiled at my again confused look. "It is one of my duties as Princess of the Night to enter the dreams and nightmares of the populous, to see their hopes and fears, joys and tragedies, the highs and lows of all. It is with such knowledge my sister and I can rule with compassion and justness." Something about that seemed... Invasive to me, knowing someone’s deepest fears and hopes could be very corrupting and you know what they say about power. But I had no idea really and I would think being Alicorns they held a tremendous amount of power anyhow and I... We owed Celestia and Luna for so much, as far as I could see they were doing an amazing job running the kingdom and I trusted them both so any worries I had I shoved away. "Thank you again Luna." She smiled softly. "Don't feel I have given you any kind of favouritism, I would have done the same for any knight. Though I seriously doubt any other would have asked me to be so lenient with them." "Well... I can only hope a dose of humility will do them good." "We shall see, a few weeks of labour and helping those in need could hardly do them harm. And their fines will also go a long way." "Oh! That’s something we've been meaning to ask you and Princess Celestia. Rick received an amazing amount of bits from grateful ponies all across Equestria for creating that spell, helping them and their loved ones. We've put some of it away in case of emergency but we still have a lot, a bit over five thousand that we want to use to help any way we can." "That is most generous of you both. I will speak with my sister and I am certain we can find many worthy causes for you to donate to." "Thank you Luna. We had better get back to my parents before everypony really starts to worry!" Just then we were interrupted by a knock at the door, it opened and Princess Celestia stepped in. "I thought we could continue our talk from last night sister... Oh! I didn't know you had company." She looked over the scene, Twilight and I laying in the bed my upper torso exposed and Luna having shuffled over beside us to converse better. Her lips twitched turning up in a wry grin. "I'm not... Interrupting anything am I sister?" Luna looked uncomprehending between Twilight and I and her sister before blushing heavily, Twilight and I sporting a bit of an embarrassing blush as well before backing away quickly holding up one of her fore hooves in defence. "What?! No, no! We were just talking!" Celestia laughed long and loud it was a beautiful sound, I had never heard her laugh before. "Sister, dear sister... We must work on your sense of humour." She smiled wiping tears from her eyes. "Wha... That’s not funny!" Twilight and I chuckled a bit. "It was pretty funny Luna. And a good morning to you Princess Celestia, I'd get up and bow but I don't want to embarrass myself further." I laughed bowing as well as I could from the bed. Twilight got out and bowed then trotted over to share a hug with her mentor before rejoining me. Luna sighed. "I suppose I must do some more research on this 'humour', I fear I often simply just don't understand it." "Quite all right, I had been informed you had a bit of excitement at the night court last night. What happened?" We all pitched in to explain what had happened, she actually giggled when Luna explained Jet Sets face when she informed him he had been in the wrong. "Sounds as if you handled the situation perfectly sister." Again a knock came at the door but this time it was my clothing looking good as new, I slipped my shorts on under the covers to Luna and Celestias amusement and feeling much less exposed after that proceeded to get dressed normally. "We should let you two talk then, my parents, Armor, Cadence and Scootaloo are sure to be worried." "Of course. Take care both of you." They echoed looking at one another with surprise and smiling. After thanking Luna again we passed through the halls of the castle, it was still early and everything was quiet. Once we got outside Twilight knew the way to her parents place easily. We entered quietly in case everyone was still asleep and we noticed straight through the door Cadence and Armor asleep together on the couch Shimmer and Prism nestled in between them. We smiled together and let them sleep quietly making our way up the stairs to Twilights old room peeking inside we found Scootaloo fast asleep in Twilights old bed. We knelt down beside her smiling together, I brushed her mane out of her face and we both gave her a kiss on the forehead causing her to smile in her sleep. Letting her sleep we made our way back down stairs to the kitchen to try to quietly make some breakfast for everyone. We had just gotten started when her parents came into the kitchen. "Twilight, Rick! We were so worried!" Her mother trotted over hugging us both. "What happened?" Her father asked concerned. "We'll tell everyone all about it over breakfast." Twilight explained. "Well let me help you then dear..." "We're more then happy to do it Mrs... I mean Grandma Sparkle." I grinned gesturing over to the couch where Shimmer and Prism awake and crawling over their parents to see what was going on. "Andy!" Prism squealed galloping over. "Ungle!" Shimmer rushed over as well, we swept them up giving them both loving hugs and a couple of kisses before handing them off to their grandparents and getting back to work on breakfast. Cadence and Armor were awake as well; I well knew having those little hooves poke into you will wake you up in the morning. They too were eager to hear what happened but we wanted everyone together so we pleaded off until Scootaloo was awake. And before too long she came sleepily clomping downstairs no doubt awoken by the squealing foals playing and running about. She rushed over to hug us both. "Mom, Dad! Your back! What happened?!" We sat everyone down and served up breakfast then began telling our story, by the time everyone was finished eating we were done and sat back awaiting their responses. Scootaloo was of course in no way shy with her opinion. "How dare they! Their lucky I wasn't there I'da given them one of these! And these! And maybe one of these!" She growled dancing about the room striking imaginary blows with her forehooves and kicks with her back legs. I swept her up in midleap hugging her tightly. "They sure are Angel, thanks." Mrs. Sparkle bundled up the two foals for some playtime outside and Scootaloo happily tagged along while we remained seated at the table. Mr. Sparkle lit a pipe and sat thoughtfully for a moment. "Yes I do believe I have heard of this Jet Set before..." My Dad works as a Royal accountant by the way. Oh? I had wondered, and you’re Mom? She’s a Magical researcher, specializing in Star signs and portends. Interesting, I can't imagine how you turned out the way you did. Crazy isn't it? She giggled quietly as her father continued. "He’s not much of a business pony but he did inherit a well maintained group of investments from his parents." Armor was shaking his head angrily. "You were far too lenient with them Rick. I can see by Twilys look you've been downplaying how badly they beat you, and yes with your healing skills and hers your ok. But what about the next pony they gang up on? What about the ones they might have done this too before and gotten away without repercussions?! If they think they can get off with just a slap on the hoof..." I sat thinking about that for a second. "I hadn't really thought of that..." "I know, and I'm sorry to make it sound like any of this is your fault. Because its not, I'll check the archives later and see if any of them have been caught doing this kind of thing before. If not well maybe this scare will set them straight, especially if they think they might have to face Princess Luna again!" He grinned. "And if they have...?" Twilight whispered. "Then they will be watched very carefully." Cadence stated firmly then grinned at our shocked looks. "What? You don't think I can be just as outraged? I hate cruelty and bullying." I shook my head. "I've just never seen you angry. But your right, both of you. I hope that it was a one time event never to occur again." Twilight put her hoof in my hand and I squeezed it gently. "That’s all we can do." We were all silent for a moment then her father smiled. "Enough of that. The little ones are having fun without us." We all chuckled and headed outside for some fun. That evening we decided to stay in our new home, we hadn't had any time to shop yet but we didn't want to impose on Cadence and Armor anymore and we just wanted to get more used to our house. The three of us lay down in our big bed with a few borrowed blankets our little Angel snuggled between us. Twilight and I remained awake awhile after Scootaloo had dropped off gently kissing and caressing one another. Sorry Twi, guess I wasn't the greatest protector. Don't be silly, you stood up for me... You got hurt for me, again... And I don't regret a thing love. But I can't help but think I could have done so much better, I could have stopped them with the right spell without hurting them... If I was only stronger... You will be. You’re advancing quickly, even with our somewhat scattered schedule. She smiled. I'll try harder. To protect you, Scootaloo... I smiled gently stroking her wild mane. Anyone else who needs it. The Princess's trusted me enough to make me one of their knights. I guess I better start acting like it. My knight. I love you. Love you too Twi, so much. Things to do, so many things to do...