Blurring the Lines

by FrostyDawn

The cause and solution to problems

Applejack sat in the hospital’s waiting room after she carried an injured Pinkie Pie there. Her heart was pounding in her chest like a kettle drum as fear and panic raced through her head. Pinkie was just lying in the street with a large gash in the side of her head, and Applejack waited for a status condition as Pinkie was undergoing treatment. Only two thoughts occupied the cowgirl’s mind. “How did this happen?” and “Will she be ok?”

She looked up to see Nurse Redheart walk up to her. “You’re friend is going to be just fine. She needs a little rest and she’ll be back up on her feet.”

Applejack sighed as if a thousand pounds were lifted off her shoulders. “Thanks, Doc. How bad’s the damage?”

Nurse Redheart skimmed through a clipboard. “Pinkie Pie has several lacerations, a minor concussion, and some damage to her inner ear. I recommend staying quiet around her, and making sure she doesn’t get too stimulated.” She said, leading Applejack to Pinkie’s room. She stopped at the door, which Applejack slowly opened.

“Pinkie? Are you alright?” She asked softly. Pinkie was lying in the hospital bed, with half her face covered in gauze. There was a red stain near her bandaged eye. Pinkie slowly turned to Applejack and smiled, with her other eye half open.

“Hey, Applejack. Good to see you.” She said with a rather calm energy, which was far from Pinkie’s natural state. But a gash in the side of the face would make anyone the same way. It just heartwarming to see Pinkie smiling again.

Applejack had something she wanted to bring up. She sat by Pinkie’s bed. “Pinkie Pie... when ah found you in the streets, you had pieces of glass stuck in your head.” The cowgirl said solemnly. “Ah don’t think this was an accident. What exactly happened to you?”

Pinkie Pie scratched her chin. “Well, I think it wen’t a little something like this...”


Hours earlier....

Pinkie awoke as her phone rang throughout her house. Rather quickly, and startled. “Who’s there?! I’ll get you, Mr. Floursack!” Pinkie yelled, brandishing her pillow as a shield. But there was nothing there. Pinkie rubbed her eyes as the phone rang a second time. She picked it up and put her ear to the receiver. “Hello?” She asked groggily.

“Hey, Pinkie! You still open?” A cheery voice rang through the other end. Pinkie recognized the caller as none other than Derpy Hooves, the innocent, oblivious muffin-lover.

“No, Derpy. I’m trying to sleep. And so is everyone else in Ponyville.” Pinkie replied.

“Oh. Well, if it isn’t to much trouble, could you send me a bag of your blueberry muffins? Dinky and I are building a muffin fort and we ran out of stuff to make our own.” Derpy said, still as optimistic as Pinkie on a daily basis.

Pinkie sighed. “Fine. But please stop calling me so late at night.” She said, and hung up. Pinkie Pie slouched out of bed, and got dressed as the thunder rumbled overhead. She put on a thick sweatshirt, and stuffed a few muffins for Derpy in a paper bag. She stepped out into the rain, the cold water waking her up in a matter of seconds.

She walked the desolate, wet streets, and felt almost complete isolation. Not a soul around, and Pinkie never liked feeling alone. But amidst the sound of rain, she heard an even more discouraging sound. One she liked even worse than loneliness. Pinkie Pie heard someone crying in the rain. Someone she knew. Pinkie Pie turned into the alley, and felt her heart sink at what she saw.

Rainbow Dash sat against a building, with a canopy overhead to shield her from the rain. But her clothes and hair were still soaking wet, and her face was buried in her hands. Pinkie set the paper bag down against the building, and stepped up to Rainbow Dash. She took note of several empty glass bottles around Rainbow Dash, that read: Berry Punch’s Hard Spiked Cider. Not a good sign.

“Rainbow Dash? What’s wrong? Why aren’t you smiling?” Pinkie asked softly.

Rainbow Dash looked up and held back tears. “It’s freakin’ Rarity and Applejack! I saw them playing tonsil hockey earlier and I just couldn’t believe it!” Rainbow bawled angrily.

“Rarity and Applejack!? You mean they were-” Pinkie said, shocked.

Rainbow Dash interrupted. “Yeah! They’re freakin’ in love! I saw it with my own eyes!”

“Love? Well, is that so bad? I mean, they like each other more than they did before, and liking someone isn’t bad.”

“Yeah, and you know what that means?! They’ll leave us! They’re gonna ditch Ponyville and everyone of us to go do it in the sheets!” Rainbow slurred, and Pinkie became a little uneasy. “And with Twilight gone, it’s only a matter of time before you and Fluttershy leave, and I’m all alone... again.” Rainbow continued.

“Fluttershy and I would never leave you. None of us will.” Pinkie said reassuringly.

“It’s love, Pinkie! Think back. When Big Mac and Cherilee were in love, they ignored everything else just to be together! And it’ll happen again with Rarity and Applejack.”

“I thought they were under a love poison.”

“Love is poison. It brings two people together, but it separates them from everyone else.” Rainbow sobbed. “It doesn’t work for me, or anyone. All it brings is trouble.”

There was a long pause. Rainbow Dash took a deep drink from a nearby bottle, and sighed as it was completely empty.

Pinkie Pie set her hand on Rainbow Dash’s shoulder. “Look. It’s going to be fine. The best thing we can do is be supportive. Can we really deny Rarity and Applejack if they actually love each other?”

Rainbow Dash stood up quickly. “Are you saying we let them leave us!? I’m not losing them!” She cried, and held the bottle by the neck. “I’VE LOST TOO MUCH!” Rainbow Dash shrieked, and swung the bottle at Pinkie’s face.


“...and that’s all I remember.” Pinkie said, sighing as she finished the story. “I guess this was that doozy I felt earlier.”

“Damn.” Was all Applejack could say. “I must’ve been passed out during all this. And.. you know about what happened with me and Rarity?” she asked, blushing.

Pinkie nodded. “I guess so. Do you and Rarity really make out?” She asked.

Applejack looked down at her hands. She still felt the tingle and taste of Rarity’s lips against her own and deep down, she knew she enjoyed it. “Ah’m afraid so, sugarcube.” She muttered.

Pinkie smirked. “I don’t blame you. But please, talk with Rainbow Dash. She’s pretty upset.” Applejack nodded, and stood. “Put some cheer-up on her pain-cakes, will ya?”

Applejack paused to get the pun. “You bet Pinkie. You just get some rest.”