//------------------------------// // Drunk in Ponyville: Hilarity ensues // Story: Running the Show // by Theta //------------------------------// The night so far had gone from classy drinks, and expensive wines, to us just drinking the most distilled liquor in the place. What started out with Manehattans and Martinis, soon descended into straight vodka and whisky. "Dashh I thinksh it'sabout time we...um we...leave! Ye-*hic* yeah, leave!" I slurred, turning the bottles of alcohol upside down, and eyeing them suspiciously. Not knowing how much to leave, I decide to just drop three, one hundred bit bills onto the table, trying to keep my balance as I stood up. Dash got up too quickly, and found herself steadying her balance by hanging onto the table as she fell. The world around me seemed to fly by, and bounce about; eventually making me see doubles. "Whoa *hic* Solar...I-I feel warm an-*hic*-and really good! But I don't *hic* don't think I can fly in a shtraighttt lines... why are there two of you? G-Go away clone of Solar!" I let out a hearty laugh, and nearly fall over from grabbing my gut, "Dash *hic* you're a cute drunk! Don't *hic* don't worry... you can maybe crashes at my place. It-It's not too far from here *hic*." I burp quietly, causing my face to scrunch up and Dash to laugh along with me. We exit the facility, but not before knocking over a waiter and a few patrons sitting at tables. Stepping out into the night, we are greeted by the brisk fall air. A sudden gust of wind causes both Rainbow and I to topple over; she laughs, and I silently curse the pegasus who caused it. I become more self aware when I'm drunk, and the littlest thing can make me second guess myself. Unfortunately, the world around me began to fade, and blackness replaced all coherent thoughts. "Ughhh", is all I can muster up. I awake to find myself miraculously in my bed, with a forty ounce in hand...Something doesn't feel right... I mean, everything is as it should be, but something just feels... off. I look over to my right, and see the usual yellow wall, and to my left... Dude, someones in my bed... I carefully lift the sheets, not wanting to wake whoever is in my bed. From a first glance, I incurred that said pony is a mare, and a pegasus from how her wing sticks out of the blanket. Slowly, I pull the cover from the mare, and it revealed to be non other than the pony I was out with the night before: Rainbow Dash. Nothing seems to weird about Dash...Hmm, all of her cloth- Nevermind... I came to realize that she wasn't wearing what I initially took as fur tight clothes. I literally can't think straight, as I try to recall what happened last night. I sit up, and scratch the back of my head; which turned into me rubbing my temples in an attempt to calm my pounding head ache. Somewhere along the line, I feel a tug on my arm, and turn to see Rainbow trying to burrow herself in my side. I find myself unable to think, and as a result, I embraced it; and wrapped one arm around her neck, setting my beer down with the other, and carefully sliding back down to snuggle against her... I quickly deadpan as I realize, If I can't remember last night, then how the hell would she? I drifted back into sleep, trying to ponder how I was going to ask her if she remembered anything.