The Wish For Another

by octavia1997

Morning Surprise

As Octavia and Vinyl started to walk back to their little cottage, Octavia kept to herself and Vinyl wandered aimlessly, trying to keep in a strait line; drifting to the right, and into Octi’s side. She didn’t seem to mind.;She just got really annoyed, and would push her away, grinning deviously. She had something on her mind, but probly would get lied to once over. Dare she ask, or remain silent and not get an answer. Octavia opened her mouth, but no words arose. Vinyl stopped and grabbed Octi’s tail.

Vinyl started, “Octi, are you sure you are going to be okay? You didn’t seem to well back there.”
She opened her mouth and words entered the air with the wind, “oh, sorry. I don’t know what got over me.”
Vinyl smiled, “Oh that’s okay. Every pony can be like that at times.”
Octavia opened her mouth to ask her housemate what she had longed to ask for, but nothing came out again. She stumbled on her words; she gave up and responded, “Oh, okay.”
Vinyl looked at Octavia and removed her glasses, “Octavia, you thought I was lying. Don’t you?”
Octavia’s eyes started to fill with tears, as she looked into Vinyl’s red eyes.
Vinyl walked closer to her friend, “Well I wasn’t. I liked the song. Not even liked… loved! Don’t you ever doubt me and music.”
Octavia was a bit scared, “Okay.”
Vinyl lunged herself at Octi, and squeezed her once more. This time Octavia embraced the hug and did the same in turn. They hugged for a minute or so, and the tears of Octavia ran down her face onto Vinyl’s white fur; dampening her already chilled neck. Vinyl was the first to try and release, but Octavia held on, and started to cry even more. She tightened her grip around vinyl’s neck and upper body. She started to make words but they died under the sniffle she emulated.

“It’s okay. Vinyl’s got ya.”
Octavia deepened her head into Vinyl’s chest, and started to mumble words. The fur of Vinyl muffled the sounds, silencing her.
“Tavi, are you going to be okay?”
Octi shock her head to say “no”, ruffling her fur.
“Okay I’ll tell you what, when we get home ill make you breakfast. Would you like that?”
Octavia pulled her face out of vinyl, “Please, no.”
Vinyl chucked, “Its too late for that Octi. Common, if you stay out any longer, you’ll catch a cold. Come on, we have to get you inside.”
Octavia pulled her head out of the fur and placed it onto the white mare’s back; walking in sink down the snow covered path, towards the far off cottage of Octavia. The walk didn’t last long, and died after a while. The moon had set and the bright sun rose over the tree line, stretching over the snow of late spring. Vinyl continued walking until they hit their small living quarters. The snow had melted and the water trickled down the front wall. The light reflected off making a small involuntary rainbow reach for the sky. Vinyl smiled and Octavia just pulled her head out of vinyl’s coat and composed herself. The two gazed into the rainbow as it stretched off the wall into the air; dieing short lived.
Vinyl pushed her glasses down and started to approach the door. A note was pinned to the doorway. It was addressed to Octavia Treble Clef. Vinyl undid the tack and took the letter inside. Octavia stared at the wondrous rainbow some more. After a minute or so, Vinyl dragged Octavia in, and sat her at the sofa. She sunk into the soft pillows and silk liner.

The sound of a bell rang five minutes later, Vinyl came out of the kitchen in a soggy, and yellow stained apron. In her hand a plate of pancakes. Atop the decorative stack of black and brown pancakes, were a bottle of maple mare syrup, and a jar of cherries from cherrilie’s farm. Vinyl placed the tray of almost cooked jacks oh the coffee table, and pull Octavia a chair.

Octavia just stared at the average looking meal before her, “So you made breakfast. Is it eatable?”
Vinyl punched Octi’s arm softly, “Ya, I cooked them with a skillet. Are you saying they aren’t any good?”
Octavia felt a little bad, “Oh I guess I could eat some of them, they look…”
“Look what?”
“Just look.” Octavia picked up her fork and a piece of blackened pancake, and brought it to her mouth.
Vinyl stayed intently as she chewed the cake. Octavia stopped and looked back at vinyl, and didn’t do anything. After another minute of staring, vinyl left to get the letter.

When Octavia was abut to spit the under cooked morsel out her mouth a paper hit the back of her head and she swallowed. She tried to cough it up, and started to gag on the batter. Vinyl dropped a letter in from of Octi and hit her on the back, making her ingest the horrible food.

“Soooooo. You got a letter. OPEN IT!!!”
“Geez fine.”

She unrolled the letter and browsed the contents of it. It was brightly written and very hard to read against the brown paper. Octavia started to read aloud:

“dear Octavia T. Clef,

We are inviting you to join us at the apple festival in pony ville and then the cherry festival else where. Im sorry I forget the name sometimes but we hope to see you their. Oh and if vinyl wants to come, please teach her proper manners, and get her a cute bow like yours, she would look nice in one.

Sincerely, lieblos.

P.S. vinyl owes me about ten hugs. I’ll be expecting her.”

Vinyl staied blankly, “Well that was creepy… did you like the pancakes? Want to eat more?”
“No! next time I’ll make breakfast.”