Gojira and the Battle for Equestria

by Immortan Joe

Rise of the Beast

Gojira and the Battle for Equestria!
By: Dark Nebula
Chapter 1

The Doctor sat in front of a very large metal structure, which stood to be about a hundred feet tall. What in the name of Celestia could possibly be behind this massive structure? The Doctor pondered as he tapped the bottom of his chin with his hoof.

"How old do you think it is Doctor?" Asked a nearby Stallion who was dressed in a lab coat similar to the Doctors, while he was observing another nearby object which was mounted on the wall right next to the colossal structure.

The Doctor looked over at the Stallion, "I don't know Dr. Chimes," The Doctor stated with his Trottingham accent. "Do to how well it has been preserved I just can't tell. Just look at it, Chimes, not a single scratch has been marked on this... This... Well by the looks of it I might just say it's a door of some sorts." The Stallion nodded his head.

"See,” The Doctor continued, “when I received the letter from the Princesses asking me to come and check this out I was not expecting this at all!” He said flinging his front forelegs into the air gesturing towards the colossal structure. “Just look at it! How could something like this be underground for such a long period of time and not have a single mark on it, so it could at least give us a hint to how long it's been down here?" The Doctor ranted, for at least once in his life he was actually stumped! He had no clue on what to think of this, some way or another something was keeping this underground city of some sorts preserved but what?

"Doctor, Doctor! You might want to have a look at this!" A mare shouted over on the opposite side of the hoofball field size room.

"Well what is it Blossom?" A loud clang of metal admitted from the opposite side of the room drawing the Doctor's attention. A unicorn mare and Earth Pony Stallion were dragging a metal object towards the Doctor, "It appears to be some type of box sir!"

"Well stop your jibber jabben and open the dang thing!" The Doctor said slightly excited. The Doctor stood up and began to approach the two ponies, meeting them half way. Blossom placed the box in front of him she then wrapped her magic around the box and after a few short seconds the box flung open. The Doctor stared at the objects inside with awe.

"Well what's in the bloody thing?" Asked the Stallion on the right who seemed to be growing impatient, the Doctor reached within the confined space of the box he then pulled out what appeared to be a torn piece of paper... The Stallion frowned, "Seriously we spent all our valuable time searching this place just to find a piece of paper?" The Doctor sat there in silence reading over the paper that he held before him; slowly he began to become more ecstatic as a crease of a smile began to form on his lips.

I haven't seen anything like this in years! He cheerfully thought. This could literally rewrite all of Equestria's history!

Name: Subject-Zero (Also known to the public as Gojira.)

Threat Level: Very High

Subject-Zero has been successfully contained, after the recent destruction of New York City, and with the help of the Japanese and their technology. We were able to successfully sedate the Creature and contain him in the confinements of his cell. Test Subject-Zero is not to be released unless in a world-wide emergency and must be contained immediately afterwards or he'll become unstable and uncontrollable who knows how much damage he'll cause. Till then Subject-Zero will be stored into Cryo-Stasis until further orders from Captain Arurikan.

After further studies with Subject-Zero we have learnt that he is enraged by bright lights and must be contained in a dimly lit environment. We have also learnt that the atomic breath is actually a loose stream of radioactive fire which can lead to very explosive concussive properties. Which the intenseness of the fire can be told by the color of the fins on his back; in other cases subject...

The Doctor would've liked to continue but the rest of the page seemed to have been torn, quiet hastily too as if the pony was in a rush or something. Intrigued by who this Gojira was the Doctor placed the picture aside a delved deeper into the metal box hoping to find more answers.

As the Doctor explored more of the items he came across something interesting something that amazed him but also bewildered him on multiple levels. A photograph, a photograph of two creatures but none of them were ponies. Instead they were two bi-pedal creatures both dressed in lab coats smiling at the camera. Both creatures seemed to be outside, standing on a balcony of some sorts. In the background the Doctor could make out the mountain in the distance. Right away he recognized it; it was the same mountain just on the surface above them. Below the mountain he could see a vast majority of buildings and other objects.

But the Doctor couldn’t remember seeing any ruins of any of these other buildings. Nor does he remember seeing any of the other objects in the picture which looked to be metal boxes that seemed to be moving; which also adds to the theory that this photo must have been taken a very long time ago.

"Mr. Leisure,” He said, “could you please excuse me and Blossom for a moment?" The Doctor asked the Stallion who stood impatiently on the side. With a sigh he nodded and wandered off, the Doctor smiled and looked a Blossom who was looking at the Doctor quizzically.

"What is it Doctor did you figure out what is behind this giant structure?"

The Doctor nodded. "But that's not what I'm trying to show you, now please look at this photograph, and look at the creatures standing in the picture!" The Doctor was excited literally almost bouncing up and down.

Blossom took the picture in her magic and held it up to her face examining it. "What about it,” She said taking her gaze off the picture, “it's just two apes dressed up playing Doctor or something."

The Doctor faced hoof taking the picture back he looked at Blossom. "Blossom, the apes are not this technically advanced! These creatures in this photo must have built this in entire place from underground and up!"

Blossom laughed, "Are you serious, Doc, those two built this place?"

The Doctor resisted the urge to roll his eyes, "No what I'm saying is there must have been dozens of them maybe even a whole civilization! What if they are our Forerunners?"

"That's impossible, Doc, all pony literature states that we came first before anything else."

The Doctor sighed, "Clearly that's a lie because look where we are now!" The Doctor gestured his hooves around the underground facility.

"Okay, okay we discovered an ancient civilization..." Blossom yawned.

The Doctor frowned, "Are you okay Miss Blossom I thought you would be more excited about this amazing discovery like I am."

Blossom smiled, "I am Doctor can't you tell?" The Doctor raised his hoof getting ready to speak but stopped once his eyes met hers. Blossom stood there looking at him, the Doctor stared into her lavender eyes trying seek out any signs of emotion. Yet there was none; his frown deepened

This is a weird mare.

With a sigh the Doctor took the picture and placed it in his coat pocket; looking back down at the metal box the Doctor noticed a small rectangular object lying at the bottom. Raising an eyebrow he knelt down to retrieved the object, picking it up with his teeth he stood back up. Lifting up his right hoof he placed the object in his hoof to get a closer look.

"What's that?" Blossom asked.

"I don't know,” He said, “wait there's something written on it hold on." Bringing the object up close the Doctor read out loud, "G-Force." With a grin he chuckled, "Well that's in interesting title isn't it Blossom-"

Within an instant a loud click was heard and the room lit up in a bright flash of light blinding everypony inside, the Doctor yelped with surprise and covered his eyes. Seconds later the room dimmed down casting a low light around the room, with a faint hum being heard.

"What in the name of Celestia was that!?" The Doctor gasped his heart racing faster than ever. Up on the balcony at least good thirty yards away were a bunch of metallic boxes with sheets of glass in the middle of them, after the lights came on the boxes came to life the glass flashing different images of words and pictures.

"Life Support has been placed on standby, please step away from the Cryo-Chamber's door and await Captain Arurikan's orders."

A loud female voice boomed throughout the underground facility; the Doctor shot up from where he laid and shouted, "I told none of you not to touch anything!" The Doctor stared at the three ponies who were in the room with him, he looked over a Dr. Chimes who just shrugged and stared at the metal box before him which it too seemed to have come to life flashing red words at him saying please stand by. Next he looked over at Leisure who just sat on the ground a few feet over twirling his hooves. Then at Blossom obviously she didn't do anything she was the one that the Doctor was just talking to, and then it dawned on him.

"Where's Ditzy!?"


Ditzy fell over using her hind legs she pushed herself away from the metallic box, a loud obnoxious beep blared from the console every few seconds. A red button was constantly flashing in front of her of course she would've gotten curious and pushed it!

She was startled and was trying to catch her breath looking up she saw the red words that once said Power Off were now gone. Instead replaced with a bright green light that said Power On, looking around she wanted to leave she didn't like this place not one bit. Stumbling back onto her hooves she looked around for the door, while in the midst of searching for her exit she found another shiny button this one saying Only Press In case of Emergency. Well this was an Emergency wasn't it, Ditzy couldn't find the door. With a shrug she reached her right foreleg up and pressed it,

"Life support has been placed on standby, please step away from the Cryo-Chamber's door and await Captain Arurikan's orders."

A loud female voice boomed scaring Ditzy have to death causing her to fall back over onto the hard floor, scrambling back up onto her hooves she ran back in the direction of the Doctor.


A loud alarm echoed throughout the entire facility letting out a loud ear retching bellow ever few seconds. "What in Celestia's name did that mare do!?" The Doctor asked, nervous beyond belief. Moments later Ditzy flew passed the door quiet literally to. She crashed into a few Metallic boxes which caused sparks to flare out of them, Ditzy sat back rubbing the side of her head moaning. "Ditzy!" The Doctor shouted, "What is the meaning of this?"

Ditzy looked over at the Doctor, "I'm so sorry, Mr. Whooves! I mean it, it was accident!"

"Wait a second what was an acci..." He trailed off into silence. "You know what never mind that, we have more important things to be doing." The Doctor sighed and began to pace around the room playing with the small plastic rectangular object trying to figure out what to do.

Stopping in mid pace the Doctor looked up at Ditzy, "So where were you?" He asked.

Ditzy smiled and raised a hoof to scratch her chin. "Well the reason why I was out and about was because I was searching for treasure!" She said excitedly.

The Doctor sighed and rolled his eyes. "Ditzy," He said. "The reason why I brought you along as my assistant is to see if you could, I don't know assist me. Not to go around searching for some hidden treasures-"

"Uh, Doctor,” Said Dr. Chimes from across the room, “You're going to want to come see this." Placing the plastic rectangular object in his jacket he made his way over to Dr. Chimes.

"This better be good, Dr. Chimes, what is it?" He asked.

Dr. Chimes stepped out of the Doctor's way and pointed at the module on the wall. "It’s the strange words; they changed and are now glowing green!" Raising an eyebrow the Doctor made his way up to the module. Looking at the glass in the middle he saw that Dr. Chimes wasn't kidding the letters did change,

"Key card is required to open?" The Doctor read out loud he then turned his head towards Chimes, who just shrugged,
"I was messing with the buttons and next thing I knew it made some weird noises and this popped up!" The Doctor frowned looking back at the module he began to observe it. Looking at the buttons he saw each one in particular had a letter, all similar to the Equestrian language.

Could we have inherited our language from theirs? He thought to himself, the Doctor moved to the side of the module just to get a side angle view. On the side it, it had a long horizontal indent in it. As if you needed to slide a small object into... That's it!

The Doctor reached into his jacket and pulled out the plastic object he then stepped towards the module and swiped the card. At first the module let out a deep beep which scared the crap out of the Doctor. After he recovered he tried again this time though he flipped the card over and swiped it again. This time the module let out a pleasant ding, the Doctor looked back up at the glass screen and noticed the words have changed yet again.

"Please put in your entry code... What like a pass word or something?" The Doctor looked over at Chimes who yet again just shrugs. "Chimes, you aren't really helping me out." The Doctor said.

"I'm sorry, but I have no idea what is going on." The Doctor rolled his eyes and returned to the module. He noticed the buttons with the letters have now been replaced with numbers.

"Oh, fun they did want a pass word, well pass number in this case." He grumbled to himself.

After about thirty minutes of alarm blaring and random lights flashing, the Doctor sat there still unable to figure out what the code was to put into the machine. "Argh! There has to be some type of clue!" He said smacking the machine quickly recoiling back in pain.

Chimes sighed, "Doctor Whooves, don't you think it's time we go back up to the surface and get some rest back at camp." Chimes suggested.

"No, Dr. Chimes, I will figure this out. Just let me look over some of the items we found recently." Returning back over to the metal box; the Doctor went back to looking over the belongings, pencils, pens, more interesting photographs. That was it nothing else, Doctors Whooves sighed sitting back he reached into his pocket and pulled out the previous photograph he found earlier. Looking it over he flipped it which revealed a row of numbers, at first the Doctor sighed and went to just shove it back in his pocket but then he realized.

"I found the pass word... Eh, numbers I mean!" Chimes trotted over at the sound of the Doctor's excitement.

"What?" He asked.

"I found the pass numbers!" He cheered practically jumping up and down.

"R-really," Chimes asked in disbelief,

"Yeah See!" The Doctor hoofed over the picture to Chimes who took it and reviewed it over.

Chimes smile grew wide looking back up at the Doctor said, "Well what are you waiting for, Doc, let us go figure out what is behind that structure!"

The two Doctors laughed, and made their way over to the machine. Doctor Whooves stepped up to the machine; looking at the back of the photograph he raised his hoof to push the first button. Upon impact there was a problem... He hit multiple buttons at once.

The Doctor stared in frustration at the machine, while the machine let off an obnoxious beep. Rolling his eyes once again, the Doctor bent his head down. His hoof was obviously way too big for the small square keys on the module, so in which he decided to use his nose to push the buttons.

“This would be so much easier if we had a Griffon or an ape!” He growled to himself. After a few more frustrating minutes of trial and error, the machine let off a joy filled beep. This was then followed by the most terrifying sound the Doctor thought he could ever hear in his entire life.

A loud drawn out menacing siren surged throughout the entire facility, while the large door let off a metallic groan as it began to rotate. After its full rotation the door parted down the middle splitted into two, slowly the two halves began to separate. While the two halves pulled away from each other a white misty fog spilled onto the floor which caused all to go cold, the Doctor gritted his teeth together trying to bite back the cold chill that now engulfed the room.

Just moments after the door opened a bright flash of light erupted out of the room, brighter than Celestia's own sun. The Doctor lifted his right foreleg over his eyes trying to block the rays of white light, and through the light the Doctor saw something. A large black mass larger than the tallest spire in Canterlot, more masculine then the strongest Dragon in all of Equestria, and that was just it. The large mass took the shape of a Dragon, but no ordinary Dragon this one had no wings. Instead this one had large menacing spines which sprouted out of its back.

"Subject Zero has been successfully awoken from Cryo-stasis,” Boomed the female voice, "Now please stand back for decontamination."

The Doctor's gaze shot up towards the ceiling, small objects on the ceiling began to spin and spray what looked to water all around the room. It was if it was raining inside; quickly the Doctor began to back away looking for any signs of cover.

"Doctor Whooves, what in the blazes is going on!?" Shouted Dr. Chimes over the loud hissing of the faucets,

"I honestly don't know Dr. Chimes! But whatever it is I'm sure we'll be fine just stay calm! And-" The Doctor was cut off be a loud snort coming from deep within the giant Cryo-Stasis chamber. The Doctor turned towards the creature his eyes slowly began to grow wide. Behind him came Dr. Chimes, Leisure, Ditzy, and Blossom the five of them stared into the Cryo-Stasis chamber. Hypnotized by the large black mass that now seemed to move, the large beast raised its right arm and slammed it into the ground causing a mini earthquake. Making the five ponies stumble before the gigantic monster, the creature pushed itself off the ground. Its large spines making contact with ceiling, the ceiling panels were shoved into the air shattering into hundreds of pieces, sparks exploded out of the destroyed lights.

Upon contact the spikes dug into the earth above them causing dirt and boulders to cave into the underground facility. "Oh my gosh!" Blossom gasped! All around the facility shook, parts of the ceiling began to fall crashing into the floor and shattering into pieces. The Doctor trembled with excitement and fear,

I've never seen anything like this in my entire life! No matter how many adventures I been on around the world this is just fascinating!

Just then as the monster began to dig itself out of the earth it let out a loud screeching roar that rocked all five ponies’ ears. The roar over powered the sound of the alarm, the Doctor winced and crumpled to his knees. The roar just echoed throughout the facility bouncing off the hard walls and floors.

"Doctor, we must leave now the entire place is coming down!" Shouted Leisure the Doctor turned towards the terrified Stallion whose eyes kept darting back and forth between him and the monster, who was already half way to the surface.

With a nod the Doctor got back onto his hooves, "Agreed, Chimes," The Doctor turned to the other Stallion. "Gather our things as fast as you can, and meet us back on the surface!" The other doctor nodded and got to work. "Blossom, go help Dr. Chimes he's going to need your help getting that metal container back up to the surface." Blossom nodded and left to go help Chimes; Doctor Whooves turned his attention over to the lazy eyed mare and Leisure "Ditzy, Leisure, I need you two, to go prep the wagon!" Ditzy nodded her head and smiled.

But Leisure frowned, "What about you, Doctor? What are you going to do?" He asked

"Well, Leisure, my dear friend, I got a Princess I need to go meet."


The ground gave way, which revealed the bright rays of the afternoon sunlight. Squinting, his eyes he released in aggravated snarl; grasping the sides of the newly formed hole. Gojira climbed back onto the surface of the newly found land; getting back onto his feet he looked around at the foreign terrain.

Trees everywhere not a speck of civilization to be seen; where were the Humans? Where are all the cities and weapons? Why hasn't he been attacked yet? Who released him from his tomb? These questions quickly came into his mind but also left as fast as they came. He didn't care; all he cared about was the fact that there was nothing here that angered him. There was nothing here for him to destroy either.

Gojira stared up into the sky and noticed something... Everything was bright; too bright and just staring at everything hurt his eyes. Letting out an aggravated snarl Gojira began to store energy in the pit of his stomach only to release it into a large burst of atomic heat. Vaporizing the bright colorful trees that surrounded him, Gojira turned in a complete 360 degrees forming a ring of fire around him. Causing a large massive smoke cloud to billow up into the sky, letting out another shrieking roar he lowered his head down and stared off into the distance.

Gojira is back and boy is he pissed.