Beings from another world

by Vmad

School hours and The presentation

"So whats your first class, huh egghead?" Rainbow asked me with a smug look.

"If you really want to know, its maths or what I prefer as, 'Fancy Mathematics' " I replied.

"Fancy mathe-wut now?" Applejack asked me.

"Mathematics. Its the full name of the term 'Maths' " I replied.

"OH!! CAN I HELP YOU!?" Twilight asked me, her face full of excitement.

"I'd rather not. If you do, people might find me as a genius or something like that" I told her, her face drooped. I quickly reassured her that she CAN help for some questions. With this, her face beamed and soon, she kept jumping around me shouting "YES!YES!YES!YES!YES!YES!"

"Why is it that she acts kind of like Pinkie when it comes to Math?" I asked the girls.

"Well, she is the smart one. I think Twilight wants to find out how hard the questions may be, since she hasn't seen them before" Rarity told me. I nodded and we proceeded to walk to my class.

Upon reaching class, I sat down in in next to two of my classmates and close friends, Russel and Chao Jien or CJ for short. Both of which, are typical Singaporeans. "Hey! How are you doin' dude?" Russel asked me.

"Meh. Same old, same old" I replied.

"Sure ah not?" CJ asked.

"I am more that sure Chao Jien" I told him.

"Ok lah! No need angry one lah!.....How come my desk suddenly become heavy one ah?" He asked.

I turned to check his table and saw that Pinkie was sitting on it with a huge grin on it. I tried to muffle my giggle with my hand but failed.

"Eh, why you laughing?" Russel asked me.

"Oh *snort* nothing" I replied, laughing a bit.

The both of them were practically looking at me with a curious look. I bet they took me as a guy who was slowly loosing my sanity. After I called down, I realized that the girls were now sitting in the empty chairs that were around us. Apparently, 1/3 of the class got either sick, or got injured. Or maybe they were just simply too lazy to come.

"*sigh* I swear, its always the same people who never comes to class" My teacher, Ms Naz said.

"Got that right teacher" I replied

"Anyways...Lets get on with the lesson"

Well...class was boring as usual, except during one part when Pinkie decided it was fun to scare most of the students by making the whiteboard marker float. To them it was floating, to me, I just saw Pinkie holding it while giggling as she saw the whole classes faces, full of horror.

It was funny. Most of my classmates were yelling, "GHOST!!" and "RUN AWAY!". Luckily, Pinkie only did this when it was almost the next lesson, Music. Oh god, how I love music lesson.

During music class, our teacher was telling us on the different musical instruments that most orchestra's have. Like the French horn, tuba, euphonium, flutes, double bass and other stuff. To me and some of my other classmates, we already knew this, much to the teachers delight. In schools, there was a term called 'CCA' which is called, Co-Curricular Activities.
Essentially, you had to pick what kind of CCA you wanted, like basketball, drama and others. For me and some others, we chose our schools Concert Band.

Now back to the story. Our teacher, Miss April, asked us whether if we were in band. When we nodded, our teacher's grin grew wider and I also saw the girls beaming at me. "GOODY!!! Now what instruments do you play?" Miss April asked.

"I play the flute!" one girl answered.
"Trumpet!" one guy said.
"Trombone!" another guy told the teacher.
"I play the Oboe!" a girl replied.
"Alto Sax" I replied.

"Oh! A saxophone player! Can you play for us?" she asked me. Now all eyes were on me, even the girls.

"Come on! We wana hear ya play!" Applejack exclaimed.

"" I answered.

"Alright then! Let me get a saxophone right away!", and with that, Miss April took off to find a saxophone in the music store room. Now the whole room was filled with cheering and a bit of laughter. Even Pinkie was shouting, "YAY!!"

After a while, our teacher found a spare saxophone from the storage and gave it to me. She also gave me a tuner since she told me that the saxophone I was currently holding, is not in tune due to not using it for quite some time. Then, after some general tuning, I turned to my teacher and asked her what I should play.

"Well...Can you play my favourite song?" She asked me.

"And what would that be teacher?" I asked her.

"That would be 'Moon Represents my Heart' " she replied.

".....Do you have the score?" I asked her. I was surprised when she said she did. When she gave me the score, I took a while to analyze what notes I have to play and other things.

"Well....Here I go" I said before started to play.

After playing the piece, the whole class, as well as the girls, were cheering for me, the teacher and some other students. I just realised that my teacher was playing the piano and some of my other classmates were helping, one on the vibraphone and another on the drums.


"Oh. Well, class is over. See you next lesson class! OH and don't worry Chris, you can leave the saxophone here on the table" Miss April said. I just nodded and took my bag with the rest of my classmates and soon we departed.

Once we left the music room, I was assaulted by a ton of complements from both my classmates and the girls. All of the sudden, the girls started to glow in a faint white light.

"Oh no! The spells timer is almost up!" Twilight was panicking.

"What the hell is that light beside you?" Russel asked me.

"Umm..." was all I could answer as the glowing lift began to glow even more intensely. Then, all of a sudden, there was a flash of blinding light that blinded everyone that saw it. After a while, my sight began to slowly come back to me and I noticed that the girls were around and I was laying on the floor.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE THOSE!!!" CJ shouted. My brain was too slow to register what he meant by that, then I realised what he meant. I looked towards where all my classmates were and they all had this scared and shock looks on their faces.

"Uhhh....Look, I can explain" I said, rubbing my eyes to let my vision focus. I stood up and dusted any dust on my uniform and turned to face my classmates. "Alright guys, in short, these 6 mares with me are from a different planet" I told them.

"I found them, well, they actually found me, when I was singing by myself at a nearby field near my house. And if your asking guys, yes, they are females" I told them. With that, most of the guys were soon asking questions like, "Dude! Look at the size of those melons!", "Are they single?" and "You done anything with them yet?". All these questions were annoying as hell to answer.

"Can we just move to our next class first?" I asked them. Thank god that the girls were on my side, and soon, they were pushing them away towards our next class.

"Hey Chris. What do they mean when they said, 'melons'?" Rainbow asked me.

I sighed and answered, "I'll tell you girls later".

"So can they at least come in, Mr Caleb?" I asked my Science teacher.

"Well...Since their your presentation later...I guess they can" be replied. I thanked him and told the girls to come in. When they stepped in the room, most of the guys were whistling at them, making some of them blush. When we found all found a seat, conveniently next to each other, the class started.

We were learning biology, great. Even better, it's about the human body and its organs and how they perform. Great, I can't wait to reach home with the girls, only to be hooked up to a chair with Twilight experimenting about me.

......It actually may not be a bad idea. NO! NO! No dirty thoughts!

"Hey Chris. It seems that the human anatomy isn't all that different from a pony. Even the genitals of both species are at the same place!" Twilight whispered to me excitedly. I swear to god, I thought I heard her lick her lips and let out a girglu giggle. My cheeks turned rose pink at the mention of genitalia. Why the hell is she so calm about this!?

"Hey Chris~ When we reach your house, you wana have some fun~?" Rainbow Dash said in a seductive voice, making my face turn crimson red. The room was now awkwardly silent. It was then broken by the laughter of both Pinkie and Applejack, while bringing some giggles to the other mares.

"P-Please Chris. Keep that stuff p-private" Mr Caleb stammered. Oh god the awkwardness. Damn you Rainbow Dash!!

After 45 mins of silent studying, the school bell rang. 'Great. Presentation time. Whoopee Doo' I thought to my self. After leaving the room, I told the girls to quickly run as fast as they could to the hall. They nodded and soon, they were off. Firstly, the reason why I told them to reach the place as fast as possible was that to attract little to no attention from the other students. Thankfully, none of the other students seemed to notice them.

"Sooo....You going to taste the rainbow?" Russel asked me. I gave him an unamused face and gave the bird. Because you know that the bird is the word. I made my way to the backstage of the hall and met up with the girls.

"C-Can I stay h-here at the b-backstage?....Umm...If t-that's okay with you" Fluttershy stammered. She was so cute when she did that.

"We can't darling. We made an agreement last night remember?" Rarity told her. Fluttershy just sighed and nodded tell that she was okay to go up on stage. Soon, I began to hear two teachers talking, signalling that it was almost time. I put on my tie, and asked the girls if I looked presentable.

"To be honest darling, you look quite dashing" Rarity said, smiling at me.

".....So put your hands together for your friend, classmate and friend, Christian Marcolino!" They shouted my name. 'Showtime' I thought to myself as I made my way to the front center o the stage, grabbing the microphone that one of the teachers gave me.

"Hello! Glad to see that all of you came. Actually not really since all of you were forced to come here anyways". All the students laughed as well as some teacher.

"Anyways, like what the two teachers explained, I'm presenting to you guys things that almost all of you may not know. First off, I'd like to say one thing. Russel, my friend, you lost the bet" I pointed a finger to him and barely saw him make a sheepish smile. "Let me explain. Me my friend over there, made a bet that there is some form of ET life out there. And no, ET does not mean 'Extra Testicle' " I explained, making the other students laugh again.

"No no no. ET means 'Extra-Terrestrial', meaning forms of life, outside our planet. Now you all may be thinking 'Is this guy nuts?', and all I have to say is maybe. I for one have no idea if I'm dreaming or not. You see...Yesterday, I went to the nearest open field that was only a couple blocks away from my house, to relax. I brought my stuff there with me, once of which was an acoustic guitar. So I sat down against a tree and wondered to myself 'Is there really any life out there?'.

"After a while, I finished sketching something I did last week and felt a bit bored, so put aside my sketching materials and took my guitar and played a song. It was nothing too fancy or too hard for that matter of fact. When playing the song, I closed my eyes and began to fantasise about there being a new world to see. Full of different sentient life. I knew that it wouldn't happen, so I just opened my eyes and saw 6 things. Those 6 things were beings from a other world".

After saying that, everyone had a look of disbelief. "Don't believe me? I can prove all of you wrong. Girls! You can come now!". That was the que signal for them to take stage. And take stage they did. As soon as they were in sight of the other students, almost all of their jaws dropped, including the teachers aaa well as the principal.

"Fellow students, teachers and the principal of this school. May I present to you, the six beings, Twilight..." when I said her name, she took a step and waved her hand while smiling.

"Fluttershy". Fluttershy took a nervous step froward and let out an almost non-existent 'Hi'.

"Rarity". Rarity took a step froward and bowed. "Gladly" she said.

"Applejack". Applejack took a step forward and tilted her hat and gave a nod. "Howdy" she said.

"Rainbow Dash". Rainbow took a step forward and gave a smug look. "Wassup" she said.

"And lastly, Pinkie". I was expecting Pinkie to take a step forward. Instead, for some reason, she was at the back of the hall yelling, "Hi! I'm Pinkie!". I was not even going to ask how she got there.

"And these, are the beings I met. Now, to give a background to their kind. Their kind are, oddly enough, called ponies. Most probably due to them having a tail and their feet looks a lot more like hooves of a pony. With that in mind, their species vary in four different kinds, theres the unicorns like Twilight and Rarity, pegasi like Rainbow and Fluttershy, normal earth ponies like Pinkie and Applejack and lastly the alicorns."

"The alicorn race are considered to be the most powerful, due to the fact that their race combines all three of the kinds. They have a horn, wings and the same generic features as of other ponies. They don't have presidents, PM's or governments like what we do. Instead, they have Princesses to lead them. The princesses are Princess Celestia, Princess Luna and Princess Cadance. Now get this, their planet has both a sun and a moon, but, both of which their planet does revolve around. Instead, the sun and moon revolves around their planet" I briefly stopped to let that sink into their brains. I saw their expressions, mouths open with eyes that says, "No fucking way!"

I was about to continue when Twilight cut me off. "That's right. Princess Celestia raises and lowers the sun while Princess Luna raises and lowers the moon. The both of our Princesses are sisters and they look after us very well" she explained. Then one guy yelled, "Then what about the other Princess? Princess Cadence?".

"Princess Cadence rules the Crystal kingdom. She doesn't raise or lower any celestial body though. But she is the Princess of love, meaning she can make ponies fall in love if she wanted and also help ponies fall in love" she states.

"With that out of the way, I can now introduce the first type of ponies, the unicorns. Now the unicorns can manipulate magic through theirs horns and cast all sorts of spells from a simple levitation spell to a devastating solar flare spell. Twilight, can you show us an example?" I asked her, to which she nodded. We stood back and let her cast whatever spell she was casting. Surprisingly, she used a spell that altered gravity inside the hall, and soon everyone was floating.

"This is so cool!" one girls yells. Afterwards, she gently reversed the spell and everyone was floating back to where they were seated. Everyone clapped for Twilight from the performance she did and she gae off a blush and a cute smile. "Like I said, they can cast magic, so I don't have to explain shit", everyone laughed at what I said.

"Next up, we have the Pegasi. From what you can notice, they have wings, which means they can fly, correct?" I asked everyone, to which they all replies "Yes". "Now the pegasi have the ability to control weather, meaning that if you needed rain, they can make that happen. I bet that you all want to see some flying tricks, yea?", they all shouted "Yea!".

"Okay then. Rainbow, could you do the honours of showing some of your flying?" I asked her.

"Buck yea!" She replied excitedly. And soon, she took off the ground and began flying inside the hall, amazing everyone that watched her. Some of the students were cheering and others were yelling words like, "Awesome!" and "Incredible!". After a while, she flew back onto the stage, next to Fluttershy and was then applauded by everyone in the hall, including me and the others.

"Right. Good stuff. Now, moving on to the next and last out of the bunch. The earth ponies. Now you might be thinking, 'What the hell can they do? They can't even do magic or fly!'. Even though they can't do magic or fly, the earth ponies have a special connection to their planet. The connection they have is that they are able to gro crops very well. Other than that, earth ponies have almost godlike strength. Applejack, can you kick that plastic chair as far as you can?" I asked her.

"No problem Chris" she replies to me. When she kicked the chair, it flew across the hall and landed at the end. Everyone was impressed, reason being was that the furthest anyone kicked a plastic chair from the stage was up until 1/5 of the entire hall, which is not really far.

"Well, that pretty much concludes my presentation. Peace out everyone!" I shouted and then we left the stage, giving the microphone to one of the teachers that was going on stage.

"That went well" I said happily. That went really well actually, better than I expected.

"Yeppers!" Pinkie said, grinning. All the girls were smiling right now, and all of them looked so cute when doing so.

"Well...Since its Friday, we get released from school early and luckily for me, this is the last day before our summer holiday. Come on! Lets get something to eat. My treat" I told the girls, all nodding to the sound of the idea as we made our way downstairs and out of school.